HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-05-18, Page 1The United Church OF CANADA Minister: ReV, A. Lane, B. A., B. 0, Divine WorshiP - 11.15 o'clock, "A Great 'Land" Church School -- 10' o'clock. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it, holy:" • .Chotch of ,England ONTARIO Victoria. Day May 23rd • Your co-operation is requested over the week-end of May 20 to 23. Commencing on Friday evening and continuing to Monday evening fiundreds of thousands of Ontario motorists as well as thousands from the other. Provinces and from the States will be "taking to the road". The exercise of Care, Courtesy and Common Sense will prevent most accidents or collisions which result in fatalities, human suffering and financial loss. Even though you are a careful driver" keep your mind on the job of driving. -.This is no time for sight-seeing while driving. "Don't Hurry" remember HURRY 'KILLS. Do your part to make this, our first long Summer week-end holiday, ACCIDENT FREE. POST $2.00 per year $2.00 U. THE BRUSSELS Post Publishing House ikathorisel se second close ERA Post OM DePartalfont, ottems Wednesday May 18th, 1955 ' " 44,4•44,4441,41,44448,4,44,414,1+4111,11,1,14,14,44,11,,,, 111011111111111111111111111111111111' AnnUal Meeting DISTRICT YOUNG PEOPLE COMPETE IN HURON COUNTY MUSIC FESTIVAL CAUGHT RECORD TROUT SARAH C. CLARK - ' I. Q. O. F, 50th YEAR JEWELL George Davidson PRESENTED TO JAS. „CLARK 4' )nighty Pleas' Entered lute reat, la DerWielt, Pa. 1 *0. with, hinIsle/4 these dtwa -- an d at the ,home of her daughter, Mrs. i Ori, Thuraday, • May 12, Deputy ' The Community had a number of wilY wiAltint iac himself a brown trout that set a re, igpre-. bel He caught Mre, W, L. (Dr,) McOntoboon, on i Cara,nd /Vfaster liarritsen visited Bras, II entries in various classes alt the p a 1955, ',Sarah A. Clark, be- 4 ,Sela lodge, L 0. 0, F„ for the pur, 1„„ . Huron County Music .Festival in cord tOT this district, 'a eeven, and loved wife of the late Thee. 3. Clark, Dese of presenting' to James Clark ' Godorieh last week, who made a tine one half pound beauty measuring 1 of the Brussels Lodge a fifty year I, 27 hates" and his- fisherman friend in her aith, year, Showing in, that competitions. She was born in Clarksburg, on , ..Telwel. The Gland Lodge Officers ' HURON It ASSOCIATION, `Thursday, May 19 Cbuncil Chambers CLINTON TOWN HALL The general public and representatives of County Organizations are Particu- larly invited. Kearney, She wao united in marriage triet Deputy .C4,841 Master Hartley , -to Thee. J. Clark, on May 22 1894 Fischer of Brussels Lodge. and Die,' They farmed on the line of .triet DePOty Grand Warden. Kenneth , Morris 1Poiwtaship until the death of Wilkinien of Teeewater Lodge, who.' her husband in 1941, She was' a faith- eangratulated „James Clark an pia iful member 'of St. John's Anglican taining t honour of fifty years Imemberehia in-tire I, 0, 0. 'F. order. The second degree was also given to John, Kerr of Brussels by the BralS'• sels Degree Team. After the meeting a social time was enjoyed by the members, Visiting members were present ,from Seaforth, Teeswater, Lietc,Va el, and Biyth Lodges. AMATEUR. CONCERT In Brussels Town Halt FRIDAY, MAY 20th, 195$: At 8,30 P. M. Sponsored by Brussels Majestic Women's InstIttiti Contestants must be within a radius. of ten milli. Contestants contact Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Brussels, Ont. ,Photo Ufa, All 'Contestants Free. Admission -- Outside Judea, CLASS 1. Vocal. Solos, Duets, Quartettes, Trio 'and double 11100,, CLASS 2. Comic CLASS 3. Instrumental CLASS 4. Skit not exceeding 15 minutes CLASS 5. Dancing CLASS 6. Choruses PRIZES FOR EACH CLASS. 1st. $5.00 2nd. $8.00 Admission - Adults 50c - Children 25c Bob Cunningham, Master of Ceremonies' a are green with envy. When opened • + Following is the 'narks awarded Oct.•1•072, the daughter of the, late piesent were: Deputy Grand Mater those froth this district. its stomach was found to contain an WiWatn Wright Hoy and Caroline 1 Harrison of Kincardine Lodge, Dia- eight inch speckled trout. George, Vocal:" who is an ardent fisherman' hauled Girl's solo 14 and under:Marilyn in his aedord catch in the Auburn Johnston, Brussels', 79; i district. He was. acoompanied py Girl's, solo 16 and under; Claire Fred Smalldon, Taylor, Walton, '79; Jean Smith, Eth. el, 74. THE UNIT May ED CHURCH s ob Church, Brussels, " Boy's solo, baritone; Ronald Lane Sunday, 15 ' a wserved in ' 'She, leaves Ito Mourn. her passing 78; Douglas Fiseher, 78, the .'United Church as Rural Lifethree children, 'Mrs. W, L, (Ella) , Girl's solo, open: Ruth Procter, Sunday - a day in Which ,to giye 1 MoCutcheon, Berwick Pa, Mrs. Gil- R. R. 5 Brnssels, 83. Boy's .solo 11 and under: Glen thanks to Goa for the 'proce'ss e ss of 'belt (Annie) Nethery, Blyth, aria Plant 84, growth and for 'His provision for our ,• John Henry Clark, on the homestead. F. J. SNOW - - President material land spiritual needs - Re- t 'Three brothers, William, Ethel Ar- tt MRS. J.B. RUSSELL - Secretary . Collegiate rn Double Trio: Wingha Dtstrict No. 1, This trip was, comilos. deeming the waste places Of the thur, Goderich ,and Richard of land and of life was' the theme of I Walton. There are six grandchildren ed of Brussels staidents, Sheila Por- the day, The ()heir rendered the anthem i ‘ and 'four great-grand-children. ter, Dorothy Sullivan, Jean Smith, NOTICE - One son, William Robert ,and one PIPE BAND TO PLAY HERE SATURDAY NIGHT "Incline Thine Ear To Me" by F. H. ,1 daughter, r Margaret (Mrs, ;John Himmel in which the Bass Solo was !, Monk) predeceasaed . taken by Bob Barwick a . A •Short !Service was held from the 1L. J. Lengenberger Funeral Home hi !Berwick, Maly 9. Rev, R,obt. Holmes Agnes Lau e, JoanThomas and Esther Smith. 83'. Piano Piano solo 10 and under: Karen Anderson, R. R. 4 Brussels, 81. Sight Reading open; Doris John- ston, 84; Mary Dennis, 81. Piano )olio (Bach.) 12 and under. Jean Hillen, Walton, 86; Margaret The Legion Pipe Band will. play on the main street of Brassels, Saturday evening, May 21st, between 8.30 and 9.30 p. an. Silver Collection. Alan Williams, Pictaires will be shown by Dr. Mc- lliaster on his trip to Hawaii on Friday, May 20th at 8;30 in the Twp Ethel, under the auspices of the Ethel Women's Institute. Ad- mission 25c and 50c. MELVILLE CHURCH Me Odd fellows .Western Star' icYfif ettiti The school children of 'S. S. No.3 ,Morris marched in a Ti I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah's Morning Star ' lodges paraded to Melville body, to' ay tribute 'to Mrs Clark, at last. I the home of her son John, from IF' Church on Sunday morning CLbSING NOTICE The office of G. Optometrist, in Wingtham, will be closed from Saturday 21 May to Saturday 28 May inclusive. C. & Phone 47x and divorced „Warta from faith. fill showing, the high astern, in which she was held. The pallbearers were f' It is a good' thing to work hard to ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dustow of A. R. 2 Mildmay, Ontario, wish tt, anounce the engagement of. their only daughtex-"Elthel Jean to Mr. William jamas Willis, only 'son of Mr. :and Mrs. Lawrence Willis of Blnievale, Ontario. The marriage to take place in McIntosh United ,Church on Saturday, June 4th., at 2.30 p. m. tAVESTROUGHING Leave your orders for . fAVESTROUGHING at G. KRAUTER CO. " Brussels, Ont: STRATFORD DISTRICT YORKSHIRE CLUB ' 13th ANNUAL YORKSHIRE. SALE 27 Bred Sows - 2 open sows & 8 boars , Selected for type and health ofthe herds by the Ontario Live Stock Branch GARDEN PARTY Union United Church on Tuesday, June 7, Variety Concert. NOTICE Creamery will be CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, MAY 23rd There will be a Milk Delivery In Brussels Monday, May 23rd BRUSSELS CREAMERY CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent flowers and cards to me while , in the Listlorwel Memorial Hospitti. and a. special thanks to Dr. Myers and Dr, Kirk. Mrs. Cecil Raynard NOTICE Annual meeting of Walton Com, inanity Hall on Thursday, May 26th. All boars eligible for the Provincial Government Bantam., AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS, STRATPORD, THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955 Sale at 1.30 P. M., D. S. T. Catalogues on request - 0 BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB FROLIC FRIDAY EVE., JUNE 24th, 1960 Entertainment, Games and Dance Fun for all. Detailed advertisement later. 11.1111M111111$111111111111111111111111 REGEN1 THEATRE Jim Smith, President, R. EL White, Seeretisiow Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. ' SeafOrth, Ont.' ' Colvin isPoke of a certain Thursday, Friday and Saturday Trembliate solo 18 and Under; church which doubled the attendance Doris Johnston 82 -------- in a 'short time, a-When it began to 'Men, 85.;" Neil Turnbull, 84. ' They were accompanied by the I, which'a ,short service was held prior . . - Piano solo (+Bash) 15 and under. Brussels Legion Pipe Band. Rev. I to her removal lto St. John's, Church 1 PiSno duet 18 and under: Doris - preached on the sub 13rnesele, where .services took place 1 Audrey Halckwell 79. Harold Colvin "`jest, Faith Without Works is Dead, •MaY,'Illtli. at 3 izi'clocir, with Rev. N. 1 Johns bon and Mary Dennis 83. and „saki, in part,' Today we haver .Ellis, officiating, at both services. ; Piano Solo (Bach) 19 and under: lamely divorced faith from works i 'The flowers Were Many and beauti- Mary Dennis 81. ' . Band Instruments • make 'our town,our cOunty, and our Leonard Rooney, Jae. Clark, jne. I Doris Johnston and David Kennedy tied, with 84 marks; for the County country 'a better place to Eye in. , ison , ' White, Ivan MeArter, Gordon Wilkin- of Hnron, $25 'Educational Scholar Some People think that faith is every- I and [Clifford Marks. Flower ship for bilaas and woodwind classes. thing, others that our works are the bearers were her grandchildren. 1. Alto Horn solo 16 and,under: join Klathaleein and Jack McWhirter,1 chief thing in life. But lames in his 1 Johnston 81 . •epistle states that faith without 1 . Frank and Ella Alcock, Ella and Geo. ! Alto Horn ,so•lo 18 and under; Doris : Ives, Gloria E. Clark, Jack and. Betty 11 works is dead. There are religious Johnston 24 . . sects who fail to teach a true faith 1 Nethery. Burial (took place in Bruss- in Christ, the atonement floc sin, and ' els Ceniete". Cornet Isiolo 10 and under: Ruth Mollie, R It.,4, Brussels, 79; Joyce ' the neiw birth. These stress works - . ,rather than faith. Other sects who . Procter 78. •I VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cornet solo 12 and under; Nell Tuna ' preach faith to the exclusion of i Cutting, Styling and Works, We must combine faith with ' ' - Cold Waving a Specialty bull 80; Joan Johnston '77. works. Cornet solo 16 and under: Audrey Phone 102x4 Brussels Rackwell N. - "DRAGNET" (Technicolor) Jack Webb Ben Alexander Follow Sergeant Joe Friday In a new adventure so bgg it had to be a Movie. - • • • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "BIG HEAT" ,(Adult) Glen Ford Gloria Grahame 'Picture of tremendous excitement. • • • Thursday, Friday and Saturday "KISS ME KATE" (Technicolor) Kathryn Grayson Howard Keel • s S • Coming "BRIDGES OF TOKI.141" p.reach evangelistic gospel mess- age. When we have a true faith in (Christ, we shall he living active Christians. 'Margaret Penile was soloist, and sang, "How beautiful upon the menu- tabs" by D. Harker. The choir rem cloned the anthem, "The Lord Is My I Shepherd" by Macrarren, Alto' Saxophone 16 and under: Teddy Waxman 79 Alto •Saxoplhone 20 and under: David Katmai 84 CeOrMet duet 'open: June and Aud- rey Haokwell 85 Cornet trio 17 and under: June, Audrey and Redd Hackwell 84 Clarinet Selo 112 and under: Gerald Thomas R. Ti. 4 Winghann, 77; Doug- las Thomas '75 • CARD OF THANKS The faintly of the late Mrs. Sarah E. Clark, wish to express their sin- cere apnreciation for the many Rota of kindness, the beautiful floral trib- ntea, and Messages of symnatly, at averei2**tt Kennedy Brothers Winners In. Other Festivals Robert and David ;Manned* cora. 'pelted, at the Oxford .deunty Music Festival at Woodstock and the. Perth Connty VestivaI at Stratford kat Si At 'Woodstock Robert Won a the lime of her passing. SPecial Melville Presby erian, I - first nand• a second competinig in the hanks t to Rent. N. Ellis for his Words open class for clarinei and tenor ocoifert, They will always be saxophone with 88 end 83 marks land nernembertp. David won second place with 85. in the alto .saxophone class under ' 1.1.11111111110.11.11111111111 LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE Church 10.00 a m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Divine Worship Baptismal Service 16. At Stratford 'Robert was awarded two first prizeS and David aisle re. seized a first award. Minister:: 'Rev. H. T. Colvin, B." D. Organist: L D. Thompson R. M. T inummoummemumineu LISTOWEL ' Turn at ArrnoUrlea on Highway 86 CAPITOL LISTOWEL Thursday -Friday 20THEMay 9 ATRE "DO W N THREE DARK STREETS "2 ishoWs nightly 7.30 --9.30 p. Roderick CraWford, Ruth Roman Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Cartoon and Added Short • * • 1 I .1 4 Saturday May 21 "YELLOW; TOMAHAWK'S CartOon Rory Calhoun, Peggie Castle Cartoon and Added Short' 1 'n• Akj. "••••40.-.5•16(.46;TIVIAV'e4 s • 4 4 Iiiitts!i•• of litutieht Rev. A. NOfroiti• §ittido after the ACeilikiti, 22.May • .28 "TWO; Sunday Mldnite . Mon. May 22 •• "TWO; TICKETS TO BFicAbWAY0 (dolor) O TO Curtis, Janet Leigh Cartoon and Added Short Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 19 20 = 21 "GARDEN 00 EVIL.ii Eirt• •Cliieitia§O-Ope end COlOr Gary C0Oper end tuaen• Hayward In eh Action Filled Drama MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY; MAY 22 at 12.05 All Seats 50c , PHANTOM OF 71-it RUE MORGUE., in Cole Adult Entertainment if you Iloilo to stay home t'r'eat youil • • • MAY= 24 ,.' 26 THE MOONLIGHTER' - Barbara •Starn*Yek.• Peed MaeMue0aii Cartoon and Added Skirt itV:60-• Mittisiee ONTARIO 'DEPARTMENT 'OF .HIGHWAYS Tuet Wed: tit ChUroh, Ihiusisto self to a ShO*fiat the holiday; 11 04 Holy Communion'„ ' Monday, Ttiedtly and Wednesday' Mak = 24 .4• teehntealar iN MY krART0 The most spectacular' enter 4 414441**: 4144 t 4 ' Sunda Belied BaVidie Church, Henfryn $.00 ii.• m: Evening Proves' 604d.ft 00001 Gtorieli Church, eve Sitar Aotnineut - the Life and finite of thiiiiiiher riniotieri. • Ash the peririOi who hoe'- Playground 2 C 'Wrens Playareund - 2 pion , • IP I WOO OF Oksi , Chitileek undo' tt Yea% In' ,