HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-07-27, Page 8Special $1.98 Men's Shorts and Tops to match .01•11017. Bonded Brake Lining- all makes of cars $8.00 $7.45 'exchange 15 Plate 11.95 'exchange 17 Plate .......... . . . 14.95 exchange 12.95 exchange 13.95 exchange English Car Batteries 14.50 exchange All Batteries Guaranteed. MUFFLERS - - 49 -- 54 Ford 6.75 49 -7 53 Chev. 6.50 49 - 54 Dodge 9.50 Dual Exhaust Kits 18.50 Complete Stock of all Other Mufflers Guaranteed at a Low Price, Women's Nylon Gloves, white, pink, red and navy Special 4140. 0/111M1111111•11.4011311111t115;10.0EMMAIMMMI Women's Krinkie Crepe Nightgowns, small, med. and large Special $1.95 reartmeraystorymyymemaymenumansommtmem; vsyr..Amtarrimmtawyounstseammyty•rwamsser Girls Krinkle Crepe Pyjamas 2 to 6 years ...... .. ........ ..... .4.4.11..40414 .... ..... i ..... 6-414 ....... 11 ... . Complete line of Meter Gaskets else, POMO) and Hatting Flings VIte 6/ the coutiry'S MOst populat . Esotel 'TULL R O # !`eat ring oaveniente, toitnoti quality 1 A tearpe0 than Eitgleepliek011 tettia In the cetilor of all downtown atti decorated, 1.1itr4 tiindOtilt Ce ortable guest reetidi • • • elteetetit feedod, rate pricesW' iri O ineiteil _ro t to et eh* And Cafeteria. Acidic ilia tetesdidoe, ri room.' totidlito44 rooms ': seritiort. FACHG GRAND 61,60 401140 .... 0.0.0 ...... t,,orkt, ..... ..... ...... 1.5041.0000 . 1 . ii• Car Aerials 2.95 up 1004 ..... r ........ u..00*. ..... 04 4 .4•444. 00004 00000.000.1.11. .. . 4.01i All Meri's and 'Buye Sport Jackets and Wndbteakeedi also Shleetene. and Forsyth Sport Shirts and. nit Merl' and gels, *As at.20/4 tinting' this SAW. momienteiiieliosiuitgimnitogye‘ Men't 9 Olt, per -Square yard Blue Denim Jeans Made. by iamotiS .Makes (Sanfori4-ed) ..... Special .I2•96 rwr Kralinatcr Tractor, Oar diesel OH Filters and Cartridges tirked LOAN 49% 00 List Price Special this Week, Outside White Paint 3.95 gal. Phone 62 Brussels 111111111111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111101h1 junimsammplium1111 mouR111111111 in1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MMOU111111111111111111111 SOAP AND SOAP BOXES SUN TAN OIL COSMETIC BAGS AND COMBS WHITE SHOE CLEANER Going On Holidays? i Ph24 e CLEAPSING TISSUE FILMS FOR CAMERA DEODORANTS WRITING PAPER AND ENVELOPES 10•0••••••••••n ••11111 1.i....M•11.••••1•1M.,... a•••••••0•••• mtrorrammort//8" HEADACHE REMEDIES. SALTS OOPS I Now you've caught me with my price of coal dews. Take advantage of the low spring prices to get your bin filled for next winter's comfort. Order now. Robert L. Cunningham "Our „Coal Makes Warm Friends" Phone 86-12 Check This List of Needs ,„.;;;,*"'"7,"77777,-..-`7',77 - • 1 THERMOS BOTTLES SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE 111141114.1(IIIIIRICATION, 1pt4ELl 1.10SKIFIOLD AtML ;HELL PZTROLKUU PRoofirre • DUNLOP mks Parts and Aecerserles, • Austin Sales and Service repair* to all ntelker of oars and ireeke '14IONIE 77r6 alltLlut,a, Oen. Acclaimed DETROIT'S best. . COAL ASPIRIN TABLETS BATHING CAPS TOOTH. PASTE BALL POINTED INK PENCILS SUN GLASSES RAZOR BLADES WASH CLOTHS NOXZEMA POWDER PUFFS FACE CREAM FLASH LIGHT BATTERIES STICK COLOGNE ky, tr 'Vre 'tt • FAMILY , RATES No Charge , for Children 14 and Under 800800M8 WITH BM lroiu " GARAGE and -. PARKING LOT Ethel Davey Crocket Jackets for young fry. 111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1311111111111111111111111111111 1 ill1M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r Why Pay More 1 lb. Astor Custom Ground Coffee • - 85c I2 - 10 oz. Tins Clarks Mush. Soup . . 25c 1 - 12 oz. Tin Spork • - - . - - • - , , 35c 1 - 24 oz. Loaf Weston's Mealtime Bread 15c 27- 1/2 Tins Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon 75c Summer Dresses Lots of hot weather ahead we have re- ceived more Dresses for your selection. ..0000v..11/G1•11,0141 .W McBrine Luggage in large range of Colors "Start A Set" Playtex Girdles and Panty Girdles for your Dresses, Slacks, etc. Children's Wear Smart Play-wear, Nylon Dresses' etc. OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Look ! Everyone Can Buy at Reduced Cost TAIL PIPES Chev. , 2.98 Dodge .11 0 11 Or 11.141 .... 4.45 Exhaust Pipes Chev. Ford and ,Dodge q 1411 8.26 0400100. ...... n,.1.. • . itit1}.1 .14,61,10o.,1.1, ... 101. 00001.1010.000. blkEdtidNAL SIGNALS FOR TRUCKS Pathfinder •.0000100.01.10010.4.000000/1400101 12.95' St ang Starts ....... ..... 10001010.411 ...... 4//if Akil et, any model ...... 164 ' ...... 6444404s. ...... 44.4* ...... .... . • .. Seal team Units ki 1.85 ....... ....... •.• ....... 10In. 16.0,1 .... •,11 ....... 00.01 BATTERIES - 13 Plate GRIWAR'S Spark Plugs, Seat Covers from 7.45 -- 29.95 Ii1.1,,,,. 1 ... 0 1. Low Ford High Ford yffsamooraymmor • • .... • • . r•tsoOnS`S000#WSM.b.10*.slOS.lor"..."..‘F..16*,yo...."0.7.0. 1 have a Stock of Auto Parts and Accessories at my home Buy at These Low Prices and save Itlollars $ $ WOO 'S Tip Top Tailors T. Shirts for the Family alr011•00mIoN14• ROMI10040 THE. BRusszu poor 1.0 0001 • Ail 011.1.11011•011211111.1 11 4 .1 • 1 Fiery Car Wash Brushes • 444 64 . 111 r 11 • p All Simonize Products In Stock, Liquid and Paste ...... . .... 1...r.44 0•00 ........ 00.0 ..... 14...• ..... •• ... a ......... Chemical Line of Radiator Step Leaks, Rust Inhibitor, Crank Additive ancl°Prake* 111 ... 0 • 1 4110 .. .. • ... • Batteries for Fences , „ .. Only 3.6b Also stock Battery Cab(les and Straps Tubes 6.70 x 15-- 4 Ply 16.75 Tires 6.00 x 16 - 4 ply .. ... . . ..... 16.75 Tubes 6.70 x 15 ...... . . . , .. . ... ..„„.... .. . . , . 4.00 Tubes 6.00 x 16 ...„, .... .. . ......... ... . 3.25 Fuel Pumps (New) 2.95 Water Pumps-Chev. 5.25-Dodge 6.00--Ford 6.50 Wakefleld Castro! Olt In 5 gal. palls In Standard and Heavy Duty 5- gap. for $6.50 VEEDOL MOTOR OIL H, D. asd Std, .,.„..,,,, $8.40 per case (24 qts.) Master Cylinder Kits and, Wheel Cylinder Kits I now handle a complete line of Electric Fences 12.00 IN memoRimol il.u'rLBI)Gkl to loving memoll ot Stanley Rutledge left us se suddenly July 29 1954 U1S memory is our ileepsalto WW1 which we'll never part God bee him in Ms keeping- We have him In our hearts. Lovingly rome.}bored -by Alvin. Elsie, Wendy and Pay, IN MEMORIAM RUTLEDGE - In loving memory of a dear 'brother Stanley Rutledge who Passed away one year -ago, July 29th, 1954, Those we love we never lose For always thy will be Ever near, -ever dear In hallowed-memory. Loving' remembered by and sisters. RUTLEDGE - In loving memory of a dear husband Stanley Rutledge who parsed ,away one -year ago July 29th, 195-4. This day I do„remember, A loving -thought To one, no longer But in my heart Sadly missed membered by his BAND TATTOO WED., AUGUST 10th The Brussels Legion Pipe Band will hold their annual Band Tattoo at Victoria Park, Brusiels on. Wed., Aug. 10th. Keep this date open. FOR RENT - Duplex Apartment. Phone 16 Brussels, ti "IN MEMORIAM" I 1 .. 1.:... I give with me, still lives. and lovingly re- wife Maggie. brothers 4.95 YOU CAN'T. AFFORD:. TO MISS. T.B.Esg .-AWES Aylmer Catsup - - - • • - 21c bottles Clark's Pork & Beans, 20 oz. •••• 2 for 35c Kraft Parky Margarine • - 2 lbs. for 46c This Week Only - Blue and Gold. Peas 15 oz. • 15c Clark's Tomato Juice 48 oz. ... • . • 30c Gold Seal Red,Sockeye SalMon THEI MU DG ROCERY 0111001ro keyiamoirsi‘imotoomire asstemy teii,lyt. Ail eNArnmer Goods regardless of Cost, must be cleared out. Here Is, opportunity for you to purchase (Quality Goods) at less than Cost- Come and be convinced. There will be, no alterations, no exchanl" no refunds, and no charges, during this Sale. All Sales are flag. Men's Fancy Cotton Knit Polo Shirts, short sleeves Reg. $3.49 1oulsyysammyoloy-somanymems, 4 Ladies Cotton Skirts, Reg. $1.98 25 doz, Nylon •Hose (51 Gauge) sizes 9 to 11 Special 5go Antirmsemanymassynyks Men's Wurk Shirts (Kitchen) Reg. $2.79 Special 2 for $4.00 vranymmyymy.telymentrettymyi Men's Cotton Work Socks (reinforced heels and toe) Special 39c pr. Men's Stretchy All Nylon' Dress Sock's, fits all sizes 10 to 13 Special 2 pt.. for $1•50' Men's All Nylon Wool Socks 10 Women's and Misses' French Crepe, Cotton and Sun Dresses - Sold up to $4.95, sizes 12 to 52 Special $2.95 20 Women's and Misses' Cotton Print Dresses and Sun Dresses Special 41.99 11 Women's and Misses Sun Dresses, sizes 12 to 52, Reg. $4.98 ' fr Special WI Boys Blue Denim Jeans, Elastic Waist, sizes 7 to 14 yrs. Special $1.95 Misses Cotton Blouses' (Sleeveless) sizes 12 to 20 .... Special sun 3 Women's All Wool Spring Coats Men's. and Boys Svvimmisg Trunks Boys All Nylon Sockees, sizes 6 to 8 SPeCiat ,3 for $00 - Boys Blue Denim Jeans, Elastic Waist, sizes 2 to 6 yrs.,' •Special 890 Chlidrens Rayon Sockees, size 6_ to 8 Special 5 pr. $1.00 Special to Veer $9..95 Ladies 100% Nylon Shortie Coats, White, Blue, Reg. $29.95 ***Yrt7.10'..',!•!77,..7.1•••• Not just to-day You will find other values Just as great as these at PHONE 7 I nee Sale Continues Mid-Summer Or to-morrow, but Every Ay of the year. Wednesday, July 21th, 19 55, Pink and Special $14.95 ttttt - . * 01 0 II " • .prrM 114 0 t • ..,.1111 • .001.- *4 .......... 44•4441444 ...... *46.4 .... .... • . . • .. • .. 1. . 4 ... 000..00 .... .. igvii. .. . I also carry a line of ignition and Motor" Parte, Carburetors, Fan Bolts, Paint SuPpliet, TOOL. Sporting Goods and Fishing Supplies.' Aero, typo Shocks 4.06 (gave up to 50%) ..... ......... ...... 00.00.0t11040.1 01 ..11.11 derieratOrs for all' Makes of Cars $7.50 exchange kti WE DELIVER Special 390 a garment - 39c tin- .Special 2 op.;040 Special $1.59 up' Special $1.49 Special $1.00 a llottett AU bay and ,6 attooday THE ARCADE RO.1 NICRIGAN Harry E. .Pittanit 494041 Alef - ; • Store Wide Barge kw' the Whole r myth, Onto. . • &unfit" Itt,-EPHONE BRUSSELS% 0141t.