HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-04-06, Page 1 .44...nsone.,.....4,4. • . • 'HE .UNITED "CHURCH During the Wren n/. eervece in UM. United 011eren on Sunday morning, „April 3, Mr, Gilbert Speir -Wee, ertiane ,0 into the eleensbip of tile' Church. The sermon was ,on the bistorig nature of the eldership, 1 4 I I I I I DANCE In 'Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, APRIL 15th 'Music by •the Kansas Farmer -and The Noll Sisters Admission 50c e Sponsored by I. 0. 0. F. TENDERS 'WANTED Tanners, will be received by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon. April 1.11th for the sale of the Morris Township Shed situated at the Twp. Hall. 'The shed is aepreedmately 21 ft. x 65 ft. Tenders will also be reeent,en for Sale of one large horse grader, 'Highest or any-tender net nee- enea.rily accepted, WANTED Scrap Iron, Metal , Old Bags, Feather* Batteries and other scrap Highest Cash. Prices Paid for old cart. Will pick-up all orders small and big. aftWZn WAXMAN'S SALVAGE SPRING IS HERE, • Thursday, Friday- and Saturday I April 7 . 8 9 I We still have 'soave Reg. and done The Fast Action Drama Was mercilal Oats and Barley for spring filmed in Western Canada. It seeding, Please have Yew order in nRIVEIR OF NO RETURN" • April let, We have Ranger, ' with Grimm, Walt MUM.. Red Clover D Marilyn Munroeand Robert Mitchuni I C, , &nine, Timothy, Ladino tine Plus "DAY ABROAD A JET Brain grass, for Permanent Pastures. CARRIER), Fertilizers, ate. Phalle 15JR0 or see Gen'tnesenburg You Air Force minded yoUag Men 1 will see the real thing here. Both pictures will be in GINEMASODPE and COLOR • REGEN1 THEATRE Confidential Service BRANCH OFFICE: BRUSSELS Al' GOLDIE'S FARM — PHONE 24t12 r • 44 Martin Schbiatenaragzal id; • • B, RUS p)k in OS 4ulitortzel ,,ocin4tIcas.79.-7201, rot O cep Jeep art ent, ottawa wean rr Aprii 6th, 1955 "N.r4r• , I zookt Publishing House $2,00 per year $240. Oa rrrr*Am -reer-•••r• mr....r-orr ,roiterarr. .4444.4.44414444m,r,444444,14,4 Catherine P. Davidson, ,CRANBROOK PENTENIAL FOR JULY 3rd - 4th, 19 56 AMATEUR • CONCERT In Brussels Town Hall FRIDAY, MAY 13' 1955' Sponsored by Brussels Majestic Women's inetitutn DATE OF ENTRIES TO BE IN BY MAY 6th LENTEN THOU HT S The President of the Cranbreee- -Ceatenniar Celebration Mr, Glene linetber entelueted the meeting held in the Cranbreek Community Centre r. on Friday, March .3Sne Sunday and Mende n, July 3rd and 4th were the dates set for 'the celebration. Would anyone having names and address of - fernier ,citizelle of Greelbreine please notify someone oe the invitation corn- ..apTpleiaertfrigoleo;I. ntht is onotrae rumen yThirorreeT/ .r. ........... :tn.. Glee. leuethe4 e.e • Lloyd Michel Secretary • Mrs. Gorden Knight Treasurer —, „,„.„, Gordon Knight .The tenoning are the committees, The first newt.' is the nonireter, Directors -- Mrs, Rose. Knight, Mrte.;* Mae Intone Alfred Knight, 1; Gordon Engel, Maurice Celaeron, elieforical — Mtn Clem - •Steffler i n Mrs, Cordon. Knight, Mrs'. Calvin.,; Cameron,. Mrs, Wm, Penne. • e Welcoming and Billeting— Mrs. it Martin • McDonald, Mee Dan,: I-Nether, Mrs. Rev. William, Mrs, Cameo- . e erelazien, Mrs. Florence Michel. Grounds — Clean Sterner, Calvin Cameron, Jack Knight, Mac Engel, t; avant MeNa,•ir, Relpb Noble, Allis' :en* Bird, 'Cameron Mitchell. Mondiay afternolon parade Ferg • Connelly, Mrs. Rosin Knight, Mrs. i• Murray Huether, Clean Sterflen Mrs. Strait McNair, Kenneth Donald. Ineitatinn-- Mien Forrest, Mrs, Mac • Engel, •Goadon. Knight Mrs,. Gor- don Knight, Lena Noble, Mrs. I Lyle, Gordon, Mrs, Calvin. Cam- i eron, Mrs, Martin. McDonald, John 'netneck. Games Manny night Harold , Keys, Allan MeT.aegart, Stenley I CoMenell.. Greene McDonald. 0.1 Alone thou goeet forth, en Lord, In sacrifice to ale; Is this eorrow naught Who paste urth4ding by'? Our sine, not Value, thou Dearest, Lord, Make us thy sorrow feel, Till through our pity and our shame Love enemas' love's appeal Partridge, London. Contestants .must ee within a radius of ten Contestants contact Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Brussels,. O,nt. eh.9110. nr, All Contestants Free Admission Outside Judges CLASS 1, vocal, Solos, Duets, Quartettes, Trier and, doubler CLASS 2. Comic CLASS 3. Instrumental CLASS 4. Skit not exceeding 15 minutes CLASS 5, Dancing CLASS 6, Choruses PRIZES FOR 'EACH CLASS. 1st. $5.00 2nd: $3.00' Admission — Adults 50c -- Children 26c• Ken, Wood, Master of Ceremonies I I I . , I Peter Abelarrd, 1079-1142. Translated by F. Bland Tucker numerous quotatione from the New 'Teeteineilt,*the eninintee pointed out that the eldership was One et the netenent offices, Of the ' Christian Calera, ear exereteing• srieritual over- eight, in nee, Oleireh of "Christ, The-mune 'for the eley •nteis in neep- ing with lire celebration of Palm Sun- 'day —.oenari prelude, "Palma of 'Glory" — anthem, "lionnenel He 'Comeith" — hymen, "All 'Glary Laud iaiad honour" and, nedeanna Loud 1 .MELVI eLE CHURCH 'Hosannn 'Sunday last being Palm Sunday, e ,the sermon. hymns:, end.,drar select-• ions eentred wound .Clir•isles, leant Entry into Jervialem. Pastor Borne. 0ollvin spoke en 'the 'religious - fervor and enteinsiaern for .Jesus '- during Hie memorable tide -into 'eerie envie They sitreWeil palm 'brandies (and their garments on the road. -for His :animal to 'walk on, They -shouted, His praislet with 'laid voices. ninny of these people owed a great deal to • A flineeal serelee Vas .conducted at the Reno Funeral lime for Center/0e Franeee Dentelsen, eight, .ltd liatigbor of Mr. and 'Jr', R. seat Davitaw,t, of 1004. Wine street, Niagara, Falls. The little girl died he the Heepital for Sick Child- Ten, Torontie. The Rev, 'H, T, Colvin, of Meliville Pretsbyteelart .Citurele aonducitl,xl Mlle Mennen and intern anent -wale made in, lereseele cemetery. Surviving ;eesidee her perenittle, are ens nisteele Marneret„ else her grand- !Parents, Mr, and Mr's, Rebert David- slaw, Brufseele, and. and Mrs. ; • `EN'GAGEME'NT IeNNDUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. 'JOhn Gibson wish to announce the 'engagement of their eleughter Lilliaa Elizabeith no 'Edmund Mantle Mitchell eon 'of ele. and Mrs. Inlrenk 'Mitchell of Brussels,' Ont. The 'marriage Will take place onSaturdaY, .April 2n,„ 195 M 5, in Suntrebeookt ANI, 'Toronto. To the Residents of 'the Townships of Morris and Grer The Fire Committee of the Bruevele Municipal Conn, accompanied me to the April 2nd. meeting of the Grey T,ownahli Connell, 'with the purpose 'of 'discussing plans, for the forManion of • fire area, in the eomerrality. The Grey Towneihip Council were not intereeted.in.nire profeefftliln, for the Township at time present time. The Insure-nee Underwriter..* Brave forbidden the Brussels Fire Truck to leave the village on; ties ealle, as this endangere property in the atillage and they,:leate -aspareit - Ms that eine village autflionfnee will be held responsible. *The Brussels Fire Brigade and the Village Council wish it to bir - -und.eretood that they are .to do all within their powee to CO. operate with the loventsbip residents to salve . the problem or ffre 'protection. Jesus, many blind bald received 'their sight, mfany lame had been 'made w 1 walk, Zecobielaue had teen helped 'by name, who had changed hes heart. Christianity believe* that 'God Christ, is able to cleanie the hearts of men and women. I i VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting, Styling and *Cold Waving a Specialty 'Phone 102x4 Brussels EASTER SERVICE" At Melville Church on Balder 'Sun- day morning, special Easter 'music will be rendeeed by the choir and. Male Chorus. At 10.45 a, in. a Short Organ Recite will be given by Mr.'L. Thompeon. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed 'at the• close 'of the morning teeryice. Rev, Harold Colvin. will conduct nee services and 'trench the Foster sermon. Until etch time as the Townsntps- are willing to form a Fire A'renn" and a suitable Fire 'Trunk is purchased for the area, the Rikteeelt Fire Brigade aattilat leave the village on fire Sail! a-' ,te NIELVILLE CHURCH W. M. S. THE KANSAS, FARMER , PRESENTS ANNUAL CONCERT The 'usual large crowd attended the annual 'concert presented by the Zan- eas Fe r rnie min his' 'entertainers in the Brunsele Town Hall on. Friday night of laist week, sponsored by the East Huron Agricultural: Society. A varied musical program, was given by the versatile Noll sisters of Walkerton. with their Piano ec- cordiares,. guitar and banjo. Other 'talent featured was; Bill Denlinger, JoyceIVIceeerlane Hi'ghl'and Ken. Ryan, vocal'solos; Devid _Kennedy, sexonleone-; Archie lehann, violin end slight of hand, and the Katens Farmer, H. A. Fischer, Fire Chief The regular monthly meeting of %airline Presbyterian Church W. M. S. 'was held in. the Church parlour Friday, April 1st. Mese B. Moses, presiding opened the meeting with hymn 209 followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs; Wm, McInnis took the Lure •: di f Mark 16 en ure sea preading from , .., 'Village of Brussels Irwin. Lebninger, reeve of Walker- ton presided as Master 'at Ceremon- ies in an affable and witty manner. Following the program dancing was enjoyed by a large number of We line in an Age of religions in- difeerence,, but a change is, -coming. I People are beginning to ask, Do men have do go fon sinning. Is 'there not a I Cod who can change the hearts of I ;nen, High idealist and nonest are all right in their place, but what -rote, noted to do itt to come to the Lord Insets Christ, and confess our sine, and receive Hits grace and forgive- mine. We need toden am ou,tpouri'ng of religious fervor and enthusiasm. I 'The choir rendered the anthem Onwiard Christian Soldiees and 'the ladies of tithe 'choir sang The Palms ,e,s, a two part chorus. ) The ,orgenest, 'L. D. Thompson', plaYed MeeDowell's To a Water ' Lily during the offering. CEMENT Just arrived — FRESH ST. MARYS CEMENT. Get your '- summer requirements NOW before the demand exceeds the supelye Don't be left holding the bag, with no cement. Finance: Russel. Knight Wm, Perrin Feed Kirkpatrick, Gordon Knight. 'Publicity — Mrs Maurice Cameron, Mrs, , Lloyd Michel, Mrs. Mac Engel. Entertainment (Mend* after par-1 lade and Montley nigh' Mrs, Glen Intether, Mrs. Maurice Cameron, . Mrs. Lloyd Michel, Mrs. Mac Mc. Intosh, Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mrs. 1 Murray Ruether, Charles. Lake, Harvey Snilith, Mrs..," Kenneth McDonald. Dance — Kenneth McDonald, Maur- ice Cameron, Ralph Noble. Ross' Knight, Sunday services„afternoon and even- ing — Gordon Knight, Miss Forrest, Rev. W, A. Williams, Mr's. Mac Engel, Stanley Ca,mpbell, Wilfred ,Strickler, Stuart McNair, Alfred Knight, 'Parking — Fred Sinalldon, Harold Jacklite Earl Dunn, Cliff Bray, Alex Steins, Stuart Evans. Booth— Mrs. Stanley Campbell, Mrs. Earl Dunn, Mrs. Wilfred Strickler, Fred Kirkpatrick, Murray Ruether, Mrs'. Allister Bird. Lighting -- Stanley Campbell, Maurice Cameron, Murray Ineetni er, entiesiel Knight. Geo, C. Martin, Clerk, Morris Township,'" Janie Baker, eix-year-old Wiiag- Robert L. Cunningham Phone 86-12 WINGHAM GIRL'S . '••• . CONDITION SATISFACTORY ham girl who underwent surgery to set •a lower fractured leg and hip, was in eatiseactory condition in War Landon - ' She was hit by ,a light truck Monday night near the home of her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Balker, 'of Diagonal Reed, Wingliaxn, and suffered facial , lacerettione tie Well ;ant the feantaieee. Ethel I. 4.444•4••=.4.4`. ,....a••••••••••I. WA LICYN Married 60 Year's prayer. efinutets, of the March meet- . 'young neoenel, 1 .After which Mrs. Geo. Elliott led in . Ing were read by the Sec. Mrs. D. C. ' Matheson and Treast. rePort was ' given by Mrs..J Yuill. The roll call_ (An Easter Thought) wet answered by a eplendid attendance. The -date ,of the 'Home Helpers meeting was set for June 17, and the guest steak- ee will be Miss' Merriam Williamsefi -iftom one of the mission fields,. Mts. C. Mathesidn read a letter from the Presibytertal treasurer, Mrs. Rev. W, A. Virillifartne gave a splendid Easter Message cevering the death and reaeurecition. of Teens, 2 versets of hymn 212 -was sung. Mrs. George Evano game the bopiC prePared from the 3rd eheptet of the study book, Pace to Face with India. Last two Terms of hymn 202 were Sung and praiyer by president, brought the meeting to a close. Melville ,Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. m. Sunday School EASTER SUNDAY n0.45 a. in. Short Organ'Recital 11 a. mi* Divine Worship .Boly Communion Menton Band 11111111111111111M111111111111111111111111 CAPITOL LisTowEi THEATRE Brussels' Ont. Phone 107x Mr. and Mrs. John Barris on the 3rd et April celebrated their diamond wedding tannieeaisery with a turkey dinner for family and friends at'the hoine of their .son-in.law, and daugh- ter Mr. and Mrs,. Ormand Kernick of Watford. Mr. and Harris. Were Married in 1695 at the halm of the bride's panents, the late Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell of Walton. The ceremony, Imes performed by the. late Rev, T. Wesley CouSinsl. Mr. Harris is the Sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Haines of Grey Township, The doable farmed for 30 years et Walton, during which time Mr. Harrifs ,served with the Hee:rick Mutual Fine Insurance Conmony- foe 14 years.,, Be also, served with the army in Betteeels, during World War *There are them daughters: Mee Lena McGaviii of Kiln:tenet, Mrs. Belida Sellers of Walton, and Mte. Flora Kernick of Watford. They also have 5 grandchildren and 6 great ,gralidebildeen. For the eelebretion a fait tier Wed- ding 'Cake forthed the ceette-pieee of the table WW1 was decorated With 'spring floe/ere and Pitik and white lighted eatdies. The tbeet neaDoeed by neck Meeneein of London tine eldest grandson Van responded in by Mr. Harlin A ten well ditiennin words wee eePeesnecl by Master Befell Teen Is Of Welteii, the eldest great grand-- he !presented the gift on be. linif of idle tatiiitity„ Iii.,avid Men Harris; Who have neen emending the Winter with their Mrs,: A. Keret& of Wet- ford,alsoanteleed gits, fiteiedeS, cards end telegrams of ebtigeetillettelie, 2 shows nightly 7.30 —1.30 p. en. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Anthems, "They have take,n away my Lord" (Stainer), "Christ is Itislen" (Ttnter) Deals Chorus, "When I think how they Crucified my Lord:" Minister: Rev.' H. 1. nolvin, B. D. Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T The United Church OF CANADA ., Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship n- 11 o'clock Eanter Message. Church School — o'clock. "Christ is Risen — Sing, Ye Ilea:vette, and earth, reply." t, • 11 BELGRAVE Mies Donne Anannon, London, with Mr. end Mrs. Man Anderson; Wayne Nichol, Wingnam, With David Hanna; Mr. ;and Mrs, Rey Hanna, and family, Auburn with Mr. and Mrs C. 0. McCrea; Mr. and Mrs. Willey Mc' Lennie London, with Miss Irene Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Meek- sy .aind Douglas With relatives in Bernthal; Miss, Linda Creevford, Gniedencle With MIS, Carol Oke; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keys' and faMily, :Verna., with Mr. nd Mrs, James Cointee and tewily; Mr. and Mrs. Mr, end MM. Fred Reid, Clinton; Men Wilfred Pickell and family, 8t. Men- on, With Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wheeler. las Ron. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER Church of England f Pariah Of Brussels ROV. A. NiOrinaii Ellie M. A. Mon. - Tues. Setif ortn, Ont. it "TROUBLE IN THE GLEN" 1 If you ekleyed "The Quiet Man" Thursday, Friday and Saturday don't miss this. Scottish doriiedi "FRANCIS JOINS' THE WAGS" HOW DO THE NEWEST MILLIONAIRES SPEND. THEIR IV ONESe Overnight tbreo deraidtoe men became millionelees, and Canuda I Idle* where the Ilene* benemetal mining area Wire loeetteci. Filing the ',delver claims mead bin newt, but I this week's Starr Weekly features tie I tenet interesting. Stea'Y "kelt' are i 6e-e 'ehTee 1 1116taires SP otiite their newly hotitired tortiite,:i' ':WHEN Pitt4 N O exelusiVe listingst if you tell your farm yourself yog "#* under no obligation to ut, WS have a long listing of °ad:44**th prospeotive Were. A Colorful 'Sheen :foe sportsmen. Donald dit6tItl° Adani Juila hi another WO filled. St. johnon Church, Brussels , GO ob DULY' ,tL hi, The drose anti gong. 00sisioA t'ivospy,t6iiit tholf oireutist BA0Elk• tiAfr 11 Tray **I i§iiiittO set** • b. fit Einefitig I lrgatigWilk. With Francia the taioing Mule ConaedY Wed.. Thurn April 18 14. "MEN OF THE FIGHTING LAbit"' I Van jotiiiii,oh, 66, a, fighter pilot'1 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mr, :end Men Herb Brian and GAR silent ,Sinidat, *Wet& Alec GUM -nee-a Jan' LGreeiiiiIteed .aud • MrS. Den Grey nInd far illy,, Based`th Father with heten,Welin FA THER BROWN DECTECTIVE e O rAW in Korea — Plus "WHO'S WHO IN THE ZOO . and 41CAMERA CAUGHT IT" ,, by G. K. Cfiestertatt Ted Withoe& Soafas tit, Ait4 Mr And