HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-09-07, Page 1THE BRUSSELS ST
tjt Elvetion 111zpenaes Juhtt W. attunn-
Prrygrtssit• (Ungava/he 4.1ainlillitte for Iluron.1.)run
. • • '
Produced by Geo. A. Humid & Sons-New York. Each evening
at 8:15 p.m. Featuring the Roxyette dancers and 9 great
vaudeville acts,
GRANDSTAND 1---o8 155
Canada's Rjchest Raz-2263gs' ..e.44102,42,$7.- coif s fak e-s
At the Grandstand Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons
• 2 and 3-year Standard Bred Futurity Races, Featuring 4
other class races and light and heavy harness events.
London Western Fair advance
sale tickets now .on sale at the
-Brussels Post. jhriptig,"Ne0„..
Ex c
Many New Shows, New Rides brought to Canada for the
first time, The outstanding attraction of the Midway this
year will be the Globe of'Death front Germany.
Old favourites will be back at Kiddie Land this year along
with new rides all the children will enjoy. More than 15
Tuesday to Saturday at 8:00 P.M. Special Attraction-Captain Heyer's
Saturday Matinee at 1:30 P.M. High School Horse "Starless Night"
Canada's finest cattle are bred in "estern Ontario. And no finer shows
exist than the champion Holstein and Jersey Shows at the WeStern
Fair. These are the cattle that are sold all over the world.
-4•0441**4,*Orf 4. •
W. O. JACRSON.-Miteeper
Melville Presbyterian
10.00 a. m. Sunday School
LI a. tn. Divine Worship
"Christian Purity"
Minister: Rev. H. 'r. G.Mn, B. 0.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T
Dates for the Fair are Sept, 29th
and 30th, with FridaY, the 30th be-
ing the Main day,
The ladies of the Pair Hoard are
Planning for a variety concert on
Thaneelay night, Sept, 29th, at. the,
OdYatel, Paled,. Watch for farther
EilltiVineelli3lit: et dintith BohO01 10 o'clock
'100/ Saerideee.
"Reineiiiitek thy God and
• •
-•- Aoglieern.Chuteh
Gateway to the West! Doorway
to _Heil I
,qnernasoOpe and 'dt
Jokei MeCeae as the famous Wyatt
Earp finds "anything goes" in. Wit.
on-it BOWItY BOYS"
04-11O14 SOCIETY"
My School Opening MATINE
Peet Connie Book Child
Monday; Tuesday end 'Wednesday
Sertfeitibel• 12 W it' -4 14
Jane dot Jeff iii
"FO5(0i OE"
' With
Jane and Jeff Chandler
The' get Married 1irtt arta
iight it Out, tdiee.
Thurs. - Fril„ Sept. 8 - 0
Double Feature — 11111111111111111WillihsillifighiMEI
Sponsored by the Intermediate
Girls Softball Mob:
Return Bus trip
Leaving 8.00 A. M. return 'MOO P. M.
Reservation Phone 48x4
Ralph PeareohiS Bus LInes
Leaden WeStetti. Pelt adVaneo
Sale tickets now' Mt sale at the
ItIsseie Post .
404.1,31' per year $2.50 u Post Publishing House epiete Jeeet Office DeDartraet, ottaw$1 Wednesday, Septernper 7th, 1955
• ,•-•••••.,
Mrs We L. McKelvey Western Fair IAMONO Sixteen New Pupils 'Trousseau T ea
, 'S. ,ri,„ NV. L. MeKelVeY, John Ste • .
ca r R. R. O. K,) Euroli At BruseJ, For tember rye ep
died in Seett Memori al HOSpitel,1 F a nh, y s h ow
Seaferth where sive bad been Con.'
#11re; Violet Meehan entertained et fined for 10 days, She was thy' '"'14"11' *.'141:11"'t And
Begutler $eaeen Elide With
Brussels Pinkerton Public School Tied For First Place
Contribution, 2,941„Of ••••,•• ...... 12 takes pride in being a "family
fair," 'Western has sumething for
every .01.ember of the Wally_ 'from
livestocilt and. industrial displays,
"flower and ,grandatand shows,"
to Conklin's famous midway and
hire largest .ta.r,rni machinery
Play in Eaetern Canada. LesPite
dry weather Western will , again "
have the largest fruit and vegetable,.
show in all Ontario. •„.
truneseeu tea at the home of Mrs,
1. Mildred Wheeler in honour of her
daughter Shirley who is to be mar-
! rigid this month. Baskets of gladioli
and elm-One decorated the mow
former Clara 14, Hunter, and waa
born in Cranbroek, 14 years ago.
Twice tAarried, her first husband
died raero than 40 years ago, She
'was married in August. 1954, to
1 It was ''Iraelt ezhoot' oil Tues.
day for teachers and pupils. There
was. the usual excitement anti
e victory ,dyer Pinkerton, TheSe two .eourry for books but most of the where Mre, 'Machu., Mrs. Pearl W.14, McKelvey, .o.nd came to Sea-!
teams are -new the top teams in the 1 faces were happy ones gied even Wheeler and Shirley te.sceived"their forth to. reside,Here Site was a
Intermediate "IV grouping, They -Wi4 hough they wouldn't admit it - , gueet4. , Mfrs, mildieu Wheeler member of Northaide 'United March.
enter the playoffs this coming week, , to get back to the comradships and 1;'.irt of the • bride - be open- Besides .her linsband„ four eiStere.i
Pinkerton teed-oft in the first routine of school, The staff at BruS- ed the door l‘liss Joan Mo.chan and four DTI/hers survive, They
ing and got runs. The Sante thing ; Fele Public School le displayed her sister's trousseau are; Mrs. Annie Btahey, Pasadena, I
this year; K. L. Ashton, Mrs. L. • mists Donna Cadmore her' kitchen. Cal, Mrs, (Emilia) McCallum, I !happened in the seeond and they
were then held ecoreles. until the Porter, Mrs, Byetmen and Miss L. ware. end electrical appliances Mrs,
eighth when they finally scored one MlerqSr4 ',Meehan, the kitchen lin.
OWL, china, silver ad" crystal, Miss more run, Brussels Was behind at ; Sixteen youngsters etarted out on. Carol Derbecker displayed bedroom first When they only got one run reorl •
the first inning and' two, in the second ' Puesday on, .the beginning of a ear- 'and table linens, Miss Maxine •
They tallied again in the foUrth with Meehan displayed her sister's Us.
Mg room .eusemble„ Mix's Audrey two runs and again in the sixth,
'Wheeler blankets, quilts, and. bed
The regular season ended leek ;
Friday night When. Brussels ladies
came Out on top of a convincing
Ken. Baker, suns
Bell Telephone
;:•:' €.1,60
63:7 r;
..... .. . • ........
C. K. N, X., advertising
Entertainment, Bands
W alker Stores ••••••/.14.44
Rent of Halls
London Free Press
Teeswater Newi
Brussels Post ...
Blyth, Standard
LuCknow Sentinel
Kincardine News
Walkeilton Herald-Times
Clinton News-Record
Harriston Review
Listowel Banner
2. W. Hanna, oar, driver,
gasoline. and personal expenees ..... 493.50
IViiscella.neous advertising,
stationery, etc. „ .... ....... 463,50
Postage, ()Wee supplies, etc. ...... „ 417,60
.1•••••••••••••• ..... ••• ..............
City and rural visitors alike will.,
St, Thomas; MTS. l\TarY Dalge'P be interested in an educational towel; Mrs, Gordon, hibit of goats in .the sheep and Cralthroek; William. Hunter, Osha- swine ball), There will also be an ,,va; Fred and. Alvin, Soft:11th; edneational .exhibit on c.ross-bred Hamvey, . St. Thomas,. The funeral sheep. `.Tire Ontario Sheep Breed t service wan held from the North. • era Association will hold a sale: side United ,Charch• 'at p. On Septernber15., • Western Ontario I Wednesday with the Rev, J, W. noes.t ein and jersey Shows will' $.111.184M officiating Burial v. as Inaci also be held at Western Fair ageill in Maitland-bank cemetery,.
• , forth. Brussels had 12 runs; S hits; made gins.
Janet Adam.
John Adam -
'Mantas Alcock
:Metal Bronson
Donald Bucluark"
Carl Eliacott
l)tmald Sllliiott
Rae Fischer
Kenneth Grebe',
Arthur Howard
Joyce Kellington
Neil McDonald.
William, McWhirter
Gloria Reed
with, three more. In the eighth Joan I
Machan clinched the game for sure spreads. Miss Helen Johnston was
with her, bases loeded, home run,
in charge of the guest book and
3 errors, 1 home run, Pitcher Verde ' A pink and white treattnent on the , Watson had 12 etrike outs to her table looked very effective with a credit,
Sea- this year,
Western Pair truly belonge to
Western Ontario, Exhibitors come . ,
Wilhim R. LIttle
• from all fourteen 'Western Ontario centre of pink petunias and candles
Pinkerton had 5 runs; 6 hits; Made against a background of lace, Mrs, W.
5 errors: 3, home runs; and had 3 H. Bell. !Brussels, poured tea in the
etrike-outs t,0 !their credit.
counties to compete for $50,000 in
prize money. That's why a day
$2,931.31 2,951.31, Funeral services for William it.
Little, 66, who died at Victoria Hos. anywhere,
Wvhe, .esrteernIt
b eh
best West-4
pita London, on. Monday, from a ern Pair in history.
it-cart condition, 'Wervoncluoted from
his home DTI Turnberry street, Wed- Advance sale admission tickets
nesdaer at 2 p. in. by the Rev. II. T. are three rot $1 and entitle holders
Colvin. under auspic.e.e of Western to draw on two sedans Saturday;
Thail6.11L ch..e 0. Npaos.t1,1.1910, night, September 17th. Tickets are
ifie now on ,sale at The Brussels Bost,
grand. Interment .1v as made in Write Western Fair, Queen's Park,
London, for grandstand Seats. Even-. Brussels Cemetery. '-
He was born on Concession four ing prices are $2., $1.50 and $1. En-.
of Morris Township end was a son closed stamped addressed envelope
of John and Ellen Little, As a young
man, he began work 'with the Bras
sells, Morris and Grey Telephone.
Syseem. For short periods, he was
manager ,of the- 1ocat Farmers' Co-
Operative store and - n garage, but
returned to the telephone 'system,
linesman and later as' manager. In
which he served for years, as a
At Toronto C. N E. No:venter of last /ear he. was
& 0 E
I certify the above to he a true statement of the
receipts and di-sbursements of John W. Hanna, for the
election held on June 9th„ 1955.
DATED at 'Wing:ham this, ist. day of September, 1955,
J. H. Crawford,
Official Agent.
afternoon and Mrs. Valiance Inglis,
Atwood in the evening. Mrs, Ger- The battery for Brussels; Watson Aldine Bradshaw, Miss Lois Dodds, pitching and A. Willis catching, For Miss Isabel Smith, and Miss Teabel Pinker to0;ti Wells pittching, and
Dannally atoning, _ Lorne Ward. Plekmier served the guest. • •
What Kind of Crows liumphries.MacDonal4 THE UNITED CHURCH
"Fight the good fight of faith- -
lay hold on eternal life" 1 Timothy
6;12 was the Biblical basis for the
sermon in the United .Church on Sun,- ,
day Sept, 4. What is eternal life?
According to the Word. of God it is
to know God and Jesus Christ whom
He has sent. Men can know God and
gain eternal life through *Jesus Christ
- on condition of faith in. Him
Men must cling to the faith for it is
through faith that Christ is able to
mediate a Knowleige of God acid life
eternal. He can .do no mighty ivnrks
in men because of their unbelief..,
Miss Margaret Perrie was guest
soloist singing "Just For Today" by) Oat., "The Kansas Farmer'. between i mradhert Teeswater, was the soloist.
S. Partridge and B. Seaver. I The bride wore a floor-length strap- races".
less gown of evlhite accordion-pleat- We anew you could charm people ed nylon net over satin with an with your entertainment Jack but • , over-altirt, of Chantilly lace and a will yoti please enlighten us as to !shirred bodice. The long-sleeved what kind of bird grandstand crows bolero was, of lace with sequin
Walton, - in Knox Vresbe tartan
Ohurdh, Teeswater, Marjory Amelia
MacDonald, Teeswater. became the
bride of Mr. William Henry Ham
.phries, Walton. Me bride is the
'daughter of Mrs. MacDonald, Tees-
Waiter, and the late Mr,. Lewis Mac-
Donald, and the bridegroom the son
,Of Mrs. Humphries, and the late
Mr. William', Humphries. Rev, T.
In Fort Francis
We are wondering what kind of
crows they haVe in Fort Francis. '
"Grandistand" crows 'are new to us.
Apparently they are •educated birds,
We have met "rail birds" but these
'Fort Francis ones are unfamiliar.
This excerpt from the Fort Francis
-with money Order or cheque pay
able at par in London for reserved 1 Boccere and
Johnston Sisters Win
EXCITING Each completelyE
DIFFERENT Differeht - J. McKinney' officiated, The bride
vial given in ina(rriage by .,iher
uncle, Mr. George Marshall.. Mrs.
Hector King, TeeseVater, was- the
organist and Mrs Raymond Saw
Times in the August 25th. account
of the Emo Fair is what aroused.
our curiosity: fiGrandstand crows
.enjoyed the rustic humour and
fiddling of Jack 'lihynne of Brussels,
Friday and Saturday afternoons
John Baldwin's Cherokee Ranch
Rodeo will perform 20 exciting
events-an entirely different show.
Monday and Tuesday afternoons
- Col. Jim Eskew's• Rodeo - 100
head of wild horses and cattle -
40 cowboys and cowgirls.
forced to give up werk on account
of „poor. health. •
He is survived by his wife, for-
merly Sean Sheldon; one daugh-
ter, Jessie, teacher of S. S. No. 7,
MoKillop Township; one sister,
Mrs. John Thyme, Mrs. Ray Craw-
ford, Brussels; and two brothers,
Frank 'of Brassels, and John, of
Clinton. ....
Miss -Doris Johnston, daughter of
Harxey,%.4Mrs.john?ton of Walton,
won herself a gold medal at' the
music competitions- at the .Canadian
National Exhibition in the B Fiat
Horn, Open Ola,s,s with a mark of
Si, Miss Mary Dennis 'of Walton
accompanied her.
Her sister Joan dame second in
the B Flat Horn class, 17 years.and
under with a Mark of 84.
She 'was accompanied by her sister
Cutting, Styling and
Cold Waving a Spsatalty
Phone 40x Brussels
are. and pearl trim. She wore a finger-
• . tip veil Of illusion, net in rose de-
sign held in a heart-shaped 'head-
dress 'of pearl ,sequitts and hrine-
stones. Site carried a white Bible
with a mauve orchid, streamers
September 1954 the age for children and ,stephanotis, The matron of Now Available
starting was .Set to read as follows honor was Mrs. Clarence Coxon,
A child must be six years of age Deeboro, and the bridesmaid was Prize Lists for the annual Bras- On September 2nd, the W. M. S. of
by the 1st of Feb., following the areas 'of Peal and. rhine- Sels- Fall Fair are printed and now Melville church met in the choir
year they start. That is a child the bride. The flower girls were are available on' application to the, ream of' the &arch with the presi-
starting school in September must. Mies Wends, Humphries, niece of secretary, Norman S. Hoover. Every,. dent in the chair, A hyttin Was
'lie 6 years of age by the 1st of the the bridegroom. and Mrs, Elaine one is invited to consult a prize list folloeved. by the Lord's Prayer in
following February. Garter niece of the' glide. Best man and join in the competition, particul- unison. The ,screeture reading was
B, W. Newton,'Sec,-Treas, mos, Mir, Stawart I-Tverrehtles, bro- erlY in livestock as well as Indoor given by Mre. Joe Black and Mrs. N.
titer of the bridegroom, and ushers comPatitious Where. there is ample Cardiff led in prayer.. After the
were Mr. Howard Haekwell, Wel? 'variety So that 'everyone can be an secretary's minutes and the treaeur.
ton and ,Mr, Sohn MacDonald, eXhibitor, while at the same time er's statement et report of the Supply
111111111111111111111nliallallitinlii Teeswater. The coeple will reside adding greatly to the aitr.ectiveness Work was given by Mrs. Dennis. ine
in Teesevatee of the exhibits on Fair Day, bole is to be packed and sent out by
At the regnitar meeting of the
Brussels School, Board 'the 6th of
Fall Fair Prize Lists
• rauult;"441J:edr., MELVILLE CHURC14 W. M. S.
tilE middle of September. The roll
call was answered by a verse from
tube Sertion on the Mount. CallS on
sick were enumerated and current
events froth. the Glad' Tidings were
read by Mrs. Allen, Mlle chapter from
the ;Study Book — Face to .Face
with India — was reviewed by Mrs.
Jas. Armstrong. Meeting closed with
a hymn tollatted by prayer and r the
M ep alt.' '13 enedi cti ,
tivismommisresamiiiiss *
Minister: Rev. A. Lane, B. A.,
2 shows nightly 1.30 — 940
Matinek Saturday 2 P. In,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Sept. 8 • 9 . 10 Turn at Armouries on Highway SS
"I DIDN'T- LO PtCEN't 114tATIlt CI-Infrtfttb BUS
George FernibY TO LONbON
4 iWAdiON TEAMS" SatOtth, Ont,
SATURDA /y SEO'IIMitit14 17th''
Friday end Saturday
Jean Sineenehd Flory Calhoun
Excitement, suspense, thrills, then
after the Wee a bullet Is wolfing, .
Monday, Tuesday- and Wednesday
,zdtNTLENItN Pikt#til BLONDESre
Marilyn -Merited Jane flute:di
Cottle and tee Hollyweatite top awe
tovellye in this 'Wonderful picture
togethee in 4 'great Miieleal,
TharedaY, Peiday and Sotueiday
e, 1,15AWist AT SOtOilItd"
• -•
Pariah, of
Sat. - mon. , Sept, 10
Pat O'Brien, Joan Leslit
I Rey. A. Natman Ellis, M. A.. B. b.
tiirtity XIV Sraidity 12, Septeitxber Wed- Sept, 13 = 14
lltJE MdItIdUto
(Color) (AittIO
1<art Maictorri: Patriold Medide
- • - - '
Children's' Playttreiind fihowl
Nlititty Rain or Chili
Children Under 12 Years
ii a, HOIY. Coilliiiiiitilati
Harvest Festival, , 18tit
„. St.itiaNtlire Chutvh#
2.36 It. 111#':tVenitig
tittide4i S'ettool.
St.. deolteli Waken
#i3-1J ft.. int Morning; PraYer
Tickets Now on Safe at
The Brussels hasPost Cars rrititt
a •