HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-08-17, Page 4Morris 'Township
August 2, 1955.
The Council met
riall on the ,above
members Present.
the =rfiiwutes of
Council Meeting.
'in the Townshin
date with all the
the last meeting
and' the meeting of July 29 were
read. and adopted on motion of Ross
.1)uncatii and Walter Shortreed.
Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec•
onded by Stewart Procter that the
Township Rate for 1955 be set at
9.5 mills, — Carried.
Moved by Wm. Elston, seconded
by Ross Duncan that the road bills
as presented by the Road Superin-
tendent be paid,
Moved by Walter Shortreed, • see-
smiled by Stewart Procter that the
11W ging adjenrn to meet again oil
Septeiraber 6 ,at 1 p.
The following Recounts Were paid;
B. I-tall, Compensation
Insurance $35.50
—Edward ThomPson, trucking
earth 6.00
film paid. For full details, white P.O.
Box No. 50.
imEtrbItsid ASSOCIkel'ON
"Where Better Bulls Are rttnd"'
Artificial Ineemination service
all breeds -of cattle, For tattle* at
infarniation Phone Clinton SO, be
Paltiterstort ad collect, betWein t4111
and 10.00 A. M. on week days *Al
• 7.20 and '0.20 A, M. Oh §tiiiiitlYs.
ELMA VAIIMEat mortutt
FIRE iNgtlitA:Ntt CO,
Eabibiletied In '404
Head Office Attvotiol, Ont.
ot'rtt, 000000tYi Private 61440402e
And dontnntg In tniiona atitt Viilailtee
Satiable, t hUrehea and Halle
Olt an
isktiMtit AD,IiistMEtslt Otv
Odritndi yiith, No060
• bieeatoi, w=i. AO*
k ?told() WAL ITFIELD
IV'ednOsdAY., Atignst 11th. 1955 Tim BiWS8
plaapsrl'OCK removes 4141 Mir
Mrs. Ituasel Knight tatanited Mis3,
Turnbull and presented her With a
glet, bartu premptly or sal:4447
weeks old. TelePhone Colleet ; Brussels 0111.11
or Eltnitxt 50i.
FQR $A1 —
30 olunt;,s 10
Graham Work,
MenCriefe and Brue,s,els WOrnien's
Institutes ware guests at this meet.
Tito meeting elesed with 1,11e• Nat,
°nal Anthem. f4ttno4 was Served in
to basement,
.4•,.. 1
• 0 , d 9 MO School Boots, xsei. spg.mi.„§„
taken care Oe a piece Bath Including 5 Toot da4
iron recessed tub with,supplies and
shower, Pop-up state and over,
flow, chrome, drawer rod,
17 x 19 or 18 2Q Dada with 4"
Phone Pale .Cardiff •
Mgt, cash, prices paid for dead,
old, sick or disabled horses or cows,
Phone promptly, Leroy Acheson,
It. 3, 3 Atwood,
centre taps, pop-up waste-
I Compact tenet with seat Price
2140.5D complete, other. 3 Platt*
bath combinations from $134.
50 Frigidaire water, heating unit&
I 5 year warranty :33% gallongape
city $134,50„
Pure Water. Softeners 30,000 gra
capacity $125.00.
• • Special value 5 foot Master pen.
broke corner bath tub left ban/ ea.
let complete $97,$0,T
All plumbing Items are Ca*
adtan Manufacture anti guarante04
first grade.
J., P. Stretton,'Plumbing and Reit-
Lag and Electrical Wiring, Phone 51
Dr, and Mrs, It, W. Stephens
have lieturno from vacationing at
Red Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Turnbull, .Peter-
borough, have been visi.bers ailth
relatives In, this.cOmmunity.
- V •
Mr. and Mr. Wm, CoIaman, Wawa,
are visiting his parents, Mr. and. Mrs.
A. Coleman
.* • 's
Dr, G, R, stenti.en$, Bolton, IP
holidaying with his parents Pr.
and Mrs, R. W. Stephens,
* *
Mr, and Mrs. F, NV, Told, Linda
and Roger, are vacationing in
Mr. and Mrs. B, Pollard attended
the wedding of their grandaughter,
Miss Helen Rintottl, Reg, N„ to
Douglas Stuart at Galt on Friday.
M• I b
;' •
A wedding ring.
NV13' at the Brussels Post.
23 pigs, ready to wean, 1 liere-
ford Heifer due to calf soon. apply 1
Clare Van Camp , Phone 151'18 ll
=,;•_?-•;‘,7"'" •
For meat, farm ase or bush. AlsO
good shape, ,
Wilfred Nicholson, Monktos.
buggies and. wagons, mus in t be Brussels
Poultry, all types of Poultry. High
est Cash Prices.
Phone 63683 3. A. McLean, Monbean
Now pouring white Clover HOney
ai 25e per lb. in your own contain
ers, 1 lb. comb honey sections 50c,
Wallace Ross Apiaries
Seafonth, Ont,
Phone 185 a- Seaton:h.
-- •
Write Dept. B P or visit our
showrorms, Open Monday, Wednes-
day, and Friday evenings and all day
-mkt. •••
chener returned to her home on
Saturday after visiting Mrs. R. S.
Mr, Rana Rai, Calcutta, India, an&
Wayne johnston, Ripley, were guests
this week with :Gordon. Lane at tilt
United Church Parsonage.
rt *
• Master Danny And Eredd,y Haig,
Kitchener, ,,and Miss Pamela Joy
Ruasell„ Masterville, Quebec,
grandellillren of Mrs. Florence
Russell appeared on. TV from Kih. tc
ever last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W, G. Weiss and
little daughter Jacquelyn motored.
from Winninneg, Man., to spend a
eeuple of weeks with her grandmother
Mhz, Florence Russell, Miss Margaret
Russell also returned with them
after having spent three weeks in
Winnipeg, .
1 power lawn mower, 1. pair of ,
garage doors, with tracks; 1 Ax.
minster rug 9 x 12 with under pad.
a chest 1 - .upright piano and
Phone 19x Brussels,
Dramatic Proof of Chevrolet's Success!
Everywhere in Canada, consistently, more Che-
vrolet cars are sold than those of any other manu-
facturer, And now, to a greater extent than ever
before, the 1955 Chevrolet is the favorite of
Canadians from coast to coast,
This Is Important To You!
Because Chevrolet builds so many more cars, each
one costs less to make. That's the simple, provable
effect of volume production. And this saving is
passed on to you in the form of more value, and
more 'features for the money than you can get
With any other car on the market. Also, compare
Chevrolet's prices and you'll know for sure at
least,one reason why so many more people buy
Chevrolet year after year — especially this year.
Day by day, Qhevrolet gains in c""D
WANTED : Reliable man as
Dealer in Huron County. • Experi-
ence not necessary. A fine 0P-
Poutunity to sttp into old profitable
business Where Rawleigh. Products
have been sold for years, Big pro.
fits, Proliucts furnished on credit,
s Write Rawleigh' Dept. 11-152-163
Montreal, P. Q.
A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE popularity-value sale$
• 19 Market Place
The Vereattre dependable
Riverside. Motors - Brussels, Ont. Miss 'Pamela. :Toy Russell spent a few
' days with 'her grandmother, Mrs. 1
_ Florence Rusgl, Pant Slew from FOR SALE —
her home in Michiasterville. P. Q., to r 1 Claire Jewell coal and wood
Ninnigeg,. Manitoba, where she I range, med. size, nearly new, 1 tole-
spent six weeks„with her aunt and I main, 3 burner gasoline stove, also uncle, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Weist• then 1 gas lamp and irm, 1 colony house retureed with them to Brussels by i ear and was met in London by her ' LI ft, 'Mare, quantity of dry Apple
Nov we ask you to accept these
glft,s, and as you use them to think
often of us, ., I
Your friends,
Council Shower for Gloria Clark CRANBROOK Morris
Chairmern. for ihe..Catta,dian Nair
ional Institute for the Blind Fign4
Raising Oanipaign this Fall ball
oAreadY been appointed eloreli,
Enron County ooranaiinities,
In a tour of the County last week
E. F. Wheeler, C. L Dlottke
Field Secretary, visited Betosetlir
Bayfield, Clinton, Exeter, GOdetieta,
Hensel, Lueknow, Seatorth, Witt-
hain, Iteividk and Zurich,
MIS year the N. L retadreis
$57,000.00 te Operate lta. regional
office and its Mine for the Wild
in London and to Provide 11011
services and training for blind is
Middlesex. Elven, Elgin and Per&
counties. "(
'CA care 457,090,00 reanited,
000,00 hen been contribtitd. by pant.'
icipal and county cent:cella and tit
000.00 is expected from Conant:30
Cheats, in London, .Stratford alit
tigin Coutittt,
tubterltiiou targets in the
cainpaigri areas are Middle:Set
000,66, tritton $3,500.00 and tiertit
olittitinet appointed last _16 tent' liteinde-r. Iteg., IA74
Cousins, Aeottii: V,
Roy, Clinton:; B. totot-,
1. a itilikend, doderieli4 thttiatii
Parke, Tlentall; B. 414fiti:
Par R. R. A. Ituntet„ its*,
left; jt, 'smith and d, G. l3tigbti=
itteiii„ titg
bait; Atit tCott, tditati.
tiniiinritle'6:16ttiHn;t'th'n.r 14,..t6e151i:116400'6•611i'W
*Sib. tits:Oti; $10411
Clinton; $4.60.00:
tItb,60; Luctdtd, '$170$1
teAtottiip thnitiAity $40liti4
*riot, $166.:06.
The regular Morning service Iii
Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun
day, Aug. 14, Was conduced by Rev.
W. A. Williarni. Mrs. Harold Sniall
don, Walton, contributed. a Solo
There will be no service next San%
day, Aug, 21st,
and Kim stove wood, Ldinelatint 2 M mother, rs. A. Russell. ismieces, in 'same pattern 9 x 15'
About fitly ladies were present
Tuesday night, Aug. 9th., at the
home of Mrs. Frank BleCutcheon.
She was assisted by Mrs, George Dal>
Cutoheon and Mrs, Harry McClitch.-
eon, helped in the kitchen,
A. special chair was decorated
with pink and white streamers.
Abcive the, chair a pretty green um-
brella hung over the head of the
A garne of Bingo was played,
everyone had to fill the card by hav-
ing your neighbor write on your
card. Than the names were called
out, and when someone held a 131nge
a prize was given. Gloria's public
school teacher of S. S. No. 3 Morris
won the prize.
After the bingo, au address was
read by Mrs. iGeO, McCtitcheon and
a heatititul display of useful gifts
wag presented, in a decorated pink
and white wagon drawn by little Vo-
rine McCutcheos and Brenda Bone.
Gloria was assisted by Mrs.
Ernie Pletch and Mrs, Wilfred War-
wick to opeft all the gifts.
brand hew,
L. Querengesser Phone 8311.4 'The number of miles of road oper.
sled by Canada's two principal
railway coMpanies has; increased by
4,736 since 1923.
—Quick Canadian Facts
Mr. and Mrs. Winston Metachn er
A suitable reply was made by Miss.
dark for all the lovely gifts.
A delicious limch was served by
Mrs, William" Empey, Blyth and.
Mrs. Ivan Campbell, Brussels, and
.also Miss Karen Hugill, Seaforth,
There were all kinds of assorted
fancy sandwiches, cookies and show
en cake, tea. Mrs. Margaret
I and faintly,. London visited with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes, .Me
franyks'haW, Mrs. Thoinia.s Garniss
Brussels. helped make the fancy
Rave your &WIC esnbi and 0111111.
pools cleaned tie eatillary Win abw
to ovoid trouble.
Irvine Caxton, Phone SSC
Allireston, Oat
Hatching eggs wanted by' one of
Canada's largest and oldest eatida
6-acre Farm, frame house, ineul tished batcheri6ls' Eggs taken
atery week in thelear. Big Prom
The _Minutes were read and adopt,
ed on motion of Bolger and Mc-
Motion of Brown, and McFarlane
that on account of the crowded Coln-
dition in most. of die schools the pup.
ils beginning in. September must be
six by the end of that calender year,
siding, barn, Priced at $3500.x-
100-afore Farm, frame ' hoot,
bank barn, priced at $8800.00.
Good house in. Village, bath, fur
tame, halt, garage, on Main street,
priced at $4300.00.
Frame house, instil siding, now
reofs. Prided at $2,350.00
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Giesler, Fraser,
Mich., :spent the week-end here.
Mr, and Mns, Mac, Bagel, Mr. and
Mrs. Claire Long' and GerrY are
visiting in Saginaw.
Mr, and Mrs. Allister Bird, Mr, and
Mrs. Glen Ruether and Gerald are in
Sarnia visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Cameron.
Mr, and Mrs. Blair McInteah and
fanuly, LiatloWel With Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Auether,
Miss Rose Campbell is visiting
in Mitchell this Week.
75-acre Farm, frame house, bank
barn, prided at $5500.00.
75-acre Farm, futile house, itund
siding, barn 44 x 48 with 32 WM
sprialig crop?, priced halt $6000.16.
C. tong, rteaitor,
larttsseIs, Ont
Dranbrookt Women's Institute Dear Gloria -
Blyith Telephone. calls 2,85
bounty of Enron, indigent Sees 22.50
A. Ilowes, Campbell Drain 80,09
L Campbell, Campbell. Drain 5.00
3. WarWielr, Campbell Drain 5,0
Relief 30.00
Bailie Parrott, Reeve,
Motion of Brown Mid McFarlane
that a large tank be purchased ter
IsIa. 8 school and that Bolger sup-
ervise the completion of the repairs
to the toilets.
Motion of McFarlane and Bolger
that Conley look after the rebuild-
ing of the platform at No. 6.
Motion of Bolger and Brown that
McFarlane look after repairs at NO,
To-night we have come together to
extend our ,zineeregt wishes for
In:mines% In your coming inarrage.
A.4 you look around you, you 'tin
sseq faces which may bring 'haat
in ein Or i some sad and others eo• C. -,Martin, Clerk. 1 *balmy of the h3>-gone. days.
We, your public school palS, high 3.
IS Way, i • -
et)!Geti4ew ep QUick oy Lyon traVel in high and never ;r" are't"ake't lag years sung by Mrs. Smith of `the
The Meeting opened with the
Institute Ode, the Mall Stuart
Collect, and the Lord's prayer. the
minutes Of the last meeting were
read and Carried. The tell. call
Was answered by Waning or wing.
Ing a flower beginning with your , imi
owii initial. Utz. C. Stetfler and .. 'I lIP• #61,t SAL:t .--
rttliet , w e eks6.'''' ...0,1i I • tilwaYA femonibtr'Your ttlibng fa" Uetion of Mrteati and BroWn that nibita at the Brussels fall fait. The
16:t/ 111111'6U' E.'" `°,:i'A "7E4 oat e„ttet. ' ' env neiglibeurg and tth, Iiii.eits, Will no laying, • ' •ethool clionis, trowittowit and Briie.
auditors report be accepted.
Motion of :Rrown qtid l‘lellean that .Moilyitki.it'tWiliiritt;oPettoriathowiteraeftteht? tht6ain :at_ ' 1.001 tow mot
Pullets A Atteektis old /5 D ents ea • ,. .
into-tit Vitt$1. eta Sunny dislinaltiort. even though the Secretary send bill to Wm, Coat. Mott — ,3ortioe is the loviegt fit*, ,,,,,,. an 7i.treall . t you will no longer live near 1.1:` es for $394,00 for Dunitsi attending :or in the gatilet of tivilitaTtion WO *81- , iru'-**11:aili
.,,,,.. ,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ri-us"'"''''''''— ' OM' .seittlninenta are well "". Area.gehoolg. tretated by Mtg. b. ttefflei, 1 and 1 4400411.61:1-' obit
, a ,,,., i li' Preased In this little tOein.
Otte t 40 50 601 • • - -' ' ''
mot,. ,,,,, BroWn and MbFarlatie read btu '1\tra, r„ ittetitkilok. A ' 418filikilmilit — ' , AA, you ellrob t-- hills of time - • that th e toile-Wing hills be paid. lip. Petri- ,.. .. solo entitled, It is no ,secret, Vas 1 ISSOA* 11,40iiid
111.6 Monorjeff W. I, Miss Fiore.' Turn- I—,
Mill 'then ,ShOWed tete Very interest" 1.1
:77'1'1., lag tiling on bet trill•. is fkfliittda ' - '
..at. bt th6 t,eroy v11,101,,a,v,ciptpoirtbea Shift gears,
44 alma It.
D. X. 'McDonald, rattail%
„Teiltti Boalyitara, cedar'
ListOWei Hydro
,nt at 40,50 o
Yil'atactesir too of ditto,
If pep and6, a katot,. with Ostlet Tor& Tablets torY: 1 plenty o,f malt never
wbieh were oijnytd eVertele kiYddtutit,TuridOwn feeling dud to ;l0 Fed tgl
*Ad& you may "rtypgari41.010,„
a 4,0 ,stnadoii:
.4.1r,611, Brussels Creamery
Ofi4" ; T. Carl 1-lemingway, SOc.-Tree.5.
atitegtrultribteLo ,sseir,,,,iy Of, At au diuggis
11-44 Wag° ides: • feg Got..t;