The Brussels Post, 1955-10-12, Page 3THEIR NIGHTMARE ENDS-Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Marcus are
joyfully reunited' at Stockton, Calif., with their 11-day,:old in
fant son, Robert; who.'was kidnapped , when twb days old from
a San Francisco hospital. The self-confessed kidnapper, Mrs.
Betty'jean Benedicto, turned the baby over to a priest.
Modern Etiquette
Q, tiow should a woman be
governed about rising', from her
chair to show respect to "an
older woman?
A. In most, cases, she should
rise for a woman more than
double her own age. Much de,
ponds, of course, upon the
"older woman," Older women
who are trying to appear very
young might resent any obvious
show of deference. 'Old-fashion,
ed, eomfortably older women,
on the other band, would prob-
ably like it very much.
Q. When setting the table for
Ainner guests,. where should the
napkins be placed, if not direct-
ly on the plates?
A. At the left of the plates.
Q. Should a man use his right'
or left hand when tipping ,his
hat to a woman?
A. Either hand,
Q, If a marr finds it neces,
sary to introduce 'himself, does
he include the "Win" before ilia'
IF you have never tried -44, our three special egg breeds that will, lay more eggs on less feed to pro-duce a dozen eggs, we want You to try them this Fall, Winter QV next Spring. Once you try them we are sure you will be back for more the following years, Write for full details, Also 3 broiler breeds, Turkey Poults, Older Pullets 12 weeks to laying. Catalogue. TWIDDLE CHICK:HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO
3400 7e49.coo#0,
A common question during the heat
of the world's baseball series is this:
whelk did the series start? And the tom.
moll .answer is 1930.
Probably that was. the first year in,
which it was termed the "world series"
but facts are that an inter-league series
elates away back into the 80's
Modern baseball record books don't use the term "world
series" in connection with inter-league series earlier than 1884.
In that year Old loss Radbourne, pitching hip most famous
brand of baseball, helped the National League champ, provi-
dence, mow down the Metropolitans of the American Ass07
elation in a 3-0 series, These were the days of three strikes
and six balls.
In -1882 Cincinnati, having been barred from the National „
League previously, joined the American Association and won
the title, But, on the authority of George Moreland in his
book, "Banclom," and also of the. late Al Spink, uncle of
J. G. Taylor Spink of the Sporting News' and author of "The
National Game," world championship series did not begin
until 1884.
Both authorities credit Anson's Chicago team with' playing 4
its first "world series" with the St. Louis .Browns in 1885
and its second series'in 1886. These two sets of games really
launched baseball on its "world championhip" career which
has led to such -immense- Popularity and to many "million
dollar gates."
In 1887, when St, Louis Browns played the Detroit team
for the "World" championship, spectators witnessed for the:,,
first and only time an unusual batting spectacle The batsman
was allowed FOUR strikes, This was done away with the
next year.
in 1886, the "world series" was bitterly fought for the
very good reason that it was a winner-take-all affair, unlike,
the vvinner-loser split that prevails in more modern times:
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong. St., Toronto.
B4.011$1i 010 torment or dry eczema, sasses and Weeptng OM troubles,
Post's Eczema Salye will not dins,.
point you. scaling and burn,:
ng eczema, acne, ringworm, pimpli,
and foot eczema will respond read
to the stainless, odorless °imbue
regar4less of how stubborn or laoMie
less they seem. Sint Post Free on Receipt of pot,.
889 Queen St. E., Corner of Loyale
IDENTIFY and personalize everything.
Your name and address on checks,
stationery, hooks, etc. Saves time,
avoids errors. Finest three line PER-
for $1.98. Fowler's Specialties Drawer
- 2 Kinley, Sask.
MAKE money quickly selling Stand-
ard Greeting Cards. Christmas and
Everyday, stationery, Gift Items etc..
Excellent commissions, Write: 195
Perth Street, Brockville, Ontario.
Grow beautiful hair and took 20
years younger! , Complete hair grow-
Mg treatment, Villard's hair tonic
will give you' beautiful strong wavy
and silky hair, Price: $2.50. French
cream will also grow hair on bald
spots. Price: 62.50. • Satisfaction guar-
anteed. Money order or C.O.D Villard Perfumes 13611 Sherbrooke East-
BEFORE buying, be sure and Write
riflesur latest Free catalog on SUM. , etc. Large assortment. racoPa
Sporting Goods. 250 Bank St. Ottawa,.
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing • Pleasant dignified profession, good
wages, rhousands of successful
Marvel graduates
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
358 Bloor St, W, Toronto
44 King. St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
Patent Attorneys. Established 11503.
600 University Ave. .Toronto. Patents
all countries.
AN OFFER • to every Inventor List at
Inventions "and full 'Information sent -
free. The REMSRY CO., Registered Pat.
ant Attorneys, 273 Rank St. Ottawa.
$1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe
personal requirements. Latest cata-
, lope Included. The Medico Agency,
' 124, Terminal "A" Terenie Oat-
TELEGRAPHERS on Railways wanted..
-We train and place you. Learn at
-home with Self-Teaching Machine.
Option coming to school. tor tests.
• $250 first pay, STENOGRAPHERS
demand, Our. sup- simplified system
qUalifies -in _ 10 . weeks.. home-study.
Free folder either course. and fees.
-Write Cesspit . Systems 20 Snedina
Road Toronte.
LADIES buy your nylon stockings and underwear direct from the makers at
wholesale prices and make extra money
In your spare time taking,: orders from
your friends. No experience necessary.
'We carry the stock for you. •Write
for particulars. Redfern-Metcalfe Cor-
poration. 4444 , St. Catherine Street
. West. Montreal 8.
Earthlings ,had. better forget
about making reservations for
rocket trips' to the moon Or
Mars, .according to a prominent
Greek natural scientist. Prof. P.
Sintoriiiis of .the Polytechnic
School of Athens Maintains that
space travel at present is :an
"Would-be space travelers
shouldiunpack •their baggage.for;
under present .circumstance's,
there is no 'possibility of--inter-
planetary journeys," says the
prafessor of physics.
What human beings,. , cannot
combat, according, to ,PrOfessor
Saritorinis, is thc,. danger of
"meteorites""etearitea" and` 'cosmic dust,"
as" well aS'etisrnia ffradiation." •
The ,ifieteoriteS and ,the cosmic
dust, ,whiCh; fill !the
tweer0 ' the,' ,various ; planets, •
would act ,as, liombshells• against
the spaCe "1:ship ,used •fOr,;the .
terpldnetary. journey. 1."Tbi'ere , is
no 'shield WitiCh could- protect
the' Rik& ship froth cosmicHdUat
and • Meteorites," he said.
On' the other hand, "cosmic
radiation" cannot be adequately
faced or estimated, he states.
The problem of "gravity" of
the human body, once it cornea:::
out of, the earth's atmosphere
and gravity,. .can be solved only
if the space ship revolVed4otind• •
its axis, thus causing an "artifi-
cial" field .of .gravity.
h,a t Professor Santorinis.
hewever, considers as poSsible
is the sending, of an unmanned
rdcket`into the stratosphere, arid
even as far as the Moon;- "with-
out it being completely Hde-i
streyed", before reaching' the
other ,planet.
In connection with the ques- . tion of launching small unman-,
sled earth-circling satelliteS7Pro-
fessor -Sentoritiis says that thth
is ":feasible, but that stieli
litetWoUld A 'abSOilitelYIV111{1g.4
less" for military purposesi
• .
Please send full information,.
ED M.O. or., Cash enclosed.
Send C.O.D.
Name (please print)
Make Year Model
H. & S. Distributors • •
129 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Ont,
If life's` ttob worth lIvan*'. .
it may be your Dyed
It's a fried it tikes iiti,to.twO pints Of liver
bile a day tO keep your digestive tract in top limpet'? your liver bile is,not flowing freely youf food irikt net digeetr, 4.,'gas: bloats up
your stomach . , you faconatipited "and-
all the fun.and sparkle go out of life. That'e
whin Sied
need ihild'atuitle•Cartet'oe'Little
Liver Yids, These fairione-vegetable pills help
ad-Mutate the flow, of liver, bile. Soofi•,jtour
digestion stash fiarietidriint isrbberlY and you
feel thathappy dayi are here again! Don't
eTA6lerg Pitil -s9Obtlah'indidn.R3a71 akteeyPonerdrtkitegr'sisqlttle
Dress shirts, white and plain colours, sizes to 21. Trousers, over-alls, windbreakers, underwear up to size 60. Apparel for tall men. Refunds guaranteed. Write for prices, 'Lildor. 6378 Saint Hubert, Montreal 10.'
335 Elgin, Ottawa..,.
' $!.25 Express Prepaid
Pay, For Silence
Why hasn't someone thought
of it before?
Jukeboxes are 11111/ bit • 'Mgt
are times when frequenters Of
inns and cafes wish they did not
have to take 'Itheir' refreshnient
to the accompaniment of a blar-
ing rendering of the tunes of the
Now Bavarian jukebox manu-
facturers have got the answer.
They can please both types, of
customers - and suffer no loss
of revenue. In other words, yOu
can now place 30 pfennigs
`(about fourpence) in the juke-
box and buy - three minutes
of silence.
"The more tranquil- minded
deserve a break, just as' much
as music fans," says an official
of 'one company, "so each ma-
chine riow has, in addition to its
quota of Poptilat times, an `in-
termission record' which runs
• off,,noiselesaly."
people who dislike music
.,-7," with their meal can be seen
fitaTying to the jukebox to, insert
their, money and secure , a short
spell of silence before someone
-`,else causes .the air to be Riled
with the wails of their faVour-
ite crooner,
So, both ways, business is
good, for the Bavarian jukebox
Fewer Nipples
Canadian firms made 217,767
dozen nipples and soothers in
1053 as against 417,006 dozen in
1952. '
APPLIANCE salesman. preferably with car for large furniture and • ap. plianee store, better than average opportunity' for experienced man. Write ,for appointment. Harold C. McClure Limited. Georgetown Ont.
OUR company requires two young men to commence sales training to add 'to our Ontario staff. No expert. ence necessary, but applicants should be 17 - 21 years of age, single, and primarily' concerned with securing a career •with unlimited' future. C ore. rnencing salary $35 per week. Write 'Box 137. 123 Eighteenth Street. New Toronto.,
'CATTLE SAL! The Ontario Red Poll Cattle Club Censigiunent, Sale at 'Orangeville Fair
Grodnds Thursday. October 27., 1.30 p.m. T.B. and Bangs Tested, 10 Bulb, 28 Females. A.^ ROY COULTER. Sec. retary • Treasurer, Campbellyille, On. tario. R.R.3.
HATCHING eggs wanted by one of Canada's largest and oldest establish; ed hatcheries. On some breeds eggs, taken every week in the year. L arge premium paid. For full details, write Box 136. 123 Eighteenth Street New Toronto Ontario, „.
DEALERS wanted to sell chicks and turkey Poults for one of Canada's oldest established Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Good commission paid, Send for fuR details, Box Number 138, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. „ .
NEW Recap Snow Tires. 600 x 16 $10.95: 670x15, $11.95' 710x15, $13.95; 760x15, $14.95 each. Used army truck tires 900x16, $20.00 each. Ship 0,0,1), Collect, Brampton. O.K. Rubber Weld. ers, 369 Main St. N., Brampton, Ont.
CERTIFIED RASPBERRIES For fall planting, the surest way to success. Viking, Lathem. Madawaska and others. Edenvale Gardens. Mine. sing, Ont.
ea.444.da.'s Yezatetaut 13440/241
Land ofttiiiiiitiness .
Up The.Siguenay
"Remember, it is 'not tol be
• played with, this river," said our
outfitterin' Tadouisae., "
"Thank' yoUrl•replied for Tani-
MiCulltich- and myself. "One
must be .as cautious _with the
Saguenay as wAttCa "Y
So we Pointed .• otir canoe up:
stream into the ,silent reaches.
of the, untanned river on that
morning of late summer.
"What is this, another, Ifud=,..
son?" Tam exclaimed as .the
headlands closed off., civilizatioli~
behind ,us-. „ ' `'
"You'll see.' It 'has' the' nobility-.
of the 'Hudson' as -the: Dutcli.,exe,
-plorers :saw it, but for wildness
the.Hudson no more resembles ;
it than a daf'ieserribles'a:lyne
When the 'iviorlct • was' .yotiiii•
travel Wae'discovery.'°The better'
Part, of travel Is discOery still
the Coining, upOn things, which-
are essentially our own. So, it
was with tit on that day of free-
dOni when each stroke of the
paddle sped'us where space Once
more became dominant in the
Poetry . Or Not 'It
Pays7-And Big!
A. No; he usually says, "I aril
Harry Williams," or, "My name
is 'Williams," unless he has the
title of "Doctor," which is then
prefixed to his, name.
Q. Is one obligated to give a
Wedding gift to a bride when
one has already given her ,a
shower present?
A. Yes; a shower gift does not
take the place of- a wedding,
Q. Should a dinner guest who
has finished eating immediately '
place his napkin, on the table?
A. Not until, his„ hostess has
placed her. napkin on the table.
Q. When a woman's escort
holds a door open for her, 1s4t
necessary for her to thank him?
A. No; this.courtesy should, be,
taken for granted. However, if
a stranger were to, this for
•lier, she, " must,' of -course, saY,'
'"thank you. •
Q. Is it really necessary that
the !nigher of the Man who has
'just beeotne: engaged'pay a• Call
on :the; another?
• • A-.' Yes, 'and- this' should be
done as, soon' as, possible. Fail-
, ure.16 do, ,so within a-very' few'
days is a ;nark of •rtlenesS.
Q. If individual salt allid4e11-
per Shaketi Are not.: used, how
• many shi3uld be provided "ni1 the
dinner- table? '
A.f'Silt Ural ,pepPer shakers
should be plaeed.between every
two persons.
Q. Isn't it new considered all
right, when eating soup, to
break a' few .crackers into it?
A. Yes.
Don't Start
Packing For
Trip to Mars
115,000 MILE
:e Sensational new IVIAGNOLOY oil drain plug developed and approved, by
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of CANADA eliminates acid °formation
rand , oil breakdown for at least 15,0011
milks effecting substantial savings for
users of ALL cars, trucks, tractors, etc. PRICE $3.00. Satisfaction guaran• teed or money refunded.
You cantqo ALL.0
Perhaps our first discovery, or
redisecivery, was ;the, satisfaction -
of Our •world was
horizontal water and perpendie-
'tiler cliff beneath the arc of sky.
Yet . of" these three lines and a
little :color, nature composed
variations of infinite number and
Throughout the trip,
planned „,for a week and stretch-
ed into a fortnight; thia,aimplici-
-ty gained in , richnesa, the in-
conceivable richness. -that hides
itself frcim, those, *ho gulp and
run, writes T. Morris Longstreth
in The Chirstian Science Moni-
One of the pleasantest dis-
coveries on my part Was finding
how surely.. Tam , had affianced
himself' to the, people Who had
become- a part, 'a sort of natural
resource, - of thi's'' noble region.. 1
Thad, forseen that my friend,
who has never been, naturalized
to haste would appreciate the
descendants of New France in,
the habitaht households on the
'green ahiites. I 'knew -that the
• Seets had ever -felt an affinity
-With the Pranks. But these
Frenoh:Canadians not only were
Normans old' 'style, in the re-
moter places; they had , been
purified of the superfluities of •
Europe by centuries Of wilder-
fleas livirkg found himaelf
quietly responsive ,and at home
Whenever we beaChed Our 'catiee
to Seek provision.
We rediscovered stability at.
the Same tirite. The, .fluidity of
life at home^ sweeps everything
into its current and threatens to
wash •Us into space. Anyone
caught hvhig where he was born
is deemed hOpelessly backward,
unaWakeried van The
habitant, 'Ori the Contrary, -eller=
isheS' and clings to his hard-won
atreS, One of the little noted
niiradleS IS the quiet -transforma-
tion of tabor into hiVe. The
necessary deed is reniembered
With affeetion. The habitant's
• Woodpile, and garden, his
nog and the road tis, it, beeome
a Part of,"Mm. A White Church,.
handful ef. neighbors hOnsed
in stone-solid homes.; instead of
a contractor's sriedulation,, are
his treasure. They served a prier
instinct in my friehd, reminding
him • of, his boyhood 0entity'
backed. by. the "earth itself.,
True,. the families OVerflOWed,
The Young men sought *ark in
the cities; arid some Were loSt
to than-Mon But ittatiY Carried
theories of 'fishing Mid hunting
and • sifigifig together and the
rare treedoin Of that life which
tett hand ill hand with the mi'
I pulse of the heart. Best of ail,
"Fifty-seven years ago, a career
- and a tradition -- began in
the Detroit Free Press` under the
byline of one Edgar A. Guest.
'Recently that, newspaper .cele-
brated Mr. Guest's 60th year' in
.its einploY; "with ,.never a day
lost :or 'deadline missed," as Mr.
Guest happily points. out.
Starting ,as an obscure clerk,
he quickly' rose ,ta the status of
cub .reporter..-Three:years litter
at 25 years of age he, had a daily
column 'of his own, prefaced
with a bit of verse. A yeaillater
this daily verse had been picked
tip and syndicated, and noW. ap-
pears 'in over, 100 newspapers.
throughout this country.,
In the 1920's• a controversy
raged round Eddie Guest's Oh-
lividui head between the,,,,`,`cbm,-..
mon reader" (whose existenee
Eddie •: Guest would neverviask- 4
nowledge) and the jiterafy
Brahmina 'of the' day. 'SAO, ".
said the literati,'had to ber-"Ob-
seure . to be ' good. The reader''.
should be Willing ,to work as
hard as ,the .poet. But there is
no guesswork in Guest-work.,
The controversy has.long Since
died .aWaY, but the Guest tiadi,
tion still carries on. Not,. even
several Weeks in Hollywood, en- •
sconced• in a Plush ,Beverly Hills
mansion and maintained on / a
princely salary; stopped thellow
of.- verse from the Guest type-
, writer - while Hollywood di
rectors and , script Writers tried
ti.iriduSly and 'futilely. to Mold
him into a second Win RogerS.
There: are yet many who will
not admit Mr. Guest . to 'the
ranks of the poets. Bui his end-
less flOwef verse (somewhet
over 16,060 pieces) continues,.
weiling Otif of 'Mit Mini long -and,
varied 'experience; • spiced 'With
the ,gentle humori that hinan'
frailtiea evoke in him and grin-
,tife'S little anniiyariees.
'To' WM/hands '..6t daily readers -
tEddief'Cuegt 'speaks a corn-i
<4.Monetongue44-. at recorder , oft -the
IFyou feel
ISSUE 41 1955
they had •known a close-knit
family life that was. at once a
discipline and a contentment.
One afternoon of ,thunder Tam
and I were taken under the wing
of, the family Dtieliesneau. After
a' brief taste of Madame' Duches-
neaiVs - sovereignty, Tam-
pered to me,, "Now a understand
.matriarchy. It's.. monarchy with
• the_ democratic' touch,"
Certainly Madame` . Ouches-
neatiVibbjects • Iiiisband and
eirehT olVed .1 about
-the enthroned head.-.With the
--neatness .and. assurance of the
solar, system,,FHer.accents; when
',She' wished` something dinie„ and
'af'‘oneel` alight "haVe ,Vcliiied, le
Roi Soleil. Her. disposition.'slip-
, plied Ahe4!sq,nljght, ,ar- _
rangement, While, her:-•deOrmin-
, atiOri nrovidedlhe-ii6Wer. She
delegated dale's to every gradu,
ate of the Cradle- yet I have
rimier seen, children happier-or
more -cheerfully obedient. Wil-
' lingrneas was the orbit in which
they moved Astonishingly they
Were " hafilhinnei As 'the ,'young • •
WhO havelhe, run of woods and
waters tend to be. I, doubt if all
the agencies of reforM could
find a delinquent juvenile in a
day's travel along that austere
When the sun emerged, I
noticed the older 'boys putting
their heads together. The ques-
tion that came shyly was this:
Would my friend and I like to'
go fishing?
"The gentlemen will not en-
joy the flies," Madame Dtiches-
neau said ,definitely. The look
of breathless anticipation in the
yoting eyes faded, but I had to
agree with her. '
For another thing; we redis-
covered quiet. This heavenly,
realization had begun the first
evening under canvas. We had
pitched the.-tent.near the• dark-
ening river. At our, backs rose
the twofold night of the forest,
and farther back the , cliffs.
"The final luxury," Tarn sigh-
ed. "To be safe from nOise."
Actually the air was busy
carrying sounds - the lap and
splash of the tidal waters; the
crackle of sparks from our fire/
-the flow of wind in the trees,
and at intervals the night cry,
of some bird or thud of falling
boulder. I knew what Tam
Meant: At home our daily life
had been more and more in,
vaded by' the noise of central).-
tions;-in my case, to thesatura,
tiori peint.
"What makes it • hard tO bear,1!
Tain went on, "is that you and
I remember 'a life when quiet
was the normal , thing and noise
was occasional: Now it's nearly
continuous'from • one 'quarter or
another, and more eirPlaries blast
the quiet overhead every year."
."With me it's not only the
noise but the outrage," f hgke0.
"If a thief invades my privacy
and steals something, the pollee
do what they can. But when, no
body else'S racket occupies trey
home,the la* `throws'
hands: Yet it is a thief, toe. ThiS
Situation Violates my tense
Tern knew what concerned
ire, for quiet is a pool. in whoie
, calm; elusive thotights can rise
' to the top: Quiet- is the arena Of,
futtire deeds: There is immensely
more in US than •We are aWare,
and, quiet is the invitation for
it .to appear.
"Madame -buttiesrieatt would
know .116w to handle it," Tam
said.. "Perhaps' 'yeti and I are
children all, oven`again 'this:
life of machines and. Mtist be
disciplined. By otitselyes, I slip-
"Meanwhile there is` this;"`
Tam Made no rejoinder aiid
We let the rititet 116* about us.
Them 4,10 most people work 'under
pressure, worry more, sleep Jess. /his
strain on body and brain makes PhySicil
.fitness easier to lose-harder to regain,
"Today's tense.liyine, lowered. resistance,
overwork, iverry--:.any of these may aged
'tiennallidney action. When kidneys get
out 'Corder, excess acids and wastes
Simian •.,in the system. 'Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired-eut" heavy-
headeC feeling often follow. 'That's the
time ti take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dedd'S •
stimulate the kidneys to normal Ellen.
thevi'joti feel better-sleepletter-reerk
better. .Ask for !Mid's Kidney Pills at
soy drug counter. 51
BEACH *SCENE -- There'll soon
be lots of woman on the beach
at Fiurnincino, Italy, 25 Miles
west Of' Rome. 'Thatts where
this 20-foot-high,. 1 5-ton sta
tue is being Completed by-As-
•sen (arrow).1-le's calling
it "Woman on the'Beach' Jand
covering it with bits of colored
mosaic tile that Will reflect the
Sun's rays. This way, bathers 'sure to See
FUTURE titANSOORt?-Thin is a Irrodel of. the Frye and OCISSeriger, Wane which May
someday realace the be-3. The Oahe', a OrOtOtype: Of one icliedUled 'la next reeff,,,
have 50-pa s s enger capacity' arid will operate. from airports half 114 Sae 'required'. by.
DC-3's. -