HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-08, Page 7A
GO INTO BUSINESS !or yourself, Sell
excitisive nouseware eppilancei wanted
by every houschOlder These items ark not sold in stores there is m? competif
tion. Profit up to 5005 Write !Mine,
diately fOr Free colour catalog, with
retail priqoa: shown, Separate et/Paden. nal wholesale price list will be Mein&
ed, Murray Sales. 3,822 St. Lawrence. Montreal
JULY, or later, broilers ahead be
ordered now. For immediate shipment
we have inbred thicks, pullets, Some started. Ask ter current prices. Be pre-
pared far the 'good .Grade A T-40.110 markets Bray Hatchery, 120 John
DON'T miss the boat; you sure will if
you don't raise some chicks. this June
or July, Egg prices can't help but be,
high this Fall and, Winter. For maxi,
mum egg .production on , the, minimum
amount of feed buy ,env of our three
special egg breeds. They will lay more
and eat less than any other breeds we offer, also three special broiler breeds,
all first generation stock. Turkey
Poults, send for 1955 catalogue, It gives
You full information. rrwEpnts CHICK HATCH:ERIE§ LTD,
throughout U,S. Started pullets" avail.
able weekly,
America's mighty r,neat.rnaker; dayolds
hatching twice weekly. Broiler grow.
era should book now for august and
Exeter, Ont, 5, 12, Wein, Mgr.
TURKEYS will be good property this
Christmas. Fewer Turkeys are being
raised both in the United States and. FCnaaodta.sThis can, mean but one thing—
medium, Wahkeen
prices for the grower. We have
all popular breeds, Broad Breasted
Whites, Empire Whites, Beltsville, non-
Bronze, A. 0. Smith Broad . Whites,
White Holland, Thompson Bread
Whites, large and
sexed, hens, toms. Free Turkey Guide.
. opPORT0Filnis FOR
any BIG PROFITS in soiling name,
pliites. Ou can make l4e10, Yolg4g4fe we supply all material at :19w
§0t Pool. Sign, t„etterittee
etell Qeeeroo, Needen,
if you are .conaiderins YoAir home or farm property ,from lightning,
consult the manufacturers of lightning
rods'end save money. Ali 'work gnaran,
teed and supervised by the Fire gap
shot of °uteri°,
32 Osborne Ave., Toronto
OX. 44473
Patent Attorneys, Established tan COO
MOAT/My Ave., Toronto Patents ell
OFFER to every inventor List of inventions and full information ,sent
free. The Ramsay .Co„ Registered Pat-
ent Attorneys, 273 Sank St. Ottawa.
Wanted - 1955 bear cubs. Send full
particulars to DON tleDONALD, 99
King Street E.. Bowmanville: Ontario.
51.00 num., offer, rt,venty,five deluxe-
personal • requirements. Latest cata-
4011U0 Inducted. The Medico Agency,
Bog 124, Terminal "A" Toronto Ont.
Requires for September, 1955 teacher
for S.S. No, 5 school.
Reply, stating qualifcations and salary
expected, Please give name of last in-
spector, L. Pearl Thompson, Sec., Box
245, Burks Falls, Ont.
Requires teacher for September. Ap-
proximately , 34-40 pupils, grades 1 to,
8. New school fully equipped, Starting
salary $2,600 with annual increase of
$200. $100 per year allowance for each'
year of teaching experience up to a
maximum of .5, years Free housing
available. .Apply hi writing, stating'
qualifications, experience and name of
last inspector to A. A. Mantyla.
Caramat, Ontario.
;01.01°4 0"CE
The only folding fence to provide extra
heavy gauge galvanized steel wire,
hard baked enamel finish. Ten ft.
lengths fold into packs for easy
storage. Insist on OTACO . the
BEST in. Folding Fence.
Ask lot OtAeo Pouting
hardware 'or varlets store
with tble entices •Canada
Pence at your
or order direct
For foxes, groundhogs, rabbits, etc
Scares them out fast from burrows,
holes, probes to 18'. No waiting. Sure
to work. Postpaid at $3.00. No C.O.D.
R11.4, Dundas, Ont., Canada
MEN AND 1/10NIEN,, -
Good Advice! Every Sufferer of Rheu-
matic' Pains or Neuritis should try
. Dixon's Remedy.
$1.25 Express Prepaid
BANISH .the torment of dry eczema
rashes Mid- weeping ckiii trthblek.
Post's Eczema Salve will not diger)•
point you, Itching scaling and burn.
ing eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples
and foot eczema will tiespond readily
to the stainless, 'odorless Ointmehti re,
gardless of bow stubborn or hopeless
they seem..
Sent Post Free 'an -Recolidt# of Price.'
689 Queen St. E., Corner' of Logan:
, . Protect yohrnoox's and CASH from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any
purpose. Visit us or write for price,
ate, to Dept. V,'.
145 o'ront St. .F.„, Toronto
' Ustatitished 1055
. . .
$200 for your child's photo (all ages)--
if used by advertisers.,Setl
photo for approval. 'Print child's arid"
parent's name, address, on beets.
Photo returned. No. obligation. Spot-
lite, 5880*'CC Hollywood Blvd, .Holly,
wood,. California.
AT Last! 'Organic inineralwitainin food
supplement, From 19 natural sources-.
Dealers wanted: N.V.M. . DistribUtors,
Cranbrobk, B.C.
• •
GEIGER 'Colintett Bond •yout, own,
Sensitive. economical.. 3.WaV, light,
Meter, earphone, Send -$1,00 for plans,
John Yount, Box 2103, San Angelo,
Learn 16eaPitir*cittr(ssitiSiliitYg
Pleasant, dignified Profession, food wages. Thouseede be Sueerasftil
MarVel graduates.
America's OrAatest System
illustrated: catalogue Free
Write ui
M MVL ItAinbittlq8liktd •S'OtiOntt
358 Bloat Oh; Toronto
Eint nht.6611aritilion
72 Rifted'
St._ ottewe
ISSUE 23 — 055
ROLLING .."SCFROLROOM" let the OVeralls and
006 lior'seSoiter Diesel'iwitching locomotive a e
cop fool you: he„yp.upgst s arci..
. going to•After seveal'tea .
rated for
n !lest e.t.a ihfOreilee. t`i
• ••••• tiOileatei "" '!"/:
• 0' • 11.•••;!
'r• , •••••••••....17
&met 7e,t9eedog
S:'::::.':-TOOTH PASTE — Putting the squeeze on the lateet break-,
fast-table hazard—jelly in a toothpaste-like tube—is' Rict,erd
,Piencizik. The new product smears just OS efficiently ord-
fashioned jar-type jelly, to judge from Richard's face.
InaS sports magazines a; few weeks
back, there there was a story of a typical
Amerecen, dad, who took his kids to
Florida . on a late winterholitlayz and
there attempted to teach them the' fun-
damentals of baseball,
Well, this dad, like a good many
lothei deds, really didn't know •too much, technically, ,about
the niceties of throwing curves, or holding a bat properly,
He was doing the best he could,
One day, a big, good-natured chap who was watching,
excused took the bate: and said; "You hold it this
way, sonny,". Before he left he wrote his autograph. into the
kids' books: "Stan, Musial."
The incident recalled to me what a big league umpire
Once said about Musial; "He's 'a pleasure to umpire 'behind
at the plate." ()nee, in a great while he: thinks the call is
bad. Then he turns his neck and gives the ump a hurt look.
That's. his idea of raising a beef, He never says. a word.
"Even ,the.. umoirese Itive•hirn, and I couldn't pay him a
higher compliment, Musial is 100 percent, on and off the field."
For good-fellowship, Stan Musial has. intich in common
with Jack Dempsey, Years ago, this writer was one of a
eiroup travelling with the -boxing champion and his manager,
Jack Kearns. 'There was some argument as. to 'wile would
occupy „the drawing room. Dempsey cheerfully surrendered
this privilege to the sports-writing, cavalcade. "I'm lucky,"
he said, "to be in the, pullmen. car, 'and not still riding the
• Musial, so the umpires say; is not the tempermental kind.
Nothing upsets the evilibeium of Stan the Man, His team.
wee-Playing ,a night game in .Flehete Field,, St. Louis vs.
Brooklyn and a little German band of five or six pieces was
tootling loud. The band was really. not for the,. music,. just
for langht. In: three times at bat, Mitsial,had combed a triple,
a homer and .a single. When Stan came up for the fourth
time, the umpire --asked him. if the music bothered his con-
centration. If it did, the plate umpire had authority to wave
his ernes' and cause the musicians to cease assaulting the
night air, .
"Oh, let the band play. .They're having fun They're not
:distracting me," Musial ,told the official,, whereunon. he rifled
a double off the right field wall'for "the cycle" which means
a single, double, 'triple and homer in four AB's.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong. Si., Toronto.
tween those' ‘ officers and men in
days, for the troops remained
steady in battle often against
overwhelming odds, and 'won
great victories,
Another, story, concerns Pri-
vate Keenon, of the 25th Light
Dragoons, who was founcLguilty
of loading his pistol with a" ball'
:,cartridge, and saying 'to his .
sergeant: "I intend this for you,"
The pistol went off while r the e
sergeant was trying to wrest it;
from the man. It-did no damage,
so the charge-was: "For Wasting,
ammunition delivered out to,
him." In addition to a thousand
lashes,' Keenon was drummed
out of His Majesty's Service.
'To brand' deserters with a D
.was the custom' in both services,
and this was a.ccomplished' by, ,
tying the man 'to a post in the
barrack square with the regie
ment on parade and looking en,
The drum major took a bundle
of saddler's, needles, three-sided
and serrated, and pierced the ,
man's skin through a tracing of
the letter, Then gun-powder was
rubbed into,the wound.Ace,make
the letter indelible.
LANDRACE boats for Fall delivery
from our Imported Goval Ingrid's
daughters and daughters of Imported
Goya] Elsa, sired ;by our Stumptpwner
hoar, grandson of the famous Biuegate.
Polarld, Write Fergus Landrece ,Swirie
Farni, Fergus, Ont.
ONE M.O. Thresher 22" x 38" with
everything, but shredder; One New,
Holland "77" baler 2 years old, both
A.1,. shape. Harry P. Rawluk Newmar-
ket, Out,
FISHING- Lodge and Lake Resort in
Louisiana; 215 acres, 7 cabin Units.
Yearly volume, $18,000. Price $50,000.
-,,5Som„e terms, Kashfinder, Wichita, Ken.
with Punishment That
Was Really Brutal
• cTeeete
Aite,,ctilAYS!( Hand made from used'
automobio, pistons. ;Novel, beautiful.,
unbreakable., (Felt 'base protects your
furniture). $1.50 postpaid. C. McCalla,
R.D. 2, Elizabeth, Pa.
FOR SALE-210 acre farm, 75 work
land, never failing trout creek running
past new bank bare., Good sugar bush,
good house. Hydro. Crop is, planted.
Easy tenng. Apply FORREST MILLER,'
McDonalds Corners, Ontario.
ROSES in a wide variety, H.T. Poly-
anthus, climbers $1.00 each. State pre-
ference to color or write for price list.
Also shrubs and ever greens, Colorado
Blue spruce 18"-60" from $2.00 up.
Mrs. Antoft's Gardens, Kentville, Nova
P i Now _He Can .Piay
Because he could 'not geow
normally,, 15-yeareold Scots
lad decided to shbrtep, hip ,
height! „
Fraser Nisbet, of ',St. 'Aisles,'"
Berwickshire, caught polio as a
baby, and as he grew older his
bad leg , was not grdWitige4(s
quickly as the other: He could"
not romp and play Wjf110191theRe.,
COMMERCIAL No, 1, 54.50 per bushel,
f.o.b. Parkhill, sacks Included. Waters.
Elevators Ltd., Parkhill, Ont.
draWn close up to the yard-arm,
and then let fall suddenly into
the sea; where, passing under
the ship's bottom, he was hoist-
ed up on the opposite side of the
ship. And this, after sufficient
intervals for breathing, was , re-
peated two or three times.
"If the unlucky sailor', was
drawn too near the ship's bot-
tom, his flesh was torn and
scratched by barnacles. Un-
cleanliness and scandalous action
were among the crimes for
which keel-hauling was the
No one ever had more abso-
lute authority than the captain
of a Navy ship in the eighteenth
century, the author points' out..
Except perhaps the Duke of
Wellington during, the Peninsu-
, lar War; Then the amount of
lashes that could be given to a
soldier for loot or plunder Was
from twenty five to twelve hun-
dred s':rokes. But "everyday, af-
fairs' were 700 lashes for the
crime of ,selling Army
"Wellington was the discipline
arie.par excellence, but hate ee
n been" even a jot' less strict and
demanding than he was, it is
very ,unlikely: that he and' the
armies ; under his command
could, have achieved the out-
standing successes they did,"
says Mr. Claver—but about this,
I w,onder.• -
Before a royal commission the
Iroir.I3uke tailed his soldiers,
"the scum of the earth. I have
no idea of any great effect be-
ing produbed on British soldiers,
by anything; but the fear of im-
mediate Corporal punishment."
It is hard to believe 'that there
was no personal; touch at all,,be-
0 TRIO OTAttO LIM (TED. Ortilta Oat, A . e Gentleman?. Ploase send me Primal()
0 tO ft lentiths or OTACO Folding
0 Fence at $1,5.) Der to ft, length.
.'reez At the back of his minfoe, y W as Bind -' ke
the thought that he' WoillEt'n'erVeroj
be able to 'join in the funierifeer
At 15 he was operatedron.r r
'When he came out of hospital
his left leg had ebeen Straigtened.
But it "Wee. now two inches
shorter /fititi"ihigriAght leg,
Then ,came,, , a remarkable de-
cision for, r,hoy nof .15. Frat3er
was cleterniined he would not'
go threugh 4‘I- life 'wi'th': The,
handicap' Of limp., He could
not get ,,hid'short leg,
end Then ,.why not get the
other leg , shortened?
So •VraCer eVent to lispitel
for -another Operation 'eta have
his good leg shOrtened -When
he cattle out, both his legs
were the same size!
No . spring her ',summer' efeititY
haft) stich grace
As '1 have seen in one eutemenel
face, —John Donne.
TIMBER-R-11:—Sam "Tooth-
pick" Jones wields the inevita-
ble hunk of lumber after cut-
ting ,down the, Pirates at Chi-
cago,' Ill., with a 9-0 no-hitter,
first for the Chicago Cubs in 40
years, Last Cub hurler to turn
,in an aril-the-way, no-hit per-
forinanee was Jinicrty Lavender,
who zeroed " the New York
Giants, 2-0, in 1915,
Austrian oppi•essors and were
constantly rising against them.
Their wild' gipsy music has tre-
mendous power to rouse, and no
player" coUld Move the masses
like 'the fampus violinist Edou-
erd Rernenyl., During the war of
1848' his, music , so inflamed his
people, that six, times in all he
was sentenced to death by vale.-
'ous courts--merely for Playing
his vi.91111. , •
Crowds became se inflamed by
patriotic fervour that they at-
tacked the• hotisee of the rich,
burnt down government build-
ings and fought troops that came
to disperse thetri. But nothing
could stop Reinenyi, for though
he was sentenced to death, it
was always in absentia.. His
friends ensured that he was
never taken„ in spite of the
heavy price on his head:
Music affects the emotions as
nothing else does„Stand in the
midst of a Welsh rugger crowd
as they sing ".Laird. of My Fa-,
thers" before an international
game, and you're bottnd to be
affected: No wonder that 'On
such Occasions Welsh teams play
like men inspired.
A song did wonders for Eu-
rope in the year 1970' while she
was still Suffering: the effeett of•
the Thirty Years' War% Plague
ravaged the laud. In Austria and
Germany, theeeeqUerters of the
population burst ir'to a rellielt-
hie trine', "Ash, du Lieber
As he" walked; 'still A little
drunk, into the market 'place;.
bawling at the top of his voice,.
he *as joined by others. 'It
eeeitted as if the spell -of &Oilft*
had lbeen broken arid
laughed once Mere.
Groups of , eirtgere Were Or- e,
ganized and e Mee sang and
wferked with it W.111 again, Vire
example ,affected oth
towns and:111160e, till Austria.
sand detinahy:wete with is new life. For Many. Years aft
eatery liAg festival Nailed w,th
eiligInee? 11.14cN dit Lieber
r N 03,1i1
0 • it DDRioss
• Money Order tot $ is enclosed 0
• .*Pi•Ct. 0
O tv I, 0
"c.a.... ed.? ... • • 1.tiel;e
Within living memory flogging
was, being inflicted daily on
soldiers and sailors after. drum-
head courts martial (during mi-
litary operations) had issued
their dread commands. Senten-
ces of up be 1,500 lashes could.
be imposed on soldiers; while
sailors might be' liable to the
punishment known as "flogging
round the Fleet."
For this the sailor delinquent
was put into a .1aurech, stripped
to the waist and tied' lip with'
his arms extended noon a frame-
of wood, while the, maStereat-
arnis stood besides him with a
drawn sword, counting the lash-
es they wete,inflicted. •
A drummer and a - fifer stood
in the bow; and a lwhoie flotilla
of boats then fell into line, tow-
ing the launch containing the ,
culprit.` The fifer struck up the
"Itogne',p,tMeneell,", eeeeceMpaniede
e by muffled drnmening,,,,aelcWhiSe'•
weird and hpi:Rbe
then approaalid each sbip 4 of
the line manned for all handsa .
to 1).170°11.1 b 4! a itr toe) Even' 'Was' 'the 'ottran-
ment 1919W4 .tRA,41480,711a1M1P15j7tif
"The sailor was ordered to strip
hi§''qlqtlip,.e4e01:lti)filreA Orb e
of cloth round his loins,"teyMee„
Scott Clever in his book aUnder
the Lash";. "He • wee suependette
by blocks and pulleye,, and, these,
were fastened to' the miposite
extremes of. the ,inain,cyerd, and,
a, weight was hung upon his legs
to sink him to a competent
"By this apparatus• he was
Songs{More .IDeacll
than Machine-Gun
More deadly than' bullets ee
that's the effect of some songs:
. That is why officials of the
Defence 'Office in West Germany
have decreed that hands will
be allowed to play only marches
that were not misused by the
For the Germans know the
power of inueic better than any-
other nation in the world. They
used it to -such effect in 190,
when their military bands play-
ed "Roll 'Out the 33eTre122—&ed
other rollicking- tunes in .Oslo,
that many Norwegians. were'
hypnotized into singing and
dancing round the bandstands
while Nazi'tourists," with arms
hidden hr valises, came ashore.
The music continued, for two
days. And when the'Norwegians
came to their' senses they found
fereigh army in their midst.
They had no eheice but surrend-
er. ,.
Germans used not only. gay
music to achieve their ends. The
Horst,,Wessel song, which took
its name ,from the composer, was
constantly.whistled in the streets
and sung in beer gardens by
the Hitler Youth; at concerts it
always followed "Deutschland
1.11er Alles" — their national
anthem. 'The effect was frighten-
ing to foreigners present, for
audiences were transformed, into,
faneties, carried away by ideas
of 'Getman superiority. ,
Few agencies ,have greater
power to ,arouse emotion ..than
seng,. A small boy whistling
shrilly Sadie 'popular" ditey,down
Your . neck in a titts can ,enrage
you; Bet a sudden snatch of
sonV from the forgotten past can
recall memories that bring tears
to your eyes.
When. King Carol of Rumania
abdicated, lie married %Magda-
Lupescu, whom he had hived for'
thirty years. At his death in 1953
she was heart-broken and IlVecl
.alone in her house in p6it#0.1:
One day Monique Urclarianti,'
wife of :Carer% chamberlain,
wrote a song dealing With' Lit, "
pescu's love tor Carel, a, plain-
thee melody that, boomed. into ee,
best-seller until everyone ..: in.
Lisbon sang and hummed./ ite
Princess Helena .(Lupesett)' rare-
ly turned on the radio ,or went.
out without hearing it, It so
-thatintecrle that she. packed her
bags arideleft her' home.
Piee of the-most rousing soegs
over heard is the national ate
there of trance, the Marseillaise;
which tante into the news -re-
' tently' When a rare copy of the
first edition was ;stolen from the.
British. Miteeene. It was
poeed, by royalist officer Claude
Rollget de Lisle, stationed on the
Rhine. during the French .Reve.,
letibn, One evening when lie
was the- guost a:0 the Meyer Of
. Strasbourg„ one of his colleagues
reirierkecl:„"Qur Mee are (kWh"-,
hearted. Holy will we keep up
their'spirits?" it GiVe theiii a sons," Urged the'
Meyer, a jovial. German who
loyedesingied. "A. eoite they can
rileteh, Mid, if teed be, die to;"
"I'll write you such a eerie
that the whole of France Will
lie Proud' tee -title said do Liele.
Alt that, April night de Lisle
Sat Wetting.. 13y Melting; his
• Stirring Song. was ready"; it
swept ' thtough F r ante and the
rievOliitiefiariCa adopted it as
"their hymn It Was roared from
10,000ethreeite, es. they aileckett
r. Paris in,. Aligtpt; • acrddMadame
de Lisle, an
son turned' to her ragete"'9.That e
1C16 pe.41e. *ran 'hY bouplitig ,ptir
' name' With.''that rrevoltitiona:r3e.
• bymp4hes.e, brigands
The,,,song,,,tittian,bY ilk:Sortie
Was tir sherpeSt weapon in the
7 'Of 'revolutionaries
iikarnat' the itisfeetka.
the" ItittlearietiS hat tt 4 theii"
If life's not 'worth living
it iney be your
i“ Ica a testa It dI li'en1 •
bile a day to liven' kiair•iliginitive tract in top
iftugret if your Ilya bile is get nomaizerrely
your toad may ;tat digest ees•lileiits CEP
ydur stiniiiieb .• . yeti 'feel neasticiated.Bad
all the Ian acid StinrIcia.ga ant of That'i
Oben you tined Mild itentlit 1:Cater's Little.
Liter Pills. These temps, vegetable pill, help
itiiiitilate-the flow of liver bile. Soonyour
digestiOnataris fiinetioning properly;and you'
feel that ',happy. day* are here agairil Dora
Urge en send T7it•at; ii0e0 VO4' Sunk.. 4 1007/0 keep Carter', little