HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-09-28, Page 81 . .„ • . " . • 41, • - .` • Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour; cut operating costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your comi plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation. You, am have the whole job.done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. - Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay 'I 1 ,..:,„iz ,a P _ 1 ....4.h.f.-iii li:11 --„„-:. .. % ......!ca: -0), ,, - -4 ttgrl ff .• 4,010.,41,.,, BARNS—So much .ester to water the stock-. and so moth extra protedion attains, Rte. For. Sale 'by — C. & G. KRAUTER Brussels, Ont. Empire Brass Mfg. Co. Limited 71-51 Rey. mememiemememitias , IUTOIEP-runnit1p water suit When chorea-loundry and dishes ore done In haft theft*. IIATHROOM---all the comets. your fofm a i y ci ' ty h home h t a op d rotect add to your comfort. New and Improved Rexall Super Plenamins 5 Weeks Supply $2.59 No other Vitamin produdt ;known give's more for your money than. New Super Plenamins n 0,1 ivkNEIL'S SHEL.1...1A ItitViCE • lakiii.‘,UPPSCATION. basil ao6iiiieux, *us 1M 8ItLL Priem-guys trxosi.41'11 - atJTtLOP 711440 V` note and Aoomores. Austin Sates and Service r..^e",it in SO oe Po telt ferurl:24 rr. . . . • tto• ,- Harvey W. Stephenson (.„ empresmokethe ter Sr Lie Awsmois Cs Health sod Aa i CAA Geserid loonvoim IT- Mos 411: Walker Funeral Home Darr s laibt Cplingdebeggs p. Bois aims kw Abe de tionsvi Nom FMr 0111110.111f Old aidlaille 11*.'191jW ItimitY4Ger AmislooKte, Somas Doke Pirreits .4 ThkRed Seal on the service box ;ayoiar assurctnee of an Adevatbly Wirpd home, FIFA) SEAL ADEQUATE WIRING 't• tMft' 1nka.::T 4. • ,, • • F. ..... 0. R. ► ► ► e, .'o 4"'Sr•aoielg**00iiiiiia" WcidmileitidatV, tietItolper ,341g Tin BRUS81118 POST 11,111101r . RUNNING 'WATER. as you pay .for it on the Elan .budget. play 11110111111111111111111.111MINIMODDIDIIIIMMIDIMMNIDIMINNINIMINS11111 1111111111111111=111111111.1111.111111.11111111111111MMINIMPI I's Autum Time Phone 24 WOOD'S 1.4.PaLt Keep Plenty of Kodals Film on hand for the many fine pictures .to be had. Return the exposed Film to us. for Prompt Photo Finishing. Special Savings. • . FALL I'AIR '5S Best Wishes for the Success of the Fall Fair We welcome you to visit the Store and the Booth at the Fair. Mr. Brown of Rice Lake Fur Co., will be at the Fcar. Minummunnimmunisisammimmummins With iludnuts Gulick Home Permanent at $1 75 just now they are giving a 75c bottle of their Egg. Creme Shampoo Free Noxzerna The leading Skin Cream Feeti it Heal Special 98c a Jar Now Save 1/4, if bought in small sizes elechric fencer; forks, Mains, and .Shovelst. POULTRY EQUIPMENT Colony house 10 x 1i2 insulated, 3 shelters. 1 electric brooder, 1 oil brooder. CATTLE — 2 Durham Cows, due about time 'of 'Salle. 7 Durham and Hereford Cowls due Feb. and March, and April; 1 Durham, farrow cow. Talks is a4 choice lot. of young cOtwfa, 10 Hereford steers rising 2 yrs, old. 8 Hereford Heifers, rising 2 years old 10 Spring .0alves, sired by Hereford Dull, 1 Hereford Bull, 2 qtrs. old. Terms Cash No reserve farm sold Prop., W. J. Cuthill.: Auctioneer. Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. The Flies Are Bad Fly Bombs 98e Hep Insect Killer Bomb 890 Fly-kit Spray 350 Fly Coils 3 for 10c WA? E R LO 0 GA rTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are (Died", Artificial Insemination soervico tot, all breeds.of cattle. For servire fX information Phone Clinton Z48. t«, Palmerston 66 collect, between 'I ysr and 10.00 A. 11. on week days Stiel 7.80 and MO A. M. on (Sundays. AUCTION SALE Clearing/ Auction Sale of Farm.. Farm" Stock and Machinery at LA 11, Con. 4 Morris Two, 2y2 miles East of Belgrave on THURSDAY, OCT. 13 at 12.30 p.m. 1952 'alley, one ton truck and racks in. perfect condition McCormick. Deering 'Tnadtor Super C fully equip- ped (like new), 2 furrow fluery tract- 'CA' plow Massey Harris 22 tractor, power mower, Spring tooth harrowts, John Deere tractor disc, 2 sets bar- rowts, 2 wheel ttraller, International Hammer 2-rubber tired wagons, .circular Isaiw, Mastsey Harris No. 11 electric cream separator (like new) National milking machine, wheel barrow, 40 ft. ;extension ladder, 3 electric fencers, 120 gal, steel arum, steel barrels. CATTLE — 11. young Durham cows due to fueshen int Jian. and Feb. 2 Ays(hire -cows due in Jan, 2 Jersey Assmo.o...ame SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011 Business bards C. A. Myers , M. 12, L. M. C. C. PIHITECIA/4 31131101010 Mir X nose 4. Illiummk, oar. DR. R. W. STEPHENS sr awilladh; Ualverdir d Tarmac, flifIrCIAN old suRciacm Irdebow 411 litmeas. Oat yes .3 to '500 This. PIGS — 1 York Sow with litter of 12, ready to wean' time of sale.. 2 York 'Sow's, bred 2 mionths, 13 pigs almost neatly tor markk 9 chunks numlber pig troughs....p::,t; HAY AND GRAIN 1500 bales ntiYed bay. 1500 bills; mixed grain. FAIRM — At Sarriedila.ce at 3 p. in. the 100 acre .faran Will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. 90 acres good clay loam. 8. .acres Hardwood bush 1,4 storey Frame 'House, furnace and Water in house; Large Bank Dtarn with good .slablinig and water; 2 storey Molten House; Steel Imp- lemet Shed. All buildin'gs in good condition, 'TERMS — Chattels cash; Property 10% down, balance in 30 days. Prop., Robert Houston Auctioneer. Harold Jackson. :- .SIONMMIIIMMIellOIMMONli etselleA raiXOteinlanm==e Chas. T. Davidson F . — - : IMUIRANCE 11111 ILL WIN m-, -1 -1,- AorostAlk sad nig 100"111. Asillot ased aim V A/W Om Crest West Lile Assummv, 011e • "i ' Aim Oilleis OS . Draws* ea D. A. RANN & CO. mo& AND ANDULATICZ SlatVICS PON111110111 Paiseall Dirseime aid Sallniamt t MOM 3S or SS 111110111111U6 WM. Clerk, E. P. Chesney. ADEQUATE WIRING WIWI* for. Better . Electrical Living 4 , ,,,......,-..---"—....... .....„...-:......,, •• •`," .,,, _:, G. ALAN WIL'LIAMS, 'Optometriiit; Pad& S., WINCIMMI ,:i, tf..Orr - ' At Illaterilliiii MIA giritielhisalit. 10114 Intik.* ?ft A 4 'JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. aro ragilliwea Chiesse r now 791 soma — lab simi, semi • 1/4. 942 AS. Sot. • SAL fla • MOP Deere Wagon (new) 2- f hey' lkithiia& Set ;sleep Sleisleighs aacidedereek;111 J. a • Electric :fanning milli'ari• Oa Optometilst . hi 0 t ;D r)i7:60 tread Medarritielt Inty „obit 14. Meter', ts.Wejl type , old the nom Lestowstrcimit,R4110.1.„ *Moo ,Cifti6 new), 'fanning Mil I., turs. etalLitsailliwili : wroairior TOO hi wpm g.1 extension dance boat, 11011 6011011.11.11-,-0. ileattY hat/ oar; siiiii4§; Chiding, ititrit "erington, K. C. ds, hn.Y ,roalr, leg vide, • 1.1)1111 type hag tinick rubber, pr....so NM Adequate wiring in your home assures convenient, economical electrical living at its best. If you are planning to build a new.home, have your local Hydro or your Electrical Contractor explain,why it is to your advantage to have sufficient circuits; switches and convenience outliets in Order to derive the full benefit from today's many electrical aids to living. 'rot) often the unsatisfactory operation of electrical appliances is due to, inadequate Wiring. Many older homes, and some newly built luarnea, are not wired to efficiently operate more than a few electrical appliances. Specify qteci Seal" wiring to the Standard of The Electric Service League of Ontario, a non-profit organization Maintained to as-§ist yoti With wiring problems. See your local Hydro Manager, or send for the 'MEE 1300KLET,,"FaCts About Electrical Wiring For Your Horne." Write tet The, Electrid Service LeagUe Of Ontario,• 4 Carlton 'Street, Toronto2, AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery; Lot 29; Grim 10 Morris Twp., i/2 Mille west of Walton WEDNESDAY; OCT, 12th 12.30 pan IVIAOHINERY — Oliirer 70 Trattor, fully eqUipped; No 6 George White Thresh lug machine With elevator; 3 'furrow M. hi; Plow (like new) and Shredder (like neW); Cockgratt 15 film fertilizer drill on rubber Yals old)'; 9 ft: McCormick Deering Palekett i, stiff teettli tractor cultivator; tractor double disc; John, Deere' 7 ft. tractor mower, doe& Atilt power take off Side rake on riither, 7 ft, .11liaSsey Harris binder, 2 110w corn stuffier, No, 11 Massey, Itriatefier" Manlier ;SPretalder (like 3 Seeders Spring tootle IlarrOVIS, Garden trateter; 'plow' bind SCUM0 (a% to 5 It P.) section diamond harrowlS; grain blower and PIPteS; DeTA-Val cream separator, With Meter, 200 lb. s46:168,i Join ltn milking fnathihe, Pith* 'tsar 66*,14 ib ,gal, Woods, toter tisfitSf, 'Wheel bar it*, :Set double retileFt, ell mild. 'NsiEsr dniat: ESTATE AUCTION SALE 4ucti.pn Sale (Farm) Farm Stock, Machinery and. Household Effects. Caw* diu;e. Jotter Part of Jafi. HoStein at Lot 5, Con. 17, Grey Twp. Cow due in Jan. 3 Durham and Here- 1I/4 miles East of Walton Church on ford Cows due first part of Feb. 7 FRIDAY; COT. 7th at 12 O'clock 1 Durham, . and Hereford baby beefIj , MAOH1N1ERY — Ford Tva;p,.. P9r. plow, - ready for market. 10 Hereford, Cal , and cultivator, MatsseatIT a .ris' dlip- ;nen,. Combine With .Wetter,...pick-up, . 7 It. Deering Blinder,' 6 ft. MCCor- *Inick mciwer, ;*scuttler, set farm - sleighs, M. Ht:ilitaiy rake, Oul• packer, 2 (Section drag -harrows, set diamond HaMtows, walking Plow, dump rake; -_,ma.mare ;spreader, good bench wire, &OOo lb. :stock ;scales, with. rack, Mc- Cormlick Deering cream separator with motor, Surge milking machine; Hay loader-, 15 disc fertilizer drill, flatting mill with. motor , rubber tired 'wagon, 116 ft. flat bay rack, ladders; t.-dollony 'house, 10..X 12 ft., Cedar pasts, 20 ton cut mixed hay, 12 ton Timothy Hay, grass seed, Parks. shOvels,• chains, tools, 240 lb. sd„alles, 11951 Fiord Car, L CATTLE" 1l1 Steers; 2 yrs. Old, Here- ford and LurINantli, 5 Dilthatii Heir- en's, 800 ibis. 11. DUrham and Hetet. ford Steers; and Heifers 1 Yr. old. :.„ 14 Geese. HOUSEHOLD tIFFECTS Admiral Cook Stove, 2 beatinlg :stoves, 8; 2. International Frigidaire "(like new), Cottield 'white enamel washer electric range:Via,' hot plate, Electric LUX 'Vacum Cleaner, .Fliesited glaSS antique .plan ler lamb, Oak dining 'room Suite, table;''bilffet, chairs., and oval dining rceiiii table; kitchen table and eblairS, Sewing inlaChiner floor coverings;, illiright piano and bench, bOok cape, itsking ,i2lhafra„StiAll tablesii Chest of drlatWeris; several hecliteM tlutiteS, mantel (redid, nodding 11'011'14 beard; chesterfield 334 cleats's, larill'IS, hooked malts' A 'ditilt% blanketiO'•,• hed litienS,,, table linentat,. Pillows; feather tiCittS, ,larga rinantitY of dishes; Intluding alitliqiie 'ilitilis,and chlailat;, Yawls; and otriatientt; sets of isscitnota 'china,, Eitnthst, ntenitila, segnit enotl% rifilasitity4 o'i asittisii., pifit. titAlittifil — 'Haim: *Ili be ()trued. toi, sate it not 151,m/busily Old; 96 'hires core :Or.: less sitio,fiad 114 . .initots east inf'WdlOti, 14 stott litlete litaist *Witte,* iibititOoni, hydro; lifeSSiii*OWater system, tails, I, hank thilt, gond cement Stabling, drive : Simi lien lidike, 64 woes of workable I land, Fill .beekted at Pre:Sent time, Fatin 1St in Odd: state of: trittftatioh well drained ant Odd Water suPPIY, •Tstnis' Chattels Cdah Pro'p'erty 1064 down, eitande in .36 days; : subject to - reserve hid, 'Setae of late GeO. M. RamSAY.. Adifilnistrator, John R. Wilitaina.6ii. rtalielier, R.. .Hetherfrigten. ' Auetiote614, RhOiitcf 3n6ksOn; 616*, E. 0., dieSSASY: . ,i, •• Fr'"*;'.. ' 1 eeli Ilittatillit ....— or 1001.111U1 . 74t:',, Ili 4.4, 0iiiii*, lii IL ti: tfilift COS18411000 itit ai# 000!1110,,it OP* inir 1110,1