The Brussels Post, 1955-04-20, Page 1Admission - Adults 50c - Children 25c Ken. Wood, Master of Ceremonies .` WANTED Scrap Iron, Metal, Old Bags, Feathert - Batteries and other scrap Highest Cash Prices Paid for old cart..... Will pick-up all orders small and big. WAXMAN'S SALVAGE Phone 107x Brussels, 04. Have Your Papering and Interior Painting Done Now 111111111111111118111111111MINEINI! CAPITOL LISTOWEL MEATH 2 shows nightly 7.30 -- 9.30 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2 0. baceldie Nerit'ryn 2.60 m #.140.4 P242iet SAM - fit. George's' Cihurch Wallah' it', *rent:410 ; OS t,,a4;horire4 as as cord Mai], fowl Oak* Deftrtmente O taws. Wednesday April 2001,195$ P.o Publishing House f) °CLAM A. TIQN DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME WM be in effect in Brussels starting at 2 a. mt, Sunday, April 2011, and ending at 'Walton Irztermediates D, D. P, PAYS- ViSiT TO LOCAL REI3EKAH .LODGE District Deputy President Mr1S. Anne Henderson of Edelweiss Re, belralr Ledge; Seatorth, paid her off- icial visit to Morning Star Rebekah • Lodge, Brussels whoa :she was ' coined by over 40 nimbler% Rer :.address stressed the need for , love and kindnests, in daily life and euggelSted that the Golden Rule be " practised more, zealously, Noble tOrand Mists Irene 'Pease presided and plans 'were made to celebrate I361tb., lanii1Versary of 'the order at their next • meeting with, a seeial eyelid:11g Mrs, • W. C, King was chosen to , represent the lodge. at the June ' tesision of the !Rebekah, Assembly of Ontario. in Toronto, Mrs. 117.- C. Thomas,. Junior Past Noble Grand ; V.111 lalso attend as, a ischolar.,Av- eral past grands, expressed their intentions to attend the annual. meet- /big to be held April 13 in the I. 0'. • P.. Rail, in Seaforth. Invitations: wiere: accepted to visit IV:Ingham lodge on April 15 and Clint:".u.:cu May 2. Mrs_Edward McCreath. and Mrs? 1, Frank •Kirleby were in charge 'of a (contest and ,social. hour with re- .freshmentg. - Mrs, Henderson Was Ixisented with a gift by .Mrs.. H. C. Thomas., 2 rn, Sunday, September 2$th R. B. Cousins, Reeve:. "Where's Grandma a ACT - conmoy •-•• ay i..oDAL TALENT 13:rassols Town Halt on , TuesdaYi April 26th. At 8,15 P. Eharp DANCE AFTER MIJEID BY WILREB'S oRCHRsTRA This play, which hes 'been presented a number ef Admission 30c (includes Play and Dancer times tO OVID- or- town audiences so, suCcessfuly, is being: repeated here, tri 70)-- 7 sponse to popular demand. SPIONSORED BY MAJESTIC W: I. Kikby, Murray Kirkby, Back row, left :to right, Harry Bol- ger, secretary-treasurer of league: Jerry Dressel, Wayne McMichael, Thu Ives, Kenneth McDonald, Ralph Travis, manager; Nelson IVIarks? Herb. Travis, Stewart Humphries, George Love, President EdtWard. Richards of the league. HURON PUCK CHAMPIONS -Walton intermediates cap- lured the Huron hockey title and the loop tropny, presented by the Huron Soccer League, Shown is, the team with league officials% Front row, left to right, Don McDonald, Ron Ben- nett, Barry Marshall, Don lies, George Love Jr., Herb AMATEUR CONCERT In Brussels Town Hall FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1955' Sponsored by Brussels Majestic Women's Institut*: DATE OF ENTRIES TO BE IN BY MAY Oth Contestants must be within a radius of ten miles. RTTRRIIRT,NITT•T•TER 'BRUSSELS "MELLIOWAIRES" TO APPEAR ON T V "The Mellowaires,", girl's double BRUSSELS GRAND OLD LADY IN HER 94th. YEAR Mrs. Da;vid C. Rosa ,who celebrated her 93rd, birthday on saturday, waz 'the recipient of congratulations' oild 'affectionate good wishes from her family :and mainly friOnds, who called at ter home during the afternoon end evening that day. Surrounded by nuMbers of-bright birthday cnrds end gift bouquets of snapdragons, red and 'white carnat- ions, and a hydrangea in bloom, Mrs. Ross radiated !happiness as she, greet- ed bar visitors. She is in excellent health, hasn't "an ache or a pain," and is looking forward to Pleaaant hours in.lier flower garden, Her sight end hearing are perfect and she en, joys the visits of her friends and watohing televiSion. One 'Concession she has made of late years - that of allowing 'het daughter to bring her breakfast a Arlo, are to broadcast from C. K. C. 0. T 'V ' ta+tions Kitchener, 'on the Teletune 'program (6 p.m.) this Fri- day, April 22nd. The double trio is ' composed On' Misses( Joan Thomas, Agnes Lane, Esther Smith, Sheila 'Porter, 'Dorothy Sullivan, and Jean Smith, UNITED CHURCH • 1 I Contestants contact Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Brussels, Ont. Phone moa. All Contestants Free Admission - Outside Judges CLASS 1. Vocal. Solos, Duets, Quartettes, Trio and double TANI. CLASS 2. Comic CLASS 3. Instrumental CLASS 4, Skit not exceeding 15 minutes CLASS 5. Dancing CLASS 6. Choruses PRIZES FOR EACH CLASS. lst. $5.00 TR Ind. $3.00" MELVILLE' CHURCH, Rev. Harold Colvin took as his ser- nion text last Sunday mertung, Christ's words from 3rd, Chapter _of John, llilarvtel not that I' said unto thee, Ye must be, born again. Why did •Nicodemus come to Jesus by night, ,He had' d'oubtle'ss heard ofithe wonderful works Jesus .was doing in. ;making-Able lame to, Walk, giving sight 'to the blind, :healing the sick, Meade- mus also testified that Jesus was a great teacher come from God. How- ever -we cannot he saved, unless we Ore born again. We must have a change of heart' through the Holy • The Spirit of Gad illuminating We see the truth about ourslelves, and the, fruits of the Spirit within, us, willbe lore, joy, peace, longs/mem.- gentleness, gclocluiess, faith. The 'mat who has' accepted Christ will 'take pleasure now in reading his her room. bible, :and he 'will have a hunger and : Mrs.' George Ross', Whigham, as• a new life in Christ necessary? :slated Mrs. Ross' daughter, Mrs: R. J. thing alter nightconanes. lis Is there no other : way? Christ says IVICLauchin, in serving the guests. no, there is,, ,no other way. Ye must Mrs. David C....,Ross, the former., be born again.. 'Tine bible says' Mat is dead in tireSpasses and sins, If we axle going to have a living soul we must have the new birth. We I mug! be born • again of the Spirit of I God. Prescott sang the solo, The nnsautudes Malotte. 'Phis song • ilistudebrirni the I Elie first four Beatiti- The Sacrament of the Lord's Supp- er was dispensed on Sunday; April 1'7 in TheUnited Church. The mess- age was based- o:n Luke. 24:35 "He Was known of them in the breaking of bread." As: Jesus joined the die.. ,ciples and made knoWn un- to them in, the breaking of bread -so will He join, us- and bless us, and Make Himself known to us ais we re-enact; "The Breaking of Bread," 'The Supper of Oar Lord. - Misses Ruth and Marion Heming- way and Misses. Lena and Joyce Miller' sang, the double duet "It Was For Me" by Freeman and Rogers, The anthem for the day Was "An- Eager 'Carol" by Wilson with jean Thomas taking the "solo part. GIRLS FROM GREY TWA. SCHOOL HONOURED Last Wednesday-eventag in the Baton Auditorium Toronto, Miss ( Jean ,Campbell, ,Music Director for 'Grey township schools, attended a 'concert conducted by Earl Terry. Misses Jean 'Cardiff, Jean McFarlane j and Joanne Deitner of .S. S. 3 Grey, tang in a choir of almost 300 voices; j CACTUS 'ON DISPLAY A cactus lin bloom Was on display in the window of Wood's Store en 'TueSday of this week. R. 15 one of j a variety that flowers for only 24 't hours once a year. The blooms were a beautiful shiade of delicate mauve. Last year the plant bore only one Mower., This yelar there were three blooma. iBELGRAVE MUSICAL FESTIVAL 1 The Annual musical Festival spon- ' cored by the Relgrave School Fair, will commence in the Foresters, Hall , Belgrave on. Thursdiay April 21st. at I 2 p.m, It' will :continue in Belgrave III on April 22nd. at 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 • AdMission for P. M. 15 cents. M'ELVILLE CHURCH PLAN CENtENARY A meeting comprising the kirk Iseesion, the board of managers, fond, the executliVes, of 'all organizat- ions of Melville presbyterian Church was held in the church parlor on Friday nigiht to make plans for the ce1ebration of the Centennial of the church this SUMMer:• Rex. Harold T. Colvin Presided and in, a, few words outlined the purpose of the Meeting. The date of the anniversary was set ifekr Sunday, Aug. '7 when Rev. Samuel Kerr, ,a former minister, Will be guest speaker. Plans. for entertaining 'the congregation and visiting friends to' a nioon-day lunch following the Morning service 7741'.3 handed to the Ladies' Aid and. the Young Women's Guild to work out. For the 'afternoon of the ciaY, Plans Were suggested for an hour's progratn in, which former members 'of the clergy and, the. church will join. in, an informal reunion. The 'program for this period was left In charge of "the kirk session. Other •committies appointed were: welcome and registration,, James: S. Armstrong, John Work, James Meradzean, Mrs. J'. C. Backer, his, T. T. McRae, Mts. N. H. Cardiff diff; billeting, ' members of the Young Weruen's Guild, transporta- tion, a committee, from the board of 'Managers. A Historical committee working :on a memorial booklet containing events 'of the past 100 years con siists, of Miss Bessie Moses, Milo Neillie Jardine, Mrs. D. C. Maths. set. John YuiN, John Work, Yollno 1Gibson, Spelt and Wilfred Shortree'd. Invitation conimittee inchidea D, M. 1VIaellaViish, Jacob Fistihier, W, W, Smith and James S. Armstrong. final session featuring Morns 'Oasis% Rhythm Bands, and winners '• from previous. Sessions will. be held' Friday :evening at 7.30 p.m. in the Wingliam Listriot High School. • Mr. Frank Holton, direct& of I Muste for Brantford MOMS: will be. like adjitcater..- . • AdmiSsion. for -evening in Wing- .• halt 35 cents. Maria Jane.Ames, daughter of Sam- lied and Mary Forester Ames,- was .a sdhool teacher before her marriage to Mal. Ross, in 1884. Mr. Ross dried fire years ago. Their family consists- of four daugihters, 1VIrs..R. S. (Luella) McLauchlin and Miss Gertrude, IltruS- sels,; Mrs. Gifford (Doris) Swartmian, Sioux Lookout; Mrs. Monroe (Max- jerie) 13Iairr, Toronto; and two sons, Dr, George Ross, Wingfham; and 1)4; 'Vernon, Ross, London; There are seven grandchildren- - During the week end Mrs. Ross was visited by Dr' and Mrs. Vernon Ross, London; Dr. and Mrs. Geerge Ross, Wingharn; and her grandson, A,ndrew Swartmen, Toronto. The choir rendered CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, John Jamieslem and 'family 'would like to thank everyone who helped at the 'time of the fire and those who sent card's and gifts while Mrs', Jamieson Was in the hoPital. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Jamieson anthem, "Be still, and know." and Family q Melville .Preahyterian Church 10.00 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Divine Worship Prompt Attention Is Assured By, Getting Your Order In Early .William Fischer "How To Do All Things?' • Minister: Rev. H. 1. uolvin, B. D. cotjahist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T Wel.. Thurs. April 20 • 21 "WEST OF ZANZIBAR!" A wonderful adventure story out of the steaming African Jungle TECHNICOLOR Fri. tat.April 22 23 • "PRIDE OF THE BLUE GRASS" In COLOR A story tit a race horae that breaks his leg and: lives to' race again. The BeWery- Boys in "CLIPPED. WINGS:' Audis Murphy Lori . Nelden‘ ' One man an outcast and an Otit-, , cast horse against the adVade. hordes Mon. 'Net, APril 25 Robert Taylor and janet Leigh of Apache killers. * fn., the Story Of A Gun HAPPY COti "ROGUE COP" Church of England': Adult OnriA of Bruaaeia .T Rev. A. Normal *Ilk M. A. 'Sunday 24 A-0.11), St. Mien Church, tiruseeit ii ii, hi ItOrn* 1h** CARD OF THANKS Mr: and Mrs:. John. Harris Wiali to thank their many friends and id- Ititivear Who reineinbered theM 'with carda, gifts telegrarne their Diathond Wedding AnniVerearY They -were deeply appreciated. REGEN1 a a a The United Church OF CANADA ne I. ' Thursday; Friday and Saturday -"TUMBLEWEED°. -(dolor) Phone 23r15 Brussek Sat. - Mon. April 23 - 25 "HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN" Starring Danny Kaye, Farley Granger In -- Added Short - Cartoon Tues. . Wed. " April - 27 • SUDDENLY" Starring Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden Added Short• -- Cartoon LISTOWEL Turn at Armouries on Highway 86 VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting, Styling and Cold Waving a Specialty Phone 102x4 Brussels CARD OF THANKS Wish. to thank ail those whe were so kind to me and lny family while I waie in Victoria Hospital, London. I appreciated it very much. Elizabeth Cardiff. Grand Opening Sat., Agri! 23rd LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship - 11 o'clotk "I' believe in, .'Jesus Christ" Church School 11 o'Clodt. "Children •of God worship Hiin" Save time and trouble Thus. - Fri. April 28 . 29 "THE LAS VEGAS aroit-Vij With'Jane Russell, Victor Mature. Added Short Cartoon Monday, Tuesday -and Wednesday iTE CHRISTMAS" (Color) Bing Crosby, beithY Kaye, ROSS Mary Clooney in 6 gentatiOnal musical CO* Bing ord6bsi and music by Wednesday, Thursday and O'eletai. April 27 28 29' tat, 'Mon, Apeli ••, 6A,6y iloY; • RIOHLANti Otttlatito ' With. RiChard drynis" Johns .Addid .darttion ttittilOt 't0110.0i ohildein46 ihain. Of ONO' tihifeti :ft Ve006' tArs FriErt Thursday' Friday "and Saturday` BLACK KNIGHT" (teAhfooloil AMP" * Caning 7. BRIO FOR EmotHErit,, irving. Beriat. First Show7 o'cloccia7 : Atinittaliali 75c and .360: DtneniagOdipe, ,lane .4areld keel' Seven ,mothers: decide to *Orri",tiekieli beaUtifUl 0att. 'action barn ralsing square' dancing, captivating' Dinift. MISS" `this nivbnrj,+±rtul' rain*. eitieii1641 , t,..„.,1300., :11,,, ,,..4'"'''4,..Ar• Whet you bank by. !hail; otie neare6t brarich i6 at elo6e to Sroti "A§ your nedreht po§t,tok. NO parititig piogeinsi Ask tof sPecial detg56it &rend at our* rieEitett brarich-we , • :. have tribre thati 680 btaiichet to sette yoii. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COM M ER E ,441,0401* ,„ 1*,taki``,. • : .4.447 ''',"1011CH• MOM - Brussels BOW& F.' WS' Todd. Mitnager No•