HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-15, Page 5THE. BRUM= POW .VV:44140.4?-7* Alae, 4,00,, 19 __111.01 1PRIP4S,0000.0.000600040440.44004 0,41rr.leein44m... MYRON-BRUCE 41-geTION RETURNS, AME 010W,404.-- imunommumummumerui NK1141 4,40t,40,40 '' ''' ft.0,100.04r Sffeh apkasant way to travel the road lo anew ASHfigt.D TWP. 83 • 40 .09 .99 41, 69 • 3, 40 61 40 48. 40 49 468 a 3t3 108 • 78 no 60 211 128 121 124 OS € 92. 214 216 ..,....•1•••••••• t1ff#1,0411 n ' • '''' ''' 1"....4111,1P'S•q1111.11.11 3 ..1 4,0,4•••••••.CT•1,44,...040.111* 4 ''' ......... 7 1 IliMPIA111.110,0 11 To All My Friends, and Supporters who worked and voted T (Yr: ad 00'00.0..k k • .... • • BLYTH ... 0. .... 2 ..... .. v.11•6!..1041.10 40"PP I14f . • ... for my re-election at the polls election day. • TOTAL '• .. .. .P!/1.10, BRUSSELS 1 , ... 2 Total . ... " . . .. CULROSS TWP. .... ••141106. ..... 2 John W. Hanna 51 39 45 52 33 87' 54 59 67 69 81 97 35 26 330 422 3 4 5 6 7 .. 1. . • . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111U1111111111111111111116 SUMMARY .AshEield ..... . . •V .............. . • ... TURNBERRY 468 ALA 178 65 l3lyth '211, 12, 85 71 Brussels 44 214 66 46 Culross Twp. 330 429 70 52 Carrick 'Two) . ..... . ,.,.,„ 326 TOTAL ,Oolborne-11...,,1.., ,. 148 362 399 234 B, Wawanosit Twp. 294, 249 Howick Twp. ....... 657 557 Huron Twp. 530 190 Kinloss Twp. •.„.. ..... 1.1 405, 232 trey Twp, 328 499 Lucknow 360 184 4 5 Mildmay ....... . . .. 182 201 6 MorriS Twp. 497 306 ........... 1,72 104 • mollAL Teeswater ... ....... „, 198 .223 343 254 Turnberry Twp 399 224 WINGHAivi W. IVawanosh 343 164 1 ..... f ........ g PIP . 4. 411.1.0... 3 WO,. • . • . • ...... ... De Soto Fireflite sedan with dramatic two-tone colour sweep . . mighty 200-h.p. V-8 engine that set a new world's record this Spring in the "Flying Mile" competition, sponsored by the National Association of Stock Car Racing at Daytona Behh, Florida. Total . „ CARRICK TWP. a 68 39 72 45 25 50 26 1:36 66 143 72 WEST 94 124 1 1 119 2 3 . ................ 1•••••40 3 4 WAWANOSH TWP. 5 6 7 54 52 25 46 34 83 76 53 39 72 20 Prestige is but one of several reasons why men on the way up are choosing DeSoto. It's a mark of distinction to own this beautifully new automobile. But, more than that, the sleek motion-design of the new De Soto gives it The Forward Look—the fresh, exciting styling that so perfectly fits the tempo of today! This thrilling performer is also a delight to corn- mand—nimble, easy to handle, and powered by. a mighty 185- or 200-h.p. V-8 engine. And although many other cars are higher in price, no other Canadian automobile has a wider or roomier body than this luxurious beauty! It's truly the smartest choice you can make. Your Dodge-De Soto dealer will be glad to arrange a demonstration drive. You'll see why it's a wise move to move up to De Soto. Total COLBORNE TWP. 1 320 754 112 71 112 62 30 36 51 31 23 1 8 2 4 TOTAL ....... 148 362 1 EAST WAWANOSH TWP. 2 1 32 41 ' 3 2 84 64, 4 3 ........1• 74 47 5 55 51 6 5 49 40 7 8 — 4 40 , 37 41 48 32 40 36 25 31. 188 116 113 135 121 112 147 183 '61 WINOHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Your Memorial Craftsmen tar Thirty-Five Years, Always aging THE BEST GRANITES Along With expert Designing ord Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Aernotery Lettering a seeetties R. A. SPOTTON Phone 2ne. V./Ingham, Daft". the saisazetive new 294 249 Advance TOTAL HOWICK TWP. ..„ ..... ..... „ ......... 2 . • , Poll A styling and engineering achievement . . manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited SEE AND DRIVE THE NEW DE SOTO • • • AT YOUR DODGE-DE SOTO DEALER'S NOW! 68 115 72 126 69 36 71 73 61 181 124 46 47 125 657 TOTAL 1,176 340 3 4 5 GRAND TOTAL 7,238 5,766 •.• • • .............. ...... ...... 14.1.4 . : ....... eit/ C. A. iWyert, Mt D. L. M. PHYSiCIAN and StintGE.014 551 tram= St, Pharos 4, eireessah ezt DR. R.W. STEPHENS Gratamatz thr,ivmee af Tomato PHyszamt sURGEON Telgoliang 45 Druesett, oet. 6 7 4, TOrAL HURON TWP. 1 ELLIOTT MOT R SALES 141 41 118 4' 105 31 62 35 104 38 520 190 2 3 4 ..... .. • ........... P.{ 40). Brussels, Ont. — Telephone 82 =te Chas. T. Davidson VICSURANCE rem AIL SUMS Autestekae sod F. lesurime Actiihmet awe Solorns Agog for eared Weet Lie l,. Marne CIMet 9$ TO/PAL KINLOSS TWP. 63 22 ............. ........ ... . . 48 24 95 49 95 5? 64 32 51 49 TOTAL ... . 4....111, 405 233 GREY TWP. THE REAL TEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 ections by Brussels Pipe Band Speakers - Elston Cardiff M. P.„ Cliff: Rowland, and several fehrier Te!Si dents, violin selections, duets anti quarette numberls Entertainment in the evening will be provided by Paul Bros., Kitkton, including other numbers by Doris JohnsIon, Walton and tap-dlancing by the Sandows of Listowel, "Miss Cranbrook" will also be chosen. The Broadhagen Band will take part in the Memorial Service on Sun, clan ,atternoon and will present a band concert in the evening. ETI-11EL • 4 a The, regular morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, June' 12 was conducted by Reit. NV: A. Williams, BriuSsellS. On, Sunday next, June 19, aunt, Versary services will be held at m. and 8 o'cloek in the evening. 11ev. H. T. Colvin, 13. D., ,713rusIselS; will be the gutist speaker. Sunday ,ISchool will not be Lld awing to the Special-,Serviced. Mrs, Calvin Cameron arrived honio ;last Tuesday Item a, trip to the Western Provinces-. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Piselter, Car:- Man, and Mrs. Wm. McInnes, Drug- tels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Stuart McInnes', Galt. Mr. and Mai, Blatt NUM ateoripani, ed Mt, and Mrs. Herman Whitfield on a motor tOip north. to PetetbIere and Partly .Sound over the week-end. Norman ,Pfelfer and 'Stanley 'Camp. beli had is mitaeulouS escape from Isetioits IninrY On Monday Whet their tritek was in dellisten with a track loaded with gravel, Their light truck tiareaged and Btanley sluia- tatned a out on tdie heed and sliqUldi et ,injuries and hritites while Iletin, fait Sitiffeted a brtils:ed 'knee and eihek,- io.hij). The two men Weta rettlititing libme froth Kitdhetier •stlieii, the ace!- , i dent liaPPedied neat Crosahill. CentelWei Neike In .telst4 My 84 hide teddaib will be returning id Celebrate 'With their and. 1-- telat ves here find meet other et ,iteitelit§ii Arrangements for the dit:dhot 'deb:Weal 1ifdi nearing A'Ltce J tketreat, convener of the invitationdeitiliiiittee tepees teeeiving a goodly ifit inbet of retilies to inAtitatiOng, Sanie of Atiefeiteeii Progratii are elegy A friend of -mine said to me con- cerning his ability to drink; "I can take it or lealve it alone." Immediately I questioned him.; "How do you know? Have you ever tried le.avin„g it alone for a week, a Month or longer?" My friend was very honest, but a little crestfallen to have to admit that he never bad tried to abstain for any such period. He admitted that he was in no position, to make such a statement. , There may be many boaStful drink- ers who shrug off the habit of com- pulsive drinking as did my friend. Thi real test is by total nbstineade otter a Period of time. If anyone has the ability to 'abstain for over Month, 1te Isobably has power to aliStain forciver. Ethel W. 1. Ehet Womenls Institute held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Stan, Speiran. About 20 answered the roll call "Something my grand. mother had, that I haven't." The motto was very capably taken by Mrs. de' Doelder "No .one is rich en- ough to be without a neighbour." Business was then dtkuseed, Mrs. Warllaw then gave the topic on "The History of Grey Township," which was enjoyed by all. Plans are being made for the play "Maid ‘of Money" being put on in the Cran- brook hall on June 20. The meeting cicisled with a dainty lunch served by the hostess and her committee. 0•1- ,Gmolas D. A. Rann dfc Co. .. e .... ............. .... . ...orwuw .. ... .. 4 ... FUNERAL AND AMMAN= SERVICK Lirsoned Amend Director sod Emiggisea PHOWE 3(i a as wausizia; ukt, 82 66 77 67 87 42 49 35 38 95 36 33 Harvey ,W. Stephenson itiiiitiiiitadvik for Shisi Lae AtOptilit PUIllikal Hsi& tad Acciisiit Co. °Wink* Giumiral filimirease Maio 43: ftlgiffiff 72 69 Walker Funeral 11h7 Salk Ciat,1144000 * &Ink Clap far ape el Dallis' LIBRARY NOTES The following new, books haVe been purchased by Brussels Library Board: Adult Wee§ .M'Lerd T AM Net-Guilty. Leatherbartow — Gold In The Grass. Dotiglas —The Living Faith. Aldrich Gertrude LaViteitee As "". i‘lta, French. APples Don't Iasi Grow. 411braitli — Inside gantacket. Rich Iiinacen.ce tinder The Juvenile Lansing The Pony That kepi A Secret, Lebtiigsbetti Scarlet tithgettetli The Force dattieS On, Young BOY on bete-he'd, Farley The Black "itaitieteg. gift* dolt Lboiiiid: The Met' watids Sito'w Owe* tabtagd tedthall giotiet tottitatd CAC- . tddetlitge, tie; 1:iit6itS .rdO'i:C. beide tottig6ti CrtisOO TOTAL ............ 328 490 LUCKNOW 1 ....... •I ..... .... 4 .. 71 37 74 103 129 128 2 3 .. .. P.41 a 360 184 TOTAL MILDMAY 1 G. ALAN WipshiaLL134AMwommiS,,, At Mario MP* Itvoldrigaiftp. *1*-r* rat••• WO A R. illorellja 111, mimp ..impfhlio#1.7 , • JOHN E. LONGSTAFF0 0140111040114 faistakst. Ghats Mak Ohs 74 0.4 ilia 11-1L3111, Si. II tuts. le IP UN 7" UEVALE 70 71 112 120 ... .. i .. .. .. —MrS. Arthie Messer and Miss Mat, datet visited `at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Burns Moffatt on Sunday. „„tvie. arid MOS: „Areiite Parket, ,arid MieeDotia Altehle6A, of '1110164 fat, ther reildenta, attended the Prealay, reran anniversary on StifidaY, „..440 HOWard Brook oftercitite, and Mr, and Mrs Alen ::Brook „and baby baby daUghter, of Gait, visited their paretitS,, Rev. R. A. Greek and beddk on SundaY., Mr. and Mra. Carnet'Oti Inglis, of AtWood., Were gUedta Of Mr and Mrs. itayhioth! killed en' Sunday. Miss Marilyn Moffatt, of London, WAS a weekend Oetter with her thotlieh Mrei, Moffatt '182 201 67 59 64 59 109 41 89 49 96 45 81. 58 TOTAL MORRIS IrWP, 1- . ..... *Oa.. 44 44 .•'•••••••a elal.P1 i4 ..... ila 2 3 4 L A. Montgahark , twists* k Eye 011Pai thkwai lisseit tit acesiorl• 11411astroaw' viraftr. Ivoikes by 4 444. Iiime apt isias 111:64.0178. tletli:aitrAngto: 7sigretem7a6,--aue'l, Viol She 01111111111111111$ 4'"' • 11,1141611111111 aria ii11111111114 Optosaidirisia Poke spapak, .4 497 965'. TOTAL RIPLEY ... 444 i 0444 *et - .OS114110 'slit 0 6111101 g‘ .1.0111 ii11100110. TOTAL ..reonnev TEESWATER 1 . 93 Ink • 10 110 i9S 223 Brussels Creaine- Mien/ V TOTAL IlvT,40100 106