HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-08-10, Page 1Pas P0414hipg House 'Pr INTEREST TO FIGURE. SKATERS Mies FeYe Love, Walton, member or the Seaforth. Figere Skating Club, (la:ae been attending the ,$trateord Stlinneer Figure .Skating School, The .school is being conducted. by Ross Smith in the curling rink in. Strat, ford, Faye has successfully completed 'her Bronze Figure and Dance tests with high matte and is. now work-. ing on Silver*, UNITED CHURCH In his sermon in the United Church on Sunday, Aug. 7, Mr. Lane remind. ed his hearers that elander, scorn, Malice, and revenge are very danger• ous weapons to use in the conflict of life. They have .a tendency to boomerang, thus doing more harm to the person using them than those against whom they are used. The sermon was baud on Mark 15:31 'He saved others; Himself He cannot save" — a, slur ;on Jesus from the mouth of scornful scribes — a slur which revealed the nature and character of Christ more truly than `they had intended, Mr, Ross Smith of 13luevale was guest soloist, singing "Now I Belong to Jesus," by N, J. Clayton. Nest Sunday a Pulpit Drape, a a memorial to the late John and Jessie Strachan will be dedicated. Services •riterleing the Centennial oe, Melville Presbyterian Church, new. on Sunday, attracted large congrtz. ations, botk morning and evening. The gtkest preacher rer the day was Rev, Samuel Kerr, Exeter, a minister of the erongregatiori from 1937 to 1945, Over 7.08 members and former members of the congregation signed the visitors book at .the entrance to the church, It was in charge of the reception committee, Mrs. T. T. Mc- Rae, Mrs., J. 0, Backer, Mrs. N. B. Cardiff, James S. Armstrong, Several former members of the church who .had not visited 'here for over 39 years renewed old acquaint- ances. Each service was preceded by a short recital of earl:11We, and other music by L. D. Thompson, 'R. Y13. T„ organist of the ,olutroh; end the choir vice aegeeeented by many former members who had returned for the anniversary. Special music included solos by Mrs. George Backer, Lon- don (nee June Work); and Mrs: Carl Douglas. Wroxeter; (nee Marie King); selections by the male chorus of the church. ,anthems by the choir in which Solos were sung by Miss Mary Lou M•celarlane and Brian Prescott, Mrs. W, C. King, a former organist, assisted with the music at teeth services. Rev. Mr. Kerr, who moved te Nova Scretia when he left Brussels anti had recently returned to Exeter, was given a hearty welcome and ex pressed his joy at taking part in the 100'elt ,enniverenry celebrations, la his morning sermon, "Three Values That are Eternal" he named faith, hope and love as the ,eyerlastiny virtues. At the close ef the morning seriee, a decorated three-tier birthday cake, topped with a sparkling "100" done in silver candies, was cut by Mrs. George Kerr, the 'oldest member of the eengregation, who celebrated her 01st. birthday in July. After she had cut the cake with a, white-ribbon-tied silver knife, it wee carried to the 1 schoolroom of the church, where it occupied the centre of the luncheon table. The 'entire congregation was invit- ed to lunch, which was served in re- lays of 250 in the church basement by members of the Ladies Aid end Young Women's Guild, The birthday lunch. In served at the end of the In, the afternoon, a abort informal program of speeches and music was held in the church school room. The overflow crowd gathered on the lawn and a public address system relayed the program 'to them and to others seated in cars. D. M. McTavish, chairman for this program, paid tribute to the founders. Mies: Mary Helen Eckmder, : Mich., sang two solos, her father, L. W. Eckinier; London, a former Mee ! of the church, expreseed, his great pleaeure at being present. Rev. Alex. Nimmo, Wieglierre Moderator of the 1111111111111N111111111111bitiaUSIN REGEN1 THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. . I se • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "WAR ARROW" (COLOR) Jeff Charidier Maureen O'Hara The never-before-told story of ,Major Howell Brady Whose troop of savage warriors defeated the Kiowa Hordes to write a danger blazing chapter In the annals Of the west. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "ROAD TO BALI" (Color) Bing. Crosby Bob Hope Hit the road to entertainment De- light with Ding, Bob and Dorothy Lernoue hi a slaphappy saga of the South Seas, Loaded with terrific) turseen beautiful oafs and GAO galore. Thursday, Friday and Sett day ban bailey - COlitteried Strith totting 11-1A0obr Alan Cameron Funeral services for Alan Cameron : who died at his home on Sunday, July it 31st, was conducted from his home on Wednesday afternoon at 3 P. m. Rev. W. A. Williams of Oranbrook Presbyterian Church officiated, Mr. Cameron was born in North Easthope and was the last of._. a family of eight. Surviving besides his wife are 4 daughters and 5 sons, (Mary) Mrs. Bert Martin of Detroit, Michigan; fRoMs) Mrs. Sim Ritchie, London, (Vi) Mrs. Otto Ohrstrom, Detroit, (Edna) Mrs. Murray Parton, Orlando, t Florida, Lorne and Morgan of Lon- don, Jim and Bob, Sarnia 'and ]Maurice, Crenbrook. Sixteen grand- , children and four great grandchild- ! Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. m, Sunday School LI a. an. Divine Worship Guest preacher for August. Bey. Norman Caswell of Whitechurch. Minister: Rev. H. 'Ir. 6.ervin, a CL Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T • S * The United Church OF CANADA "Minister: Rev. A. Lane, B. A., B. THE 'BRUSSELS POST serithorieeel as second' pest Office 1}esPartmeUt, QttialTal Wednesday August 10th, 1 955 $2.00 per yea MeNfile 'Presbyterian. Omni) Centennial Celebrations SPECIALIZE,D BUSINES,,S TRAINING Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects rses Approved by the Canadian ausIness Schools Assoelereftge.. Modern equipment. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE, Synod of Hamilton and London, brought gcsod wishes of the Synod. Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Atwood, president of the Presbyterial of the W, M, S, was also present. East Street Goderich, Ontario Phone 44fres Duncan McDonald, the oldest liv- ing elder Of the church, now living in Port Elgin, spoke briefly and mt. pressed his pleasure at being able to participate in the. celebrations. MLs Muriel Brothers, a missionary on furlough frormludia, who grew up , In the congregation,. and Mies Argo Ross, a retired misionary . from . China, and her sister, Miss Ada Rees, 'Toronto, daughters of Rev. Dr. John • Roes a former minister also spOke. Letters and telegrams .were, re- ceived from Many friends expressing regret at not being able to ne pres- ent. KNO W Miss Ruby Smith spent the wee end at. the Smith home on Albert street. Me and Mrs, Harold Kerney Were vacation visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Welter Porter at Whitby, * Kinioeh Grower wee home for a few 011Ys visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Grewar, from Gagetown, N, 13. where he is employed with the C. N. T. * e Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Zepte have re, turned to their home in Toronto after visiting with her sister, Mrs. R Themeon at Riverside. * • Mrs, Louis D. Thompson, R, M. 'I'., was in Toronto last week, taking a special course in piano teaching for children, from the Canadian Bureau for the Advancement of Music. Edward Richards Tho death of Edward lticterde wellemown •eportemen„ being active . member on the execitytiYe of the. Huron Football Association, occurred at his, home at Ethel at the age of 58. Coming ,tb. Canada _from. London, England, he lived in Stratford for 12 years. and then went to Ethel, where he conducted ,an. implement Agency and service station He was particularly intererested in, juvenile soccer,e end was president ',If the U. F. A. He is survived by his wife, the former .Delores Kilgore, two eons, LAC Ed.ward M. Richards,, nipag, and Gerald, At home and four daughters, Mrs.. Roy Hodg- son, Leman, Mrs., Oeeil. Simonton in Iowa; Olive, Toronto, and Pat. ricks at home, The funeral was held Team the Heinbuck Funeral Home, Stratford, Wednesday, August 3, at .3 p. Interment was 'at Avondale ceme- tery. Summer Needs Esquire and It Scuff Kota in white, brown, black red, oxford, a new finish on scuffed shoes. ,47/ Bunny White does not rub off and white in tubes and asereeikre Shoe Creams and regular polish in tins- and liqufti, Terat brown. Suede Dressings Singer Needles. Oil and Belts, Childrens Sandals and Running Shoes at reduced prices,. Quality Shoe Repairs at Moderate Prices. Agent for Armitages Dry cleaners, Wingham and Hutch Bros., Stratford, InvIsIbee Mending done. DENT'S SHOE REPAIR Brussels, Ontario ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is announced of Esther May Raymond, danghter of Mrs. Edith M. Raymond and the late Charles James Raymond to John Leonard IVIcCutolmon, son of Mrs. Hannah McCutch.eon and the late 'Harry IVieOutaheon. Wedding to take place on August 20th. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT The engagement is announced of Greta Deloris Pearl. Burgess, Brus- sels, youngest daughter of the late James and Mrs'. Burgess to John Richard Milligan, Clifford, eon of Richard and the late Mrs, Milligane The marriage to take Place early in September. A Mann, Brantford, son of a former minister, Rev, A. J. Mann, presented a Bible to Mr. McTavish, superit- tendene, of the Sunday School, as a memorial to his father and mother. I The Bible to be need in the work of the school. Mrs. George Metter sang a solo and the King family, consisting of Mrs. Jack (Janet) Day, Mrs. Carl (Marie) Douglas, and, Bill, contri- buted a trio. Mrs. W. C. 'Xing wee. amorapanist for the afternoon pro- gram. Other speakers were Dr. W. S, Jamieson, Toronto. Who spent 25 years in medical practice in this vicinity. He spoke pensively of the memories of those years, their joys and sorrows and of the satisfaction he had received In serving his church in choir, session and reartegere board, He paid a fine tribute to Mr. Thomp- son and Mrs. King es organists of the church as an addition to the culture and music of the community. Welding A Speciality ACETYLENE AND ELECTRIC WELDING Annie M. McDonela In the early morning of July the 29th there passed peacefully and quietly away, 'Annie M. McDonald eldest daughter of the late Alex- ander McDonald and Ann Jane Me- Lauchlin at her home in lot 8, con. 6, Grey. She was predeceased by one sister Jessie (Mrs. R. 0, Feeley) in 1953 and, leaves to mourn the loss of a loving sister, three broth- ers, Duncan of Grey Twp.. Thos. of Brussels, William of Detroit. Mich.. and two sisters, Margaret of Toronto and Catherine (Mrs. W. H. Johnston) of. London. The funeral service wee conduct- ed by Rev, Andrew Lane from the D. A, Reim funeral home in Dims- eels, Monday, August let, burial, being made in Brussels Cemetery, : with Jas. Turnbull. W. M. Smith, Stewart McLauchlin, Lloyd Hump- hries, Geo. Copley, and Jas. Murray as pallbearers, and Sack Bruce, Ross McCall, Kenneth Wilbee, Wm.. Deitner and Jae, Deitner, flower- hearers. Mower Knives and All Farm Impilements Sharpened CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Alan Came enort 'wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kind acts, cards of sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes received at the time of their bereavement, They were very much appreciated and will always be re- Ethel Welding and Machine Shop. BRUCE CLEGG. PROP. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver, an- nounce the engagement of their young- er daughter, Mavie Marie, Reg.N., to ' Arthur C. Bell, B.S„ only son of. Mr. Arthur C. Bell, Valley City, North Dakota and the late Mrs. Bell. The marriage to take pace in Duff's United Church, Walton, late in Aug- ust, ir FAMILY RATE, No Chart for Childie,k 14 and 14114 membered. • Acclaimed DETROIT'S best... • el CARD OF THANKS My sincere gratitude is expresed to all those echo remembered me with lettere, cards gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham. hospital. Special thanks •to Dr, Stephens, and the nurses of the hospital star f. Your kintlneee was deeply .aPnre °fated. Sammy Waxman, 0.)ne of the country's most popular Williani McDowell, and Sinclair Hem- ingway, both of Toronto and Leslie Lamont, 'Kincardine, also spoke. • Robert Rose, Toronto, one of the . _ee • oldest living members of Cie 'een0.- aation, was present and met Many I. old friends, Evening service flowed the pattern ;. of the morning one. Rev. H. T. Col:fin vice in charge of the service And t introduced Mr. Kerr, wheSe• subject nine "In the Garden 'with Christ,' Basquets and Boquets of many-color eel .gledoli, sweet peas, roses, zinnias, and chrysatithenturns decorated the. church and basement. a Hotel TULLE 800 Roo;, WITH BAOI, .„, from $113:'-' GARAGE a PARKING CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for their cards and letters etc., sent me dur- ing my stay at Seatorth Hospital and also on my return home. Mrs, Edith Raymond. featUring convenience, comfort, quality! A cosmopolitan atmosphere in home-like setting, in the center of all downtown activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms excellent food at moderate prices in our modern coffee shop and cafeteria. Radio and Television in room. Air Conditioned rooms in season. CHARTERED BUS TO TORONTO CANADIAN, NATIONAL EXHIBITION August 31 ' September 3 September 5 Labour Day Sponsored by the intermediate Girls Softball Club. Bus trip seturn $4.00 - Leaving 7.00 A. M. return 11.00 P. M. Reservation Phone 11 or 48x4 Ralph Pearson's Bus Lines. , it • ;••O 1'. 5., osomente ummtliossc o 51 c OCEICICCM ES 16 CARD OF THANKS We express oat sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for their sym pathic kindness at the time of the passing away of our dear sister Annie M. 1VICDIonald, also for the beautiful floral tributes. The McDonald Family. CARD OF THANKS We like to lake this opportunity to thank eel friends and neighbors for the beautiful Dora tributes and help in any way during our recent sad bereavement, Special thefts to Dr. Stephens, and Rev. Colvin. Francis Duncan and Family. r FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT ,MICHIGAN LIBRARY BOARD -MEETS A meeting of the local Library Board was held on Aug. 3rd. The contract for a new heating system is the, library building was• to Mr. J. H, Streitton for $2455,00, this be. ing the lowest tender received. Harry E. Paulsen. General Manager '.aal7g5.31 1 .4410g1441411,..., AV. ren. Pallbeaiere, were Lloyd Michel, Glen Hoether, Lyle Gordon, Gordon, Engel, Murray Huether, and Ken. McDonald: Flower-bearers were Jim and Al Martin, Bill Cameron and Larry Wharton. Interment In Cra,n- brook Cemetery. "••••I , ENJOY RUNNING WAT 1 • budget plan. as you pay for it on the 110114111111RIVIlliiiinligN111111111 LLASHMAR _ Phone 40x Brussels DRIVE-IN THEATRE I unnumumminiunium L ISTOWEL a Turn at Armouries on Highway Se CAPITOL usTow VAC'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting, Styling and Cold Waving a Specialty Why lug water by hand any longer? tristalls, Duro Pumping System now and enjoy rz.14st'. - water as you pay for it. Save time, save cut operating costs. THEATRE Wed. - 'Thurs. Auy. 10 - 11 2 shows nightly 7.30 9.30 p. m. "ON THE WATERFRIONT'i I Matinee Saitirday 2 p. m. (Adutit) (Academy AWard Winner) Marion Brando, Eva Marie saint KITCHEN—running Welter cuts chores—kundry and. dishes are done In half the till O.; BATHROOM—all the casuals- tante of a city borne to protect • your family's health an.d add to pour comfort, Thursday, Friday and' Saturday August 11 -'12 -,<13 poi, Fun and ACtiOn as in 7 Brides for 7 Beothere try "MANY RIVERS TD CROSS" Ciriernaeepe and debit, Robert Tayiee le a laugh generating Carefree bachelor trapper. Frl. Aug. 12 Laugh NIte ; . All Cartoon and Comedy Show Come and bring the kiddies. AS LOW AS 10% DOW— it UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, facts, The EMCO Budget Plan will cover rue Ott; piete water system—pump, tarlk$ pipe, kttrIsta, and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of itistailitiOti, 'You can have talk whole job done NOW—and pay for it over ism text 'year aria 'a half. Ask fot 44st*to tit. Cost of 14our and material worked out on. tom:. EMCO ;Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Darcy &Math 'Soliee1 10 o'ClOCk /Milne WOrehili 11.15 r O'dlOck. bedioation, Of 13' triPtt• Drapes. "Strength and Beauty arc HIS §atiottiart° A. Church' abEitgiatiel Parinlj Of. Britain:31d FieV. A. Narnian Silk.. M. A. B. D. lAtliAugtiSt slat.' John'e thUrati; it a. iii, Pettyer Sunday Sehcol NO services at ken#ryli Sat. Mot. Aug. iS "THE BLACK KNIGHT" Alan Ladd,. Patricia Meding TUC'S, Wed. Aug. 18 - it . "Stti:IND Robert Mitehttere• Linde 'Darnell eAims—So much easier td Water tho 'stock ,.. and so tesith protection attains, fire. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday August 15 •-= 17 Anna Marie .. Beet Selling' Novel dt Fit" For Sale by C & ass icgAtrta. grimiehiorte, Empire' EtrasE4 nni-g,cd. Limited t1,;54 Rev. Oa! ',V. • 1 dirietiladope and ddlor 'Merlien Beeride, ,i,an: A, Ienerientla Children's pia round . 2 itibiiel 'Merle- Obel/On 1, Nightly '‘... Rain or dt4nitt"' _., „ ., . . .. , . The story Of a diet Whe loved Napois . Children Under 12: Year* in' Melton . Dire .ORtit . coin before he 'Made 0:retell history,