HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-09-14, Page 8THE.BRus.catis row. „„. Wednesday, September 14th, 1955 • • _••• • • • • • • - • " • • . a • Annionsaiiii11111811$11111M111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The Store For Better .Bargains. • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Phone /WOOD'S Tip Top 24 Tiailors We Sell The est For Less Nature's Best Pumpkin, 15 oz, tin - 10c Florida Sip Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. tin 28c Royal York Peanut Butter 16 oz. jar 33c Tomahawk Peas, 15 oz. tin 10c Ingersoll Chzee Spread 15 or jar , . 60c 1 ,LINITED CHURCH W. M. S. A Very intereetin repent froM the SoUopl For Leaders held at AIMA aollege, St, Thomas, was given by Mrs, Melville Penhie at the regular meeting of the W', M. S. held Tues‘ day afternoon in the eburch parlour, The President Mrs, Harold Thomas who presided over the business per. iod, opened the meeting with ,a hymn followed by prayer given by Mrs. W, F. Todd, t1he minutes were read and -adopt. ed and the Treasurer's re-port was given, A cheque was received from the W, A, toward expenses for the representative to the School tar 'Lealders, Sunday Oct 80th. is to be Special Fall Titanic offering also enu, anueea was the meeting of the North Section of the Presbytery Sept, 39th, at Whiteebureh. Delegates to be Mrs. Thos, Strachan and Mrs. Lane. The Study Book was very ably taken by Mrs. Lane, It being our "First eau- adians the Indians and our New Can- adians." A reading was given by Mrs. Speiran "An immigrant Baby." Ha Fever .Reliels ,arapnraPatati FALL GOODS There is nothing that gives more wear with style thaon a Suit - Made to your measure or Fine Quality Tartans and Newest Weaves on the Ready-to-wear rack. Ephedrin Tablets Rexall"Noze Drops prey or Brown Razmeh's hick's Inhalers Rphazone Tabi'ets ; Super Plenamins to build, up Resistance. 36 Day Treatment $2.59- //nessostko . . „ Blouses for School or Dressy Wear, New Fabrics. p•••01.1.6. PICKLING TIME- FIGHT THE FLIES Celery Seed Pi,wder Saccharine Cinnamon Bark Sprayers 45c Fly Bombs 98c Fly-kil Spray 350 Good Hand Whole Root Ginger Pickling 'Ohs All Sizes Corks Fly Coils 3 for 10c a .1,1...p. 11.ermullaraspepormaroan..1. You will find other values Just as great as these at Yard. Goods - Newest Fabrics for School or home sewers, THE MLEDGE •ROCERY See us For your Furs or Fur Coats. . . Mr. Brown will be at our Booth at the. Fair: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111116A111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111111 or to-morrow, but Every Day of 'the year. Not just to-day `PHONE 7 WE DELIVER Next meeting is to be hi charge at Mrs. ',Stream. and Mrs. Thomas. A hymn followed -by the Mizpah diction., brought the meeting to a .a...1••••••••110•1111M.....111....11...........r School Needs Waterman's Pens, Pencil Pouches, 3 Hole Binders and Refills., Special Clearance of Fountain Pens only 08c. close, We are always ready for your Carpentry Work Kitchen Cupboards, Wardrobes, Storm Windows and Nall your other Carpentry Work.- See us for' your needs. BERNARD TEN PAS & SON Brussels Mathematical Sets, Pastel Chalk and Crayons, Art Brushes, Dictionaries, Reinforcements, ..H. S. English Books for 1954 - that are Not supplied by the Board. S 9s los COW CHOW SPPLEMENI Phone 23r12 I lauf....mearaimr.c ...................rom...............*,..... ............... ..........•,....maftrommossom McNEIL'S SHELL SERWCE SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store Phone 62 Brussels 11.1.1113.4..UIRICA‘TVON. litHEL.L H00. 111tIOLD A140 Mayo u: own Wain, helps keep awes in ecatdilles '4 km Mg leak pastas . loaf Ask se ribvat it WOO 0 7041[11.L. PIT AOLILUII PRODUOTO DUNLOP 'TIMES Parts and Oveloosseries Austin, Sales and Service repairs te aN ',esker- 0 vans sou imam 'prom" me ismuleace, eon. 11181111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111211111111111111111111111 111111111111111§11111111111151111111111111111111111111111211111111 Brussels Creamery Business bards Phone 22 M aall00111111manla naMaNlaataav C. A. Myers , M. D, L. M. C. C. 11,11110AN eel flinfilAOP 11111Mme Meat di. Onmeelk Oen. VIIIMMatit Look! Everyone Can Buy at Reduced Cost a DR. R. W. STEPHENS ;.7.1 nomaim. Umiversaw al Taman 111111rSIVIIAN ami ' Nebel* 41 illavemia, (M. The world's finest cheddar cheese is made right here in Canada. And, our Canadian cheese is one of the best and cheapest sources of good food value. It's an excellent source of protein, which everybody needs for building and repairing healthy tissues. Enjoy the many varieties of Canadian cheese! New cheese recipes1 Write to Marie Fraser, Dairy Foods Service Bureau, Chas. T. Davidson (.41 idUltA11112 FOR ML OM Afgamaillis Pbw asesemems -and s Atm* tar Groat West Lie tammemeo Cm. Rom Sake 9111 - likessak OIL Bonded Brake. Lining- all makes of cars, 11.96 exchange $8.00 $7.45 exchange I now handle a complete line of 14.95 exchange Electric Fences 12.00 12.95 exchange BATTERIES -- 13 Plate 15 Plate 17 Plate Low Ford High Ford English Car Batteries All Batteries Guaranteed. 13.95 exchange 14.50 exchange Ba%teries for Fences Only 3.40 Also stock. Battery Cabtles and Straps , D. A. RANN & co. E7r .'1 Limaasil 11011110i1 Macaw amid Csibeimet 111111011111 311 - 11111MMI. CAL Tubes 6.70 x 15 4 Ply 18.711 Tires 6.00 x 16 - 4 ply 11.7$ Tubes 6.70 x 15 Tubes 6.00 x, 16 8.2$ MUFFLERS - 49 -- 54 Ford 9.75 49 53 Chev. 11.50 49 -- 54 Dodge 9.50 Dual Exhaust Kits 18.50 Complete Stock of all Other Mufflers Guaranteed at a Low Price. Fuel Pumps (New) DAIRY- FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO Water Pumps-Chev. 5.25-Dodge 6.00-Ford 9.59 Harvey W. Stephenson Iteeremastathe fee Sam Lie Ammamme Canada He. and Sadism Ce. ‘Cessidty Gamma lemessee Csa. Keene 43s flimmes - a a Flexy Car Wash. Brushes 4.99 7.45 -- 29.55 Seat Covers from •t All Simonize Products 10 Itosk, Liquid and Pasty Walker Funeral Home Dar wit Sight Call*Teletikeirie fai FIR Ern* alletla el reipirei fklati t Liesesied Itimatel Iffinialer. sued Ibmilialana ikosiaglompuririps Tefeetipte vii flew. Fierinse TAIL PIPES Ferri (Acclaimed * - DETROIT'S best.. . the of the country's most popular Hotel TULLER a Chev. Dodge Exhaust Pipes Chev. Ford and Dodge FAMILY RATES No Charge For Children _ 12 and Under Complete line Of Victor, Gaskets- 050 ' Rained and Hinting RINI'S 8.26 L911 4.45 3.25 Chemical Line of Radiator Stop Leaks, ROA inhibitor, Crank Additive and Prake Fluid DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS FOR TRUCKS Pathfinder 1245 Signal Starts 111.95 Ali Cars, any model .Y 10.45 Master Cylinder Kite and Wheel Cylinder WU „ . Wakefield Castro, Oii in 6 gal. Palle in Standard and Heavy Duty 5 gale. for fist G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Pa* st.. wucomilt 111R - At rise its Odin Svempl'amil.. ti m ifinfitat 7711 & I breninas by Appeintatant Seal Beam Units 145 O VEEDL MOTOR OIL H. D. asd Std, $8.40 per ease (24 ato Spark Plugs :59 I JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. r; Plaits 79F14redtgarett Ceases Vh I = 'Wet 6.1 30. am. to 9 ihos. Oar Aerials US up 1'.Y .... iY.Y SOMA! this Week, Outside White Paine tit Krtilinator Traeter, bar Diesel Oli Filters and Cartridges Poiced Low 409'o Off List Fork+, , , .4.44 ........... 11i,./ 01.1 Aere Type Shooks 4.95 (Save up to 500/0) , teatutintOonitsoiene4 .0turott, quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere.. bouteattitc Sethi& center of all downtown actiirl NeWly decorated. Ultra tuodcrif,,controttable tutat rooms excellent food at moderate pH* in our modern coffee shop add eafeferia. Radio and teteeiiikiii in room. totadigibited rooms td season'. FACING GRAND CIRCI.1.$ PARK, GerlerttOrt for all" makes of Card $7.50 eXChange I alto Carry it line of Ignition and Meter porta, 04,, netts; Paint Supplies, teisto Sporting Goods and iitehtno noepilea 800 ROOMS WITH BATH from $3 50 GARAGE and PARKING Lot . J. !'..k. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist. ilreWla., 09.r. ,, goetioitiett le tyt eilottiment ten tee Mtge* d flinsins Mks in Ustilkini Clink flenglani ' tree PAL 111.34 Ci*sell bilr eliratalka to oriollr" i ii"..41)411 "1°' .. • ' Oniardnir E*cililiff Yin ` 1 artiaall" aml- ne.Oefafek44 t4.4emt fef. r... _.., .... , -41116r ens to _ R. S. Hetlieritligtto, K. C. rirj:ir----*- iffifferfAIN WV"- rf: WW1'S Evenings, Day ttidaviatidlat urday ri an ps eye G C re ream OMMIRICEIC .111 1.! DETROITIACHIAN Harry E. P;atison General ilatiago IOW Mil 14 13 't ac Baeker's Auto. Supply , TELEPHONE 95 12 r /lima BRILIStiELC •