HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-10-19, Page 4aud the Lord's prayer rt,pested lu unleoll. W. A. `elle October` meeting or taxtyle'etitoll W, A, vet. oaf 1,11nrs\ANr afiereloon in the basement 'with president Mr$.• presiding'. Diming hYunl, 445 wAh eire. d. Minns at the Scripture reading John Gth. Dhaptig reeee'e to followed by prayer, • Sege. report • \V”. reed and opivoveti also a Thank you note, and an loritatit% to Menerieff bazaar on, Ott. 2 th at 3 p. ,m, puAnekss items being dealt with. The -.rt-teetInF closed nlith. the W. A. Theme Song and. ellepalt benerliction. TENDERS WANTED Tenders ter snowplowing la the Village of Bruissele for tine 1955.5e eeesea will be accepted by the undersigned up to 6.00 p.m. eat- urdaY, October 29 1955, For Parte ioulete Apply to G. Ti, Cea,mpbell, Clerk, Bduesels, Ont, frtr. "T" WANTED -. Poultry, all types or poultry, 1110 est Castle Prices, Piraua 060R3 3. A. Mel.434, M01114911 tete alt., HONEY FQR SALE-' Fr•ealt honey now on 1034 In yonp own -container or new ones, Lloyd Wheeler Phone .241 WANTED -- I will pay ottalt for Organs wl stools in PlaYin4 Cendition, Write James Wiederhold, New 1-laraburV, Ont. ATTENTION FARMER& DEADSTOOK removed frem yaw berm promptly for sanitary dispooll Telephone Collect Brussels um, or Eluairan 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry trtd utifoi are done in holt the time. dATFIROOM—all the conven- ience of a chy home to protect your family's hessita.rancl add to your oomfor0. BARNS—So mule easier to water the stock... and %WW1* extra protection against fire. Why lug. water by band any longer? Install, a Dtgc:t Purnting System now and ejoYt1,5ina water as you pay for it, SW time, save labour Cut operating costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 1111..MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The BMW Budget Plan will cover your corn:, plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kirellen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation, You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half, Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Far Sale by — C. & G. Krauter Co. GIIIMMestrosamt.v.4.0...5" "And here is the most prized item in my collection." 4M- 'Why, Mr. Benson ... you don't have to worry about your future." Grain and Hay .e- le0 leue. Fall Wheel About 2000 bus. Mixed grain 55 to 60 tons. 'hay Household Effects -7- Beavet :Gook Stove. Heavy duty rangette dining room ohaire • ••1 dining rem Arm chair kitchen chairs Welting desk and book-ease Writing table, 3 beds " bedroom .dressers and wash stands 2 .ruPhos,rds, Bed springs, eereed• heater Coal heater eeerieer tebles. Sap Pails and ePlile -of mete Coal ??ttgal No reserve es farm is sold. Aar eoy ..lohneton, Prop. Jackson, Auctioneer,. -Ed. Chesney, Clerk. EIRERPOING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are time Artificial Insemination eerrice fee all br'eeds of cattle. For Berrie. Olt information Phone Clinton 242, Or Palmerston 66 collect, between 721 and 10.00 A. M. on week days and 7,30 and 9-:20 A. M. on Sundays. FOR SALE -- 75-aers Farm, frame house, hat barn, priced at $5500.00. 75-acre Farm, frame house, flu* siding, barn 44 x n with $2 enring crop), priced fait $0000.00. 6-acre laarm, frame house, Ins* siding, barn, priced at $3500.44. Good house . in Village, bath, fart - Imes, barn, garage, ,on main stress, priced at 24300.00. Frame house, instil siding, new roofs, Priced at $2,350.00 J. 0, Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORGED MR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE410014 HOME 4525.00 Write Dept. El P or Welt our showrorms. Open Monday, Wcdni-S day, and Friday evenings and all Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMSIFICI SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO W illi:11111111111gMlit SUPERIOR PROPANE Littif iS Market Pince >3TilAtkI116, ONT., The Vehidtlins dependable • Plitt FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGEtli HOT WATER tItOktdkrikeitikk lett, VVACT, MADbitS3 iibNE 'titikAtObOi, *VC 404 tit* N WednostklaY,, Qotolmr IPSO, " WANTED 1481h 0-4 .§11 nrlees Potd for de‘da old, stoic or disabled Nora or eowt Phone preraPtiVi- 7-tor07 R, t t, 3 At77904.• THE PR JS 'QS • , ,eneeTtenveree .....,,Teerteseneneeeteeremereverevermiel Alb •yr TV". •••0 AUCTION 64--E A Clearing Auction Sale will'he held for Harvey Johnston at Lot S. Morris Township on IN MEMORIAM 11.410-Y .RUNNING- WATER as you Lpay for it on the EMU budget plan! — lit loving MOutQl1 or ruy 'h4.abt.Va Jan 1444, Alitleage, w4o passed away Oct. ard, 1602. 1, have lost my Settle, eerepatelen A life nnlo4 weltla my own And day day, I miss 'him more As I walir through life alone. :User reitieueberee by wife and faintly. FRIDAY, ,OOTOSEH 29th at ig o'clock sharp, 1 Part' Tired Shorthorn Dull 2 'yrs..014 'Pure Bred Shorthorn cow 3 yrs. ol 16 CrrlrIY COWS to .frelhea la Feb. and March I Mitt* ct:a% 19, Spring 0alves I Pure Bred Vothillire Iloor Pure Bred •Yorltshire Sows bred, 1 Pure Brett Yorkshire SOTS and 12 pigs r,...ady to wean 1 1 'PAN Bred Yoritshire sows and 11 pigs 2 weeks old 1 Pave Bred Yorkshire Sows open. IN MEMORIAM a RleTLEDGE — le loving nteenerY of John iPart Rutledge, Will 'passed away Oct. 3rtl, 1951 Every day is wine small Way Memories of you scene out' way Though absent you are ever uoar Still missed, still loved and ever dear., St-illy missed and ever remerno b.gred by Alvin, Elsie and Judy.' Machinery -- 11. 11 6' Dombino with motor used 3 years Vora Tractor bOught in. Jan. 1950 parguson Manure loader 1 yr, old p%elltitggitlzon n disc mower ' Treettor Cocksfleutt manure wealth Stan. Ethel, Phone Ser18 CLASSIFEeD ,Calwhor cultiyaeor Tractor grader CUSTOM (411,N PICKING. er IV F. KNOW 4. • Brussels. Ont. Ford Tractor (Olive. pulley Set heavy duty tractor tire chains Delve beete Cab foe Fold Trhetor Tractor post-hole finger, new MeOormick hinder 1' cut M. H. NQ. 4 Side-rake M, H. 'Fertilizer Grain drill Pinner -113ett G+s`el 10' pucker fee faire wagon • 4 section John Deere Italcows, new DenTip rake, Drag saw Cut hay conveyor, Buck rake Woods P H, P, Electric grain grind er einteruational 1943 IA ton Truck with wain box and stock rack Panning mill with bagger 30' ladder, 2 ladders celony houses, Electric brooder • Quantity of lumber Empire Brass Mfg. Oa. Limited! T1-54 Res. Mr. I. W. Fischer was able to come home from the leoePital this week. * Mrs. L, •WicCutolteou had the nes-. fortune to tali breaking her knee. • * *.- • Guests at the home of Chas. Davis over -the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. S. Endicott and Mr. and •Mrs C. Endicott of Lindsay, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey .Stepluison moved on Monday to Walkerton Where Hervey bans been employed fee the past nine menthe. • HORSES WANTED — For meat, farm ase or bush, MS, buggies and wagons, must be II good shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Monk-toll. \VAL1‘01=4 Hammer Mill, Phone 12r19 FOR SALE — 3 feather ticks. Phone 7,0r•5ti FOR SALE — Fairbanks, Morse 11 inch, almost new Jals. Bryans SEWAGE DISPOSAL. — Olive your Septic tants and caw pools cleaned the sanitary wets new to avoid trouble. Irvine. Ozztos, Phone 214. Milyttrboe. Oat. FOR SALE — About 60 cords of dry hard Maple limb wood. George Nesbitt, Phone Blyth 15r18 FOR 'SALE 7- Highest prices paid for old hens. John Zwaan Phone 101x5. FOR SALE — Little Pigs; apply The Waiter Rocs Poultry Farm The W. M. S. of Duffs Unites Church held their regular meeting in the. churele basement, -Tuesday, Oct 4, with Mrs. 'Reht. McMiehael preelding. Hymn 148 waseeung. ....- Questione au "The Gall To Corn- miamene" presented by the president were answered from serieture by Mrs. ;11-. Bennett. The' topic, about church. work among New Canadians. was presented by Mrs, A. Turnbull, Mrs, Sainee. McDonald -im.d Mrs. Alvin McDonald of the 16th. of Grey group, The secretary, Mrs. Frank Kirkby gave .her report and roll call was responded to with a Thaukegiving verse. Subscriptions to Missionary Monthly are to be in. by November, The supply will order books from tine new list for anyone wanting them. Nominating committee for 1956 slate of officers, are: Pres. W. M. S., Pres, of W. A„ a member from 1955 •demenittee also Mrs. .1: Bryans, Mrs. Jim McDonald and Mrs. C. Ritchie, Thankeffeeing envelopes to be brought to group meeting or regular meeting Mrs. Craig -entire a report of the week spent et Alma College echool for ieedere. a further report to be :riven at a future meeting. • The Meeting closed with the use of - 1 • GOleteRICH DODGERS DErEAY PINKERTON 16 - 2 NOTICE — key-Lines Eat Less than heavy breede 'and at the same time lay more eggs. They cost less to raft* and eat les% feed during the hying period. For real economy when rte chips, are down-1 try Hy-Lines the efficient chicken, ,,„ Bert .Tobnieton, Brussels R. R. Plicate Brussels 2er4. Phone 40%, Groderich Dodgers have still to. play ,the second and what is likely to be the final game, against Pinkerton for the over-ael WOAke girls softball title. Although teoeerich are the inter- mediate "A'" WOAA. winners they are supposed play Pinkerton for the over-all title. • Dodgers defeated Pinkertoe 16-2 -in the first geeee, Friday night last the. .fund gnale. nt Weleorten was call ed because of rain at the end of the third innings Dodg,ere. led 4-0. FOR SALE — Small number of laying eellete, Price reasonable, also Force Pump. complete with cylinder awd fittings, d*uble gear pump 'jack. Mervyn McCauley Phone 12r6 FOR -SALE — 125 Sussex- Red Pullets, 7 months old laying real good, also 1 house and lot cn Jain Street, al/Ply to Mrs. We,e, Stepheneem Phone 11,1xe WirMORIAL SliOP ,e,ur Memo:eel CreZters. e ntirty-Tive Tears, .A.ivraTc THE BEST GRANITES Along With gir.ept oextator,e two s.• orpcmvmot,,t. •t-r1....4xs most ,klog.,,,,azati, teamsters, Lettertesr a ereemeeet R. A. SPU t. Phone 2mc. WInunum, orar-to FOR SALE — 12 12 good Leicester ewes, 2 to 4 years old, 9 ewe lambs, also 24 ohneke ,Of pigs York and tam creel. about 60 lbs% Leslie Pepper, R.R. 4 Walton Phone, 8481'22 Seaforth, eV '• • 31,-- • "7 -r 1 ' FOR RENT — Tionse on Albert street. apply to Sammy Wexneset Phone 107% FOR SALE — .111. 4 good fox hounds and 2 good deer hounds, well trained, also 2 black and tans, 6 ineontles old,. ready to train. Leslie Pepper, R.R. 4 Walton Intone 84Se22 ,Seatorthe ..***1.4...,---.1vriscavesurtouszeo- #1111015:6119.01, Plenum Ati ritgE WAY ',..alftf.trat."011: .friiP.T11Z ,,,,,,,,,,,,ouuswasognmanam.401.1111 SMART MODERN EQUIPMENT Smart passenger equipment gives you a wide choice of accommodations et popular prices for day and night travel. FOR. SALE 8000 Feeeman Leghorn Pullets; 6, months, old, laying well, • Andrew's Poultry Fame R. It 3 Seatorth. Phone 647r3, p FoISTER SERVICE e Wives It 24th -• • • e.," CONVENIENT SCHEDULES Train schedules are planned for your convenience, You arrive at convenient hours in the heart of the city, refreshed and relaxed, FOR SALE — In 'Walton, ode acre of good gard- ening land with. Buidinge and fruit trees, ,good well, Will be Bold for Peet Offer, -Agnes Alderson, Ti. 11,„ 1. North 13aiy. proVerty of the late Seente Blebiele between TORONTO and WINNIPEG' SASKATOON ° EDMONTON • JASPER -VANCOUVER Canadian National's Super Continental cuts running time across the Continent LEAVE TORONTO DAILY 6.00 P.M. E.S.T. Elapsed time to: Running time cut Winnipeg 24 hours 30 minutes...if...wt.. 5 hairs 15 minutes Saskatoon 40 hours 5 minutes* i.s***4-** 7 hours 40 minutes Edmonton 47 hours 25 minutes.. *v.:. 0. 9 hours 25 minutes Jasper 53 hours 25 minutes, . hours 15 minutes Vancouver 70 hours 45 minutes, . hours 15 minutes BUDGET PRICES, to addition to regular tlinin car Service, the Super Continental pro. tides Dinette or Coffee Shop service— good food at budget prices. The Super Continental gives yott new aptosi, new Cow/entente without added Note:The Continental will continudto oporoto on an Improved 3thadute4 RAIL-AUTO TRAVEL PLAN attangeinent tt major points you can, tent4 a-Car and use it on, WANTED A rtrr.,t, TIME- 17.1t1J1i, needed to Sery,te; a well eStabitshed elitietele trtissels Idtlael and GOltran, PesSibilities to matte $75, WeeltlY. 'Write tor details. VAZilttitX Station C, Montreal, Ma: Inirtire about the ttgisey-idolog, Pam Pare Plan. for reservations and infortnatiorly see, Write bt phone your total Dahl:161km Notional Passenger Agent. 70 SALESIViAN WAIttyftr, b1101iieSs hOtta tiPen iii lownship0 Hof ItoWiek Orel taact Molt10. Trade well established. Excellent -Opportunity Vali tient. Wii'lte at enice, RaWleig,11,'s riot, 1-114-1600 kettrettl. et. .,.3:1RirgilL