HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-15, Page 4Hill 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M) CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- Pioneer seed corn D01111,1'T COST YOU — IT PAYS YOU. Today YOtt FOR SALE — can't afford to plant Anything but Girl's 0. C. M., Bicycle, new tires, the best, I still have small sup Kathleen Carter Phone 12r4 of seed corn available. Bert Joh. stun, Phone Brussels 28r4. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS who have claims a- gainst the Estate of WILLIAM GILLESPIE, late of the Village et 13russels in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 15th day of March, 1955, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of June„ 1965, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 21st day of June, 1955, tue .assets of the Estate will , be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard orky to claims of „which the Adminstratrix Shall then have notice, Dated at Brussels, Ontario, this 27th day of May, 1955. Messrs, Crawford & Hetherington Barrister, and C., Brussels, Ontario Solicitors far the Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS who have claims against , the Estate of JOHN STEELS, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, re- tired farmer, deceased, Who died on the Sth day of August, 1954, are hereby notified to send -to the undersigned on or before the first day of June, 1955, full particulars of their claims In writing. Immediately after the said 1st I day of June, 1955, the assets of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto halving re- gard only to claims of which the Executors stall then have notice. Dated at Brussels Ontario this 17th. day of May, 1955. Messrs. Crawford & Hetherington Barristers Etc., Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Exectitors WANTED .Farm work. -T. H. Cameron' Clinton, Ont. FOR RENT — Duplex House on Turnberry St., for information contact Mrs. Geo. Evans ' Phone 16 FOR SALE -- 4 Girl's Bicycle, like now, also used Refrigerator. r J, 0. McNeil Phone 77r6 to MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR , HEATING, SYSTEM FOR A- FIV8-R0011 HOME $825.00 Write Dept. 8 p or visit milt showrortns. Open Monday, Wednao day, and Friday evenings and ill d Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB FROLIC FRIDAY EVE., JUNE 24th, 1050 Entertainment, Games and DatistI Fun toe a% LOST— Small female dog, yellowish-1)14014k, lanswers to the name of "Frosty". anyone knowing where .abouts of this dog plealsle notify Fred Selling Phone 10313 Brushels FOR SALE 1 hand isicruffier; 1 Massey-Harris binder 7 ft. cut*, 1 mower; 1 side. rake; 1 hay loader, all these hole- Merits are MeCormiplc Deering and nearly new. 'apply Percy Adams, Brtissele, Ont. 1st WANTED ItaW1.6igh blisattels0 how oPen. in TOWnIShins of il6wieltk Grey and t Mends, Wade well established, Ex= delletit OPportilliitY. Full tinie, Write Onde. Raiwlelgh's Dept. t452420 11/56tiOsai, "ti,. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS who hate debit !against the Estate of WILLIAM $ANTIFAT DENNtS, late of the Vitiege Brussels iti the County of Ilairea4 retired farther,. deceased, whirs died Or the 6th day of May 1955, are here= by notified to send to the under signed on or before the 31st day of 1.065, vatitonle,te of the4r tiatine, in writing. • Ininiediatelr after the Said 3iM okay of ltat 1955, the Etisitete of the • te4te Wilt be diatrtbut it slang the parties entitled thereto, „having regard only te 'elating of -*Met the tieontors shall then hate notice. .. DATED at truseele, Ontario,'thle 10th day of Mat 1955, Messrs. , 'Crawford& IletheringtOti l3rueee&er' Ontario.. Eollettore roe' tie, *Wee:tare SEWAGE INEPOSAL,..• Rai* *Alt None sista kraals etemisd tike WO lit* ,0001 fa+oalbl 1. *Alit St, bit SUPERIOR 1,ROPANI ;LTIi Mitket PItiet tiTRAttiOlitli. ONT. The Vereettiti FUEL FOR HOME XA hANakii Het ViktitA tiSite; RIEORItAirtAareit., *AM MAD:Mit RoPresestathis 0110kt ititAtirOitO 41$ ` ANL NOD a. 444A )5th, TIM ORVSSELS POST ,....tr.Y.,,trrrett^.^trt 1 r73 as s NOTICE. 79 otlEorrofts AND OTHER. IN THE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM DAVID MPPUTOHEQN, late of the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron, Peoeeed, ALIL PerSouS Pialtnint nallifet the 'above ediate are reutdre4 so forward Pull ,partiettlars to 40 tinderSiped by July 6th, 1;955, after which date the owxt14: wilt be •44,011)100. DONNELLY & poisnwT.A.,y, Goderloh, Ontario, Sr:getters for the Estate, To all who workPd and voted for me' I wish to express my very sincere thanks. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN p `OTHERS IN THE ,ESTATE OF LORNE ELWOOD McCUTCHEON late of the Village of Brussels in.. the County of Hurth, Deceased, JJ ALL .person's claiming against the .above estate ..are rurtuired to forward lull particalarts to the undersigned by July Gth, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed. DoNim..iLy & DONNELLY, . ood*rieh, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. - , :11 • • - •••• "4"1•I'. Chevrolet's new, low centre of gravity, new, wider-spaced rear \• springs, and new tubeless tires combine to form a balanced road-hugging ride that puts Chev- rolet stability in the sports Car class. Chevrolet's new high compression engines—WS or 6 cylinder-=give the kind of responsiveness that makes any hill seem small.They're unbeatable in the low priced field. No Car in the Low-Priced Field Equals Chevrolet for Steadiness, Stability and Smoothness FOR RENT — One apartment in terrace apply Phone 16 There's an easy way to prove the above statement, It doesn't cost a cent and it's lots of fun. Take a demonstration drive in a Chevrolet. You'll find that most of your old ideas about low-cost motoring will be completely changed, If you're curious, your salesman will tell you about the many, many new features that make Chevrolet's ride so superior. But without being told a thing, you will know instantly that Chevrolet has given a tremendous break to the man who wants "lots of car" at a low, low price. Call your local dealer today. Tell him you Want to take a "Pleasure Drive" demonstration in a Chevrolet. for the sweetest ride of your life, ROAD TEST--STREET TEST—HILL TEST motoramic ATTENTION FARMERS,— DEADSTOCK removed from yogi harm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect : Brussels !MIS or Elmira 564, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED FOR SALE — One • farm wagon with implement tires and pine sills. Geo. K. Pollard Phone 5Gria FOR SALE — I Don't be left short on good murk- Hound its. Bray has pullets, dayold or start- ed. Attractive summer prices. Mired ,chicks. Wide choice. Broileris —Pot August ordor now. Full particulars — now — from Win. Glen Lira,, dump -Ethel; Mrs. R. Barrett, R. R. 3 FOR SALE — Male and Female Walker Pups. apply C. J. Pegeiow, Brussels. Road shocks rarely reach the • driver of the new Chevrolet. New angle-poised, spherical- joint front suspension smooths the road in front, and longer, more flexible springs cushion bumps at the rear. FOR SALE — Massey-Harris binder and rake in good shape. Lincoln Martin Phone 20r24 Brussels. Only Chevrdel- o frs fe you the choice aka The relaxing, mile-eating way Chevrolet flows ahead at legal highway speeds is unbelievable • in a car•that's priced so low. Try it for yourself — "Pleasure Drive" a Chevrolet today. C-2855C WA7 6.'RLOO CATTLE. BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service tat all breeds of cattle. For service 00 information Phone Clinton 243, 01 Palmerston 66 collect, between 7.11 and 10.00 A. M. on week days end 7,30 and 9.30 4. M, on Sundays. GENERAL MOTORS AWE Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Coupe All models and All sbries er r L 1 r els, • Machan - Willie FOR SALE — 75-acre Farm, frame house, bank barn, priced at $5500.00, 75-acre Farm, frame house, inn! siding, barn 44 x 18 with 32 acre. spring crop), priced la $6000.00. 6-acre Farm, fratne house, instil siding, barn, priced at $3500.00. 100-acre Farm, frame hots, bank barn, priced at $3800.00. Good house In Village, bath, fur nace, barn, garage, .on main street, priced at $4300.00. Frame house, insul siding, new roofs, Priced at $2,350.00 S, C. Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS who have claims against the Estate 'of MARGARET PERRIE, late of the Township of Grey in 'the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on the 21st day of April, 1955 are hereby notified to send to-the undersigned on or before the 31st day of May, 1955, full particulars. of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 31st .day of May, 1955, the assets of the Estate will be distributel among the parties entitled thereto hiving regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Brussels„ Ontario, this 10th day of May, 1955. Molars. OrawfOrd & Hetherington Barrister and C., BruSeelS, Ontario. 'Solicitors for the Executors WANTED — Poultry, all types of poultry, High est Cash Prices. Phone 636r3 I. A. McLean, Mitchell ..The, United Churcn Manse Bruss'el's was the setting for a double-ring Cere- , monY when Martina Isabel Willie only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Will- ie, Wingham, exchanged vows. with Clarence Andrew Meehan, eldest son of Kr. and Mrs, Lawrence Machati of BrOssels, The Rev. Andrew Lane of Brussels officiated. The bride leek- ed llovely in a floor-length goWn of white net over taffeta trimmed with nylon lace and matching lace jacket, Her shoulder length Teti was eanglit by a halo of nylon and sequins, she tarried a nosegay ot red roses and Wore a three strand pearl necklace gift of the gnoom.. Miss 'Jean Meehan silster of the gibe= Was bridesinald Wearing mauve net over taffeta with Match, ihg headdress and she carried a nose gay of yellow pent non triunia, Donglafa Machan, breithet of the groom was best Man, Thies reception was held at the NeW American Hotel, Brussels, Ghosts Were Present frem VDisig had, BritsSels, Kitchener and Satnet-,. toWn. For travelling to Northern' Ontario and Montreal the bride Were a Pale blue atlit With pink acteSsoriet and h .corsage of pale pink Carnation% On their return the douPle will reside In 1Vitighani, FOR SALE Farm waglon 'with rubber tires, iu good ,shape; a:66'4 tires and tubes, 6.40 x 15, ,suitable for Wagon. m - )Gralfam Work Phone 12318 FOR SALE TWO-rowed M. IL horse drawn with iareceesOrlea, Welland MacDonald Corn Cultivator shields and. all Phone 24r71 ON'T try to beat the traffic light THINE —you may save 30 seconds AND — you may lose your life Remember your signal light is GREEN Remember the RED will be against you FOR ONLY 30 SECONDS To, ssnx • THINK Are 30 seconds worth saving at the risk of killing yourself—your passenger another Motorist— a pedestrian who is moving on his GREEN. THINIt SLOW DOWN:onti ST Alt AUNT 111110/1111111411111110MIllialli ; LMA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Ca Established In 044. Head Office, Atvurood. ant' nsUuP 'Orepertt PriVite the-4ANS Avid Contents in tOWiiii• teboote, Churchej anda hi Oa it "INSURANCE AT oCiiitio•tiatiii iirtOMOt AD,WeitMiNt OF CLAIMS your Nearest Oteettee— Asti* it. 'W:. IC R. 4, OA. G VI A ii0IPART Weald YOU likbtl to sell barking eggs tevery' week iSl the year at e bi•entkiim of up to 33 cents peal Aden -amore Wen market tried ter yoga eggs? If yon went& write us is tnediabely tte are One Of Canada's oldest and largest Oanadian ApVidle. ed ital6OterteS'. Apply, Number ' t;6, *needs,' Oat PI T 0 • :41.11,..- '''',"••••fu•