HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-09-07, Page 4iti'."-.5S,-*,.*:4*:,.•• FOR SALE .,- 75-acre Farm, frame house, halak barn, priced at $5009,99. 79-aere Farm, frame house, ..II:4d siding, ham 44 x 48 with 32 acres awing .crop, priced qt. $0990.00. a-aere Farm, frame house, bieul siding, barn, priced at $3500.00, Good house in Village, bath, fur mine, barn, garage, on main street, priced at $4390.09, Frame house, maul siding, new roofs. Priced. at $2,350.00 J. 0, Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. SPECIALS — 3 piece Bath including 5 foot east iron recessed tub with supplies aid shower. Pop-up waste and over- flow, chrome shower rod. 17 x 19 or 18 x 20 basin with 4 centre taps, pop-up waste, Compact toilet with seat PAO* $149.50 plomplete, other S Woe bath combinlationfs 'from $114. 50 Frigidaire water heating unite. 5 year warranty 33', gallon, cap* city $134.50. Duro Water Softeners 30,000 p capacity $125.00. Special value 5 foot Master Pea broke corner bath tub left hani oil. left complete $97.50. All plumbing Items are Cs. adian Manufacture and guara,nte$ first grade. J. H. Stretton, Plumbing and Heat- i ng and Electrical Wiring, Phone EX Brussels. MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING .SYSTEM FOR A FIVt.-ROOM HOME 3525.00 Write Dept. B P or visit our showrorms. Open Monday, Wednee- day, and Friday evenings and all day Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ATARI° In SE EMI sr 111S111111E EL MA FARMERS' MUTUAL' FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In leta Head Office - Atwood, Ont. Insures Farm Property, Private, Om/Mirage And Contents In Towns and Villages Schools, Churches and Halls on an "INSURANCE AT COST" baste PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS sdontaci your Nearest Director Agent R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont. SZIERIMIE1811 .0j wANT't.s., -- •• A Cafeteria manager for Wing- ham -District High School Appli- cations will be received up to 10th Stptem.ber and are to, be addressed to W. A. Galbraith, Secretary-Trea- surer. State qualifications and salary expected, FOR SALE ---- PLOW POINTS — Ductalloy and Cast for Otaco. Oliver, Ford Dearborn Ferguson, fluery and r. all other well known makes even Wiard Points. Rubber tired wagons and 2 and 3 furroW Tractor plows at 10% reduction. Space Oil Heat- ers, 4 riles, with Fess Burners and shut-off valVes. ,Rce Geo. Wesenburg, Brussels, SEWAGE DTSPOSIAS. FYace your Septic tanks end *two- 11601s Cleaned the catittary WO/ lefe*: to avoid trotibIa Oinritre. Phone, 2-54. Milvertifini Ont. LIV•EStOCK SALE — The Grey-Iliamo . Live 'S:lock CO- operative are holding their Fourth Annual Sale of Feeder Cattle at 'Marton -oh nittrsday, Sententilser 22 — 120Q head — sale ..66trlineileGt at 10 A, M. All cattle iserted, grad- ed and divided into trtiek and der lead lag, Marked elientio or oath repired. 12 Shorthorit Bu1ig will ho told after the Sale by the dray tri1d6 Mortiortt 11tudimia, t''§t6*titt deelief, Secretitil, ,(144y-lirtido Life' Sleek de-dt ertaiVO, Marltclitle, Ont, Soldier Apprentice Plan offers young men of 16 a bright futute ENROLL ROM Training begins Sept. 13 The Canadian Army's Soldier Ap- prentice-Training Plan is 'a carefully planned programme to help young men of 16 to prepare themselves for the future and a career in the , Army — to develop mature judg- ment, self discipline and build a strong, healthy personality, As a Soldier Apprentice, a young man will get a thorough !rode training in one of 19 military trades—academic training in such subjects as physics, chemistry, algebra and English — a general Military training of the Canadian Soldier he will be living and working alongside enthusiastic, happy .Can- actions his own age while getting combination 0 military 'training schooling, plenty of recreation and expert trade training he will be eligible for all Army benefits including 30 days annual leave, 14 aus will receive half regular Army pay whilo 16 and on his 17th birthday will draw full pay. Tb be eligible, a young man Must be 16 years, of ago but riot yet lt and mutt have a minimum' of Grade $' :etlucatloii. Pot an interesting booklet with' Moro information on the Soldier Apprentice Plan, Write phone et visit the Army Recruit ing Ceaft. fleetest you. Do if noW, traMMO beptst September 13th. Get your applicator' In right tivoby, id. 13 ModelDepot., 401011i Pt. 04 4.47 1 COadtli Annf dies; 164 4141114146 Skid, 9al. 19 fac6664.11*.; 4444616, F—T411111666 1-44411 ,tdatlari A Stid111144 gott+lo .ley Ind 61 Wit( 210 14411 St P. WO ttoginkni fetiv1S10 S14 144 16441 flamtrial, 061, —46141,6664 lAdimii 1744 6' Wedllest4Y, $ePtenther 701,1095 .•••••••• ••••,,•,•••er, ..k• " "","^". THE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED FOR. SALE ,,. A quantity of little pigs. T»e Walter hose Pot11117 Farm Phone 40x. ATTENTION FARMERS hglfrAtla..PP5rrre?.:;:tly 70T•aYag:Ita'rr 441*1141.9" Tclephone Collect x Braga.* -.girl.: ' or glitara. 914, GORDON. 'N'OUNO.LIMITER, PEOPLE WE NOW 4' 11 • Mr. Athol Meguarrie, Toronto, was a, visitor with his niece Mrs R. S. Warwick, * 411-v, and Mrs. Chas. Irving., Wadena, Sask., were 'meat visitors With Nasal), And 'Mrs, Cardiff. ,11! Mrs. Get), Brans spent the past two weolts with .friends in Monroe, Mich., Detroit and Mount Clemens. qt.. • Mrs. Ray Cole of .Oshawa silent 'tile holiday week end with Ana Mrs,. Jas, >14 Mi.“ Jean Jewell, Toronto, was a holiday week end visitor with her Parents, Mr, and Mrs, E, Jewell, and .Mrs, Geo, Backer and son London, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Work, FOR SALE 1— Hereford..fersey Heifer one Month old, Emersmi Mitchell, R, li. 3 Brussels nig •, • OR SALE — 10 chords'of mixed wood. Price $3;00 per ,cord at the pile, Selwyn Baker Phone 10310 • nr. ,to.,••••••••••,••• • SALESMAN WANTED WANTED MP ONCE .-- Rawielgli Dealer in Huron Couaty, Write Raw leigh's Dept.. 1-152-R, Montreal, P, Rr„, FOR SALE New Tractor Blades, for snow and gravel. Louis Waxman • FOR SALE — Eiberta peaches, Bartlett pears now et the best, Bring containers to Govenlock Orchard., one mile north of Forest on Bluewater Highway. FOR SALE — Malf,s bicycle, also a small walnut desk. M. A. Fraser, Walton, Phone 19r8. FOR SALE — Five room Buick COttage *Mtn 3-piece bathroom, double lot and garage. Apply to Mrs, Chas. D, Lake, Brussels. WANTED — I will pay cash for Organs with stools: in playing condition. Write James Wiederhold, New Hamburg, Ont. FOR SALE — 260 pullets, 55% laying. Pullets 6 weeks old 57 cents Pullets S weekgs old 75 cents Highest prices paid for old John 'Zwaan Ph-one each. each. hens. 101x5 C-35559 Day by day, Chevrolet gains in popularity value- NaleN r s WA"..'EFILOO CA i'7-LB BREB.DING ASSOCIATION, "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service off information Phone Clinton 248, or Palmerston 69 collect, between 1.24 and 10.00 A. M. on week days and 7.30 and 9:30 A. M. on Sundays. • HORSES WANTED — For meat, farm use or bush. Also buggies and wagons, must be In good shape. Wilfred Nicholson, Monkton, iver • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE let lts ere AAA. Dramatic Proof of Chevrolet's. Success! Everywhere in Canada, consistently, more Che- vrolet cars are sold than those of any other manu- facturer. And now, to a greater extent than ever before, the 1955 Chevrolet is the favorite of Canadians from coast to coast. This Is Important To You! Because Chevrolet builds so many more cars, each one costs less to make, That's the simple, provable effect of volume production. And this saving is passed on to you in the form of more value, and more features for the money than you can get with any other car on the market. Also, compare Chevrolet's prices and you'll know for sure at least one reason why so many more people buy Chevrolet year after year — especially'this year. Mr, Frank McGettrick, a former member of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff here now oR Toronto, was a visitor in Brussels this week. • • . * Labour Day week end guests with mr. and Mrs. Geo. Evans, were Bob Murray and Mins Elsie Steiss of Toronto and Nelson Askin and daugh- ter Enid of Hamilton. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Brown, Collinsville, Ill, who have been visiting for the past two week's with his Mother, Mrs, A, Brown, and sis- ter, Mrs. B. Johnston and family, have returned home. * Miss Isabel Speir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Speir, returned. last week from a nine week tour of Eittuopean .countries including England and Scotland. Miss Speir left on Monday for Clarkson, where she is teaching this year.. Mists and Roy McFarlane and Mr, and Mrs. 3, McFarlane and Miss Jean •spent an enjoyable .holiday iir the U. S. A: While there Mrs. Wm.. Meddough entertained at a family dinner which tweutypembers of the MoParlane families attended includ ing, friends'from Day City, Flint, Mit: Clemens and Pincenning. On . their return trip they visited with friends at .Croswell, Mich, and Forrest, Ont. LIVESTOCK WANTED — High cash prices paid for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly, Leroy Acheson, R. R, 3 Atwood. Phone 107x Fall Fair Dates I WANTED Poultry, all types of poultry. High est Cash Prices. Phone 636R3 J. A. McLean, Monbton Acton Sept. 16 - 17 Arthur Sept, 27 - 28 Ayton 4 .......... Sept. 23 - 24 Bayfield ...... „....,... Sept, 28 - 29 Birth - E....,.. Sept. 20 - 21 BRUSSELS Sept. 29 - 30 SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD, 19 Market Place STRATFORD, ON T. The Versatile +Dependable] FUEL FOR HOMB AND INDUSTRY - RANGES, HOT WATER TANKIk REFRIGERATORS, irre, WALT. MADDESS Representative PHONE STRATFORD SUS. 4174 REEL 32SP1 • Clifford Oct.7-3. Drayton ...... Seel,. 17 - 19 Dungannon Sept. 20 Exeter Sept. 21 - Fergus Sept. 9 - 10 Forest Sept,. 20 - 21 'Gorrie Sept. 30, Oct. 1 ' Hanover „, Sept 14 - 15 Harriston Sept. 21 - 22 Sept. 15 - 16 Kirkton Sept. 29 - 30 Listowel ........ „ ...... Sept, 26 - 27 London Western Fair Sept. 1.2 - 19 TAir•know Sept 27 - 28 Mildinay . Sept. 12 - 13 M Over ton Sept. 23 - 24 MiLchell Sept. 27 28 N.P w• TTair,ltuia. Sept, 16 -1.7 Palm orstot Oct. 3 - 4 Sonforfh. ......... Sept, 22 - 22' Stratford Sept. 19 - 21 Tavi4ock Sept. 9 - 10 Tet4;nVater ......... ..„ ....... Oct, 4- `1"T'1'4,"9f.a (Royal. Whiter) Nev. 11 19 Zurictli ..... .....'Sept, 20 - Infr„,r1f.tional Plowing -Match, Et.v,x County, 1,fttonin atoll Oct. MAIDEN VOYAGE NEXT SPRING ..:••.••••• WANTED Hatching egg •Walltol Ily one of Canada's largest and OlcleSt estate lished hatoherieS, Vigo taken riVerY week In the year. Big trein- tiald, For full Walla White P.O. PDX. NO, 50, .00o, timid-mt. Western ttitr. ttawitbd.', .. gAte tielreta net oil sat e At the : lltilrAelil Peat }readied:4 ,,E wokkele, ri.pri,seatitth; dozens of sift aiicecl tradt-S are isiattitig 1.1w ,-111:131411ng futtelts,* Ott tile 24,00v-ton Canad- ian Putt/fie liner ''llinprosg of Bitola" in readiness for her maiden roydgt, hi the• Spring of 1956.. Launch d by Tter Majesty ()nett'. nriztmetit at Bov,in on the Rivor CIyd.P. the 11( west of the Great Whitt, Empress fleet is now being outfitted at the ritinyside. Of modern design, the 'easel wilt carry 1,090 Pass- engers 0 'her NOrth Atlantic travel route beTweett Liverpool' and 11,Ioniteta WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP, Voter Cr Ireit Thltiy-tIre Years, Abiltit3is SOW THE GEST GRANITES Along trItia Expert Denigrilact rie.01 PrlOo• Mont lleastilable teinetery tettetinitt a Esettitilf W A.Stie' ION -4 Phone Wintihoim, ••• • 0,