HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-06-01, Page 5THE WESELS POST WOneadai,v, Sun.e 1st, 100, 77,0 7-r leteraa• .frw. gi• ,Jak. #1, *0, .r.# S. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iiiIir Keep trong in Ontario E-ELECT JOHN W. NINA cRANBli.00K - 1 ; Tice hmr.eoeethl.47onipoe4npe."actiPewtitt:ut, 0.040 in.,.. otltge .049, the Mary Stuart Qotleot., acrd the ,x,,,or4 44 prayer, The minutes .of the let meeting were read and carried, The roll was anaitetred by a. Woman I Admire, During tire hn,0: i now it was decided to ge On a hiss••-. trip .to ITarailtion anii:Braut.ford, with the •arrangements to be left In 011arge. 1" Of Mrs. Coles Corl.tt. and '',Mrs. Clem. Steffler, A cOnaittittee fAe put Itt ' to I 0174C, after tib*Teetitute: float for -4 4.; h ' ..., ,..„, .the Cranbrook oente#041, MMrs,.go „ r-.. .001 'IrC40.111114, ,,Mt. - MartinMcDonald„ Mrs', Oleo Knottier.: ' Mils, Allan Mg, ,,,,,,-'''.',: , To4iart( nandMrs.',01..en1 Steffier, Tno ,,, ' ' 7...% Ocrunittoe for the.hooth at 'Vie Cen. , ,pi ,. tennial is. Mrs. LiYetl. Michel, Mrs.' ..."- ' illerende Miebel, Mrs. P, Glen Corlett, . * '" ' . 4. 11'Ers,„ Jiln COntOa, ' . ... .. , ' oar prosidoot Mrs. $tnatt, ',MON* !.,ii7'.:4'' then turned the meeting over to Mrs. %., Ken. MacDoniaild. A very Interesting mott,o Was than gfren by Mnt. Jim Bremner entitled, Good: Citizettshto and Education Nate stepping stones to a greater nation,, A Club Girl's okit, entitled Milk any .6,104114 tray, Was given by giaran M'adhan. -Patsy Rnthwell, Wilma' ivracill4n, Mariort SlideldiS, Mrs. Maurice . Cameron In, troduceid the gkoot ,opeoror .Mrs, Velhoq, Stephenson, She spoke. on the core.- and mangement or hair, 'Mrs. StePterSOn aTSO gave a demon, tration by cutting Mrs. Mac MacTn..' tosili's hair, Mrs, Macintosh then. thanked her and pre0nted her with a gift, Mrs. Gordon Nnlight gave the ;topic, Life of Anothy Eden, which, -was 'very interesting. to all. Mrs. Jim. Machan gave a report of the District Director's meeting. The meeting was closed' Will.b. the National An- them„ and 'lunch was served in the 1,a,74.eindint, on His Record of) filiiimummisii#########mm.####Ita.~###-.:4 ,'Analit509:«e fe,1# a S Fait ervIce ful to the Electors of Huro iruce • A 4 Y9 'Voting Flours: 9 a_ to %,1; p T* Advance Poll Open June 2nd, 3rd and 4th From 9 a. m. to • 6 p.' m. and 8 p. in. Toll p.m. Daily (All. Times D. S. T.) OIZZIZINIO=60111051113,,,,,"—. .00.•••02.1.1.. . • Huron-Bruce Progressive Conservative Avociation ammimummummummiumummum mummennsminimimmemmi More than a billion• dollars worth of farm products have been sold by Ontario farmers in each of the last three years—nearly dOuble the output of ten years ago, Development of new crop varieties and thorough extension work under the present administration has expanded cash crop acreage in Ontario by more than 400 per cent,' Departmental herd improvement policies have maintained livestock output at 70 per" cent of Ontario farm income. The Frost administration has introduced the most advanced marketing legislation , of any Catiadian province. Community living in rural areas has, 'been bettered through Frost government grants. Last year these amounted to a quarter of. a million dollars for 108 community centres. • UNDER THE FROST ADMINISTRATION SOUND LEGISLATION HAS BROUGHT BENEFITS TO ALL ONTARIO _FARMERS: S. • HERD IMPROVEMENT has been encouraged through the Frost Government Trogram Which pays farmers one third the purchase price' of all thorough- bred sires. Grants to date amount to $56,000. • LIVESTOCK LOSSES ARE REDUCED by provincial goverqment provision for Warble Fly and vaccination against Brucellosis. • CHEAPER FEED for livestock is deinonstrated through five pasture improvement stations established under the present Government. CAREER MEN IN KHAKI The Infantryman K ;#S.f, ... ... ..... . • ENDLESS SEARCH for better crop varieties at Ontario Agricultural. College and Western Ontario Agricultural School is made possible by the §1;.• Department of Agriculture. a h.. ;4 • FUTURE FARMERS already have received a million and a quarter dollars in cash loans from the provincial government under the Ontario Junior Fanner Establishment Loan Corporation. Here's a job fot the active man who uses his head, likes the feel of action and working in the open air. Toddy's Infantry soldier,: recognized as the most important man in the Army, has the best — in train- weapons and dare. Mt chances for Specicxlizea training and promotion are almost Infantry and the other special tronctios Of dill Army offer lititiclreCiri of qoact-payliti, filethrie gitte whiikte rk;t fit, visit bur nether/ teen).* office. No ottgciflon, of Cottille., iienieinhet, In the Army you team tip with duet leaders you dthi fely 6fi— 145 Serve Canada and Yonrteif in the Atinie, to be eliAle le y` must be I to a 766 °the, skilled itactosith .10-h" Ior n opilyIn g of biter prod of . d0 l3 P4 sof4 bgot, • ftnoni "40 its. ottywo, on :11-11tlaMatinr6ta 16"61;?"84;11atiri fltts'!..-!§, e"-boinaprtedi Lo„uilt talk rrny Rion n oro'n —Te iponn oh/ Rik 7st':, triliftflanaVentt:6Jeteltiffiit TIJINI)4R.S ll'OR COAL ANIS COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS — PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SDALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned an.d endorsed, as above, will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.$.T.), THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1053, for the supply of coal and Coke for the Federal Buildings : thrbragliotit the Proviinee, of Ontario. Florins. of tender With sPecificetiont and coliditienis attached can be ob- tained Uinta the 'Chief of PutchasSing and Stores, Denaaltinent of Public Works, Ottawa, land the Dirstriet Ar- chitect, 36 ,Adelaide Str 'Etast, TOrtinta, Ontario. Tenders will not he considered tin, less made on, or according to the printed forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in coordance with condi,. s set fern. therein. The Department reserves the right to demand from any suocesaful tend, eret/ 'before awarding 'tlid‘ Order, a Stectitity .deposit in tht form tef a oo.itiftati oh!ecite .dtawh on al)ank in- wiperateci under the Bank Act or' the Qttebeb Savings Bank Act paYable to the Order of the IThnetitable the MlittSter of Public Works,. equal to ten Per cent of ithe amount of tender, in accordance. With the Geverninent Contracts Rogniattons now in fordo, or beam' Boads, with anmatured coupons attached, of the GOVetitheitt of 'Canada or of the Canadian al Railway coinpatry and its 000stitti-: ent tont:tables, ancondittionally gnat, Ifinteed ti;S to principal and interest by the 'Government of Canada. the lowest or any tender not neeet/ stirily accepted.. Robert Fortier. Chief :of AdinintSittatiVe Services and Sedrotary. bepattillent or Public Works, OtitiVa, May 10, 1955. 414 WANTED Fanii daticti.an Clinton, Ont, dk . Put freshness In R. summer moroulk Pubbly Cheddar pawl, with° .." buffered toast 'Pi e coke a la m, ole Ice cold Join in the festival of flavor! Plan now to make summer meals more aPet with refreshing dairy foods. tri varied, so delicious, and full • e V you need for sparkling good health. For free copies of Marie Fraser's Dairy Foods Recipe Booklets write: DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A division of, Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO SHARE A o A. VERNMENT AS. Y G • fileeaiidON'TARIO