HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-09-21, Page 1Yr s •
Mr. and Mrs. F. J, Pollard and
Mr. and Mrs. Braddiek are holiday
log in Detroit, 73uffal0 end points
of interest along Lake Erie,
Rev, I, A Moly:or and Mrs. Me-
Ivor, Scotland, Quebec, formerly of
Cranbrook Were guests with Mr.'
and Mrs, Lloyd Miehel last week.
Mr, and Mrs, Garf. Long of Cal.,
who have been visiting her sister
Mats. J. .C. Baeker and Mrs. Clare '
Long and other relatives left for
home Monday morulnig.
• Word was received last week by
Mr. W. G. Leach of the death of his
mother in Northampton,' England.
Sympathy is eiltiended to Mr. Leach
in his bereavement.
We will do Custom Butchering, cuttingt
wrapping- making Sausage and Hamburg.
We will sell Quarters of Beef, hind ot,
front, also sides of hogs.
-Phone 6 Brussels, Ont.
anchor lief *Ai NOMA Claaa mt. rest owes DaParismut, Wove Wednesday, September 21st, 1955 $2.00 per year $2.50 al ilor Post Publishing House
Come To Huron County's Foremost ligricultural Fair, Brussels, Sept. 29 and 30
ooD mE,IGHBouR DANCa Brussels Fall Fair Canadian National PEOP4E WE KNOW I
* se ;. Come to Brussels PROCLAMATION
A "Good Neighbour" Danee will be Village of BrOssels
Ceteber 7th. All proceeds deflated te Institute For The • held In Brussels Town Hall on
t Mr. and Mrs A, Roy IkleKay of r, I.,
Lake Werth, 711,0Vodfi. OW te'vl ' au r aeptember days in town ilagit. Week* .
Jim R.110.deS Irespitalization. Ad-;.
Misnion by donation. Watch for Working Bee
farther PartiOular% A geed, number responded to the Blind Opens Campaign
t r s 'orke's last Moaday for
29th and 30th Mr. Duncan N. McDonaldd, returned.
home Friday from an enjoyable trip I
to the Went
• •
Mrs. Arthur Smith of Edmonton
is visiting her ,sisiter Mrs, Hem-
Mon and Other relatives in-Towt,
red1.1.04$1 1"4 • Though she in only five yearn old,
Janet I-Tetebuck leaving home this
week-to face the Iviorld on her own.
Wily ?
Because she in blind and Wants.
'to learn- to play the piano,
Janet is the daughter Of, Mr, and
Bald mm, Robert Heinimch, R,
3, •Tavistoelt... This Week she starts
studies at Ontario School for the
Blind at Brantford.
As She and 'fang Other blind Child-
ren Heron, Elgin, Middlesex .and
Perth heard Tor Brantford, twelve
other preschool blind children. .ate
reelying special training as. Janet did,
from counsellors of Canadian Nat-
ional Institute for the 131ind.
And 'as these and Wares of other
activities to help the blind help
themselves continue, C. N. 13, is
in the middle of its annual campaign
for operating funds. This year C. N.
I, B. requires $11,000. froM public
sabSerintions, to add to •the $46,000.
\already. pledged. by Community
JCIteSts, in Stratford, London and
Elgin Coumty land by Milaticipal •Qoun-
The tour other child n• Dam this.
area have been to Brantford: prey-
The engagement is announced of
Norma Pheobe Jane, daughter of Mrs.
Taylor and the late Mr. Elwin Taylor,
Brussels, to William Henry, eon of
.;1117, Norman Belirns and the late Mrs.
Behrus of Wroxeter. The wedding
to take 'place the first part df Oetob-
a bee to "Prepare the grenade for the
Pair and the officers and directors
'were pleased with the work awn),
plisthed but there. is still much to be
• done, Another working bee will, be-
held at the Fair .0roundS en Monday,
Sept, .200, alt 1.30, Another goad
turn out of helpers would be
An invitation is extended. to all
'farmers with grade cattle to par,
ticipate in Vie fair,. increased prizes
are .olltered an an inducement to enter
Idle following clasees.
Sec. 1 Baby Beef under 750 lbs.
Sec. 2 Baby Beef over 750 lbs. ;
Sec. 3 Pen of 3 Feeder Steers
,ender 000
Sec. 4 Pen of 2 Feeder Steers
over 900 lbs.
Sec. 5 Pen of Fat Steere..
Sec. 6 Calf shown by girl or boy
under id ,years..
Sec. 7 Cow and Spring Calf.
Sc.:iN 8 Pen. of 3 Beef Heifers (breed-
ing purposes.) •
Sec. 9 Best Feed Steer. Mality
not finish)
Farther information may be Ob-
tained by securing a catalogue.
Please make ea tries as soon as
'Dbp Court of Revision an the 1956
.AISSessment Roll for Morris TownshIn
hats been adjourned until Monday,
October ard„ l8 p.m.
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.
Anniversary Services
Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel on
At 11 A, M, and 7.30 P, M.
Guest Speaker — Rev, W, J, S. McClure of Molesworth
Special Music by the Choir,
Week-end visitors at the home of
E. J. Pollard, were Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Bnadclick of Vancouver, B. C.
Mrs. C. Rintoul, Mr. and "'Mrs. Doug-
las Stewart, Misls Erma Nafziger
.and Mr. Lyle. Coverett of Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cole their ,son
Nelles and Mrs. Cole and daughter enjoy the indoor exhibits and the Lynn. of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. lime program. 0. W. Cole and daughter Joan, of
London were Sunday Visitors with ' Friday night there will be a con-
James and Mrs. Michie 5th line. ' cert in the arena at 8.30 p. ni., with 't
* ! dancing atter at the Crystal Palace
Miss Doreen Davidson, George- Ballroom
town, and her grandmother, Mrs. r
Mary Davidson, a former resident of
grulssels. now of Newry. who is 92
Heigh Ho! Came to the Fair!
A, new feature attraction will be
a Running Race, for which a $50
purse is •offered in addition to the
usual Harness Races with a $500
/bile three 4-Il Clubs will have a
/prominent place in the attractions
of the day,
The mammoth school parade with
two bland% the Legion Pipe Band,
and the !Lions Boys and Girls Bend
will form at Victoria Park at 1
Thursday night the Crystal Pal-
ace will be open to the, public for
inspection of the school competit-
ions, handicrafts, needlework„ Wo-
melee Institute exhibits, etc. There
will also be a Variety Concert pre-
sented for your eatentainM.ent so
be sure and come to the Crystal
Palace on Thulnsday evening and
j. A. Carroll, Assistant Deputy
tr, officially open the
Brussels Fall Ear on Friday, Sent
20th. at 2 p.m.
(*wets and directors have
btert working long, and hand,. to. Make
this year's Fair better than ever.
Entries have been pouring in
and is. anticipated that the en-
tries in the horse and cattle classes
surpia0 last years, record .ex,
Yew.. 1111.•••MIM
We are always ready for your
Carpentry Work
Kitchen Cupboards, Wardrobes,
Storm Windows and all
your other Carpentry Work.
See us for your needs.
Phone 23r12 Brussels
In accordance with a motion of Council passed to govern till
change of time, i hereby proclaim that Daylight Saving Time erigg
at 12:01 a.m., Sunday morning, Sept. 25th,
R. Cousins, Reeve,
Shipped Aug. 27th from Rotterdam
on S. S. Jithan Willem Frisco to
GREWAR'S on permit No. 4168, Govt. •
— Ask our satisfied customers. See
our compliete assortment. Compare
our price.-- Open all day Wednesday.
yearls of age, were visitort. on Sunday'
with Mrs., Wm. PaWslon and Scott in11.11111111111•1111.11111111111111111111111111111 1.11111111111•111111101•1111111411111111111111111111
Pawn= who has returned from the ' .
hospitaa lafter undergoing an operat-
Reception and Dance
Mr. and Mrs. Bill •Flumphries
In Walton Community Hall on
Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra.
Ladies bring lunch.
Everybody Welcome
Mitchell Fall Fair
Sept. 27 and 28
$4500.00 IN PRIZES
TUES NITS - Amateur Show in
Grounds Open to Public
WED. Fair officially opened by
C. D. Graham, Dept. Minister
of Agric.
School Parade, Bands,' Clowns
Grand Stand Performance,
Horse Races 2,,20,and 2.26
44-H Club Exhibits.
Dance in Crystal Palace on
Wednesday N4,ite'.
A. Drummond, President„
K. J. Reaney, Sec.-Treas.
Announcement • •
. Miss Mary Lou McFarlane men, . . . . ... . . •
. .
resigned her position in the. Brus 'tsels , . . . . . . „ .. . .. . . . ..
Branch of the Canadian Bank of
Commerce where sire has worked for
tou.sly. They Caine, from Parkhill,
Varna, St. 'Thomas and London.
Sturdy little Janet has two reasons
for looking forward' to school, learn-
ing to play the piano and having
other girls to Play with. • Her two
younger brotherp leave something
to be desired as playmates, she
claims. And, if you press, her, she
will dutifully admit she also wants
to go to school to learn to read and
write, Braille, of course.
"It's hard to see her go," said. Mrs.
Heinbuch. .`But she will learn so
much there, we are glad she has the
.01) Perth nity."
'The Heinbuchs have some know-
dedge of what Janet will learn
tivough the pre-school training giv-
en by a C. N. I. B. Field Worker from
Termite, Miss Doris Weayer,
1, B. has: been wonderful from the
b egl nning," Mrs. Hein bu eh. said,
"and I am shire the School far the
Blind will do eves more for Janet."
Mostly to reassure hers.elf, Mrs. the palsit eight years, Mary Lou was
S. Lowe's
Heinlbuch added, "we'll bring her **Jointed with a gift of a silver
home week-ends." I hitter dish and an engraved butter
,,,..., — knife from the BruSsels. Bank staff I i before her departure. She has accept- ,
CARD OF THANKS ed a .position with, the Bank of
Commerce in Waterloo. Her new I
The family of the late Wm. R. 1 "*. duties commenced this week.
Little wish to express their sincere i * * • - I
thanks and appreciation to friends 1 Mrs. Bell, Port Credit; Mrs 1Viey• I
land neighbours for the kindness end 1 ere, Toronto and Mr% I. Ferguson
Sympathy shown them. during their , and Mrs, C. Dunbar of BrusSels, re-'
recent glad bereavement and for the turned recently from a delightful
many floral tributes and wards of , motor trip going along the northern
1 sympathy. .. ' ' Shores of the St. Lawrence river as
Jean and jessie Little far as Quebec City, crossing the low- I
and. The Little Family, er bridge 'and proceedinig by the i
brand Opening
ed & White Food Market
I Sincerely thank' all those who rem-
embered Me with visits, lettere,
terd% and treats 'while I was .
(patient in the hespital and since-My
i,,eturrk) Mout thoughtfulnleSs
My Sincere gratittide is eXpreSsed
to all those, who remembered me with
letters, cards, gifts and visits, while
I Was a patient in Wingham hos'.
pital. Special thanks to the doctors
and the nurses. of the hospital Staff.
Your itlinidness, Was. deeply apprec-
Mrs,- Win. l0llacott.
The Brussels United Church will
hold their Fowl Slipper on October
18th, Watch for further a.nouncement.
Melville Presbyterian
10.00 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Divine Worship
Sineeial Maisie -- Three-part
Girls, Choruses.
,Anthem, Consider the Lillies.
Minister: Rev. H. 'r, Bairrtn, O. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson H. M. T
south shore to Mont Soli. They went
timmummumisimuirs down the beautiful Matapeclia Valley
into New Brunswick, and on to Nova I
Scotia. Places of interest were visit., I
ed at Quebec City, Moncton N. B. St. I
Thursday, Sept. 29 8 a. rn.
Free Draw on Kroehler Rocker
All Nylon • $70.00 Value.
30 Bags - Groceries to be Given Away
Absolutely Free.
Free Prizes for Mother andKiddies
Balloons, Ash Trays, Gloves, Etc.
' and St Ando ws ByThe Sea
Cold Waving a Specialty
DRIVE-IN THEATRE mlit" Halifax, Chester Basin, Lunenburg, Cutting, Styling and •
Grand Pre, Antigonlsh and the new
Phone- 40x Brussels LISTOWEL
causAvaly to Cape Breton. They came
Turn at Armourles on Highway $1 home Waugh Maine, New Henan-
11111111111.1.1111111111111111111M1111/ .*******......, 'shire, Vermont and New York.. The United Church
Minister: Rev. A. Lane, B. A., B.• tt.
Sept. 22 - 23
CAPITOL Thur. - Fri.
'Matinee Sat
urday 2 ps. pa
. (Color) Frankie Laine, Billy Daniels , Seaford.. Ont.
I -Oho-44a Makts, „„ 0.1 At. YOU'RE SMILING"
. .
Double Feature
Divine WitoteMitio 11.15 o'alneko.
,Chtirch School with
Coiagregation Ralik Day Service
164.114 Pi,daalitall,oil or Re"wire"s.
L a
f of 'ern/SIMS
, RSV. Norman E1111.114.- Ai; 0.
18 trinit
4 St.
S.tf• ktreillnit:i'ray:41e
HARVEST' 11t4riNtS01Vii46'
Meriting thraliit
Ti`.7-30 tftinit
. .Thuraday, Friday and Saturday
Thursday, Friday and Saturday BILLY THE KID"
s Oharies Cehtirn Spring tyingtod ot, ( 23- , A , Seat Brady
Roy ROders: in 1 deorde (Foghorn) Winato.o, Marilyn
MunrOe'S little, Boy Friend in Gentle-
"BELLS OF CORONADO" - — Sept. 24 , 26 men Prefer tfoncios it hOW tOVeahle Sat... Mon.
latighable, red hot Spade Men,
{Monday" TUeeday. an Wednesday ,
(Color) Gregory Peck ili-1011.bil4i°
(6:464 Pius
'George' Perini* In
*".la t ICE"
, • eorrie Early
.Monday, Tuesday and W ednesday
Jaok. Faience at a blocod thirsty
ruthless barbarian In
thea.. Wed. Sept: a7
"ti-ikEt. HOURS tei KILL"
(ddlido( Donna Aridrew§, Dci na ReOd
• • "‘ ,
Nightly ,Ratti or choir:
Under. i2' YeriiNl IN
Cara oltiOnlai6606 and '06161,4'
j Tony Curtis Janet Leigh
With your heart in your throat you'
will gasp' at liarehloiit,s ;how,
Hollywood's young leVerS.
The real life thrift show ot the
world's 46atost arcclovil o?
Thursday;• Oriday and Saturday
Greer Carson' Robert Ryan
See Hand Bills for Special Prizes
For This Gala' Event,