HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-07-06, Page 8• 014. 3900 GREY TWF'...00.1904. BOARD .1$4.4.17111P. • t Tbo.nlinotes 'Were read -and .adopt, .pa I11otio4 Bolger 414 Me LW. Motion. of geL‘eana.nd TiroWn tug 13Ctit. Johnsteu be paid twenty 441". Ara. extra per wait for May and June .for extra mileage ssi4eet to, approval by Inpector. Kinkead, APPLIANCE BARGAINS REFRIGERATORS NEW 9I/2 CU. FT.. AUTO-MATIP DEFROST ADMIRAL REG, $429. FOR $815., 91/2 CU. FT. GENERAL. ELECTRIC DELUXE REG. $369. FOR $265. 1 USED FRIG, .... ... ”f.”.90.4 .. ... • ...... . ,09400 RANGES - WESTINGHOUSE ,TABLE TOP AUTOMATIC REG. $449- FOR 80" RANGE DELUXE ..,..,..„„ .. REG. $325. FOR $288. Motion. of Me-Lean and 'Brown, that tender of Blaton Bean And Son for painting of No.'s, 7, S end 11 and 'that painting of waShroorps at No. 8 be included i,1, tender, ItoltIon of McFarlane and Brown that Bolger anal- McLean after new 'lours at No,'s S and 9, BroWn and. McFarlane that following bills be paid; Cecil Eekmier, labour 444.29 Gordon Knight, wood No. 4 47.0 Jack Knight, wood No. 4 45,33 r Mrsl. M. kIeibeiity ,supplies .50 Wingham, Hydro . 30.32 C: and G. Icrauter. fountain { No. S HOT PLATES Paper Tebte Cloths and. Serviettes Sunburn Cream Sun 'Tan Oil Sun Glasses eir -- Back Again, t of stock, for a long time, ries for this popular game. in stock again. See our Post Cards of the Photo Views, and still only if looking for a little gift to ok around our store, which ggestions, in Stationery, pen s, Yardleys, Tiffany, Cos- ••••• . ........... • .. . • .....A..,.. ... • . .... t6 .1.611,06 .. $5.1114 USED WASHERS „.$40.80 UP OVER $100.00 NOW OFF REG. PRICE ON SOME TV MODELS. New Shipment of McBrine Luggage for your holiday needs. Buy Now and Save At .* OLDFIELD HARDWARE 79.52 TEL. 68 Men's, Boys'' and Youths Smart Slacks, Shirts and. Jacilaegts.. .1111110111111a111111111111111111XIMMENEENMEWEREINEEMIE4 Manna 114"CleTh hot lunch 2.09 supplies 7.81 Swift's General Store, hot lunch 1 gur,r1,;(-0,. . 3.55 1 N. J. Tmgal, r4airs 6.45 1 Stewart Lowe, lint lunch 1 supnlies, 1 ,Lout, Bloke, pumping toilets 20.00 i Pc't Trli. House, mivt. and 1 Envelopes( 8.00 I Reg. 13itton. pionn tuning 6.00 Beg. Bitten, plow tuning S,00 _ 1 wingbam Advlance, advt. Listowc6 Banner advt. 1.98 2.80 I Harold .'Thomas, repairs ^ 99.03 II Hayrick Mutual, Insurance remium 239.40 McFarlane t 'p Motion of Bolger anll that meeting adjourn to Meet again I July kith, at 9 p. m. All above mot- ions carried. - J. Carl Horningway, Sec.-Trea.S. eveloped and Printed Prompt Service. Rexall Drug Store SICK?' PERHAPS YOU'RE RESTING TOO MUCH : ' If you have a' hobby or a job that - involves clonsliderable physical ex- ercise - yorre lucky. Enerts itsay this pugh-b4ton 'age is inflicting 'Canadians "with: new physical and mental Ills: "Are we becoming a race -of I Settle', !the title of Marcus, Van Steen's article, in this. weeks Star Weekly has ,a touch of hum-or - - - but very appropriete. You'll want to FOR BETTER CAKES t SOLD U4 ISRUSS4i.3 AT Brussels 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111611 'N. 'L. Baeker & Son IT PAYS A. small advertisement in The Past is your best way of reaching the market you desire. Don't be a skeptic - try It and be con- vinced. read It. BRUSSELS MEN'S .SOFTBALL SCHEDULE At Home Belgrave at Brussels June 24 stone School at Brussels June 21 Blyth at Brussels July 6 Wingham at Brussels July 13 Away from Home Brussels at Londsboro June 27 Brussels at Blyth July 4 Brussels at Wroxeter July 8 BUTCHER SHOP COAL OOPS I Now you've caught me with my price of coal dews Take advantage of the low spring prices to get your bin 111111 for next winter's comfort. Order now. Robert L. 'Cunningham ',Our Coal Makes Warm Friends" Phone 86-12 Ethel SEWAGE DISPOSAL - Have your Septic tanks and rash' coots cleaned the sanitary wry Dow to avoid trouble. lrybre Caxton. Phone 114.. hiffeertos. Ost. F. FAMILY RATES .No Charge for Children: 14 and Undet, +0. 800 ROOMS WITK IATH from $3 50 GARAGE and PARKING LOT fr MCNEIL'S SHELL sigRvtcE SHELLIIIIIIRICATION. WELL HOUSEHOLD AND WILL PETROLEUM •NODUO” '74 DUNLOP MMES 4 cParto and AiNIMILINIOL Austin Sales and Service 414eIsrastssd repairs to all ,issitas sr ears sad Snake SRUSSELS, DEN1 ,c; ik;„ keens rrre 6 LIMITED S EitalfAR, R Siitt ROOS N' 1847 440;ialotViat THE BRUSSELS POW . ..„ .„.. manumummunitisummassmumw Phone ;ri WOOD'S Tip Tep Tailors New . Mid-Summer Merchandise • Kiddies. Wear- T, Shirts, Pedal Pushers, Rompers, Swim Togs, etc. Cotton Skirts, Blouses and Inexpensive Summer Frocks - also Better Dresses. BRUSSELS, LADIES SOFTBALL SCHEDULE TO START MAY 31 July S -Clifford ,at Brussels July 22 Mount Forrest at Brussels July 25 Brussels at Pinkerton. July 29 Paisleyat Brussels. Fergus and Sebringville get a bye into playoffs. GOUO FOR, ALL KINDS BAKING Proven the best *Florbait Is the completely new low-cost method, of form fly control -- amazing effectiveness 195%) proven by thousands of Canadian farmers last year. The seuet of its success Is •TRILURE, o power fol attractant. ' EASY TO USE In Its special duster can. •Rorbalt and Trifur* ore Reg. Trod. Morks. HOWARS CHEMICAL C0.1110111 ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO !'t HARDWARE Brussels, Ont. OLDFIELD Telephone 68 try's most popular LLER venience, comfort, opolitan atmosphere in An the center of all owntown activities. Newly decorated. Ultra modern, comfortable guest rooms ... excellent food at moderate prices in cur modem coffee shop and cafeteria. Radio end Television in room. Air Conditioned rooms in season. • MORE DONE IN AN HOUR WHEN/ IT'S DONE WITH POWER What one man can do on the farm \ of farming and has given agricult in work output has been increased the greatest lift in years. And t ,....„ pany times by the developments mechanization has contributeik In power farming equipment in greatly to the more wide-spre# I recent years. * 4104 in, higher standardi i :1 Tractors and implements IQy of living: , available give control over the worig In the advancement of thq, the year 'round and 9ji more apd erations through mechanizatA ' 9.0ed to employ hard-to-get aad #:, ' , rig and Ferguson tract Ors L more farms• there is 190 and I* pnlre l'& ye tound in UM" hksi *Itge vi.•4 labour Mechanitation has nn$4.1.1Aita Ovantages that help them do to the farm than t,lief in* . work easily, quickly and m drudgery and free4c0 froa4 kepi? ' profitably, Your loyal dealer burdensome physical toil. *elm- be glad to tell you, about the fates nization has brought a new concept detreloptileritS. high-cost farm labour. i FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT _MICHIGAN ermiltIOCC rTECICCC P ffil6QDD AP Harry E. Paulsen General Manager 341114tzli • HOTEL AND CABANA CLU 800014 tit4frOn inrayrnitit in Florida's inksi COniplates darn uisff rtOnittair.ocindlffoatna Optional) IS pleats and TiOnt booth 'tanning and ate rinderMoi and genutna hospitallty le Never your eelin GENERAL MANX JAdI MULUK1N, a. Tea AN EXPERIENCE '011 TROPICAL LIVING WI to desi gn . . ultra modern guesf rooms and a(tellle bedrooms, luxurious- tondihed plot• /a pleasure .. * fa ipdoll and cabana Mahone, round- eillettabnienl Nit ta priee.*. .• a. FLY KILLER ever used! Hetet the worn