HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-08-31, Page 5k!
Ford .. . . .. 3.25
Chev. ..... 2.96
Dodge ..a......, .. . ..... „.. . ., ... . . . ... . . . ... ....., .. . ........ 4.46
Exhaust Pipes Chev.. Feral alai Dodge -a 3.25
-Pathfinder .... 12.95
Signal Starts .. ... . .. .. .. 44.444444-44 . 66 ... 42,.6166 11,6
fit Cars, any nistial; ,„ 10.44
f. „: ... . . .. .•. ... , . 64 . 6414061/144 ..... 4 .. 0.4446664 . 164 .. • . i . 1
Seal glen* Unite
...... 1.4.44e . 6 ....... 4444•44644444404-46 . .. .. .. I ..... 666 .. 447 . 4 .46 ....... 6611•414 .. .. 460 ....
Spark P lugs • • • 1 • ,69
.64..W.Ift J. 64446 664 6 I6. ... 41.•I 44
Krallnator . Traetor, Car Medal Oil Fi,iters and
,Cartrldgea „Priced Low 40fra' Off List Price
... 6 .... 614.4444i ... 6 .. .. .
Aero Type Shocks 4.95 (Savo up to 50%)
4/664666i .. .. 446646 . 46 .. 6664644 . 6.6"
Generators for all -Make/1 of. dare $7,50 exCharige
BREMELS Pon Weatwaty, Augest ;.11,4 1.26t •
""". 't5" ", MA. 15 e hen 111.44!"46414..441e6146/
we hcfrfre eve,-
PAINTING TENDER c-K,T ,4 of paint Int toe ,epplied ila tho extorter
wee4Weati and, .0,i1 trim 'it th e. pm. soul lioettai building 0,141:
Nunes' Ite.illearn: V Mr:ghat. TeraderA to Il e ia the haindli
of R- Arnaialaaa IaJ •airty frommitteo br 6 p,
,ThviroLiy. smtmo," gth.
Partiagfa -4 may 1,0 obtained from the tibrore ItterMorf-
aid at any t:;.rw;. Work to he eomplernd by Snturday; Oetuhur
8th, 313"
.14 ,1,1a.f.11. efrefl A Wesrafial. Ain Ara,
arness APacing
Sansolliina now Ite# Won added 10 Western fair. Two
sepuroto and giaaplately different Rodeos will Orgertain in
f rant of the Grandstand at 2;00 p.m.
en The following days:
Monday and Tuesday afternoons-
4ins fskew's Rodeo
Friday.and Saturday arts:means,
,John Baldwin's Cherokee Ranch
Prices: Children Mc Adults $1,00.
Reserved Seats $1.50.
Monday Afternoon Special - Children ,2Sc.
2.00 o'clock Wednesday ant,
Thursday Afternoons-. Canada's
Richest Colt Stakos: 20 and q•YooF
Standard Bred Futurities pies
4 other class row °malls/a and
heavy harness, events,.
e Spedat ,Evening Shows only 'I
posh cwonino Poo. Hoorki .1,4.,Soo, Now York, prowl the 61. Grandstand follicsr featurin the
Roxyetto Dancers 009 ototbncl,
lila vaudeville acts.
Reseryod seats $2.00, $140, $1,00,
Sofo'ro,' such • variety to chow- from. Pion to
sea At feast two of those exceptional' .attructiorts,.
M4k0 .yot4 rusurvutiOns early by writing to the Western
Fair. 415.r4iation, 014,0Ants Park, tOndon„ Ontario. •NOWT: WILLIAM ALEXANDaft M00,4,li--
NiVillianit Alexander McCall, 0,11
tremed and lifelong resident O'
Morris. ToWnsip passed away a't
home nit the ninth concession
Sunday, July 8ist., 1955,
laile Mr. MeCaU :was hUrn; r
February, 5th, 1374, on the elght
concession Of his TIRtalte TOWtATO-
the eldest son of Une late 9061%--
McCall and Sophia Small, 01 005
Married Letitia, MacArthur, a1
of the ninth 002100$5,1011, f011OWID
VI he illltrelA50d WS' 'tater-it
laws lam and lived there during th'
remainder of his life, His wife pre
dectaaaed him 18 years ago, He Wa
a member of Duff's 'United Chureb •
He is survived by three Sons and
three daughters, Glen ,and Alan. at
home: Jim of Bullet Town'hip:
(Mary) Mrs. Archie YOUng, and
(Hattie) Mils. Harry Snell, both of
Bullet Township; (Clara) Mrs, Ian
Perrle. of Grey Township and 13
grandchildren, One son predeceased
him in infancy, Also 'surviving are
five brothers, George, Jim and. David,
of Victoria B. C.; Harold, of
ton Arthur of Walton, and one sister
Hattie. of Godsby, Alberta. Two
sisters, Anne and Emma predeceased
The funeral service sviss held Wed
naedaY, August 3-nd. at 1,30 p,m. from
Ms late residence, Rev..H, T. Oolvin,
Melville Preabyteriau Church, Biller
els, conducted the service, Miss
nargaret Perris, a grand-daughter
of the decriased, sang a lovely solo
accompanied by Mrs, Harvey Brown,
.Tosephl 7 nw0ey, Edward Itrylans,
0 'rho Dellbeaters were Messrs.
Frank Walters, George l'iTanthur,
,holm Taylor and. Charles Murray
Flowerbearers were Margaret and.
David Perrie, and 'Bill and Betty
Interment was made in Brussels
Prises: Children .30e, Adults $1.00. Reserved Seats $1,50.
°i:A\II .1,..IMOON,
JA *30+4, Atar.agy
c,40 3.53 • ‘irmeremenetie..
Tickets Now on Sale at The Brussels Post s
Sunday yisftors with Mr. and
Mrs. L, H. Gordon were Mr. and
Mrs, W. A. Gordon, Toronto, Mrs.
Verna. Ransom and Miss "Tommie"
Gordon of Wallace-burg. Miss Nor.
don will leave early in September
for Homesetad, Florida, where her
marriage to Mr. Elwood Day Hanna.
formerly of Windsor, Ont., will take
place. Mr. Hanna is a son of the late
Judge j. W. Henna and the late
Mrs. Hanna,*
WESTERN FAIR PATHONS that meeting adjourn to meet again
PROMISED GREAT SHOW Sept. 13,th, at 8:30 p. m. or at the
calf of the Chairman.
Dr. Hereward David Livingstone
died at his home, 68 Queen's Drive
Weston. A specialist in diseases
of the ears, nose and throat, he hat.
retired from practice about 10 years
Born in Brussels; Ont.. Dr. Liv-
ingstone was an only son of the
late Neil and Emily Livingstone .„
and a great nephew of Dr. David
Livingstone, explorer of African
fame, ,
*He was a graduate in medicine
From TtilnitY College and mac.
tiecd for 20 years in Rockwood
Oat. He then took post-graduate
work at Manhattan Hospital, New
Yodk, before continuing his-pract.
Ice as a specialist in Toronto, in
He was a member of St. John's
Anglican 'Murcia In Weston,
He leaves his vitfe, Bertha
Morris Livingsbn0.
Throe Sinicoe educationists are
the, anthers of two work text books
in arithmetic for Grades 1 and 2
entitled, "Up The Number Ladder"
Book One and Two.
"Where Bitter Bulls Are Used"
We hay,, used frozen semen 100% since December lst„,
1954. The conception. rats has been slightly :higher .than it was
liafore .frozen seinen was. used, Mr. and Mrs. Murray finethei en-
joyed several days holidays last week
in Ottawa and. attended the Toronto
Exhibition on Saturday.
Public School Inspectors W.F.
Harnmell, B. A., B. Peed., and D. S.
Lawless B. A., M, Ed., and Mrs.
Dorothy A. Packard collaborated to
write and design the books, which
Brill be patlallislhed by The COP
(Barb Company Limited for sate
this September.
Recognizing the need for such
a text book, 'the trio have been
working on it for the past year.
Tho Inepeotors supplied the mat.
erlal and Mrs. Packard carried oat
the designing and arrangement of
Books of this
monly used in Ontario are Amer-
ican textis- published in Canada. The
"Up The .N;uraber Ladder" bookz
are based on.-the Ontario Course of
The writers feel that in addition
to having arithmetic work books
on the market which. are essentially
Canadian, they are providing both
teacher and pupils with teaching lisArr-0-$0?-•
material and subsequent exercises
which will carry the child through
the process of learning and number
concepts. first through the con-
crete, secondly the semiabstract
and into the final stage of abstract
This newt development has made it Passible for the
snembers to use the bull. of their choice more of the time.
Mrs. RoSs Speira.n and son Keith
Saginaw are visiting this week with
Mrs, John, Pride and other friends.
Miss Eleanor Keys, Seaforth,n
Spent several days with her aunt
Mrs. H. J'. Engel.
Where else can you get as much for your money as by
"preeding your cows artificially to our co-operatively owned buns,
For service or information, phone collect
Clinton 242 or Palmerston 66
between ; 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. week tiara
7.80 and 9.30 A. H. Sundays
nature most; corn- Mrs, W. L. McKelvey, Sea:forth. is
confined to the hospital with virus
Bonded Brake Lining- all makes of cars $8.00
. ..
I now handle a complete line of
Electric Fences
89% of urban
prefer Butter
to any other spread
13 Plate $7.45 exchange
15 Plate
11095 exchange
17 Plate 14.95 exchange
Low Ford
12.95 exchange
High Ford 13.95 exchange
English Car Batteries 14.50 exchange
All Batteries Guaranteed.
with Batteries for Fences Only 3.6b
Also stock Battery Cabiles and Straps
Tubes L70 x 15 4 Ply 16.75
Tires 6.00 x 16 -- 4 ply 16.75
Tubes 6.70 x 15 4.00
Tubes 6.00 x 16 3.25 ,
49 - 54 Ford
49 - Chev.
49 - 54 Dodge
Dual Exhaust Kits 18.50
Complete Stock of all Other Mufflers
• Guaranteed at a Low Price.
Fuel Pumps (New) 2.95
Water Pumps-Chev. 5.25-Dodge 6.00-Ford 6.50,
sedans on the last night of the Pair
September 17, NatalraAly you prefer butter!
It's a natural dairy food, made of rich
wholesome cream, delivered to your
creamery while it is country-fresh.
Batter's flaViSt is all its own
mild, delicate, creamy. For
good eating, good living,
there's nothing like butter!
Flexy Cra Wash Brushes 4.95 •
•.•..•.:••.: 7,45 ,-.. 29.95 Seat CoVers from GREY TWP. SCHOOL
BOARD MEETING All Simonize Products In Stock, Liquid and Paste ,:
44 14. • •
Chemical' Line of Radiator Stop Leeks, Rust
inhibitor, Crank Additive and Prake Field
... , .... 4161444 ............. 44646.46 ..... 6/446 4..4 4 " ..... • .. . 44 ......... 644.40466 .... 6444
Pot, a booklet of ghtui new qab'y
Pod recipes, write to Ilittrie Fiviset,
Cempilete line of Victor Gaskets also
Ramos. and Nesting Rings
... .... ....... . .. ..... ...... 44444 .................. ... 0.4444444
Master Cylinder Kits and Wheel Cylinder Kits
on motion of. McLian and BreVai.
Motion of McLean and McFarlane
that the Board apPrOve transfer of 1
aceident insatrame from srlitedule
one part one to schedule two part
one of the Workman's Compensat-
Wakefield Castro! Oil In 5 gal. palls In
-Standard and Heavy Duty 5 Oafs. for $6.50
A Division of Dairy Farmers of Canada
H. D. eel Std. $8.40 per case (24 cite.)
• 66 ... -.4..466 - .. -4 .... ' .4.•,66..4
Western, Fair, London, September
12 to 17, will be the Mecca for all
Western Ontario families this year.
Visitors are promised the most out-
eta:siding show in history, from
prize livestock housed in, the most
tip-to-litute livestock pavilion in Can-
ada, to the greatest six day grand-
stand performanc.0 Western has
ever offered its patrons.
An added feature for the first
four evEining grandstand performan-
ces, Monday to Thursday inclusive,
will be Priscilla Wright, Canada's
14.-iyeariold singing sensation, 'who
will be directed by her Lather, Don
Wright, London, founder and dlr.
actor of the Don Wright chorus of
Nine George A. I- amid and Son
.Nina George A. Hamid and Son
allstar acts will be beaded by a
brand new Grandstand Follies, pre-
sienting "Stairway to the Stars", a
brilliantly costumed extravaganza
with a line of lovely talented dancers,
The famous J. E. Ranch Rodeo -
will provide thrilling grandstand
entertainment Monday and Tuesday
afternoonls, September 12 and 13.
The great Futurity trotters and'
pacers will take over Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons and a
brand new rodeo, the Cherokee
Ranch Rodeo, will provide more
thrills Friday and Saturday after-
Afternoon grandstand prices are
$1 for adults and 50 cents for child-
ren:, with two reserved sections at
$1.50 per seat. There will be a bar-
gain 25 cents for all children Mon-
day afternoon 'only, ,thinking and understanding.-
Evening reserved prices: $2 $1.50 A Fresh Approach
and $1, Mail orders should include The authors believe that these
books will net only be of great as- stamped addressed envelope, money
order or cheque, payable at par sistance to the inexperien,t
London. teacher bat that the experienced
teacher will find through. Its Pages
Advance sale tickets are three a 'fresh at to this important
for one dollars and are now or. subject and will welcome hie pages
Sale at the Brussels Post. Fair Of of ,eYtamises, and reviews which are
ficiala. point out that only marches. iramaartant featutes.
ere of adylanne tickets can partici- In announcing the Publication of
pate in the draw for two expensive the books, • the Copp Clark Comp-
. any makes Several observationsI
The books have virtually no
story material to be read so that
Progress in arithmetic is not tied to
reading ability,
I They provide: a plentiful amount.
The minutes were read and adopted of drill and review,
they .stress the place of concrete
and manipulative materials.
They offer helpful and sound stg-
gestions to the teacher and stinatI,
late Drafter and adeatiate presents,i0
flan of number wtrir,
They nerve as springboard ant
Motion of McLean and Brown that guide for extra practice In the
:McFarlane (purchase heating unite , Pupils' exercise books.
Slmcore Reformer, for No.'s, 3 and 4.
Motion of Bolger and McLean ,
that Gan. King install . Gilson 28E1 - MY HEADACHE
furnat,r, 1,10, 11 for $475,00- esta0,1 4 He is, 'my headache" enclaimed
photo ? one small-town mayor recontlY.
Motion of Prawn aad Bolger that Here- is "his" story, 'Wife and
secretary order a5 desks front Iraper• family of five. Destitute and twine-
ial Deqe CO., Petrolta for 110.'8: 5 and less, A home built for theta by a
4. inkwells In the two larger local Church. frequently en
Manna of McLean and Mown that
following hills he paid.
Ralph Pearson, bus trip ....„„ 15,06
F'r'ed Kirkpatrick, suPPlieS 9,02 to do so.
labour at No. 7 it,,b6 'hut o•ould never hold a job lot Nang.
Mr. Headache - a good Worker
NL gtievel
taxa) Three timers ifi court "Thittt deal C. Etkinier, labour
TM for torlasaPpert of year leabilya°
Elton neat and Sert, paiattag at Yost t'onliaVe gtessed it! This it
140.3.s, 7, and it 051.00 the TRITE SterY Of One tlettin,
C. and it. Kraliter, repairs 25,25 tti P11-6 tarot, a t6g44106t*6tft1ei
Mellon of Metarlatie arid titteat totva. Wlre«e 1161660 Atr-
er 'Mira/ o,
ifours:,'Evenings, AD Day 'Ftlellay7and'Savarday
The new hotne Very. ,shortly became:
a. shambles. Mayor 'Warned by
health authorities to clean it tt.P.
-Cottheil refused the Money retittited
Car Aerials , .,........4,....•.•1..,.....1.1,2.95 up
. ,„ ....... •
Special this Week, Outside White Paint 3.95 gal.
also carry a line of ignition and Motor Porte,
terlaurateas, Fan telti, Paint 6tiptilles, Tom,
gueptlild driede and Fishing supottes.:
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Finlayson, De,
trait, visited with Mr. and. Mae, J.
Ttt:v. e3nclueoa
regubr /rolling ;wles -cut SIM-
daaa. Mr. Bah Barwick was guest
;:o111.-t with Mies Miss Margaret
eyrie presiding at the organ
Mrs, Allen OsznerOn. Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan Cameron and family' all at
London, and Mr, and Mrs. James
Cameron, Sarnia„ spent a few days
at their home here.