HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-04-27, Page 4fOR„At.g. Two Ores: and tubes mo. A a Jack TOP% FoR SALE An out hense, in good Condition, .Spcoir 'Phuno, 21 The results- -of this election are as follows -- President .... Mrs. Stewart MeNair Viee-Pres.. Mrs-. Glenn Huether 2-nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. *Ross Knight Sec.-Treasi. Mrs, Allan MaTaggart -Dist. Director Ws, Stanley _Camppell -Branelh Directors Mrs.. Charles Lake, Mrs, Wilfred Strickler, Mrs, Ken. McFarlane :Pianists ,... "Mrs, Leslie Lake, iVirs. Donald IVLCTaggart Auditors Mrs. Harvey Smith, -Mrs. Bill Bremner Standing ComMittee Agriculture land Canadian Industry,' -Mrs. Russell Knight, Mrs. Maurice Cameron. .and Education, grs, • .Lylle Gordon, Mrs, Ken McDonald, Peratnunity Activities and 'Public Relations, .Mrs, -Glen Corlett • Mrs. -C ,Stettfler, • . . Hanle Edonoinics and Health, Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs. Mac, McIntosh. Resolutions, Mrs, James Bremner, Hlisterical Research and CUttent. Events; Mrst. Gordon Knight Mraf...M. McDonald . • .• Sunshine, Mrs, Goldwyn Knight, ;Mrs. Fred. Kieltnatriek. MrS!. Bride, .the 'gtielgt, .speaker, stalled the new etfiderS. Slie. was 'thanked by Mrs.. Glen Huether and. presented with a gift • The meeting was • closed with the National Anthem Ana luno7. was Served., The sixth meeting of the Cranbrook Dairy Maids was held in the Cam- niunity April 18 at 2 o'clock, Wo(4105dals *Pa, 2714 1955 THE BRUSSELS KW „ CLASSIFIED AM,' WANTED Farm WQ0c. 3, H. Cameron a. 'TENDERS WANTED Tender-4 to build Ceillerete atcPs, at Dutra 1,Nted, Church, Walton, to tear out and to rebuild, Vise church etoPs. ToodePe to be tat' by May 10th. apply to W, If LeeolIng, R. R. P. Welton, Clinton, 60, FOR SALE House and lot' an Mill St., PrliSe'als I . . . ,Nips, P. meson Plouo 884 Tgi4Dg.. WANTED • ..---,..---- ,,, „.......— 1 Per 15 cord of hard MaPle 'wood NOTICE --, ' AK Purrs United Church, WAWA to If you would like your lawn cut be delivered in ..laine,' Tenclers, to he please call Wayne 3Ohnson At $4r4. tit. by May 10th. apply -to W. 3. ,Leetning., R, R, 2 waitou. ».•!?.»ASS", .4*,a;k.,i`x•mx4e,Orf,!**,....„ FOR SALE — 0 Suckers, 2. Yank Sows, due May 1 Lincoln Martin PkOne 2004 dream r come tru ce rr • , • ...... . .• 'FOR SALE --• • Surge Milkers — Lovell H. Me. Guire, Surge Dealer, Wingham. vitas inquiries abort your milking problems. Phone Winner's 593 009 lect., New and-Used Milkers. FOR SALE — If you haven't ordered your seed corn, you can stilt buy Pioneer. More farmers -ar,e switching to Pioneer hybrids every year because of their OUTSTANDING • 'QUALITY and YIELDING ABILITY. Bert Johnston, Phone Brussels 28r4. r. WANTED — To give- otit cattle for grass. Will give out 1 head or 50- head. apply to Louis Waxman Phone 107x • It looks like a dream—drives like a dream—rides ''''' .like a dream—but more people than ever before 0, , are enjoying the realities of pleasure that .owning an Oldsmobile gives. Inside and out; it's new with all the newest new ideas on wheels. Power, color, styling, conifort—you'll find that Oldsmobile gives far more • of these than any other car on the road. Try one yourself today—prove to yourself that Oldsmobile makes all your motoring dreams come true. FOR SALE -- Red Clover, Alfalfa and frirnotir, also White Sweet Clover Seed; Keifer 13t0.5. Phone 34r7. FOR SALE — Daybed good as .new, cost $35.00, Bargain at $12.00. apply at Maxwell House, BruSsels. MAKE AN *APPOINTMENT TO TRY A NEW OLDSMOBILE SOON. PHONE YOUR LOCAL DEALER RADIO SERBICE For efficient radio repairs to all makels of radio's call Perdue's Radio Service, Lot .11, Can. 16 Grey, Phone 27r6 Brussels. FOR SALE — Pioneer Chick Starter, Crumbles Pioneer Growing Pellets. Awallable at J. C. Adams & Son Brussels, Ont.,, A GENERAL*MOTOR5 VALUE r44 •co TENDERS WANTED— Tenders wanted by May 14 for the sale ,of Menerietf Church sheds. Highest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Mrs. Allan MeTaggart, Sec. Treas. .64 FOR SALE Gravel by the yard, suitable for 'cement, and lanes or I Addisen Bauman, Phone 44r6 Brus- sels.. 1 -I FOR SALE — , a I t Five room Brick Cottage with three lo piece bath room, double lot and garage. apply at Mrs. Chas. E. Lake, Brussels. ATTENTION PARNIETIO — 0-1055D 4 russels, Ont. ujo FOR SALE — IMPLEMENTS New -and. Used Rubber Tired Wagon, Harrows, Discs, and Cul* vatons,. 1 M. - H. Fertilizer Drill, 1 .trailer wagon' A. model B. Allis Chalmers Tractor cheap. Rubber tired wheel barroW. Lawn Mowers 180 out 1.6 H. P. New $71.00 18" cut 2 H. P. New $83.00 ' • • 011111111sasa..; UNION W. M. S. 1,4 One year's Service Free. See Geo. Wesenburg: -- TOOK remov ed from DADS soar , barn promptly for sanita.r,y distosai TeIePhone Collect : Bristol' Styli or Elmira 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED • ' LOST — A black collie deg, a2izavers to Rover, while and tan. markings, B MODERN HEATi N CRANBROOK Sabbath School and the regular morning 4ervioe* was held on Day light Saving Time on April 24. * The Tariotts committees for this simmer's Centennial are hard at work planning the program. Bobt. Cemipblell, Wing- ham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Mrs. gplIvin. Cameron and Mrs, _Allister Bird were 'week-end Visit- ors in Windsor. Mr, and Mits. Art Nicholls; Broad- hagen, were in. Cranbrook over the week-end. 7f: Mr. Thos. l-lislop was a week-end viositoati•r. with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Mohair. • - Cranbrook W. I. COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING • The April meeting of Union. W. M. S. was, held at the home of Mrs. Delmar Dilworth with .art attendance of 19. Mrs ,H,yrnan Whitfield was leader astsisteeby Mrs. M McIntosh and Mrs, Jai, .t,Breimrter. Ralf call WASCansWered by an -Eas- ter verse. Mrs,#Lester McKay Con- dimetd. the -business, an invitation FOR SALE -- : , , 1, SYSTEM FOR A PiI/V-ROOM ' 300 Pullets, 5 Months old.• They . HOME have juSti 'Started to lay. Apply to _ I -Rudolph, Medema, Walton, I 024.00 i Phone Seaforth 830r6. was -received' trent the Cranbrook Ifrom lot 6 Con. 2 Grey. W. M. S. to -attend their Easter D. A. -McDonald Phone 20r14 'thank -offering 'meeting on'' April 19. The Study 130* was read by Mrs. Leslie La,ke, Mrs, IVIcMcintosh, read ra short address And Mrs, Glen Bath- well presented 'MTS. W. Stratychtlk with a gift, 'Ili/On her -removal ' to Brussels, The president, Mr. H, Keys was in the chair for the W, A. Meeting. A lengthidlislcussion, took place on serving meals at the Cranbrook Cen- tennial. The sanding and finishing of the floors of the church are elomPlet ed and carpet ladd. Current ,events in, charge of Miss Myrtle Locking Were -read by Mrs, Elston Speiran. The meeting closed with the Mix. pall Benediction. Lunch was served • by the hostess assisted- by Mrs, Jas. Bremner and Mrs. L. Lake. Write Dept. B p or visit our 'showrorins. Open Monday, Wednee, day, and Friday evenings and all de/ Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING ' SUPPLIES • STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO FOR SALE A 102 junior Massey-Harris Tract- or on rubber. -A 2 fnrrOY Intern:at- ,. lanai MOW), nearly neW, nate a" Fleury i•ublier tired wagon, nearly new, For sale reasonable, Phone 83r14. Well-known for his original back- Vound musical scores on the "Stage" series and other CD,C drama programs, Lucia Agostini is heard on MS own shoW "Appaintme.-t with Agoistini." every week on th. OBC Trans-Canada network. The show includes a variety of special ar- lig-Atom-As and original worksby Agostini and ,also- features singers Joan -Fairfax, Bernard Solinson and Wally KoSter, Cranbrook Women's' Instate meet- ing, April 5th. The meeting was opened with. the -saying of the Institute Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect :and the Lord's Prayer, The roll call was answered by each member presenting a decor- ated Easter *egg. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. This was followed with 'the TreaS. report receipts $532.13 4-With $512.82 expendituresi leaving a. balance of $19.31, Moved by Mrs W. Strickler, seconded by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell that canvassers be apnointed to aid in the Cancer Society drive. Mrs, S. Campbell (convener), Mrs. Ken.; Mac- Donald, Mrs. W, Strickler, Mrs. D. Mitchell ,and. Mrs,l, 4, Meraggart were appointed, It was decided that the institute would -enter a FOR SALE: 100 acre Grass Farm. Priced to sell. 100 acre Farm on Highway. Priced at 165,00 75 more Farm, Good Buildings. sir workable. HYdro. Priced atS7800. 200 acre Farm, Fair Buildings. On $ Highway. Priced at $12,500 100 acre Farm. On Highway. Pried at $10,500 House and Henhouse, 2acres of land In good town priced at 92,500 Phone 84 J. C. Long Real Detate Broker Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE -- Bray Chicks, Hatchery has Pullets, started or da.yoldi; Also mixed -chicks. Variety breeds and creased. Signs point to eerie searokty on later egg markets. Be prepared. Ask us for list, agents, Win, Glen Bray, Ethel; Mr,s.i. It, Barrett R, R, 5 ,Drtissels, Phone 540:2,, ..r uglas Ron. D REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Your Memorial Craftsmen tot Thirty-Five. Years, Always WM* THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and rr orkmanship. Prices Most Reasonabie roomers, Lettering a aim:laity R. A, .`;PC,70t.t Pfsooe P!' wIngsafr, Dintr-let WANTED Reliable man as Dealer In Town, ship of Howlett, Grey 'and Morris, Experience not necessary, A fine opportunity to step into old profit able business where Rawleigh Pro- ducts ;have ;been sold fel: years. Big manta Proditett famished on credit, Write RaWleigh's Dept. D-152-163, Montreal P, Q. The opening .-scent "The Moo Cow Moo" was read by Helen Knight and the roll call was answered by each girl giving s, Menu built around munsikummisseimmenw insist for a ,ohliclrenrs partY, The. sec- ELIVIA FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. tstab!lshed in 1894' Head Office Atwood, Ont. Mures— " Diet", Farm property, Private bwelitegi retary's report was. road by Kant Meehan The main discussion was under the headings: " Milk in the Invalid's diet", "Poiuts -to consider to Setting tip tray" and "Liquid float At 'Centennial parade in Oran, brook. It 'was also decided that the T.nstititte weasel have a hboth at the Center-nig celebration. A .- deriatiOn ;Of $10 f,a 'to he girett to the Brussels' Fair Beard- it Was Mooted that Institute indetlpge are te be held the first Tuesday of each .inoiith. A ilia- to was 'given in by Mat, Gordon. knight, Look backward with grati- tude„ look' toward With catifidenoe,, ,look forward with hone, The guest soeletket* Mrs- Stanley Bride gave very intereisting talk Which WAS effloviii by all, 'Pallating Brides' talk the report of the .ataitd- tug ,nottirtilltee Was, Oren, Thiel 'was , followed by eteottoii, of '.officers and tbrilitittkr tOrill)&t. for the year- No exclusive listingal If you seil your farm' yourself you see tinder 'no obligation to us. We have a long listing a out-of-towis ,prospective bUyers. SUPERIOR -PROPANE LTD. 19 Market Place • STRATFORD, ONT. The Veroottro Oependabii FUEL 60i * HOME,' AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WAttit•tANkili REFRIGERATORS, NOTICE „ To keep your lawn in good shape' help to hootitity hoilte„ We Will cut, *do, and taitilteyout laWtt or landscape , your t)reiu rteo, Piolit trees or &Wert, Phone 1579 or wittie WesoniiiireO, WATERLOO CA&YLE tIkEtbiSid ASSOCIATION "Where Better boils Are tied" Antittetai inset:dilation tiefir-lee tar: all breeds of clittid. For Sergio0.* InforthatIon Phone ditoton 242,,eY PHONE sTRATOokb Palmerston CO Collect, tetveSen, tat trid 10.0 A, 'M. oit Week daYS slid 4f74' ttd and 0 0.30 A. M. oii L WALT. MADDESS Representing" ttftiftil4A161 Service BRANCH OFFICE t -BRUSSELS AT GOLOIE'8'.PArtM; 'WORE 140'4 Mdrailiehtedetteedd Manager. • - the 'hand ,A,SSigiiiiierit WAS gOett and Mlle iheethig dioSed With tielet ithiglit rod* ti peein dated "EX' erta°, CLAIMS 1 - 1 "ontadt your Nearest '" And Contents o Towns and 'Ohi. §chiaeld,• Churches and Halts on on aiNtinIANCE COST"" balls PROMPT ADJUSTMENTtMENt Anne 8tettter and Wilma Maohatt Made cream sleiln arid Helen Knight Makiate Fischer set -OP ,an invalid's I tray, 'Karen Meehan Arid Patsy Mantle; well ?hada Inliket. birootor..- Agent It 'W. Ft 0164 WHIY FIELiti R. , 8 se% Ont. use 0111111110111111111111111111111111111111,