HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-04-27, Page 7r E Calved SPORTS COLUMN
54*(4 7m94444
* Hockey playprs have been glorified
and idolized by 'the score, But little la
ever written in appreciation of hockey's
lonely men, the referees,
This is a grave injustice, Somebody
should write a piece about the trials and
tribulations of the men who dodge from
point to point, aloof from all human contact so that no shadow
of suspicion shall be cast upon their calling, They come
almdst furtively into the cities where they are assigned to do
their duties, brave the mass loathing, then make their mouse-
like exits to repeat their heroic chores elsewhere.
These thoughts occurred with the announcement that Bill
Chadwick, after 16 ,years of braving the hostility of fandom
and the whimpering of players, decided to call it a career.
For 16 years he has been travelling 50,000 miles per winter
season, When he quit, he had covered about 700,000 miles,
had refereed in every Stanley Cup play-off since 1939, and had
never missed an assignment.
Referees today never travel with the teams, nor do they
stay at the same hotel occupied by a visiting club. They talk
to no one. They travel and live a solitary life during the
hockey season.
Referees in the big league today have it somewhat easier
in one respect than their predecessors of an earlier era, like
Mike Redden, Cooper, Smeaton, Bill Stewart, the late Lou
Marsh, and Ion. Today's referees are not generally exposed
to violence
Mike Rodden, tough and game as they come, was punch-
ed in the back by a spectator at Montreal's old Mount
Arena one night. He wheeled, and, lashed out at the naefY he
;thought to be guilty. Next time Mike visited Moritreah-the
-recipient of his light blow-had:Mike arrested. League heads
had a busy time getting Mike out of the heosegowen.tiniceto
Lou.Marsh was almost mobbed at the same arena one
night, The crowd rushed on the ice, but Marsh shrewdly
tripped up the leaders, who fell in • a ,heap. Those behind,
iskidding uncertainly, fell over them, and Lou skated blithely
to the dressing-room while his assailants untangled themselves.
" But ,even without the threat of physical violence big
league refereeing Is 'a lonely job. Referees are the unsung
heroes ,i)f hockey.
Your comments and suggestions for Ms column will be welcomed
.by Eimer Ferguson, c/o •Colvert House, 431 Yorige•St., Toronto.
HAVE you tried chicks from our
11.,Q.P, sired fast featberine Barred
Rocks? If not, Order now, Canadian
approved flocks and, hatchery pi/norm
tested breeders, no reactors, TOP
quality, lowestprices. Pullets $22,00.
mixed $11.00. Cockerels $5.00. Write
for interesting literature.. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Larocque Poultry Breed-
Mg Farm. North Lancaster, Ont.
FOLKS, I have a secret. A little bird
told, me that top poultry forecasters
are expecting 10 percent to 15 per-
cent fewer pullets raised with much
higher egg prices possible, Last year
5% more layers caused a 50% or
more drop in egg prices. What will
a 1E% droP in layers mean along
with greater demand for eggs?
Dealers agree also that only the best
strains get top egg am poultry
prices. At Tweddle's we have the best
strains and breeds for maximum egg
production and the best strains and
breeds for meat, Also turkey poults.
Send for 1955 Tweddle free catalogue,
it tells all about these breeds.
ALL PURPOSE chicks. Variety breeds,
crosses, for any market. Ask for
April prices; order now before the
late April rush, Pullets, some day
old, Cockerels. BRAY 'ffATCHERY,
TURKEY Growers: if you want some-
thing a little better buy Tweddle
Turkey poults, this year. For Broad
Breasts, rapid growth, good feed
conversion, and good livability, Twed-
dle 1955 turkeys are hard to beat.
Broad Breasted Bronze, White Hot.
land, A. 0. Smith, Broad Whites,. Em-
lire Whites, Thompson Broad Whites,
arge and medium, Wahkeen Whites,
Beltsville, ,noh-sexed, hens, toms.
1955 catalegcle:jirells all about these
wonderful -lur
British Sovereign produce the largest,
sweetest, firmest berry of them all,
One planting lasts up to seven years.
Be sure and start' a patch this Spring.
10 Plants - $1.00; 25 Plants - $2.00
100 Plants - $7.00.
BOX 278 Timmins, Ont,
best Of the mail Order Magazines'.
Special offer! Mail Order, World and
Mail Order Giant. Sample,cop „Of
both, Drily 250. Capitol, 1222 W. 83rd
Street, Chicago, 111.
"SELL Flora • Greeting Cards Every,
day. Stationery, Gift Iterha, Booka,
etc. Up to 50% tommiSsiens. Write:
43 Flora St4 Ottawa 4, Ont.
'Tie sweet to hear the Watch;
dog's honest bark
' Bay deep-inoutleci welcome
We draw heat home;
'Tis sweet to know theta IS an
-eye Will Meek
Our eobsing, and look brightet
when we Caine;
TWELVE Giant Dahlias different,
labelled, $2.50 postpaid. Mrs. 3% Trigg,
Buctouche, N.B.
Can you pasture .3 or 4 head of cattle
Per acre, from early Spring late
Fall? Year after year? Many farmers
who planted Gro-Kotecl."ere,en Gold"
Long Term Pasture Mixtures can. The
seed costs only about $12.00 per acre.
Ask your "Green Gold" ;dealer for
the Mixture best suited for your land,
or write for free booklet to: Hogg
& Lytle. Ltd., Oakwood, Ont.
PICKUP Balers, Used New Holland
and Massey Harris machines. Write
„-for information. Lloyd Beckham and
- Son, Ingersoll.
1 only McDougall Pressure. Pump
Complete, with 2 H.P. 25.60/3/550
Motor. Capacity 1600 gals. per hr., 50
lbs. pressure. Pressure Tank with
valves and pressure switch.
1 only Duro Mechanical. Filter No. 30
complete. This filter has been used
along with ahhve mentioned pressure pump.
1 only Chrysler 6 Cylinder Industrial
Power Engine Unit, 40 H.P., 1800
R.P.M. reduced to 1200 R.P.M. Com-
plete ready to run, new.
Will accept any reasonable offer for any of the above equipment. Apply to
Hamburg Felt Boot Company, Ltd.,
New Hamburg, Ont.
DELICIOUS, Economical Healthful!
Booklet 35a. Bean • Recipes. Box 65,
New Lots Ste., Brooklyn 8, New York.
$9,000—Terms. 100 acres; 95 workable,
good location close to school and
church, buildings good, hydro, fur-nace, water system,
Diidalk, Ont. W. Kelly Real Estate.
100 acres, 12 miles east of Peterbox,
ough, rich dairy farm, $300 monthly
turnover; stone house, oil beat; all
buildings in good condition. Contact owner, J. Meincinger, R.R. 3, Indian
River, Ontario.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and 'weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disap-
point you. Itching, scaling and burn.
ing eczema, acne, ringworm, pinirdes
and foot eczema will respond readily
to time stainless, odorless ointment, re•
gardless of how Stubborn or hopeless
they seem..
am..4.:CE $2.50'. PER JAR
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price.
889 Queen' St. E., Corner of Logan,
How Boy, tAol ie.:Star
Got, His Chance
Just a year ago, in "The Kid=
flappers," 'a couple of small bey8
from Aberdeen were alternate-
ly touching our hearts and mak-
ing us roar with-. -laughter over
their .efforts to keep a baby they
found on the moors as a substi-
tute for the dog they'd always
What has happened since to
Jon Whiteley, the solemn-eyed
older one of eight, with the
tousled mop of fair har; and
Vincent Winter, five and a half,
with the chubby cheeks, deter-
mined manner and rich Scots
Both boys have already made
good their early promise and
will soon be seen again on the
screen. Jon Whiteley, who had
starred in "Hunted"' with Dirk
Bogarde and so was a veteran
when he made "The Kidnap-
pers," has just gone home from
Hollywood after playing a big
part in "Moonfleet," a romantic
adventure story of the turbulent
eighteenth century.
Exciting Chase
Young Jon shares many of his'
big' scenes in "Mbonfleet" with
Stewart Granger, with whom he
struck up an immediate friend-
ship. Granger and the boy have
a tremendously exciting chase
sequence, over '400 yards of
beach — with a former cham-
pion sprinter hot in pursuit. No
ordinary extra could keep up
with them, so the runner had to
be engaged 'specially for the
part.' Then there is a tense mo-
ment when Granger lowers Jon
down inside an ancient well in
a bucket— one of the trickiest
scenes ever photographed in
The well-house on the surf d'ee
was built On one S tagetit0-
M.G.M.'s studios, the ferti I
well shaft itself being coestriml
ed on a loftier stage, where it
' came'to Within a qe.Ve -feet Ole
the ceiling. The 'camera was
mounted on a lift' contrivance
that moved it up and doWn to
folloW Jon's bumpy progress in
the beeket.
On the set young Jon made
Mends with co. star Joan Green-
wood, making her first Holly-
wood filth, too His great delight
was to measure himself against
Joan almost daily, for she stands
Only five feet one inch, and Jon
18 going to be taller that] she is
any minute now.. Weekends he
spent visiting Stewart Granger
and Jean Simmons , at their
home. Granger devoted a lot of
time to giving the lad swimming
lessons and Was responsible for
what was probably the most
• exciting 'Moment of the whole
Hollywood trip.
One day Jon came back to
the set after hitch and fowl&
all laid out On 0 huge table be-
side his dresSirig-toom, th
larged, most beautiful model
electric railway in the World —
Granger's way of conitnettbeat;
lint a good friendship.
ti was the way he recited the
Edward' Lear poem, "The Owl
and the Pussy Cet i" oh the redid'
that firSt wen Joh Whiteley a
chance to become an ardor, Thie
pleaSantly tinseoilects frieriellY
ten of an Aberdeen Schociiiiiester
has learned to loVe acting bete
ter than anything, and take§
each scene and every pert very .
seriously indeed.
The same could not possibly
be said for Vincent Winter, Jon's
One-titrie partner in crime. At
the ripe old age of six he lioie
PlaY0 Joanne Dim's son in "The
Black Prince" by the simple
Mut:highly effective expedient
of being completely himself and
playing an interesting eleitede-
lIk-o gerne 111 funny elethee,
Pebble 'ask Min to SOY
move this way or that, but it
remains a .game dor Vincent. A
wonderful game, too — in which
he was allowed to ride on a huge
charger and to make friends
with ,4 a large' black Labrador
dog. Between takes • he, spent a
great deal of time consuming
cream 'cakes and drinking vast
quantities of milk.
"I don't think he realizes he is
being filmed," his mother re-
maiked ,in her pretty Scottish
voice, as she sat on the set,
quietly watching her little son
going through all the symptoms
of young joy
-When the director says "Cut"
that's the .signal for Vincent to
hurl himself on his mother and
demand 'that she read him one
of his favourite Wild West
"Dowsitig". For
Buried Treasure
Tests by a diviner recently
revealed "strong indications" of
gold, silver and lead under the
altar of a Devon church, once
one of the wealthiest in the West
Country. It is believed that ex-
cavations might reveal a Saxon
or mediaeval crypt containing
Bishops were probably buried
there with their rings and other
valuable symbols of office. Be-
fore the Reformation this church
was rich in plate and mediaeval
glass, much of which may have
been buried.
A preliminary exploration will
probably- take place some time
this spring. e
"Dowsing" for buried treasure
with special divining apparatus
which indicates "the *presence of
large quantities of buried metal
is on the increase all over the
world. Treasure hunting ma-
chines which saw war service as
land-mine detectors are being
used by some diviner8 to -good
Onetlie site 'orati old Spanish
fort in South America not long
ago a• father and son operated
their metal-divining machine so
accurately that they located an
ancient casket filled with jew-
ellery, old swords, flint-lock
pistols and pewter. '
A man who inherited a plan-
tation hear Vicksburg, Miesis-
sippi, had believed for years
that a..great quantity of valuable
silverware was buried there. He
spent two fruitless days trying
to divine it with apparatus he
had invented.
On the third day he rested the
Machine against a gnarled old
oak tree while he ate some
eandwiehes. To his amazement,
earphones On the apparatus sud-
denly ,began to hum violently, '
Investigation revealed that
eight feet below one of the tree's'
great roots Was the treasure he
Sought. It hes made hiM Hell for
the rest of his life.
Metal-divining apparatus was
Used by the French after the
first world War to locate buried
shells. While working with it,
one dowser Wag approached • by
an old peasant who asked him to
try to find a large boic of gold
coins—his savings—whirls:
he had buried at the outbreak Of
War and now could not find.
The doteSer ultimately' ideated
the gold' under ariether field.
Sortie vdietaiide froth the one'
Where the peasant had buried it
A shell had blown it into the
air and buried it again• at the
spot where it was eventually'
She is a winsome Wed thing'
She is a handsome wee Orel*,
She is a' Iti'dicithe Wee thing,
This sweet Wee wife Online!'
SPOTTED "TIGER"--While 'tigers
(jungle variety) have ' never
' been known to change their
stripes, tigers l— Detroit Tigers,
that is—are sporting spots these
days. Good bid for Freckle King
of the major leagues could be
entered by rookie J. W. Porter,
who brought his freckles to the
Detroit team's outfield.
been equalled or surpassed. He
was the first man in history to
vault 15 feet.
* * *
Thirty-nine years ago an Eng-
lish Bishop had a son who was
a track star. Although the Bi-
shop disapproved of his son's
interest in sports, the young lad
went on to Sandhurst, Britain's.
West Point, where he distingu-
ished himself, not only as' a fine
runner, but also as an excellent
cricketer and soccer player.
When the first World War
'broke out, the Bishop's son went
to war. He landed in France in
August, 1914, and by October he
was a captain and had a deco-
ration for gallantry,
One day he led a bayonet
charge against a " machinegun
hill. Halfway to his goal, he
pitched forward on his face with
a slug in his lung. After the
battle was over, he was carried
back to a hospital where he Was
pronounced dead.
On the limy to the cemetery,
a Red Cross worker happened
to look at the corpse' ,and was
Startled to see its eyelids flutter.
The gallant captain was hur-
riedly taken back to the hospi-
tal 'for treatment. And the Bi-
shop's, son was restored to life
after, -narrowly escaping being
buried alive.
The' Bishop's son never ran
again. But he did go on with
his military career. He became
a- great general in World War
IL and contributed to a very
great extent to the winning of
the bloodiest war the world has
ever seen. It • seems that the
miracle that had snatched him
froth death gave - Britain its
greatest commander on the field
of battle. Arid all the world, is
grateful that he was spared to do
so; Much. His name will ring
down the ages. For his name is
.1 Marshal Sir Bernard L. Mont-
Sports Yarns
One day a travelling salesman,
driving by a ranch in California,
was forced to stop his car when•
his radiator began ,to boil over.
He started to trudge to the near-
est house to get some water,
when, suddenly he was startled,
to see, in the nearby spinach
patch, a human figure flying
through the air. The salesman
forgot everything and tiptoed
closer to watch.
As . he approached he saw a,
slim youngster with a secibnd-
hand .bamboe polo take off
again' down a home-made run-
way and sail Over a makeshift
cross-bar. The salesmane who.
happened to be a track fahrwas'
amazed to note that the bar was
over 13 feet above. the ground.
The salesman rqshed off to
tVioffice'e pf his friend; Flint
Hanner, track coach at Fresno
State College;;; With his story:
Bursting it on him, he shouted,
"I've just seen -w'ferm boy, vault
13 feet in a spinaCh 'patch!",
The coach piled into the'sales-
man's car and together they
made a run for theranch. There
the two men crept up to the
spinach patch to watch the 'farm
boy pole-Vault. Coach Hanner
caught just onetleap, Then
headed for tie ranch house
where he tackled the boy's
father with 'the proposition that
the boy be enrolled'in Fresho
The coach was persistent when
the" bee shoWed little eagerhess
for a college education. He
pleaded, coaxed, and tempted
the yotingster. Finally the father -
said to his son, 'You'd better 'get
yourself a college education of
we'll never get rid Of that'inan!"
So Cor nelius Warmerdani
went to college • to begiyeteeareer
$n pole-vatting that has never
$1.00 TRIAL offer. rwenty ,five deluxe
Personal requirements. Latest cats.
logue Included, The Medico • Agency,
Box 124, Terminal "A" Toronto Ont.
WANTED, virgin
growth. .hard
maple wood lot,. 20 es or larger,
or farms containing such woodlots.
Cash. Box 78, Exeter. '
ADVENTUROUS MEN! You are want-
ed -for all kinds of high-paying work
on 164, million-dollar Canadian build-
ing projects, including great St.
Lawrence Seaway. Directory, with
map, sent upon , application, $1 post-
paid. Canadian Construction-B, Lake
Guindon, Que.
tower Feed Cost, Too!
You get 35 more eggs
per hen, per year from
Ames In-Cross Hybrids
compared to standard bred
hens. You also save IA to 1 lb.
of feed per dozen eggs. Hybrid'
VIGOR reduces death lose..
Choice of White, Tinted,
or Brown•Egg Hybrids
are limited:
Order Your
Ames in-Cross
Hybrid Chicks
130 John St:, N.
Hamilton, Ont.
ISSUE it — 1t135'
MEN AND WOMEN 41, How cant remove hats°.
A..Dampen tailrlate: hors
oughly with water, and then,.
brush Off the Italsomine ,with a
stiff brush, If the waterL 'ades
not soften the kalsOrnine'eSuffi-
einetly add a very small amount
Of hydrochloric. ticidto it; but in
that case, the *all must be wash-
ed afterwards with clear water
to remove the acid.
Q. How can t prevent rust iet
the oven? e. ;
A, The oxen door Of thee gas
range should be left open after
using. This will let out the warm
air, and nt:erieiisture will collect
to form rust,
Q , rAleoYe.eter,
from the iron? , -
A, If the troll beedine -
coated with Starch, 'run
it over a sheet of fine sandpaper
and the iron will be perfectly
smooth again.
Q. How should chamois skin
be washed?
A. A chamois cloth should 'be
washed in soapy water, rinsed in...
water of the same temperature
and pressed carefully on a fiat
surface to dry after using. This
will keep the skin soft and pli-
able. s
Q. 414v -'Can I make a good
dressinef,tirPatent leather shoes?
A. . At•goed dressing for patent
or rtissetesluies es white Vaseline
petroleum' jelly rubbed thorough-
ly into the leather, Then polish
with absorbent cotton or a soft
Q.. How have smooth
legs without shaving them?
A. If you insist upon remov-
ing 4the hair froin, th e legs, in-.
stead of using a razor try using
the finest grade of sandpaper,
• 9: How can I 'make better
lemon pie?' " -
A. When cooking the filling
for lemon pie, place the rind into
the mixture for a few minutes,
and then remove with a spoon.
The flavor will be improved but
it will not have that, bitter taste
that grated rind often produces.
Q. How can. I, fasten oilcloth
to the wall?
A. When oilcloth is 'to be
fastened to the wall above the
kitchen sink, glue it to the wall.
This is a much better and more
permanent method than tacking
BOOSE Milk Case Maaefecterers And:
Repairs, Midland' Aiteeee, 'Agincourt.
,Q.nta, $1 Per eaSe repair* Your'
easeS, 51,85: ,catdoWn, Write for pricek
on new eases,. Aliowance. fer
Yenr Old ogee*
Great Opportunity.
Learn Hairdressing.
Pleasant, dig/lined profeSsion, 6000
Wages. Thousands of successful Mar.
vol graduates,
America's Greatest System
Illustrated catalogue Free
Write or Call
358 Elloor St, N., Toronto
44 King St„ Hamilton
72 Rideau St. OttaWa
Write for details on the new Hinson
Fisherman's Bag and learn how to
get this valuable book free, Capitpl,
1222 W. 83rd Street, Chicagp,
Patent Attorneys. Estabiished 1890. 690.
University Ave., Toronto Patents all
AN OFFER to every inventor List of^
inventions and full information a .
free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Pato
cut Attorm ys, 273 Bank St, Ottawa,
TWO-WAY TREAT—Terry Bretzke likes flapjacks, as anyone can
see. The eight4year-Old Boy Scout dug in not only to fill his
:tummy, but also to fill the coffers of a fund to build a crippled
children's summer camp. The Lions Club invited Terryri;Scout
'troop to a pancake-eating contest and donated 50c to Ittikiecimp
Jay each flapjack the boys ate.
The Vasty Sky:
A few stars are known which
are. hardly bigger than our
earth, but the majority are so
large that hundreds of thrni-
eands of earths' could be padked
inside each and leave room to
spare; here and there We com
noon a great star large enough
to• contain Mahone cif millions of
earths. And the total number of
stars in the universe is probably
something like the total number
of grain's of send On all the' sea=
shoree of the world, Such is the
littleness of our home space
When measured tip against the
total substance Of . the universe,
This vast ithiltIttide of Stare are
wandering about in Space. A fe.W
forth groups whieh journey in,
company, tr
the inajdrity are
Solitary travellerS, And they
travel through a, utiiiierse so
ePaelotie that it is an event of
almost unimaginable rarity' for
a star" to Cored anywhere neat
to another star. For the most
part each voyages in splendid
isolation; like a ship on an crop=
tY Ocean-. In a scale model ill
which the stars are ships, 'the
average ship will be Well iteiet
a million miles from its neared
neighbour, Whence it is easy
'understand why 4, ship',tieldein
tinds another Within ,
distance FrOni .."The MYSterlw
Universe,!' by Sir Jai-ilea
If lire's not worth Living
it May be youi tired
it • a bleu It /aim op to tic pinta of Bleu
bile a 'day to keep your digestive tract in tap
shape! LI your liver bile ie ant flawing freely
emit food may' set diret. Ras bloats up your Notesich .• you feel' constipated ahcl all the No tad. sparkle to out of life, That's
Yrheti you need mild gentle, Cniter'a Little
Liter. pills. Theme fee ode ilesetahld pith help
'stimulate the Rote ,of Inalt bile.: Bolin you:.digeaticin starte fuiletiehireeprtipenYiithd_„;rea.'" feel that Cr, hire aitaiell'Don't
ewe stay; aunt. Alleaes keep riarter's Littla
liner PIRO an liatid.270 at erase (frtiasisa
FiGHTINGIAUCERS;4be.fitile‘Meri from Mars ttiliet.4sponaibie'
fiyind-saucer effect, nor the right 'Uncorked by Alonzo
tit he hditirneia. at Rudol p h Corns Saucers were
ilerVed 60 lsy the'pAeitegiiiptier, Who Made a ..dotibre ekpoSUVe
eitieltice the tatieit Glovers ~iouts;