HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-05-18, Page 2Stranded Farmers South of the Border Fell Madly' In. Love With Old Pariiling his beautiful picture of "Tapers de Dianti." Her figure is Pomp- teens, her face of wonderful purity and innocence, When this portrait" iietzfirst exhibited in Italy, a young. French count spent forty 'days sitting before it. And the gallery authorities took swift action af- ter an official had had to re, strain him while he was trying to kiss the lovely Laura's left hand when he thought he was alone wits her. The love-sick count's parents were told of his infatuation for "the picture. They were alarmed by his queer behaviour, but found he was quite sane. At the same time, they made sure he paid no more visits to the art gallery, Love-letters and even goege- ous bouquets of flowers were sometimes surreptitiously thrown on the floor in front of Leonardo Da Vinci's master- piece, "Mona. Lisa," at the Louvre during the first years it was displayed there: Even the great Napoleon fell a victim to Mona Lisa's haunt- ing smile. When he became Em- pert); .;he found the picture in the pelage at Fontainebleau and had it removed ,to his bedroom, It hung there until' his fall, when it was taken to the Leitivre. Chinese fishermen long age perfected the Art of cormorant fiehing. Cormorants are expert at 'diving for fish and have a very healthy appetite. So the fishermen catch the birds when YoUng and," get them Used wearing a kind of harness, with which they can be lowered into the water or picked out again, The harness is attached• to a eteong rope about twelve feet long. 'When lowered overboard the cormorant dives and chases fish, the rope and harness.. making little difference to Its 'agility under water, A metal ring fixed . round, 'its neck, prevents, it swal- „ lowieg•Ahe fish' it:catches, unless they are`small` ones, in which case the fishermen wouldn't Want them, snYWaY.• These eep- reseet its -reward. • After :a sheet time the' bird• is pulled 'tip 'and' hoieted into the • bog, when the fish' can, be taken out of its mouth, " • '' Cormorant fishing is always done at night, torches being used to illuminate the water. - The fish are attracted- by the light and can e,asily be caught by the hie& Rather a primitive way of catChing fish, you May think. But a well-trained cor- morant can 'be a' very *effcient fishermen; catching as: many as 150 good-sized fish in an hour. DISCONNECTED'CLUES Poliee Chief A. C."Mistl'er nth les over "bodies" found in an abandoned hearse in Leavenworth, Kan. TWo men are believed to have made a getaway — from no one knows what...—in the vehicle loadedlwith dismeinbered...depart- • ment store mannequins. * Officials at a Rumanian, art gallery were intrigued until re- cently by the daily aPPeaeance there of a young man who acted very strangely, He would staled in front of a fulleleegth portrait of a lovely Woman by an unknown artist, obviously rapt in admiration. Sometimes his lips would move as, he uttered words of love all addressed to the scantily-clad girl, the original model for whom lived more than 300 years ago, ' It was clear that the romantic- looking stranger had fallen in love with the picture. One day he stopped coming to the art gallery, but the authorities re- ceived a letter from him — a love-letter addressed to, the 'wo- man in the picture, In it he poured out his devotion, pray- ing that one day he might meet her in eternity. A strange story —„ but , no stranger than others of people who have fallen in love with beauties immortalized by the old masters. * titian, the great Venetian art- ist, lavished all, his skill upon When Two Hundreds Dogs Come To Town. By PHIL CARSCALLEN Helping" the chronically un- economical farmers on the , dry plains to move elsewhere or to other callings would make some. contribution:., to relieving dis- tress in the. Dust Bowls. Many of the bigger operators are suffi- - ciently well financed to weather droughts or to cut their losses and start up again on their own. But the recommendations, as the President's message stresses, are of a "long range nature.fe They are not substitutes for things that must be done to meet emergencies. — From The Chris- tian Science- MonitOr. rarthing, it has often been said, is not just a way of Making at living; it is a way of life It represents, probably, the chief survival of personal business en- terprise« Anything, therefore, that takes people off farms does a good deal more to a nation then effect a change h jObs.' Farm popeletion has been dropping in the United United States since 1916 (by Over n,. 000,000 in the last 10 years) dwindling In its ratio to the whole for more than 100 years« And White House eecomenentia- tons just sent to Congress, if carried out, would accelerate this trend. If these proposals would re- sult simply in taking families indiscriminately out of earming they certainly should be ques- tioned. But they have to do with farmers who, because of sub- marginal soil, climatic conditions, lack of capital, or, of skill Con- stitute one of the lowest income groups in the country — less than $1,000 a year. Such people this program would help off the farm into more lucrative vocations, or would help them on the .farm — where conditions justify — by expert guidance, or by, encourag- ing part-time employment in de- centralizing industries. Such , people, says Secretary ;Benson,. are helped . little by rice-Suppor ptograrns. Their production is so small per farm that price „,supports add „only a, few dollars. They are not the ones who pile ,up ;the big, sure. pluses. A 'good deal of price- support exploitation comes from so called corporation "farthing." Yet it is consideration for these "little people" that hes' supplied a good deal of the hunianitarian steam behind high-support degis- lation. steell looking for more birds. The dogs are'jUdged for know- ing what to do; for their bird work, finding 'and pointing, bitds;, on class, for the way thei carry themselves, Speed" and/ stance in pointing; and foie handling, way they will range but still obey the trainers' corn-, mends The dog has ''30 minutes, to shOw his stuff in "a Stake and an hour • in a championship" event. By the time the fourth or fifth • brace is on the run it's 9 a.me and the less hardy have arrived:. The, horse gallery has groWn tee quite a size, and' the truck gal- lery Le in full array. There 'is. no- standard design for the. trucks; they are 'of all, shapes,. follow the "gallery" with the dogs for the succedding runs. It hires ,saddle horses for specta- tors and ,looks after the judge's expenses. To, a professional a dog trial makes sense; to the uninitiated it's Confuthng. It looks to be about 49 percent horses and 2 percent- dogs. :Trucks carry the horses and dogs to the courses; they follow the runs by driving along the side roads; 'they're never out of sight, Everyone fol- lowing the dogs is on 'horseback. So there are lots of trucks and horses. But the only dogs in evidence are the two running in the brace. The rest -are cooped up in cages on the dog wegon or the trucks. Some folk seem to make a liv- ing in eurloug WayaSd httt it is doubtful if the moil out,of-the. way jabs that people do are more unusual than some occu- pations for which have been trained. Take plent-c011ecting mon- keys, Thee tropical forests of Malaya abotind 'i•aee- and in-" tereeting plents, kut„fivifarturi, ate:1y foe . the A botanist who wishes 16 Oiled and' 'study them, many of 'them' grow on, the upPerrixost biatiebes.;Of tali, trees, It tiniste ,hprossible-, for him; to get'. at !them, „unless- he` fells, the . trees -el rather, a dras—_ tic "Peocedure' to obtein, perliapi • e elle, small Plant growing" on'ithe crown. e , Ine recent yore, beweyeeer,the.* problem -of collecting. these. tap- parently, inaccessible, plant 'areas-. ures has beeh solVed'by'eniploy. ing trained pag-tairedeMehkeys. In the East Indies-atheseremone ke,yeehaveeelweye• been need, in harvesting: eo'eenuts. With. long hemp rope eeteched to their pole lars' they are tO the coco- nut 'pelens'ared sent aloft,'*here they propeed to' twist •off• the.. - nuts .and let them fall ,to. the' ground., where they an be eeth- ered. Bymeans.Of various words of EsimtnandetheYs can be guided in theft' efforts'eO%that they pick • only-ripe cocoeuts. These, coconut monkeys, as theY, are sometimes called, , are captured when' they are a year. er two 'old, and Considel'able pa- ' tience is required to train them. After they have got used to the .collar and long lead; .ethey are . taught„ to twist off young coco- nuts free) • low-growing palms. ..Atrehe sane time, they learn to obey -the 'necessary words of commander. so, that, wh,ep, they begin their 'real; week their efforts can be directed from the grdund, 'whieh may lie 200 feet below theme •• •It. takes anything up to six months . to epreducie, a, fully- _ traihed.cotonut monkey, which rs then of considerable value to its eftneir. Males are: generally preferred to females because they _ere. stronger„ and twisting the tough stalks, of coconuts is eerteinly, a man's work. Monkeys go'be used for plant collecting are fiest of engrained by Malays .on coconuts. They are then, taken over. by the bot- anists, 'who give them a fur- ther period of training. A well-trained monkey slinws considerable initiative and can respond to many different com- mands, Once at the chosen col- lecting ground the monkey, at- tached to a 200-foot rope, is given its first order — in Malay — "Gi ate," which means "Go up." Quickly it climbs the tree. "Go up higher," and it responds, until it reaches a branch on which the botanist has spotted something interesting. "Out on that branch", followed by "Pick that" or "Pull that off," and the specimen is secured. Maybe that is the only speci- men 'to be gathered from this tree, so it is "Come down," or alternatively, "Jump across," if there are interesting plants on the next tree. And so it goes on, all day long. The monkeys seem quite con- tent with their lot, for the work carries its own rewards. In these high treetops there are mein- tudes of tempting caterpillars and spiders, luscious fruits and even occasional lizards and birds' eggs for them to feast on., As they move about among the crowded trees, many of them festooned with giant creepers, the rope becomee something of a liability. But the monkeys soon learn , to move about, keeping an eye on' the- rope to ensure that it doesn't get caught up. They become ex- pert, too, in.unravelling acciden- tal knots, and display ,remark- able patience in straightening o u t the most complicated tahgles. a spatula, building a wide rim around, the edge of the heart. Bake* in a slow- oven (300° 'F.) for 45 minutes or until shell is dry on the .outside. When shell is cool, remove brown paper and chillein refrigerator. 'Slice fresh strawberries and sprinkle with sugar. Chill in refrigerator. Just before serving, remove meringue from refrig- erator, and fill centre with gen- erous scoops of strawberry ice cream. Top with fresh, sliced strawberries and serve imme- diately. * * * STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM (Makes 8 to 10 Servings) 1 cup evaporated milk, chilled 24 marshmallows (1/2 pound) 2 cups fresh strawberries Pour cold evaporated milk in- to freezer tray and chill until ice crystals form around edges. Melt marshmallows in top of double boiler over hot water. Mash strawberries and add to melted marshmallows. Cool, Whip icy cold evaporated milk in a chilled bowl until stiff. Add Island, of, .Montreal The Island of Montreal is set like ''a.giant emerald' in a me- dallion of elaborate- Florentine silver work, for there, lies all about it ,a network of, turhulent and celebrated waterways' that throughdut`its history 'haire been beautiful, dramatic and tragic as man attempted their. conquest. Great as the St. Lawrence River, in 'the days of the French re. gime its navigation west of Que.: bee was. always troublesomee The ships..from France were not able to sail. to Montreal, Travel, lers and goods of trade all had to be transferred to small, specially constructed,- vessels which could make their „ wake through the shallow waters be- tween the low lying islands in the river and could be rowed, or pushed,' or tugged from a towpath. o n the bank, up through the famous St. Mary's Current which guarded the Is, lane of Montreal from intru- , • ,_ The waters of the Great Lakes and of the north country tribe, taffy' to the Ottawa River tum- bled an towards Montreal in many, many miles of "white water" The St. Lawrence and the Ottawa flow towards one an- Other at an angle, which nar- rows the land between them to a slender wedge. At the tip of this wedge the two great rivers meet in Lake St. Louisa The Ot- tawa flows through the Rapids of Ste. Anne where Moore wrote his famous Canadian Boat Song, and the St. Lawrence through the rapids which feed power into the dramatic Beau- harnois generators. . . . The port of Montreal is the greatest inland port in the world. Yet it is nearer to Liver- pool than Boston, Portland, New York or Philadelphia — nearly three hundred miles nearer than. New York. It is also nearer to Central Canada and the Ameri- can Middle West than any other seaport. Montreal is not a port for the show ships such as the Queen Elizabeth, but is planned for the economical ship which is built for efficiency in fueling and in loading and unloading. There are only a dozen or so ships of the big tonnage, 35,000 tons and over, .but the chief fleets' of the world's commerce range from 20,000 tons down- ward, These are the ships for which the port of Montreal is planned. The Port of Montreal occupies sixteen miles' of waterfront on' both shores of the St. Lawrence. It begins about three-quarters of a mile upstream from the old' Victoria Bridge and ends- at Bout de l'Ile opposite Varenhet, The St. Lawrence ship channels cover two hundred and ten miles, from Montreal to South Traverse, fifty miles below Que- bec City. The man-made chan- nels represent a very important engineering feat, . The best place to see the Port of Montreal is from the magni- .ficent bridge officially named for Jacques Cartier but known as Harbour Bridge. — From "Quebec: Portrait of a leroV- ince," by Blodwen Davies. I. Let's talk about strawberries /or a few moments. As far as myself, and family are concerned we're satisfied to eat them either one of two 'ways.'' Plain, with sugar and plenty, ofrich rr cream poureover; or as part Of a shortcakes--and. I mean the, old-; fashioned kind made with biscuit dough and not the fancy structures that masquerade as strawberry shortcake in these effete days. Still, there are occasions when you want to serve something more elaborate—and the follow- ing three recipes are just what. you need at such a juncture. ,, , For this strawberry Heart Meringue, the berries can be bulled and sweetened, ice cream made or bought and the merin- gue shell prepared, all before- hand The scoops of ice cream could be taken from your own freezing tray, for the second recipe is a delicious combination of chilled evaporated milk, melt- ed marshmallows and crushed strawberries frozen to a velvety smoothness. eee, FOLLOW YOUR NOSE 4*:'" Al LAST The lefties hove wOri their point. Thle left-handed pen point is ground Irani the right side to the left to Citcoirunesdate writers who twist their hands as " shoWn above: Now letis wait. for the proverbial left-handed nion- liey Wrenth 10' lot the niarket. You can how 'find your way abOut Paris underground Ste. tiontee-by perfumes, All that lost passengers have to do in future is to use their rinses. A spraying device on the rear of trains Will spray perfume: station plate farther and the perfume's Vary' fteria one. platform to an, Other. The Main track which rung froth, under- the famed Cheek* ElYiees will he perftlinedWith eati-de-Cologne arid 11T AO Latin' Quarter ' and ,Pitie' perfumes ere to be a ad. rhilviays' hope to attract more neetengerie • , _ ;it, ivf" ,NrI•frqq 'N)/ The trials stall, at 7 am. To see the first brace run you haVe to rise with the sun, the train, ers, scouts and judges at 5:30. Breakfast is on the' run. The first course it six miles south of town and the small cavalcade is there by 6:30, Horses are Sad- dled and the dogs are readied. At 7:00 the first two dogs. are let Deese. Behind them, riding like rodeo cowboys, are the two trainers and their scouts. Each trainer controls' his clOg by yell- ing and. -blowing a whistle, When he isn't doing that he's bellowing a chant that sounds as though it originated in darkest Africa.'This' it so the dog "Will know wharf he's at," Following,, behind . at a more leiturely plate cornet the gallery, ell Mediated: the Marshal, the two judges; other trainers and ScoutS, who will fellow, on the next two or three courses;, and atiY, settle° Who are breed enough bi interested enough to follow the tee, The flog' Wagon', sortie- time'spulled hy.4. teaettie, brings repethe rear, The diege, range back and forth at the commands of the trainer Melting lefenrairie chi& When oriee scants a bird or covey he &Mid§ to a point. Then thete's aeffeiii The trainer, the scout and anYand else Who is handy,-Ietises his cap in the air -end , yells, "Bohai! Point!" The• judges etadethe gallery gal- lop un: The Judgee leek the 'dog over, Make' notes and. Then hod to the trainer fee &WI' the birds' to petite that uric of these smart dogs isn't tryitig to pull e fast one Then off the dog: goes sizes, makes and Vietages. Some have the trainers' and scouts' horses up front and the dog. cages behind, Others have the horses at the back and the cages up frobt. And there's 81111 room for the, dog Ravi and hay. Some: are just pickups with portable kennels in back, Trainers, their dogs and horses, range the con- tinent in these odd-lOdking ve- hicles, covering dog trial after dog trial from Frobisher to. Texas, to Georgia to New York from September to April. , . There's one thing missing at the dog trials — the dog oWn- ere, A, tew come, maybe half a dozen out of 160. They are the incongruity in the business. They own the dog, paying: some- tunes as high as $5,000 for him. They pay the training fee Of $00 a month,. plus aim extra. $50 for the three Months in Canada, They pay the entry fees for the " stake trials and championships. lh return they get no cash what• - ever. All prize money goes to, the tea-hates,. If lie's Iticky the owner Might he allowed, to shoot over the deg, if he ebiTIOS to the trainee's eaten dild lets the teal/ate super- vise the shooting, The best he' can hope for - hie 'Miele in the title book of dogdom. "The Anat. clean Field," or perhaps a trci, the' to keen for a year and the prestige Of owning' a' ohampitm, They' Must 'Consider that's re- Weed erioeehefot the next 'Vent' the dogs will be heels arid Ft°, bitbee once teein echo tiff -0.0e 1 ate-s Which sho' nut sotitid ("-aw.vinw -- Prete, The Imperial Oil flevieW.' ' Frobisher, Sesk., literally goes to the dogs in September. Less than 20 miles from the U.S. border and about 60 from the Manitoba boundary, Frobi. sher hormally has a population of about e00 people and 50 dogs. During September the census jumps to 300 people and some 25 0 dogs. 'The sudden—and vocal—in- crease in canine population her- aids. the, beginning of one of the continent's top hunting dog trials—the Border International Field Trials-,:which start. on Labor Dee and continue for about tweeweeks. The dogs — mostly from Geoigia and Alabama—include some of the finest pointers and. Englith setters anywhere. The. trials 'are big' business, not only in-Frobisher but inein- ternational, dogdom; first prize money can run to $1,800 or bet- ter. They 'are held .around Fro- bisher because its flat, gently countryside is ideal for :hunting prairie chicken. There is little brush and not too many fences. The Sunday before Labor Day a weird assortment of trucks, some big, some small, but all fitted with dog cages, starts to arrive in 'ii'robisher. By five o'clock that night the town is in an uproar. The 50 town dogs come out to howl, yip ,and bark a welcome to the 200 caged visitors, who- yap right back. Trainers, han- dlers and scouts, some of them With their families, crowd the small hotel lobby and overflow on to the board, walk of the main street. ;`laud'' Haesard, his 14-room hotel .bursting at the seams, marshals; the' tovves- people to take care of-the over- flow. The hotel lobby and the dining room are headquarters for the dog men. It's dog talk for breakfast; dog talk for din. nere dog galk all the, time—all in southern accents and draWls. -A Canadian in the crowd sounds like a, fOreigner, • The trials are important to dog owners because they prove the worth of the -dog and the trainer. Let't say you are one of the 50-odd Americans who has a training camp in southern Manitoba o r Saskatchewan where you bring your dogs every July,. August and Septem- ber because it's too doggone hot to train dogs down south. You have a very eepensive dog — perhaps worth as much $5,000 —with a fancy name like Satil- la Wahoo Pete, YOu've trained him since he was a pup and he's ready for the ell-age Stakes. You enter Min and the owner pays the shot, $30, If it were a championship the entry fee Would be $50. The Sunday night before La- bor Day you crowd into Fro. hist-ides Canadian Legion Hall With all the other trainers for the draw.: All the dogs' names ere Put into' hat, and ere then draWn in Pairs The doge run in pairs et braces. Pete'd, name Is ha the' hat. You' sit there just a-prayin' that he will be paired off With a good dog and that Pete will, get one ofthe good courses. You were, at the Bet= der Intetnatialatil„ last ,year and know which. courses have lot of birds and Which haven't • Yet:t ire ".1tick;% ?dee. nettle is drawn along • withe thet of an- other,good dog. Thd ceiiiite is one of the best NoW all you leave to worry about is Weathein deer, rabbits, porcupines, .tind hope that Pete feels likeWO eking, end * ,, not "jutt tattling hit benee" The "1:5'i*Mere trial courses, each three-qUarteit of a mile Wide and two, miles long; are arranged by te Canadian Le-, gion lkdtich.spOnsora the. J3Order' Intetriatierial, The Legion t supplies tyre Marshal to guide the *My' end the dog Wagon td tiFn , sttaWbereye inershm ellew x, t e and beett,untii fluffy. Pour into 2 refrigerator trays and ireeie with control set at Old- eat 00f, - STRAWBERRY CREAM • _ TARTS • .: (Makes 8 Tarts) 2 (4 Ounce) paCkage§ plain , cream cheese 2 tablespoons cream 1/4- One- 'edger • „, - _ 2 teesPOOns grated orange rind or lemon rind 1 quart fresh: strawberries 5 tiblesPtiene king sugar teaspoon cinnamon hiked pastry tact §liellS Beat' eretini cheese smooth. Add ceeenne tnger and Orange or-lemon rind. Beat uri til fluffy and 'smooth,'smooth,Wegi, , dtele• and .etreWbetinee, Slice in half: 'Cohabited king sugar 'end eeihriatiedin their „rriiit With illeet StraWberrieS. Pefere serving, ate ,rad Cheese mixture ha bottom of tarts, COVez' With strawberries'., • ToP With a deuh of cheese ture„ Serve iffirriediatelt, STRAWBERRY" HEART MERINGUE (Makes 6:• to 8 Servings) 3 egg whites le teaspoon salt Ye teaspoon •Vinegar 1 tap etigai• Ys teeepthaft red foOd coloring (optional) I. pint fresh sitaWbetinee 2 Tablespoons sugar * 1 Week streWbetrar ice cream Coinbilie egg. whites, salt and Vinegar,. Beat until soft peake are formed., Add ,1 dip sugar gradually, about 1 tableeptieh et a time, beatihg well after each 'addition. Continue beatifigetintil ell sugar is dissolved and rink- take is Very stiff. Add vanilla nd several Crepe Of food etilot., g. Beat well, e, • • Line a cookie sheet with uri- glaied brown paper cut to fit Trade an. 8 or 9 inch heart on the brown paper from a teed.; boded pattern or heatt-shaped *like pan. Pile meringue cen- Wet the.heart, themaroopth.otit is the edge of the pattern with