HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-15, Page 3JUTE yiT-41:let;e's something in those 'burlap bogs besides oats, ,f,ashiOri debigners hrive discovered. Sport jacket, at right, land: csicktait dress are both woven of iute„ the plant fiber from which burlCip is made, Recently modeled at the Pakistan Embassy, from Canadian and. American designs, the creations are,,Pakistan's bid for a new outlet for lute, of which she produces 75 per cent of the world's supply. • SEND el. for ten different serene postcards. Return them withmean sages end addresses for free etternPsS .Chattanooga maillzig, Scenic Peeteelee. Box 1128, Chattanooga, Tenn. ' LETTERS remelted 250.' Addressing e2.(e). per M. Crossword. 'Puzzles, 3 for 100. Recipe requests typed, 3 for 25e, New Mothers, Erides, Seattle, 14. Larsen, Route No. 4, Bog 1393, Brem. .ertsee Washington. of timber experts were visiting the area to assess the value of the local timber, They examin- ed the tree carefully. Soon it was apparent that the skeletons had been entombed between fifty andea hundred years. The experts saw that a six-foot panel had been removed and the heart of the tree hollowed out. Then the bodies had been put in and the panel replaced, Clearly, it had been thework of a man, of great strength, for the wood was hard. in time, the panel became part of the tree again. An official inquiry was made, Local chieftains and other tribes- men were summoned and ques- tioned closely. Yet none of them could offer a clue to the mystery. White traders, missionaries and others living in the area also knew nothing. Nobody had mys- teriously disappeared during the period in question-1836-1886. Three theories were suggested. First, that the four .people had been murdered by a native and their bodies bidden in the tree trunk. Second, it was thoughts perhaps it was a form of cere- monial burial used by a tribe which 'had since died out. Or was it a form of punishment against people found, guilty of breaking .sacred tribal laws? We shall never know. BABY FACE A movie actor rushed his wife to hospital for the birth of their first, child, and while awaiting news paced anxiously up and down the corridor. On account of a film part, his chin was covered with two days' growth of beard. Suddenly another expectant father rounded the corner, took one horrified look at the actor's stubble, and gasped: "For heav- en's sake, how long have YOU been, waiting?" Dr ESS UP AND PROTECT YOUR FLOWER BEDS AND SHRUBS 73 C BABY CHICKS 110ASTING• slileltens ,and eggs will be a good price this Fall, This' any one of Tweddles's three special, egg breeds. and cash in on the 2tigh egg prices this Fall and. Winter. Or pilrelltiee aity of per three sPeriel meat breeds and .cash in on the geed prices for heavy • roasters. Also, Turkey Peelle, 195$ Catalegue. 'TWEDDLE CHICK .HAICITEMES LTD, PER,Clje• • ON'eAlttO. FOR SALE noN"r put it off,. Tour ordering of Aligust -broilers, For shipment now we havechicks, wide choice varieties dayold anti started pullets, Ask for parnentara. grey Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, • LAKEVIEW ciiicks FOREMAN LEGHORNS: Egg famous throughout U.S. Started pullets avail. able weekly, ARBOR ACRES W kliTB ROCKS: America's mighty meat•maker; dayolds hatching twice weekly, Broiler grew, ers should beak now far August and September. THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Exeter, Ont. S. D, Wee, Mgr, TURKEYS will be a good price at 'Thanksgiving' and Christmas this year. Den"t be withopt them. Fill yetis pens now, We have the following breeds all Canadian Approved: Broad Breast-ed Bronze, A..0. Smith Broad Whites, White"Holland, Thompson 'Breed Whites, Thompson Medium Whites, Wahkeen Whites, Beltsville, non-sexed, hens, Toms. New Turkey Folder. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS ONTARIO ALUMINUM Polish - Cleans, Shines, Waxes, Protects. One application, Ex-cellent for Aluminum Doors, Windows, Furniture, Fixtures, Appliances. $2.50 Postpaid. Techtradeco, Box 1043, New York 8, N,Y, MASONIC TROWEL! 4" long, emblem stamped into stainless blade, metal capped ends on wood handle, mirror ftisla. Miniature Bible included, $1,00 PostPaid, Bill Hoffman, 21 Edwin Place, Newark 8, N W Jersey. McCOR11L1CK 1.2 ft, windrower, Cut 50 acres, $130 off new price. Carmen Bell, Route 4, Peterborough, Ont. FOR SALE-210 acre farm, 75 work land, never failing trout creek running past new bank barn. Good sugar bush, good house. Hydro. Crop is planted. Easy terms. Apply rolinEsT MILLER, 11.R.1, McDonalds Corners, Ontario. ROSES in a wide variety, Poly., anthae, climbers $1.00 each, State pro, ference to color or write for prise list. Also shrubs and ever greens. Colorado Blue spruce 18"-60" from $2,00 up. Mrs. Antoft's Gardens, Kentville, Nova Scotia. LANDRACE boars for Fall delivery from our ieepeeted Gavel Ingrld's daughters and daughters of Imported Goya) Elsa, rd by our Stumptowner boar, grandso sin e of the famous Bluegate Poland. Write Fergus Landrace Swine Farm, Fergus Ont, . newspaper which helps to pass the time for them and has also led to a big improvement in thele behaviour. The newspaper now has a circulation of, 8,000. In this prison the guards are no longer armed and each con- vict has, a radio in his cell and attends regular film shows and quizzes, Another convict was such a .keen inventor that he asked and got perinission to experiment Clueing his five years' ^ penal ser- vitude in a Maryland jail. He worked over twelve hours a Belay for more than a year and finally produced an ingenious labour saving device for use in the manufacture of boots and shoes. This he sold while still in prison, He then set about think- ing ..up other inventions. On the day of his release he was offered a t5,000-a-year job with a business Brea, This, added to large royalties from his in- ventions; helped to make him a .rich man, • F c0 Skelet r it WITH HIPPO-- SCENE: Prciwihg room dbediel '15 R8ONAE: nine-Week-old pi grny'ehij;ikeliofahiliel dreg: Heteheie :Reeve- olds, director Of` Clovoicfrid Zoo:': tiMte tbeni,s,-,owcikonitig cif ier' feepinglri ReyrialePt Berth: "I- d !get- 'sleep ail riidht, Reynolds 'declared; : "I'd *lever, before elenred • my bed' With b The itjaboss had trekked to .bottintore to Meet the' bacit Carrying tOtillerreen his ,native Liberia. Tile .rare CiniMeil isf the ' gift e4'. the 0,Cpublic Steel „Corpora:Afore le the elrewirid' ebohe there vv-tis d box for Borni, but iritiSfeci on sleeping' in Reynolds' berth," fioynolds 'gave s CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OPPORTUNITIES FOP, MEN AND WOMEN CaNert SPORTS GOIUMN Eem.e4,47e,v.ioof o,, GO SNTO BUSINESS for yourself. 401: exclusive houpeware appliances re/Anted by every householder These items sre hot sold in stores there is no eempett, lion, Profit up to 500% Write ileum dlitety for Free colour catalog, with retie) prices shown, Separate confiders, Hai wholesale price list will be leeled• ell, Murray Sales, 1822 St Loeser". leantreel, S Eighteen years ago this month on June 22, 1937—eoe Louis knocked out the "Cinderella Nan", James I, Brash-leek, in the eighth round at Chicago and took the ,world heavyweight title, Louis was a great champion. Be had a 12-year reign until he abandoned the title n 1949, and then followed the tradition set he Jim Cor- bett, Bob Fitzsimmons, Jim .Jeffries and other greats of the heavyweight division, ' He failed in a comeback attempt. But his victory over the veteran Braddock who, elver, ently at the end of a spotty career, come oft the relief rolls to beat Laughing Boy Max Baer for the title, hardly gave Joe his greatest ring thrill. Of all the men Louisernet in the ring he bad hatred for only one; Max Schmeling, He hated him not because the German had knocked him out, but because of the things Schmeling 'told reporters after the fight, The Black Uhian claineed his victory was the natural triumph of a superior race, He would beat Louis again and again. Louis, Schmeling slimed, lacked courage as well as intelligence. He was a foul 4' fighter. (Schmeling is the only man who ever accused Louis of being a foul fighter) .,Louis nursed his anger for two years, then finally vented it in a bout never equalled for ferocity and savagery. Louis landed 54 punches on. Schmeling in the space of two Minutes. As Louis stalked in, a tiger re,dy for the kill, the beet the plainly-frightened Schmeling could do to protect himself was to lean his head and shoulders outside the ropes. Louis, having no other target 'for a right hand that thudded and battered, pounded it to Max's side and back, until he screamed in a high pitched voice: "Genug! Genug! Genug!" It was then that a white-faced Max.Machen, Schmeling's trainer, threw in the towel that referee Arthur Donovan picked up to throw out of the ring. Schmeling was taken from his dressing room to a hospital. It was three weeks before he was able to leave. And that was the battle, we think, that gave Joe Louis his greatest thrill. GEIGER Counteri Build your own. Sensitive, ecorwmical, 3-Way, Eight, meter, earphone. Send $1.00 for pleues to John yoene nee glee San Angelo. Texas. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA S L EADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified. profession, good * wages,'Thousands 01 successful Marvel graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS, 358 floor St. W., Toronto • Branchee 44 King St, Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa VERY BIG PROFITS en selling namle, plates, Yoe can make them yourself, we supply all material at ...low cost. soo for sample. Decal Sign Lettering, 1,001 Osborne, Verdi., PAS. LIGHTNING - LIGHTNING, if you are considering pretesting your' home or farm property" from lightning,-. consult the :manufacturers of lightning rods and save money All work geared..., teed and supervised by the 'Fire Mar-. steal of Ontario. PHILLIPS LIGHTNING ROD 'CO-eLTD;s* 32 Osborne Ave., Toronto e • . OX, 40273 PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys, Establisbed 1890. 600 University Ave.. Termite Pateete all countries. AN OFFER to every inventor lest of inventions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Pat-ent Attorneys, 273'Bank St. .Ottawa. PROPERTY SPECIAL QUEEN-BROADVIEW District, 3.storey and basement brick building on cor- ner lot., Centains , 9 apartments and .2 stores; het water heating; one store vacant, other has a 21-stool horseshoe counter restaurant with excellent trade, Good factory district. Rental income $450. monthly. Will sell build-ing and business together or separate-ly, Further details A. M. Greenaway & Co., Brokers, 169 Yonge St. Toronto, EM. 4.9454. QUOTED from a Danish paper "Breeds of animals are 'being revived, but there is no reason to change the king of farm animals, the Landrace pig." We have a few Landrace boars, also 14 Landrace bred guts at reasonable prices, Later will have some 94% vseanlings, Try a boar. end out how he will improve the length and grade of your pigs, John Knudson, Meaford, Ontario, PERSONAL Your comments and euggeaflens for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/a Calvert Hotistr, /31 Yong' St., Toronto. Catgut DISTILLERS LIMITED rEACHERS WANTED RYERSON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA PARRY SOUND DISTRICT Requires for September, 1955 teacher for S.S. No, 5 schooL Reply, stating qualifications and salary expected. Please give name of last in-spector. L. Pearl Thompson, Sec.. BOX 245, Burks Falls, Ont. AsAHERSTbURG, ONTARIO and after a while Joseph Kripps, astonished by such persistence, relented, and said he'd hear him. Jos sang an aria by Mozart, and. was immediately offered a job. He sent back his samples to the factory and started a new 'and successful career as a bari- tone. Now, after much success in Amsterdam, he has gone to the German opera house at Ko- blenz. He has also been asked to give recitals for the Danish and West German radio. Singing Salesman WANTED eeseleek FAIR QUESTION VSL TOUGH BREAK-In the spring, diamonds are a boy's .best friend, unless that home run to left field is interrupted by a window. That's what happened here, and a little slugger cii.the sandlots maps strategy to re- cover the ball. PUBLIC SCHOOL CARAMAT, ONTARIO' Requires teacher tor September. Ap. Proximatel 38-4 puls, grades 1 to 8. New school fully e piquipped. Starting salary $2,800 with annual increase of $200. $100 per year allowance, for each , year of teaching experience up to a. maximum of 5 years. Free housing available: Apply hi witting; • stating qualifications, experience and name of last inspector' to A. A, Mantyla, Caramat, Ontario. $1.00 TRIAL offer, TwentY-five deluxe, Personal requirements. Latest °tate. logue included. The Medico Agency,. Box 124, Terminal "A" Toronto Ont.., BEAR CUBS - Wanted--•1955 bear cubs, Send full particulars to DON McDONALD, 99 King Street E.. Bowmanville, Ontario. WANTED! 300 to 500 used electric egg incubators. Used cordwood saw and frame for Ford three point hitch complete with power take off pulley. Used horse drawn grader and used platform scales. State age and best price first letter. Huntley Brothers, RX. 4, Rockwood, Ontario. Released From Jail To Ogt Marrtpd k`orty vorotieta took to flight M Hawaii a short time ago with official permission and ap- proval. They Mu/ for more than tWO. hours in a specially charter., ed ait'lioer. , The =pbject .of the fight?, To yiow erupting Alewrii- Ian' volcanoy from, the air. The trip was a great success. A moat 'enjoyable time was had by. all. You sees the fright was part oe•theecdueatipnal activities at Fulani Jail, Ilm:kraii, where the Lpolicy of treating convicts more humanely, is, pliSq4, dividends, All (Wee; telk,WQere,,,,especially in the 1,Triitcid States, there's a tendenbf toddy make Prison We 'a little• More pleasant and grant specipt privileges .to con-, viols wheebeheve. themselves. „, Only a few weeks ago a man serving fouiteen years in a U.S. prison" for ,butiglary revealed that just befon titte' offence he had .fallen violertely, k love, with a pretty girl, me7itsk,ed,,p,or)nissfon to marry her, explaining, to ,the gov*(irnor thaT it WaA hardly rea- sonable °fere 'eeepedte haelo wait until 'sentence eves elpete be- come his bride, A few days later the convict was allowed to change his prison 'uniform for a smart, dark blue • atilt and was given "a day off" from jail to marry the girl. The ceremony took, place' in the .chapel about a mile from the prison. Two lawyers who had appeared at the man's trial acted as best man and "bridesmaid." Two hours after the ceremony, the convict was told by his guard 'that he must leave his bride and return to prison, for his parole was up, He kissed. her tenderly and as they parted he whispered, "I love you." She replied, "I'll wait for you, darling, and will be faithful." A xemarkable story of a prison- er's romance was told at a Not- tingham summer school two years ago by a prison commissioner while discussing prison education in Britain. He said a middle•;eged convict applied for permission to attend a special class to be taught to write. When asked why, he replied: "I have met a widow With a nice nest-egg. She likes me and I want to keep in ptoruisco,, touch with her while I'm in The prison goyernor told him the librarian would write. his letters for him, but the man re- marked, "The kind of letters I want to write to her are not the kind I would like the li- brarian to write, sir." So the convict was allowed to attend the class and proved a most apt pupil. Before he com- pleted his prison sentence, the widow said "Yes" to his admir- ably written proposal of mar- riage. • The governor of an Oregon jail decided to introduce a method of dealing with convicts by "trust- ing" them. The morning after he had conceived the idea there was a terrific thenderstotei which caused a hundred head of cattle On the prison farm to break away and escape to -the open country, The governor picked out two convicts who were serving long sentences for burglary and sent them out ito round up the fugitive cattle. "I want you., two to bring all those cattle back," he told them. The convicts promised to come back with the tattle, The go'ver- - nor gave them horses and enough food for a week. As they were setting out one of the men said to hint, "Those cattle may have strayed sortie distance, so don't fbreomwis•oitr.,i)ed if you don't hear But the governor did begin to ,worry when, after ten days, he -had heard nothing of the men. On the eleventh day, however; back came the convicts with all the missing cattle. They had had hard rides over rough country and, riot being experienced cow- boys, had had great difficulty in rounding up the cattle. Bur -they had made good—and each re- ceived a remission of his sen- tence, Granting privilege's to convicts can have amazing results, as the t governor of a jail in the Middle- West of the United States dis- covered some years ago. At a prison, coneert one convict revealed that he was a first-class eianist. A talent spotter who heard him offered him a radio contract and he gage a broad-, cast performance teen the pris- on—with the governor's perrins- selre• of course. So eXtraordinary was the wave .of hysteria aroused by his music that he Was pardoned halfwey through his sentence and 'drove out Of the prison 'gates in a new year,* the ,gift of his admirers.. be the cat were 50 silk shirts; 00,606 cigarettes, twelve sums of clothes "eight spare tires and three Airedale terriers—all 'gifts, from bie,taclio fans. In ,his pockets Were. 0,000 in testi and a two-year music hall "oeritraet at an enottrieus salary. ether gifts he had. received while in prison ifteliteled forty citteks, the tett Of_ candy and WO Ger.. Man Polite dogs. Convicts in a California prison Produce their own fortriightly These days most peep e work under pressure, worry more, s eep less. This strain en body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose-harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, Overwork, worry--any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-out" heavy-headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take bodd's .Kidney' Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to .normal action. Then you feel better-sleep better-work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug 'counter. 53 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping rkin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching scaling and burn• Ing eclema, acne, ringweern, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, re. eeriness of how stubborn or hopeless the y seem. POST'S REMEDIES PRICE $2.50 PER JAR Sent Pest Free on, Receipt of Price, 889 QUOCO St. C. Corner of Logan, roabwro The first mention of the spin- ning wheel in Europe orettrs in 1298. The psychologist had finished his lecture and was answering questions. A meek little man asked; "Did you say that a good poker player could hold down any kind of executive job?" "That's right," answered the lecturer. "Does that raise a (pees- tion in your mind?" "Yes,V was the reply. "What would a good poker player want with a job?" From selling neon tubes to seeing his name in neon lights— that's the story of Dutch-man. Jos Borelli, who has just been appointed first baritone of the Koblenz Municipal Opera, Ten years ago he was travel- ling from town to town in the Netherlands, selling neon tubes, and making quite a good living of it. Then one day as he happened to walk through the streets of Amsterdain with his sample brief case, he heard that an au- dition was in progress at the. Op- era Heuse, On the spur of the moment Jos deposited his case with the porter and rushed in. Approach-, ing conductor Joseph Krips, he introduced himself as the sing- -er Jos Borelli from Italy. Krips did not fall for that one, and told him firmly to go. But being an Accomplished salesman, Jos Borelli stayed put, USE MECHANICAL FERRET For foxes, groundhogs, rabbits, etc. Scares them out fast from burrows, holes, probes to 18'. No waiting. Sure to work. Postpaid at $3.00. Ms C.O.D. CANADIAN PARMTOOL CO. Dundas, Oa., Canada MEDICAL - . IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'5 REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG ,STORE 235 Elgin,, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid / 5555,5 Vacation .0t, N bop` Atrongemonf .,'' P001 141q .FEKE !Wade A Tree A company seeking timber for the British Market made an ex- traordinary discovery one day iii 1935. engaged by the corn- pang was at the time working in a forest clearing in British'Bor- neo, On the edge of the clearing stood a gigantic tree which it was necessary to cut down to get at the valuable timber lying at the back of it: With the aid of his native la- bour, the sawyer cut down the tree and began to strip off the foliage and branches. Einally, they started to tut the trunk intO lengths—and then it was they made their bizarre and grim discovery. Completely enclosed Within a hollowed-hut cavity iii the t"unk were the' skeletons of four peoplel The find wet renorte..; to hend, quartet's. thance, a number io ohm Jatnnien Miami Mexter. eerneude Bahamas FlaWall AIR AND STEAMSHIP RESERVATIONS CRUISES a aus TOURS Hetet Reservations Anywhere o K. JOHNSON & CO., LTD, 697' flay SL. Toronto 2. tint. EM. 6-94tie The only folding fence to provide extra heavy gauge galvanized steel wire, hard baked enamel finish. Ten ft, lengths fold into packs for easy storage. 'Meg en OTACO . . the BEST bi Folding Fence. essesseeseesseseeses '''...e.seeesseeee." stesideseeses CAN TIE ERECTED IN "ANY SHAPE IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER Ash to irrACti eittdies• root lee et, sent • hardware er reriet* store direet with ibb., .. . 1. tat otictley, oat, f oetitipinstii seild 0' le ft iiitietbs at •OTACO. Folding rettii of Sits rdr l0 ft, 16eigtfl. to 'Otiolniiea. r .drart, tet ' 1 le eel t4' 5, • r' V.4.4 40..4 ,1. leteti elte • •••-•• • tl t"!" "" • , .• , • See ee 0- . 0 • Ot.,4144,4,i1Pii**4 4 Q.* Asiit.a*.a..**Ag S F1 N E 'CIG'ARETT'E it life's not worth IiVing it may be your lived it's a faotl It takes tip to tiro pints of liver bile a doe to Seep your di gestive tract io top iii'ilnicit'it peflotfayincitairy t t , I invoor is a , gotflzr bloats oaftreela your stoinneh you feel constipated and 'the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's When you need mild Knells...Carter's Little. Liver Pills. Theoefsmous vegetable pillelielO stimulate the. lien of Kilo. Bonn yinn, digeotionritarts innotioning properly and you' feel that hapPY 'days tire here dreier Don't 'der ettie Stine. Altrays .ksim cetteeseetUe. • utrae Mr *Seemed. aro at veer iirnsehig