HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-04-27, Page 5A
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ion). r. ' r
from the new
"krvariv).0~A.S ..ehig4..
U. A. Runt & Co.
Lisommed rimend Director mod faaksisaus
PHONE NI ar-SS — BIN/9921.3.
R. S. Hetherington,K. C.
MAGNA* sea satma
AT 1111101111111A
rimedny sad Saturday all day — Meet mem mew as.
rime as Seeciaser em i. OAPS
1,714. LISSFILS VOS , , „„.. , , P44§ 41 W`0 0-1Y, 4.11vu., „pew
See yoye
IDODOE-1:DE scrip ..creaier jr
4 4 •••
ANNUAL leitETiNG , Beigravele Wceday ;festival wound,
i• • s w film e ingham District High
The annual meeting of the Bruesel lof bli W
I up rpl.dts0 night the new auditor.
Majestie Women's Institute, -held in i se,hoox
Men , omen. Old at 11111rtaen to Gbilrtbi Boys and Girls,
Men and Women, Town and COM4Y.
40,50, 60. Want Pop? wire or girl friend to Goderich, tr
Thousands amazed "ha/ urday night, lVieY 7. Fun, FellOWSbiV, Is; chill body Food, olitteldes and a Challenge! :SE5
km fie kw, ineede -tv t:eetullacate71 Mark that date ;new. Watch this spaee aim oak 000.
storgungerT "
vemior for furth;er facts. — (Sponsored by Vii. all drug Huron County Temperance Fei,derate
:the, Library baseinent in charge of
Mrs W. H. 'Bell, the president, '•WIas
one 'of the most fully attended of the.
year, • • 7;"111113I
'Masse' .Stlaalley Bride, district pres-
ident,' and Mrs. Crosby Southern,
district neoretary, both elf Fordwich,
were visitors, ;and each spoke, Mrs
Bride described the development of
Ithe Huron County sehelaeship for
4 - H ;Club girl's sponsored by the
Women's (institute branches of the
county. She noted that nine out of
ten branches are co-operating, and
that the east district had given the
ffinesit assistance. She •also told of
; Adjuested were the unison (Shortie
'1Ohyttlen 'band, two-part chorus and
the tap 'winners of the various solo"
eclasSes 'Thursday and early Friday
' -solo duet-and double trio classes were
)held, in the Foresters Hall, Belgrave.
'Phe fes•tival was for the schools. of
'Morris and. Bast, Wawanosh town.
,ships and was under the manage-
ment of the Begraye School Pair
Assoela.tion. 'Prophios Competed for
;are the Beigrave Co - Operative'
Association Trophy and the Wing.
ham Lions Club Trophy, Adjucator
was Franik Halton, of Brantford. The
largest entry recorded this year was by VadatVeet
Come in today-. and find out how you can win! Our
local piize in this fun-filled Contest is a beautiful Bridal
Bell Diamond Ring. And the Manufacturer of Bridal
Bell Diamond Rings is offering a National. Prize of "A
Honeymoon at the Waldorf" . . . a whole week in New
York with all expenses paid. You have two chances to
win, so come in now, for your entry form. If you live
out of town, just write us and we will send you an entry
fOrm and complete details.
W. G. Leith -Jeweller
"The Store for Beautiful Gifts"
in the girls solo -class 11 years' and
under ;velum 16 competed.,
Bays solo -nine years .and under,
Ken Johnston, Anno Dehaian, Bill
Hetherington, Kenneth Shlortreed.
Girls •eolo seven years• • and unoer,,
'Linda Turvey, Linda 13ryinee, Norma
Smith, Cheryl Toll. Girlie 11 years
and under:- ;Susan Wightetvan, Lorna
Bolt, Jean Johnston, , A•ucirer
Wheeler.,Boye 11 yelars- and under,
John McDowell, Bob Bylema, Nor.
man Lockhart, Glen Plant. ;Girls
14 years; and under, Marie johns% Mrs. Louie Blake, presided at the ten, Mary Lou Wright, Yvonne, Gib. April meeting •of„ St. Ambrose Altar 1 son, iReseroaxie Lutz, Society held at the Mime of. Mrs. Boyle years and under, Bill • Florence Ruseet. The Sec. and Trete. Ti • E t rtit' S' lc
Brussels Ontario
the progree of ,preparing written ar.
ticiee on the exhibit* in the Huron
;county museum at Goderich, and of
;the tape-recordings -being made by
J. H. Neill, curator of the nittsettin.
irreenin,g to Tnistittite work she urged
;each group to ehbose -a community
spot eadh- year; and beautify it. Mrs.
Bell thanked ;the Meeker, and Mrs.
W. J. Turnbull presented her with -a
gift, • • •
P.44141 44110l444,44,4.-.....4494444MMLEMINIMILINIMOINT 411111.14.11.M1111.11SMILMINN
iMrs. Southern explained the ite
crease in membership fees' frOm 50
cent-e' g2: cents which includes a
Year'et Subseriptien, to the Institute
paper, "Hamm and Country." She said „
„same groups leave 'their membership
t -at the old fee and pay the extra
indolent from their treasury. The ,
Brussels group voted to 'follow the
I -Natter Procedure.
Supreme vacation enjoyment in Florida's most complete resort. Moat
darn guest rooms (air-conditioning optional) to please and immur e.. wide ocean front beach for sunning and swimming ... cozy lounprs?
intimate rendezvous and genuine hospitality to flavor your entire stop.
. ••••••••••=4.4...4.444.
C. A. Myers, iVi. D., L.-. M. G. C.
141" on St. Mums 4. Oraummis, timm. MIAMI-BEAC
67th Street on the
. • r.
:Delman, John Campbell, Beys, seven
yeart and unifier, Ross, Wrightmari
'Gramme - Craig; Gordon McMurray,
eiBebbli Lockhart.
Duet .open Joan Jelinetcre and
'Kenne tit; pallrurd, Bob Bylsrna and
, L Bolt. Dorothy Cook and
Jelin Ibilema. -Girls solo nine and
'tinder Rah Marie Noble,
• 1VIa -Campbell, Nora. Whitehead..
Toisplioae a orna,
Unison ;ehorus USS 11 East Wa. '•
.wanoeb. and Mullett,' SS 3, Morris,
SS 13, East Wawaniosh, USS 16 East
and West Wawancish "
Dmible trio, TISS 6, , East and
West Wawanosh, tJSS 7, East and
West Wewa•nash, USS East Wa'
"e:-'101.-XeK .........
'M-embers• ;exchanged gifts with
Sunthine'Sieters„ . I
Mrs. 'Carl H,enittigway,• who attend.;
.femperatme meeting recently in
Ceederich asi a •representative of the..
branch, gave a report -cif the meet-
ing and renounced the Conclave to be
• had in - Goderioh on ivto.y. 7 and 8.
The ;Belgrave •Women's 'Institute
-will be• guests of • -the Brusieels
group on 'Friday, April 66,.. 'when
M„iesi Jean Artileer of the Institute
extensten service will demenstrate
"Brighten yenir home 'with color." wanosa,i.
having presented their reiPorts, the
visiting cict4inenittee !stated that five;,
•caille -had-been anedie and one box i
sent. Roll call was answered evi;th a t
household hint. Mrs, F. Counelly t
and -Mrs. L. Blake were named Altar i
Committee for the. month •of May. i
The menu for the Lions Club supper i.
was a.rranged ;by Mrs,. Steffler. Mrs.)
L, Blake, in -reporting for her come
-.. mittee, summerized seiVeral possible 1
ways to renievate the altar' of the
•chuireh. Several Suggestions were
;offered for raising the money to
make these Improvements MrS. '
SteiDfler sUggested making a quilt, /
and all ;agreed to bring Patterns to
-the next meeting. It was decided to
make a donation t,e ;the; Woirten'ki
Institute, for use of their equipment •
in catering to the Lions Supper.
Mrs. Gordon Blake mad e a motion,
that, "R it is aleceptable, the Altar
Society aIllsei donlaite -a largo ta,ble. ,
'cloth to reipla,ce a worn one. Mrs.
Stefillei; was ;appointed to look. after
this matter. The program was' 'en.
Jeyable and Instructive in the art of
-every day living, Met, F. Connelly
gave a splendid topic on; "Cheerfui.
nese." Mrs. R. McBride read thee.
Life of St Therese. Mrs L Bern.
agluni and Mrs. L. Geynor recited de
lightful poems Mrs. Rdeyel-ended 1
ed two c.entestsi won by Mrs L.
049 yllOr 'a trri NT:1'S , G. Blake,
Graiitato Univorobw ok TOMES.
Chas. T. Davidson'
AMmonbile mud Piz boorrouce .*
Aceirbsat awl Skim= '
*gat ter Grew Wm balleletel CS* ,
Rums Mice 911 Ilkumelet
Rkis in design . . ." ultra
modem guest rooms and
studio bedrooms, luxurious-
furnished -
Complete in pleasure . .
peke%pool and cabana
-eds. oodtell lounge, round.
thmcllodk •MerfaInment
‘).4•41set •
Weftf rifest. effect
Mrs„ Lorne Nichol presented the
irepert of the- nominating committee, MERRY MILKMAIDS
and the following -officers were elect. The 'seventh m:eieting of the Ethel
, ed. ;with lira S. Bride conducting the • Merry Milk. Maids was held- on mon..
installation Service; honorary pres• day evening, April 18, :at the home of
ident, Mrs. R. W. StePhente Dress 'Mrs. Q, T)obSon. The president, jean
dent, Mrs. W. H. Bell: vicepresi- Rock, Op en e el the meeting with the
, dents, Mrs. W. ,T, Trurnbiill, Mrs Carl 4 - H club pledge. Eleven Members
I _IiiiiminierWay; eeereitary - treastrer, answered the roll call with a font of
. Mrs, Earle:Judie:ore; district director, _milk and giving -'a recipe for using it.
I sec • tarry Dora Alexander,
.111•11011ta% SWIL'inte
'We. R. W. Stephens.: branch direct-, ,
• 111 N it
•••••••••••,...4.,.. -
fl 1 ,,,,,,es, mit. ,atimilet Davis, Mrs,. B. B. . road the Mintites 'of the sixth
Cousins, Mr. Wilbur TertibUll; pint. meeting.
tete, M.S. W. C. Bert, Mee, George Mlle topic discussed Wet Milk in
Exams ; Ptete reporters, Mrs. D. O. Mtny fanifis. Each girl then judged
edatliesoat, Mrs F. W. Todd; ieruill. a ehts.s, of mente and enninieted Men-
! tons Mrs. J. C. Long, Mrs. Aligns us given.
limele Rood
as Ames Mame
Harvey W. Stephenson
itmermestattve tor Sum We Ameinemes
Canada Heins mid Accident Co.
Csomalty Gamma, houresoe --
PliZzie 43z *mos
ere lent Day,which is to For i ; i .e, n 'Brawn; convenors •of standing; ecm- be held Allay 7 in the Cratibrook , mittees — agriculture and Canadian
i min str i mi. Mrs. Win. Evane, lees." .v Communiter Centre, the ,Members I
decided to have a skit. For the meet;
Berg Connelly; citizenship and ed ' Mg next MLenclay evening all the re- I
1 uoaltion Mrs'. Carl Hemingway, Mrs.' cord bottles. -are to- be completed ana l
Lorne Nichol; eomirtunity a ctivi t- i e ;at this meeting plan will be Map I r* try-b r f T.' 11' r r` rt/''' Ayr% T
iOHN E. LONGSTAF'FI Optafitiotokfi
Ma L.
irkeo. 791 50404. shis.
SOUNSI 114 'Nei. ft,11.3.i. Sit. IP A411.
We have so much- to protect
This Canada of OUri Otita to enloy of a price -e the Mice
Of constant diertriest, ,• ,
We cannot take for granted our freedom worship, to Volk
to echiCate; 'be chi id reel, or to order our home life as We plea&
All these freedoms are ours only as long as we are willing: to s,
do everything necessary to Mali-kiln and defend their',
All honour then to the &Median Soldier —the steadfast
dudedian of oil our free inttlititiens. Without men like h ni,
Canada' We- too- Might cease to be. •
We have to' much to protect;. Let us all do our part, Without
whatever *eV our defy 1161,-
SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF ARMY , 16 lea eligible you hest be 1, to 40 yegri of age, Skilled tradesmen' a
When cititelying bring birth •certificate or ' ihor proof' of age..
rightdp fits For f011ihrorindlicier i3OriiO or visit the , . :Arny Recruiting Contra neaiost yew home.
arottened tenet, WalliS 6 .Ohnigotie 5te.i tttim, 'brit — 04607
Canadian Atmy Recruiting" Station, 164Wellitigtoti St, Kingston„ Ont. — Tel 4730
Army Recruiting Centre, 90 RI vinuind st Petite Ont•---rel. EM. 6.6341—Local 27 6
tia. 7 Retbned Depot. *Wiley Barracks, 00614'$ sliisbsth,.:Sts„i tondonj, ont, — Tel 4-1601,
Army waiting, centre, ;230 Maid St, Mite Bey, ont Tel. 456
denStIlett Artily Recruiting-Staten:084 'King St. R., Ont. ‘,A JAciczori 24176S oieeee,
• . •
t lee and nnblie rolations Mrs. Wesley
Kerr, Mrs. Jame.e historieal ter Achievement Day.
Met Meeting closed With the Net- I
resioarell antle°citrrent eV'ents Mrs.
' Clifford Marisa, Mn',e AurdeW Lanai 7 'Ioral
Mn', and .11/41M. Gee, W. ROWlend of
I Enibte, Mitt. Annie Murray Weed'.
I Sleek, Me B. Roeidend Detre%
Mien, Were Sunday visitors with Mr.
Mid Mte., Rot-lend,
G. ALAN WILLIAMSt Optornibriiii - -
!li'leteklG .•
sts Whilheim" Salialfa"lbetinit; 771 °Intibt 1* s .app out.
J. A. Montigiihati, R. 0. Oottintegiary
eyes t zoning's" siS
Wks Ita liatiaikit 0* , Sabo '
tiraiat .it.s OA/ po .i *Alb; 0:14041W '
00* .414104* SailiroW Ilb.11411 711110111
giber:elvegittii b*faMileit
Walker Funeral. 'Hate
Di, itNteitCiattrisnisio
itidis ree. uSs 'Of 011, !'"zAti; tirraidt isi midst nt a itsilitakinr -To
s AnOininarrniliosiis,
paw ribiers
t Members ceiripleting ,this. project
lectinie -deetritiiiet and heath,' I are,: Dora Alexander; Doris Ba--te,
Deliglas }IMMO:Way, Miie, Bert Jelin- man .; Marjeeie neither: Patty Deft-
eteii; eeiteetter, Miss Beth I
1 Oli41t, litt;. Helen Dolisen; Seen Fraser:.
.. • • - lean Gill: 'Grade Lenient; Elleeibetii
' • • - " ii"'" foe •• Mettle; 8005120'6, ti011ittct "rjoktitl itelY0.1 LSI t rig co , • • ,i; • •
tlict prig Yeier ;were ' ROA by Itichincte: Jean torch. Margaret I Mie and Mtg. ,T. Brettn, 11,6*
Teilsikeard, Were ViSiteee in the
Ceti inenity Week.
Mr, W. G, Leech has been eerie-US.
WO. ltvhils„ Uns. Wit, Miller, smith,'
„ ,„
INit,11101„, „mit „. 11641r,"laS 114)6tillitp,„71tiy, 17 1-1-
.• • lctit,, Earl ,dndana-e6,. Mire, terne•
, laird .1Tie.s. rIbever. Meg, te.
1 'Mee ithelt, Who recently hail her iSt ill at &TS 116111-0 llete,
tensile tellieVed in ListdeVel hoSPitat
rottimtii liana last tire4: end is lilt.
Peoving nicely. ,
dOnSilliti led ;the gtoto dotinutiilly
tinging, iteztdss,os toe flier tifty. Were
11free tt, 'W. Steadied-a,- MISS Beth-
ttovirfe,'Nins, tettle. Ms's. W., 6',
KintOtigh GIrotary student at
Chteeris University, Kingstoth, is
v,,teationin,q at hiS hoMe here. Ed
Richards Were, sorry ,to heat Of lite
The Many frieridl• -of t.. kete,
lines s. 1
tip .