HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-05-04, Page 5The invitation list is. being .ifrepar- ed for ''the Centennial July S • 4 and the committee hope to have them in the mail in the near future, Cranbrook Dairy Maids • The seventh meeting Of the Oran- brook Dairy 'Maids was held in the Community Centre on April n at • The m06Ling was opened by the girls repeating the 4-H pledge in unison. The roll call Was then ans• wered by each girl shewhig a sample of milk other than whole 'milk. The Sec. report was then then given by • ••••••4141•A:•x Not all the romance of electricity is in heavy machinery. Many small devices serve behihd the scene. Consider the fuse. Tiny and inexpensive, yet it is a precision built safeguard, installed to prevent damage .which might result from overloading circuits. When a fuse blows, replace it with another of the correct size. If it occurs again call in a competent 'electrician. For remember, the fusels a protection and makes it possible for you to enjoy with safety, all the benefits that low-cost electricity brings into your home. AN EXPERIENCE IN TROPICAL LIVING Mob in design . . . ultra modern guest rooms and studio bedrooms, luxurious- hi furnished Complete In pleasure . . privet: x(4 and cabana Ada, aillounge,round- thoclock entertainment Modest trit price Lowest rates In effect ).) ) Tog ,BRUSSELS POST We4uepsdaY, 014 77. 110$ban(ISI .Wives:! I Want. new Pep end " . y 1,Tos.vorvir• „dm, • . . ,Rio • . tre.g. 944 abletoSuppiim •arco .014r pa Aw4sa...t t.ol-Aru* • t .4/11:4• THEN ENTER .LEACH'S 5ENV,ATIONAL Valk DIAMOND RING SENTINEL of your Electrical Circuit . from the new "icrKstArvtotrA.C.PAte4- OF DIAMOND RINGS by ttclaa, 0.7,7RANOKOOK Williams 'Wa0 41.04.47ga of the regular 'mornin'g.serviqe on, e4407,. Kay X. Next $4.44y, may 8, being MothAr's, Pax, the Sa;cilatrient of Bapt0m. will be ad, ;•niii.4.stered, The regular .aneetinf. oA.ths. 9. G,. T, wart; held .at the liege.. of mpcipo arnftlia9p. on. Wednefday 00*g, 'Seven; girls. 'Were Present and Hey- eniey van presided, • The 0,0.I'1' . Hymn ,was s:ung in °Doping, and, the. i".Bu(npose"; irepeated• 'in unison. "Friendship" was the. ,subject and several short stories Were read and • d1seusSed. •Scripture 'readings ay,' propriate. to the enbject were read • by Teabel land Paye Dngel. prayers' 'were given by 'Beverley Elvena and nye Engel. Barbara Evans red a poem "To he a girl," The leader-read •a story '(The ;Searchers" and Rose. Campbell read a poem "April", The •Se.c., Maxine Smalldon, read the. minutes and called the roll, marking- . S. S. and church attdnd•anee. Rose • Oahlipbell, 'Treas., received the off- ;e.ring and gave her report. The, girls 'planned to plant and care for flow- er beds' at the °bur* grounds. A contest and quiz .Was conducted py the leader. The president pronottn- ;ced the Benediction ;and "Taps" was sung. The ;girls enjoyed sing- song and Fay Engel and Maxine (Smalldon assisted in serving lunch. • Mrs, Fred ICirkpatrick and baby son, Paul Frederick, came hems on Thursday, ' Mrs. -Hunt, Mt,_ Forest, is spending awhile with. her Baugh-, ter. Come in today and find out how you can winl Our local prize in this fun-filled Contest is a beautiful Bridal Bell Diamond Ring. And the Manufacturer of Bridal Bell Diamond Rings is offering a National Prize of "A Honeymoon at the Waldorf" . .. a whole week in New York with all expenses paid. You have two chances to win, so come in now for your entry form. If you live out of town, just write us and we will send you an entry form and complete details.. C "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" Brussels, Ontario PAIASACEMIAtallrleXagfriarmlearattai "..r..11111111111011 HIGH SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT AND COMMENCEMENT The Conlin:ell:Cement:Exercises for the graduating' class' of June 1954 will be held in the Wingham District High School auditerhim on Friday, evening, May 13th, beginning at 8 O'clock 'Sharp. Previously, the grad- I nation exercises Were held in the late 'autumn, but this year a Post- ponment was made until the new school building could be used. There ; will be presentations of, certificates and diplomas, and efficiency =41 athleetic .aWards, Miss Lois Thomp- son Will give the Valedictory address and there' will be a short pi.' Ogram ,of vooal And instruinental music— i SS CAtal), C. A. Myers, M. D. L. L71 a C.. C PLITSICINI v.r.4 smeimori Maze 41.. &tow" the. ,,••• et-7. R. R. W. STEPHENS Griadinto thatverekir a Toronto PHYSK:lieN enel 517RGEOTI Tiagoitoott 45 Ertoettels, eckuDJfil Karen Mach= The( main discussion was held under the heading of "Milk in Many 1 POTMS". otos. T. Davidson' aysumscit troa ALL litlinn Aotoracislie mid Fire freteursaaen Apeiiratt snot Sidman hang for Great Wept Life ireereace Co. #litcepe Office to make 'an Egg Nog, • and Ante I Helen Knight'demonstrated on how 1 i 'Stonier *made a Cornatar:ch Pud- dling. Maxine Sinalidon Set tip an in-1 Tads tray, I rl'he fleeting was then chised by all repeating the 4-H Chit dreed'. Cranbrouk Evening Auxiliary The April Thankoffering meetinl; of the Oranbi'ook Evening Auxiliary When the graduation exercises 'and music have concluded, the School will be open fer inspection.. Pupils' I work will be displayed, though there will not be as, much as on, former nighttIS because off the less in the fire of industrial arts and home econona. t ics projects for the autumn term, was bald in the church,' Tuesday \ Anyone tae ronn:hoo pwlenaisn. gunianblAe.ptro attendilisin. ;1 evening,, April lath, with the Pres. vited to come on the evening of Doris MacDonald in charge and, Friday, 'May 11th to see' our_beauti- ,Misfs A. Forrest organist. Me meet- ful new 'school,' as well as those who . ing `,not opened with a poem then, have already Visited it and felt that is et iter e." A hymn was they did not see 'everything in one ; 'sting. Blurted , McNair Bread then evening, The Board, teachers' and scripture. .Teau Dunn led in prayer 1 students hope that all those interest- ed tin the School and its stud'enbt 1 Mrs- Leslie Lake of Union W. M. i S. sang as ,stole, "A wonderful 'Say- 1. will come to the .graduation and lour". Mrs. Mac Engel gave a read, 1 . stay afterward tto look about. As lug, "There is something I can do." 1 the cornbinttng 'of this' ,001nmeteleel 1 The Roll Call 'Wa, answerea With an 1 anent and the Open, Night will take The `nlinutoS were read and approved. 1 Easter Verse. 'The offering was then 1 be:lg•lisniciaalt'a'b e'teilino:Ic rth aeni3dx:hre6sveLiwouills 1 taken. Severa,oecr etary, and attsicused. A vote l let Was ta ken to an letters were read by 1 , rgreottineztlinetirorb: open until the pro. ,tis.6 k 1 lg mac a ,£ Tinian and 1 , D. A. Rann, & Co.' futaibia.A7-111, MCA biased 11111144111 Director aid Fambediase BELGRAVE TRY OUR FRESH, NUTRITIOUS COTTAGE CHEESE FOR SALADS -AND SANDWICHES HALF POUND PACKAGES ONLY 15c NOW AVAILABLE FROM Brussels Creamery PHONE >i at to BRUSIELli, GAM Personals; xpe. William Me, , 'Gregor, '11., R. 4 'Pruaaels, with Mr. I land Mrs, Richard Oliamiley; Miss .Dorina Anderson, London, with Mr. nd Mrs. John Anderson, Mr, and , Mrs. Alban MA.OHlay and family, Witighain, with Mr.. and Mrs, Harry ! MCCiiire; Mr: and Mrs. 001:Bennett, London, with. MrS. Mabel Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs, 'Cecil Wiallai rider, ten, with Rev. and Mrs, Charles 11 C ox; Mt. and Mrs. Lorne Harmer, MarY'Elitabetli and Heleni ' ,and Mts. Alice Allen FillartOn, With Mr', and .Mter. Thomas, Wayne' ,Nichol, Winigrham, With ibavid Hanna.; Mx, 'and Mrs. Jelin Spivey and 13in5ati, Inge-met. Ra S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGRAIIII MINLANOLI- , Air 11111111111L11 lasisy- Saturday ail day flat open swap mi. Mow Mt der so a, 0. Harvey W. Stephenson illaprosestative tor 1 Iliewmatis Camas Health amid haft* Ca, Cassaty ca. MOO 43z JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrill Eiraidimit QUIN MINA 110116 791 3eafort MO OWL 140ussi - s. Witt tilts*, Sig. *We. %OAS a Maitland PreabyterialS, It WAS d6'.1 tided to held the 14 TaY. meeting one Week earlier, this to 'the Presbh terial being the sanie date, Meeting is to' be, held at the' home Of Mrs, .Stuart McNair, and a Mystery atietieil Will be held. Doris Mac f Donald Welcomed the gnesi., G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optomettla Natick SL 'VVINCHAIII At RV*/ iliHmibit. Mole IVItibizt 770'4 1, 110111011116 . prey nst by Apijoalerned. WALTON Miss Annie was' honored I at a birthday natty at 'the home and Mrs, Edward Duggan. Friends and neighbors were in at- „; tendance, Mr, .and Mrs. Walter Droadlecit visited Mends in toirentO; Miss :Thar, Talbot, Seaferth, with Miss Aluirey Haelotell. J. A. IVionagahan, R. P. Optometrist, LINT011111.. OPT. gractitaineke I've extegartite. ssNE 1h tU*Mk 0116c• les Wenn' Mit : Howe OAS co. s• ea. iLsig alb; atital Willsidgjerk 0** armor Tisaday awl Slikkaraw Swabia Tab salyaktaaimat Plow Walker Funeral. Houle Day ar, Night Calla•-yalaiiisag 011 no rata* Merge lei tfee Plosited Funeral and a ea TurestOotei Noir Atelkiesco EWAN Oahe Pleiniti Itirdslysity • ....OW./ t.tniOti Mr. M. S., branbroolt W. M', 8. i 'Iti> W fo, told the OrailbrOok C. tt... (girls. atev.) Williants et trusSOIS gave a wit toil, yeni"eirii COW COW SOPPLEM N11— Onirrent Events Were read by aura 1 :Strickler. A hyratt wa,s sting. Mrs. i .s..Iptstkitd tastsr Msastigsi„ and stoited„ 1 otiiiin,,,hapitiso 11 is Very fitting that gager' comes II 6 Cititni in ,cam it the .8Pting, • ha ovotiittg comes' . ___.110:04CL.041kiffta,„it ite Ate , the Meeting eleSed. ir!,rlt ill 4/1Dtgl` ilt, with 6, hymn and 'the Mitliali ten. . „ Odietiett ht. unison.. A lovely luneh , ,,, .. ,„,,. _„ „„ ' , . . — , .....- Mary #iletliSt Betty knight rtisst s, -Yea met) Was serve in the •baseinent tdth. Marjorie Knight it Charge:. Ofienti'21. truisms, °int • I 'RADIO- SE RiliCt I Per efficient radio repairs to all I malicemalice Of' radio's' call Odritne'4 SerVidei tilt' dos:. i6 dreY,.. Phone 27x6 trItsSOli.