HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-08, Page 8Leading outdoors authority King Whyte writes- McNEIL'S SHELL SERWCE SH !SHELL 1400,0101.0 AND SHILL PITROLEUU PRODUCTS DUNLOP Parts and Atierreeerles. Austin Sales and Service eimmialsed • repairs to ell ntekar of sere roil trustee PHONE 771 mit ussaiii, eon. • '.0:01. .111,1 Op WWII • HOTEL AND CABANA CLUB • remo vedette» entoyetere in Florida `s host complete resort. M,4 ti wen eat each for sunning and swimming eery Nuns mr„ r oormeir.4000,0iimg opflona fo Oise and parnparv. = a like CMS end genuine ImtpItilaty to flavor your entire dap orPOtardN. GENERAL tvIANAGIR Wednesday, June' Rh; 1,955 BRUSSELS POW his splendid talk and preSelited WM with a gift, The meeting closed with "The Queen'', ' Connie Ireneerintatit daughter of Idr, and. ;Mrs. $. MeLean had the raise 1 fortune to break her stirs a few flays I agile ford, eP Mr. and Mrs, Dawrenee, Strat- ' ent the week-end. at the ummununigat. 9 0 Tip Top al Tailors NO TICE To Pog Owners Tillage of Brussels IN° do- coo ,oto,srefl. rmA At large durin the Garden Pc4s94 from 4.A .Tnne tp September or cotton will be Olceit.. All persons in the ItrunleinalitY 'oWning or habering deep must pur7 chase 1955 dicensee eer the: same ,on or before ;wee 30th, 1956, LicenSei are isened from the vie* G. R. Campbell, and if net Mr. chased by .that dattiaotion will be taken. All dogs mutt wear tags. .46 SVC* W Special TAILORS JUNE he Beauty otith HAIR RITUAL• Hudnues Quick Home Permanent $1.75 Children's Home Permanent 97c Special of the Month Spray and Stay $1.75 with Bottle of Egg Creme Shampoo Free Save 75c Tiffany Stick Cologne $1.25 April Violets. Talcum $1.00 Yardley's New Rose 'Coral Tip Stick with Matching Shade of Rouge both for $1.50 4••••• • mow Father's Day, Sunday, June 19tt A Choice of Gifts Here Leather Wallets, Utility Cases. Paper. Mates Ball Pointed Pens $1.9 Yarrdley's Shaving Bowl $1.5 Seaforth Men's Deodorant Spray 7 Yardley's Shaving Foam $1.25 (A very New Prod Wild Root Cream Hair Oil 7 Father's Day Greeting Cards 10c and 1 Enclose one with the Gift COAL. OOPS ! Now you've caught me with my price of coal dotes.. Take advantage of the low spring, prices to get your bin filled for next winter's comfort. Order now. Robert L. Cunningham "Our -Coal Makes Warm Friends" ortunity to get a Aire Suit at a s Reduction Discount or nts or Skirt R E E to 18th Only. home of Mr, and 'Mrs, A. Wheeler. The Hail Board and Women's Insti- tute are, planning to hold Moncrieft Fleid Night on lent :27. There Will 4.1e° P. draw on a Television Set, 'a girl's, or boy's bicycle and an eleetric tea kettle, Keep the date in mind. WA7 ERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Arcirieiai insemination eervice foA all breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone Clinton 2411. Ea l'almerston 6,6 collect, between 7.34 and 10,00 A. M. on week days and 7,30 and 9.30 A. Id. on Sundaye. rillIMIININ.•11•11,... Sport Shirts - Frocks with light Togs - Phone 86-12 Ethel -- We Service What We.Sell-- For Best Buy in Electrical Appliances See DEAN DAVISON Phone 62x Bruise', Ont. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS FROM $195.00 UP 1111111111111111•1111311111111111111111111111111111, RANGES FROM' $125.00 UP MARCONI TV FROM $165.00 UP WASHERS FROM' $112.00 UP G. E. KETTLES AND FEATHER-WEIGHT IRONS Pit G. E. STEAM' IRON tots, SUNBEAM MIXMASTER COMPLETE WITH JUICER "Somethingfpr Everyone" "It has been my good fortune to have fished and 'hunted from British Columbia to Newfoundland-from the far north to the Gulf of California and central Mexico . . . Nowhere have I had it better than right here in our own Province of Ontario. Outdoor Ontario has something- for everyone". WITH THE RADIO HAMS 4 i k for 1 The Grey-Bruce Amateur Radio be a Association met in. Kincardine re- =day cently, with a large number of am- other atueand interested persons in attendance. stains . One of the topics Which came up .,.. was the ,club's reorganization of the Amateur Radio Emergeney Corps, It web agreed upon that, the licensed members of the club would establish communications every Wednesday at 6.30' p.m. on 3645 kilocycles, link- ing the N,arious towns in the district for the passing of any important mes- eages which may occur. Among the towns are Kincardine, Brussels, Mild- an'a,,, Paisley, Port Elgin, and Han- over; -.A... It is 116 I. •, that, in tne near future, our short wave listeners from Walk- edam, Teelswater, Clifford, Gerrie, Neustadt and Kincardine will have obtained their licenses and will be able to participate in the Emergency Net. During the meeting Doug Leach; V E 3 D „...W G, Brussels, gave a re-schedule of the club's activities. Each meeting will include - busin- ess, minutes, "theray of radio" class, morse code classes for both the be- glnnersraadni. do -advanced operator, dis- cussion period and a lecture pertain- lug to Another meeting was• held on May 22nd. in the cluhhclese on the Ohesley road in Hanover, BRUESELb, MOTORS 8,w 5.00 • e. Bast deemed old fashioned couple. Three prizes - Bank of Commerce -10.00 John Deere Equipreent 8.00 Brussels Motors 5.00 Three prizes for best decorated bicycle - girls under high school age - Archer Grewar 3.00 Riverside Meters. 2.00 Riverside Motors• 1,00 Three prizes far best decorated biycle - boy's under .high school ,schlool age -- Hugh Pearson $3.00 Hugh Pearson 2.00 C. & G. Kreuter 1.00 -- Three prizes for pet parade public and pre-school children - Queen's. Hotel $3.00 Ralph Pearson 2.00 D. M. MacTavish 1,00 Miss 1855 - no age limit or dis- tance - $10.00 deflated by Lloyd Michel. All other entrants to get one pair of nylons donated by Wood's store ! and the Arcade stare, For the oldest married couple born in Cranbrook, attending the CentenCenten- nial.Mr. •W. Leach. donates 310.00. $5.00 to the person coming the greatest distance donated by Glenn Mueller. $5,00 to the youngest person on' the 'grounds donated by Clifford? Rowland. At the evening concert Miss Oran- brook will be ichosen. This chugs Is open to young girls ,21 Years and' under, within, a four mile radius of Onanbrook, to appear In formal COW tume. $20.90 heals been donated y b Rues ell!: and Gordon Knight. 'Phere be a prize to the most recently married couple. savezzo' SMITH'S Rexall Drucltoire y. Phone 62 Brussels wIf~IU1IalIaRIIIIaIlRIIU!III111Iff~*ffif I. HURON GOUNTV'S FOREMOST OAR DEALER A number of 54 Chev. Beialr $750 off Ilst. 1954 Pontiac Sedan 53 Chev, Deluxe Sedan fully equipped 2 -- 53 Chev. Coach, fully equipped 53 Pontiac Sedan 53 Fard Mainline Sedan, fully equipped 53 Chev. Sedan ee- • 52 Pontiac Sedan, Radio 52 Pontiac Powerglide, Sedan 51 Ford Sedan 51 Chev. Powergilde 50 Dodge Sedan TRUCKS -- 51 Chev. lAton pick-up 49 International 1 ton Express LIMOS 47.Fargo 1 ton electrical body 49 - 3 ton. Cab and Chaste TOUR FRIENDLY .CITIES SERVICE DEALER 24 Hour Towing Service Phone 3f'.4 Brussels, Ont. Anyone in the .Brusses district who is interested in amateur radio can get further information by calling me at 91 Brussels. We would eeetainly wen Come any new members to our club and to a very interesting hobbY. D, Leach 17E3DWG GIFT to the June Bride to be Schuett's of Miliimay have for you a Free Bride's Book Also a Valuable Gift to the Couple with each suite of furniture purchased. Godfrey Schuett Home of Beautiful Furniture Free Delivery - Easy Terms MILDMAY, ,ONT. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING. ASSOCIATION - "Where Better Bulls Are Used." The month of May, 1955, shows the biggest Inerean our number et breedings yhen compared with the Attie Month tb previous ,year of any nienth so far in 1965. YoU could benefit by using•our services too, if you are doing so new. ' '205 members joined our Aseociation during May, 1.05g. 1569 more `cows were bred during May 1955, then during Ma: 1954 for any increase of 38.5%. The Waterloo Oaths Breeding Association is alarnler 03v11(41 7r1.1111 Following is what Artifical Breeding has (Toni for VIZ farmers in Ontario according to the 1,954 animal Summary of gok Ontario Dairy Herd Improveinent ASSociallosit. The table below Shows 'a comparison of A, I., sired heifers naturally sired heifers. and controlled-non-profit cirgenizatiOn. MONCRIkFF The MoncrieffW. I. held their reg., uee meeting on Wed. Even, May 18, in 'the Community Hall. At this meeting ;the ladies were the guests of The Girls Club and their leaders who served a delicious meal showing how, Another event will be a parade of 'had learned the many Ways that Indiana .sponsored by Tan McPonald, ! they Primesoffered for largest family Milk may be used in the serving of on grounds; for oldest car in Par. a meal. Carol Robertson on'behalf of ado. the Girlie' Club welcomed, the guests The folloWing donations were also received -- and at the close of the meal Mrs, K. Joe Brewer $1,00 O., McLean thanked the •clith and their Claire Long 1.00 . leaders MM. K. Smith and Mrs, E. ;Gregg's Hardware 8.00 i Hood and preSi3itted the two ladies Baeleer'e Butcher Shop 2.00 Ohltield's HardWare, one gal, of with giftis in appreciation • of their paint, Alex Inkley, pail of grease Reliance Oil Co., case of oil Roy Kennedy 2,00 Admit's Mill 5.00 Brussels Creamery 5,00 Class No. of recerds Ave. Milk Lbs. Why not become a "tripper"? Pack the family in the car and set off on a two or three day pilgrimage to places you've heard about but likely have never seen -In your own Province. You'll find it a rich profitable •experience and you'll "Know Ontario Better". Accommodation Is abundant. Rates are reasonable. Send the coupon below and plan now your enjoyment throughout the year. KNOW • leadership tn, thiSPeojeCt. The Meet- ing opened with the W. I. Ode. The Mary Stewart Collect and the L'ord's. PeeYer, Mee. S. McLean, 1st. Vide- Pree, conducted. the liltheineee. Plans Jelin Hanna 20,00 Were made to± the District Anneal to reeg Centelly and the 'Coine;, mietee Would like to thank all the:tee; be held et Mon.brieff hie tn.& who haVe contributed so well to the', Delegetde aPPOinted Were.. Mrs, L. fend. TheY aPPeeciate very neltehl eke _tnth G the interest ShoWn by the bilairiees Men of 'Brussels and surroundingmeKnY and. Mrle. MeLean, Vire, Cl. community, in the. Cranbrook Cen- i Rieleinond, Die, Director, retorted, On tetrillat the Exectithe meeting of the blettlet BETTER IN I Av. Av. Fat Lbs.tag A. I. - 2) yr, ,old 1243 Natural 2 yr. old 21547 782406' 291 3.61 - A. 1. a ;yr.8851 r. old . 839 269 3.48 313 31.4. Natural 3 Yie old 2372 8400 . 290 3.45 .: A ' The difference in production would pay much more than the cost of Artificial Breeding tees. For service or infers' phone collect. ds Clinton 242 or Palmerston 66 between : 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. Week , 7.30 and 9.90 A. M. Sundial eintor11;1 PirInctal "The %hum" W.I. A donation, of $15 was voted tie 'ward the toys Ball &nib. It wets; dee- Idea: that the Montrieff W.T. would . enter a,,float et tithe School Cele- bration. On behalf' oaf the Club Bet-nide Hoppetiliath and Jean. 'Son rga've a shStt skit on Milk-lib =care and use. filet. leek COX eon- Vetted the prograni on Health. The tell eat was i•esnomleid, by -"A health rifle I Should cultiVate."" Mann gate a Splendid peter on the motto "An .clutilde of prevention is werthni, pound cure.". The high light of the pfogrant was the inter*, big and inttrative talk on Itilikt Aid" by Dr. Ittinter of Atwood, who tilat9 in.tnodaced by MrS. 3, Coil, Mrs':. d. Flare:Son thanked Dr. 16iiiiker for ro. • RANI „ . +.m ivall Sal Oda be* bssj • Sews • ke bitallk OW* Mini kik 'el Skil taisel Iri sew 112•••111111 11•04; tLIAM:0 US51:11/ Tee. Brussels Cream 1 i phone 22 Illevoiletef Opt,. 1