HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-07-06, Page 1Mass Mabel 7.1nutter has been , visiting in town and taking in the 1 t Oranbrook Centennial, 1 Mrs Joe Smith of Molesw'ort.ir , was a visitor with Miss Margaret Robinson for the past week, • 4 ELSTON CARDIFF ASKS NEW POST OFFICES FOR EXETER. HENSALL Elston Cardiff, Oonservative M. P, for Huron last week in the House of ; Commone urged, Federal action on the construction of an addition to Exeter Post Office, and on the building of a new post office at Hensall. Mr. Cardiff recalled that he had / cited Exeter's teed for a new ad. ' dition lest year during Commons ooneideration of Public Works De. .Partment .estimates. He had 'under- stood then that Public Works Min- ister WinItere would .sand en en- gineer Sto Exeter and make `an estimate of what was 'required. Exeter had a good post attire buil- ' ding, but the earns/sanity had grown to each an extent that the =rota- modation no longer was 'large enough. One reason for this, was! the fact that Centralia Airport Was , near by and many of the air stet- ion's personnel lived in Exeter, 1 A new post office was oeeded in Hensall and as far as the Govern- ment wall, concerned, it had agreed that one should be built. The Huron M. P. asked the minister to invest!• gate bdth situations. eost Publishing House ANNUAL SABBATH. SCHOOL PICNIC The Preiabatarian, Anglican and WW1 chneehas head their annual picnic in Victoria Park On ThursdaY, Mahe 30tht, It evae well, attended, over 200 go:Uttered for the lunch. The races and games were enoyed by all and the winners are as follows; Races Pre-echead; RAY Fischer Oirle 6 -- 7: Sylivia Hoover, Sally Galbraith, Boys 6 — 7 Doug, Lowe, Don Fischer, Doug, Elliott. Girls 8 — 9 Joan Alcock, Sharon Storey, Jean Ward. Boys 8— 9: Jack Galbraith, Murray Fischer. Girls 10 — 11: Cath- erine MoTaggart, Helen Ward, Ruth Ward. Boys 10 —.11. Jack Davidson, Brian Rutledge, Don! Smith, Girls 12 — 10. Linda T6ild, .Teat McFarlane. Marian Hoover. Boys 12— 13: Rat- ph Watson, Murray Alcock, Garry Wilson. Boys 14: David Kennedy, Garry Wilson, Jim Storey. Three- legged race: David Kennedy Ralph Watson. Three-legged race Girls': Linda 'Todd Merlon Hoover. Wheel-barrow race: ,Storey — Alcock, Watson-Alcock. Ball throwing; Jean McFarlane, Catherine MeTaggart. Kicking allele or; Marion Hoover, Catherine Mc- Taggart. Bicycle race: David edy, Ralph Watson. Bean, Carol Bryans, Helen Wilson. mile race: David Kennedy, Wilson. Tug-of-war: David dy's team, Kenn, race: Half- Garry Kenn. ENGAGEMENT' ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew Dun- bar of Ethel announce the engage-- talent of their daughter Georgia Ruth to Mr. William George Schaefer Son of Mr, and Mrs, George Schaefer of Goderich. The marriage will take place •on Monday, August 1, in Knox Preepvterian Church, Ethel, ,ENGAGEMENT'S ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox announe the, engagement of their niece, Shirley Jean Lamont, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Lamont, to Adrian Lendert Verstoep, son df Mr. and Mrs. Lendert Verstoep, Gouderak, Holland. The marriage will take place early in August. • BORN .BLAKE — To Mr. and Mrs. John Blake on Saturday, July 2nd, 1955 at Pr. Myer'e Nursing Home, a THE BRUSSELS POS PAX) per year wood claw mail, Poet &awn-n*4 usysrunent, mum& We'dnesd.ay, July 6th, 1955 Bazaar and Tea In the Brussels Public Library, SATURDAY, JULY 9th From 3 to 5 o'clock. Home made Baking, Candy and Etc. Tea will be eerved. Sponsored by Anglican Guild of St. John's Church. Miss Carrie Mngstent, after three Mouths in the wiughaul, hospital, ha* I returned home. Cranbrook Centennial Brings • H undreds Back Home 1. 4•11=1111012111111•••••••1•IMMINIIIIIIIIII, 'SRUSSELS. SCHOOL REAL SUCCESS . Monday Saw an ettentlenee. of 95 ehildren, on Tuesday the attendance rose to. 128, It is expeeted the attend, Attlee will reach nearly 150 children. by the end of the second week.. • .: The teachers are! Beginners and • Nursery- Mrs. C. Metales'on, Mrs. II, Fischer, Mra Geo, Elliott, Mrs, Geo. ,Galbraith, assisted by •Misees Ruth Hensingweye Linda Todd and Helen Wilson, Primary — Mrs, Bill .Strettychuk, Mee J, Hull; Handwork, Mrs. lams ,Thomas. Juniors — Miss Jeaeie Little, Miss June Pevitt of Guelph; Handwork, Mre, Bill getting ton. Senlorsi — Mrs. Reg. Watson; Handwork, Mrs.'Colvin. mr7D, Hem- ingway has charge of the singings assisted at the piano by Joan The Brussels Lions culb are supply ing chocolate milk for the members of the nursery and pre school classes end the ladies of the congregations cookies. leg isiee community and the mem- Der's of the centennial committee, Other:speakers !Winded LE, Cardiff p,j, W. J, Cameron; Athol Me- Quarrie; Hooter )(right; Dr, A. NoMasuor; Reeve Clifford. Rowland; of 'Grey Twee John Hama M, A, and John Webb, Other numbers en Meat For Rothe. Freezets:..._ the afternoon program ineliuded Mrs, E, .Semis and daughter of God- Scotch Dancing by Joyce McFarlane t erich spent the week end with her t of Brussels, and Sharon Grubb; Parents Mr, and Mrs. Ed, .Jewell, Leine sale; ,eoloiet, Greeese IVIeDeuald; Pianist, Margaret Perrie; duets, Mrs Mix.% Marlene Waxman of Torore to spent the holiday week-end with; her parents Mr. and Mrs. L, Wax-! Quarters of Beef' cut and wrapped for home freezers. Phone 65xr2 Brussels for furthfit particulars. Plan. Lorne McKelvey and Geo. Evans, Mra Flornce Miehel and Mrs. Stan Meehan; Violinist, Henry Gorealitz; Reading*, Mrsi. Robert Campbell; Square Dance by Cranbrook group, One of the' events. of the arterneou was the choosing of Miss Cranbrook of 1855 Which Ironer went to Mies Marion Hoover, daughter of Mr. and VIIIIMEIMINIONIN11111111 Mrs, S, a', Davison spent the ist of July in Port Elgin, where a re- union of the Rushton family was held. • inuialumummussminmunniminammiain Mrs. Hoover. . ATTENTION FARMERS .$13-49; • I now carry a complete line of Electric Fences BATTERIES 'Only UM • Also Stock Battery Cables and Straps Misses Eva and Carrie McCraele' Many viewed, the pioneer mussuni en arrived Monday evening after exhibits on display at the school, an enjoyable visit to the Pacific Evening Program Coast • The evening program began with , * * Mr. and 1Vlite. Ted Mitchell, Tor- tilla Legion Pipe Band entertaining*. 1 There was a girls' softball game, , onto, spent the holiday week-end Brussels vs Fergus, with Brussels with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank the winner by the narrow margin of 'Mitchell. - one run, the final score being 1544.. * * 4 Lloyd Michel' gatie the opening David Hastings who has been in address of the evening concema the WestminSter hospital, London. which was ,provided, by the Paul ' for some time returned lime on Brothere of Kirkton; Marleen and Tuesday night. Gordon .Sandew; Doris Iphnston. and * * * the Cranbrook Quartette, The high- Miss Bessie Mosee was holiday- light was the crowning et Miss, Crate ing in Stratford last week anal brook 1955. Miss Verde. Watson won while there attended the Shakes i. - the title competing with 16 eandidae pearsan Festival. , es. Verdes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Watson of Walton, ie, the popular S * * pitcher of the. Mr, and Mrs: •Ross Lawless, and Brussels Girls soft. Janice and Jeffrey of Melton, were! ball; team. Runners-up were Marion holiday viSitore with her father Mr. Hemingway and Beryl McFarlane of T. L. McDonald and family. 1 TIRES 6.70 x 15 4 Ply TIRES 6.00 x 16 — 4 Ply TUBES 6.70 x 15 . , KO( TUBES 6.00 x 16 The Cmisbroels Centennial brought hundreds of its one-time residents back as this Grey Township hamlet in Huron County to renew old friend- ehists and spend nestolegic hours in reminiscence, Cranbrdok welcemed home its sons and daughters. from such far flung points as 1/414510M•litwan, Labrador, ciuebec, Florida and other 1.7. S. ' states as well as, many 'Ontario towns and cities, The registry booth was a busy spot, in charge of Mrs. M. Me' Donald. The Centennial almonittee, with Glen Hitether as president, deserves high praise for their work in the planning, and preparations for, and the final staging of the two-day centennial. 1" While the one hundred years com- inereted have seen many changes and industries which once made Cranbrook a flourishing centre, haee long since disappeared, as have most of the older buildings, the community spirit of, the residents of the hamlet and of the surrounding ,district, is vigorous and progressive, ao.shown in the co-operation that made the Cen- tennial .succce,se. possible, Sunday Services FUEL PUMPS WATER PUMPS CHE DODGE $6.00 --- FORD $4. et A congregation that crowded Knox Preebyterran church sand overflowed outdoors, :served by a P.A. system, attended the 11 am, church, service • with which the centennial opened. Rev. W. A. Williams of Brussels, a former miniSter - of the 'church, conducted the service at which a plaque in memory of the late Rev. D. B. and Mrs McRae was presented to the church by members of the Mc- Rae family. Kenneth MeRae Fergu- son 'unveiled the plaque and Mrs. (Dr.) Lackner (Tillie' McRae) and Mrs. Planning (Mina McRae) al'so took pant hr the presentation cere- mony. At 3 o'clock in theme afternoon a memorial 'service was held in the cemetery with Rev. D. W. Williams formenay of Goderich in charge. The Brodhagen Band was in attendance. Following a lunch served by the ladies of the community, the 13rod- hagen Band presented 'a concert of Sacred muelc, ' - Monday Events Monday was filled with activity. it began shortly after nh'on with a parade of floats, decorated bloyclee and various personalities in costume of yesiteryears led by a colorful clown and the Brussels Legion Pipe Band. There were a number of interest- ing and colorful floats inc'l'uding that of the Cranbrook W. T. with a pioneer woman busy at a spinning Wheel. Another carried Davy Crockett and a comical float caused a great deal of merriment. lit was estimated, that in spite °ebbe blazing eun, more then 1;000 persons watched the Parade from various Vantage points.. 'The centennial was officielly open ed by •tilieptesident, Glen Mathes:, who paid tribute, to the pioneer sett- 109ERTIRIMENISIIINNINEENO LI:ASHMAR . I DRIVE-IN THEATRE L I S'T OWEL '' Turn at Arreourles on HIghway 86 FLEXY CAR; WASH BRUSHES ALL SIMONIZE PRODUCTS in Stock, both eseaslia__ , ho has been in t two months Her daughter icely. Chemical Line of Radiator Stop Leaks, Rust Inhibitor, Crank Additive and Brake Fluid. • New West- ting here with r daughter Mrs. II in Listowel mask. Complete line of Victor Gaskets also- Ramco BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT JOYCE — Bob and Helen (nee Arm- strong) are happy to announce the , birth of their daughter Katherine Elizabeth on J/u41y 1st, 1955, at Oak- ville, Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. NOTICE — BORN Entertainment at Palace Gardens, Formosa. Sunday„July 10th, .2;3e to 5.30 featuring the Nell -Sisters and Clarke Wallace. the harmonica .wizzard. 11111111111111111MINIIIIIIIIIIIM f Mr, and Mrs, received head dent early Sat- to return home al London, on ELLIO,TT — To Mr, and Mrs. Rich- ard Elliott on Saturday, July and, at Dr. Myer's, Nursing Home as- a Son. , a. rwommsmtp.t.Tresm at7,0 • Mac Baeker s Auto Supp Melville Presbyterian CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE Church 2 shows nightly 7.80 — 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. mi. Divine Worship . Thursday July 7 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, Singing „with „emotion Lloyd ..C. Dou glas' best known novel "MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION" In-color starring Jane Wyman,• Rock Hudspn, Otto Kruger Adult Admission 65c "Quality Merchandise at a Price that Everyone Can Aftoido PHONE 95 BRUSSELS, ONT. 1111111.11111111111111.11111ililinniaiiiiiiiiiMUMMI Minister: Rev. 14. T. Colvin, B. D. Organist: L. D: Thompson R. M. T * NOTICE RE Id BEAUTY SH t The United Church OF CANADA Ministee: Rev. A. Lane, B. A., Church School — 10 o'clock. Divine Worshks —11.15 o'clock. Remember Vacation Bible School beginning July 4 at 9 o'clock. LASSIE is coming to Toronto Ek., "THE BEACHCOMBER" lillAlOri , (Color) III LASSI E will ho a the dapla Theat- Robert Newton, diyiilea Johns re, jidy 8 , 9 in, ' - „ „...,, _.....--_, s. efforts. Acclaimed DETROIT'S 19•A• • • one of the sourotry',t moo Hotel TULLER "HILLS OF HOME" Set, Mon' PETER july - 11 in colourcoloureer -pine ,• 6 Gang" Comedy (Color) Wait Disney "Feature 'Mon. "Mee, . Wed. July 11 - 13 t son, of Mrs. Clinton, hostftal n following an oh Tuesday. He n his., foot with tendons, * n McCauley reLaives and cry's, Stratford ly'third, in lion- her Mccauley it 'Of her birthday:- con Happy title- d Mrs: MeConleY and Mervyn for The j birthday on the 'by Cauletr, Assisted eCauley. Mu* comfort, tap atmosphartins Is the enter of an dirietativivik Nasaf AM:orate& setable-rest minas" ameneist bed 'Dadaist* priges, IPOIJ IZIP SONO shop Arid aafetcr O iai ' Rale arIA TorivolskiCks room Air Carib/Ma reerrir Sat: July 8 = 9 Thurs. July 7 - 8 Varli teatit new leeseion he located II occupied by jo ablith of Angli VAL'S Ctittin baid Wa Phene 111111111111111 AiAf Thursday, FrTc (13 RING CIRCUS Lean Martin joanlie Ora 'Jerry Lewis Anothe r'Merlin and Lewis riot With jetrY §hiliig his ail In a tense Mom: brftto' toylifti to in-atie crippled girl sortie. ' "*" Church of England OSHA of Bruiselt 'nevi A. Norman Elfls. M. A. B. D. Sunday; 10 ,fttly ttei.— Wed. juiy "A B ULLET (Color) Jean Sirrinions, Fiery ealhOUte . . . "THE BLACK WIDOW" (Adult Entertainment)' This fop mystery story Was filmed in New York City. ,,Plan' to gee this auspehse filled' drania from the be- ginning and be sure to keep the SUrpride enditid. a Secret,' the Stare are: Ginger Rogers,. Van, Heflen, Gene Tierney, George Raft. • :ANNIVERSARY bilitVidE " • Pie400t, •Ite,hlioa dab'. Rey Mess '(fori1141r Rector of Bitsell) Sunday §-eirerei St ';deertjeli "dlitirehi Walton' aas 9.80 a. ri Morning Ptayar The frunilY the, late mt. Ititgli Poster' wish to thank their ;f'ri'ends and relativeisl iior the many acts 11cin'lnes estetded; to them daring their fedeht berell.Venteht end for; fleritit tributes', beetat thanks te; Br C. Myers and to itet, thOrnat., ' Comfit SOon "'": aitiAVV; tfielokti't KING OF fat, WILD 00014tibiiiii'• tiittosi 014i, July 14 ,15 • iitfAhibtitoUb. (detar) •• • 'Vtatcie. 'Matures Piper. •Laurie Brusisels. There Was a cha,nce and the with dancing to orchestra, In ,alecordanc ialim concerned, will he pub. issue of lthiss inaccuraciee published in el Cranbrook ebration woun ing of Mists The popular tries within a the hamlet, Verde Watson of Mr. and Mrs ,Mise `Watson. Of the Brussels won her first d pete at iSeistor Week there. ,Placing ;sticon Hemingway, of was Mi•sa Beryl erieff. Judges were bell, Mrs. WI Dr. E. A. MeM Loyd Mich,! . • . the cente nnial, and judges v MISS V. WAT MISS CRANES le, Toronto and Pilot Mound, ece Mrs. R. S. also taking in ir - Toombs, Dale, of Toronto and e Sperling and f Gerrie, spent of Mr. and Mrs, Master Cylinder Kits and Wheel Cylinder Kits Wakefield Castro! Oil In 5 gal. palls In Standard and Heavy Duty 6 gal. for $6.50 BICYCLE PARTS --, Wheels, Chains, Sprockets, Pedals, and all& CAR AERIALS $2.95 and u SPECIAL THIS WEEK — Outside White paint by Gal. 15.1 Hours: Evenings, All Day Friday and Saturday ' CHAMOIS PACING WAND CMOS MO: D ET R Itspoem Witty E. Paulsen General Mow Children's Otayeeung 2 ShOwS Nightly Rain ar Clear Ciiildren Wide* Yeios In 'Care. Hite