HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-03-23, Page 1Miss Bessie a/Poses, peeeidentof the M. S.,, welcomed the brgarnizittion and presented each cane girls with a C. G. I. IT. badge for her untforni. The group repeated their "PurpOse" ' and sang their C. Ge I, T. hymn. Mass Ann MeEaehren, London, "There is no more noble and.. humanitarian orgauizatioft in the whole world than the Red Cross" GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Your donation to the Red Cross lielps provide: ',Preparedness for Disaster eOurpost Hospitals *War Veteran Sonia *Free Blood Transfusion Service 'Nursing and Health ServiceS 11/1/1" til:the RBI CROSS Cheerfully... Gratefully... G;nously I $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR Confitletittat Service ,, , BRAN614 OFFICE: eittitekLi .064,61iie 'FARM pHoNtsoe MartIn itchwarzwatil Manager. Wed , March " ia-atheril n ei mond oloos utah Post Ottio• Delbertmente Mama es day 23rd; 1955 r +. • $2.00 per year $2.50 U. It post Publishing ot.:. nse. .4440444441a NEW DIRECTOR FOR LIONS BOYS AND Gine BAND Mr. John A. Gilbert, A. R. ,C. Al., Brantford has aneeeeded Mr. A. C. Robinson of Landon, as Teardraaster of the 13rueeele Lions Club Boys and Girls Band, Sir. Gilbert is Director of Music for the BrantfOrd Boys Band Assoc- heti= end ,the Brantford Memorial Concert Band, also coadaetor of the newly formed Brantford Symphony Orchestra. He has beee a conductor ,since 1935 end prior to that wee an instrumentalist, priacipally the eello, but also as a Oendulitor studied, a.11 other instruments. The Brantford Memorial Band, with Mr. Gilbert conducting won. ton honours at the C. N. R. Band corn petitions last Year. Mr. Gilbert arrived In Canada 18 months ago from Winchester, Eng, land, He is a married_ man, and the father of three children. The new bandmaster esauened his duties here on 'Thursday of last week, The Lione Club Band Committee areedoing everything pessible to en- ! courage and help the baud end are anxious that all who are interested in becoming members get in con- tact with them at the library on / band practice right The co-operaltiOn of rrents and members is necessary to make pro- gress. Parente must give constant encouragement and see that their boy or girl attends rehearsals and practices regularly. The Lions made it possible for the boys land giris of this-community to. Nave a band of their own, and all who are members*, or have been. members, .should ciontinue their loyal support. They have 'isecurecl an outstanding bandmaster. The Lions are doing all they can. It is now- up to the public to gape ,them every encouragement and support and provide members so that the band may continue to grow and not have to be disbanded. SERVICE HELD HERE 'C, L T, AFFILIATION Morris Council EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Mr Robert Walker treasurer for m Harold R. J. Rhyona The death Occurred in Clinton Pub tic Hosiittlel on Thureday morning of Haerld Richard Joseph Raymond son of Mee, Edith Finnemore Ray- mend, end the late Charles Ray- mond. He was born SaSkatche- Wan and was in hie 35th year, He was ,employed In 13rOsele by the Thlomast Oonetruction 'Surviv- ing besides ;his mother are two brothers, Robert and Derrick both of Brussels± and five sisters Mrs. Mrs. James (Patricia) Davis, Mor- ris tONVeaship; Mrs. Clifford (Pris- cilla) Bray, Grey township; Mrs. Carl (Beitty) 'Cowing, Morris town- ship; Minis'Esther, London; and MESS Winrillfred, Clinton. A funeral aervice -was held on Saturday after- n noo at 2:00 o'clock at the D. A. Dena funeral home, with Rev. Nor- man. A: Ellis of St. John's Anglican Church cherge. Pallbearers were, williiaan; °eats', Harold C. Thomas, Gerald John Work, Lawrence Plant, and William L. Speir. The floral tributes wereecarried by Mur- ray Long; Henry Exel, William Kel- Hagan!, ,.and Gordon Stiles. Burial wals Made in Brussels• cemetery, the Eester Seal Crippled ;Children's fered reporte that he has received $195.00 up to apAe,,, The campaign continues Until April 10, For . those. who have aniseed' reeeiving seal% or those who require- additional gel*, they may IM obtained frem the treas. erer. This! cauele is worthy of your wholeheaeted support, Teeswatee Minstrel Show In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, March 25th at 8.30 p, m. Sponsored by C. P. and T, Fund' ' Admission 50c The Play - Hot Water in Walton Community Hall on Tuesday, March 29th at 8 o'clock Presented by the V. P. U. of Auburn United Church-- Admission -- Adults 50c - Children 25c Variety Concert Also a half hour Variety Concert by local talent. Sponsored by the 17th. and Boundry Gro'up of the Walton W. H. S.- • MELVILLE CHURCH rn ion between Jeannie and his grand- A epecial children's •service, held in Melville Preeleaterien Church on Sunda y morning, included a service of ba,ptism for Shirley Ruth, danghte er of Mr. and Una John Pipe; Brian John, eon of Mr. and aim, John Armstrong; Sandra Dawn, daughter of Mn and Mete. Murray Rossi, Sarnia; MacDoneld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sillortreed; Donald ' Harris; iSOn of Mr. and Mrs,: Gerald Gi.bson; Glen Rickey, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ceeorge Somers; Evelyn Jo-Ann, dangthter of aar. and Mrs. Gordon Kreuter. Thirty-Six children under: four years : of age received; Cradle Roll Certifi- eaten Mes. Wea Kerr is Cradle Roll Morris Township Council Meeting, Mara '7, 1955, Th4 Council met in the Township Hall on tulle above date with =tell MereberS Present except Ross Dun- can, The minutes. of the last regular, meeting and !tho special meetrae were Teed and adopted on motion. of Stewart Procter and Walter Shortreed.• -- Carried, Moved by Walter Shertreed, sec- tended ley Wm. Melon that the tender of George Radford to supply crush and haul •approximately 6000 cubic yards of gravel at 68 cents per ayard he accepted to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer, - Carried. The applications of Wm. Cocker- line as Warble Fly Irespector, Fred Sawyer as •truelt driver and Gor- don Clark as helper for the Warble Fly spraying aecepted. - Carried. Waled by Wm. Elston, seconded. he Walter <Shoittreed that the tend- er of the Belgratve Co-OperatIve to Supply warble fly' powder at $6.55 per bag for 15 lb, bage and 40 gallon drum of disinfectant at $1,25 per gal. be andepted. 4 A serviee Marking the affiliation of a new C. G. I. group with the 1 Wlernen'e Missionary Society of ti Melville Presbyterian Church here was held in the church parlour on / Wedneeday night, with 'the girls Of the group, their Mothers and memb- ers of, the W, M, S. present. The service of affiliation, was In charge of Mre. Bernard Themes, 1,1 Bluevale, eeorcitary of girls' work for Maitland Presbyterial, ineeisted by Mrs. H. T. Colvin ,and: the leaders of the group, Mrs. Calvin Kreuter and I , Mrs, Douglasee. Hemingway. A large candle represtOing the W. M. S. was lighted by Nine, Themes, a smaller candle repreeenting the local auX-1 Wary by 1VIre.,1-1. Colvin, 0, candle rep• resenting the C, G. I, T. by Mrs, Kreuter, and another unlit cantle representiag the large number et iN people who are still to bet told of the gospel. The leaders; Mrs. larauti-er and Mrs. Hemingway then lit candles / held by the individual members of the group, and six of them sang a double trio, number. Superintendent 4 THE UNITED CHURCH The0heistian phileisophy of history 'was the subject of meditation, in the United Ohurchon Sunday March 20. How idoeS the Christian regard the long !anOvaried story of the centur- ies? 4.s a' preparation for the redemp- -! The !sierra= addressed to the Tea of the congregation was entitled "What Did The Minister" Do?" Th:e sermon took the form of a conversaa Cement Shortly -Special Price - Order Your Supply It will be scarce later. D. N. McDonald WANTED - Carried. Moved by Sitleveatt Procter, ,see- °aided by Wm. Elston, ithat the road bills as presiented by the Road Supt. 4 4 4 regional secretary for girls' work be paid: another. Tlr,e sen°iron set or e for London-Hamilton Synodical, • - Carried Prelabytentan conception of Baptism. tion of k snnfal men' in jeans Christ - / the .WOrking out of God'a merciful ins Present and told her audience of Moved by, Walter Shorereed, sec- Water to all men • ie a symbol of / purpose to restore the whole creat- the "interesting, and satisfying ex. «ended by Stuart Procter that the cleansing: In every nation, of the ton of Men to find its one head in world water is used for the washing Chriatr, la this is God's purpose, as -away df dirt and defilement. What , , the Christian believes, what wisdoni More logical .symbol could God kayo it Is for man eo eeeeive Him, as such, chosen to . symbolize the cleansing and what to refuse; Have we . a.eveniy of spiritual defilement than given Him Hie rightful place in our ,arrears, .. e20.06 writer sprinkled ea the name of Jesus .life asde.Creed by God? ' Is He our Myth Standard, adv. and print ' Christ, ' 'Head direpting all -our life? W Read Ep- fire" cards • 14.95 ., Water le free and is also, a symbol heslana 1:9-111 ;Bailie Parrott„ Good Roads ' of the freeness• of the Gospel _.of ::„The anthem for bile day - "Take Convention .. 25.00 Jesus Christ. Water is not purchased , Jesus effilili You" by Miles and Wm. 'Elston, Good Roads • by people because it is' available to Judson. Conventeon . 25" all. Just so it is with:the Gospel Ross Duncan, Good Ronde . "Whlosoevee will may came and drink 'meeting adjourn to meet again on April 4 'et 1 -p. perlence of a deaconess in localities reaching from the west coaist tlo the east coast ,of Canada. She showed, slides of a C. G. I. T. •g,roup in Winni- peg as they carried out their PrOg- ram, Mrs. Hemingway presented Miss McEaohren with a gift on behalf of the girls. A lunch was. served by a committee of the W. M. S. including Mrs. John Yuill, Mrs. John Work, Miss Millie McFarlane, and Mrs. Chas, Davis. --Carried: 4 .:4 4 The following accounto Were paid: A. Fusser, verifying tax 4 4 4 - Scrap Iron, Metal, Old Bags, Feather*. Batteries and other scrap "' Highest Cash Prices Paid for old cartte. Will pick-up all orders sirinall and big.- WAXMAN 'S SALVAGE Phone 107x Brussels, Oa, ST. AMBROSE CHURCH ALTAR SOCIETY i Mrs. Leo Gaynor was hostees at the March 17th meeting of St. Am- / broae Altar /Society. , The president « Mrs., Louis Blake conducted the meeting and Mrs, C. Steiner led in prayer. Sixteen members responded . Ito the roll call by singing the first line of an Irish ,song. On the suggest- ' Ion of MI J, !Ryan it. was arranged ! to send an Easter gift to the ages ' at St. Mary's Hospital, Lonlon, Don. aliens in the :form of canned goods and eggs will be left at the church on the Sunday previous, -to Eester. The sick committee reported that four .< calls had been made and cards sent to those who were ill, Instead of the 1 usual collection it was decided: to take money from , the treasury to' buy Easter flowers for the -altar. A discaSsion about wee% and means of. Improving the church ensued, and a gootimirtmeri9t.tee was appointed to make in- The social part .of the Meeting was carried out in keeping with the spirit of St, Patrick's' Day. Mrs. 3. Nolah read IL SlIttOrt history of the life of St. Patrick which had been Capably prepared by Mrs, li, Gaynor. A poem "St. Patrick's Day" by Mrs. Mc- Bride and two Irish contests were enjoyed, Mrs. J. Cooper *on the - -door prize. MIS,. F. Connelly ably auctioned baking and other articles doriated to eke sele, from which $7.25 Was realized. Mrs. William Blake, . acildntylkileusn, chdcerge Blake served A UNITED :CHURCH W. A. • The W. of the' United Church 'met in thelchurch parlour on Tees day; Waxer 15; Tile President, Mrs. R. B, Cousins was in the chair and Mrs. Bryane alt the Plano. , 'Tire opening hymn was followed by the Scripture Reading by Mrs. Rose f011owed by the Lord's Prayer in una 'son and a hymn'. The eeretary's re- nnet' by .Mrs. 3. Mrs. Braves.• was read and adopted. The treasurer's report Was given by Mire. Bell, She had paid $200 to the Church Fund, $20 to fix the organ and 135 to Mr. Gregg for 25.00 of the watereof life freely!' 1.54 Convention Dept, of Health, Insulin % VAL BEAUTY SHOP Gating; Styling and., Cold 'Wetting d Speciatti Phone 102x4 Brussels artAARIESMAZZAVA lwavIAMPOSZIASSINA. Chas. Davidson, Benda on Treas. •• lard "Ilaex. Collector 34- ,50. • Co. of Huron, Indigent fees Mies Adeline •Mathers 49.75 Mure. World, .suPPIles 16.32 Gen. Martin, hydro, for hall 6.07 H. Mrs. relief, Wilhelm 2106 J. Martina, relief 30.00 Baptism is in the name of the Father and of the- Son and of the e aHoly-Ghtest. 'Patil likens; it to the' putting on of la garment. As a gar- ment protects from storms and •wind 'so does Christ 'protect those that are His from tae storms of life. It is possible for young people to throw off the yoke of the Lord and trample underfoot the Goepel of Christ. They r-. May bedome Covenant breakers. For this nine= Godthas exhorted parents to train up 'their children in the way 'that they should go by prayer pre- cept and example. In this the par. exits ce-ceperate with the Spirit of • God .in bringing their children to I the place where -they will make a decision for Christ. The sermon ended with 'the extoratation to the young people to make a decagon for I Cheise and thus confirm their Bap- tismal sio'wt. A ladies two-part chorus sang Se,v lour like a Shepherd Lead us, and the .anthem by the full choir was. en- titled. Come unto Me by Bowles!. .4 4 .4 .4 .• -4 4 4 • AI • • 4 THE KANSAS FARMER AND HIS ENTERTAINERS Singers, Muicians, Dancers etc. will present their annual CONCERT AND DANCE Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY. EVE., APRIL 1 with MATINEE SAT. AFTERNOON At 2.30 P. M. 50c Admission Includes Concert and Dance Sponsored by • East Huron Agricultural Society. •4 N. Higgins, stamps' 411 1▪ 8.00 Co, of Huron, Indigent fees, Miss Genies- 24.50 Jas. A. HoWes, Sawyer Drain, 175.00 Fred Sawyer, Sawyer Drain 6.00 3. D. Bleck, Sawyer Drain 4.00 Blyth Dist. Fire ‘Area 57.00 Co. of Huron, Indigent fees, Mrs. Ann Bernard 49.75 Roads o - 2631.97 'Bald Parrott, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. illiMmommommorrk... CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Edith Raymond and family wish to express their sincere grati- tude to the many eriends Who have been 'So kind in their isludden bereave- ment of a dear sort and brother. Speelal thanks to Mr. Rann, Rev. N. i AMATEUR CONTEST Ellis, Dr. Myers and to nurses, Mrs. Minister: Rev. H. 1, Colvin, B. D. .C. Thomas, Mrs, It, Mrs. ul earsen e Mrhe MaJesac Women's Institute Organist! L. D. Thompson R. M. T K. McDonald and Mrs.' B. Jervis. are isponsoring an Amateur dentest I 4 Melville Presbyterian Church 10.00 a. m, Sunday School 11.00 a. en. Morning Prayer "The Chrietia,n's Struggle" 4 4 the stove. Accounts owing were' $3.05 for a can opener and $7.50 for a table- cloth. The report of the Good Cheer Committee by Mrs. A. Armstrong and letter was read form: Save The Children Cliib by Miss.E. McCracken. The committee for next month fs to be Mrs,. Thomas, Mrs. Todd, ant' IVIre. Spence. Moved by Mina Walker !seconded by Mies B McCracken that $3.00 be even to help toy'Scoutts. The closing hymn was followed by' the Mizpah Benediction. A social hour was' then enjoyed with 'St. Patrick's contests; decor- !Alone ,and a colorful St. Patrick's lunch. Thanks wore extended to the committee, namely, Mats. Rowland, Mrs. Bann, MisS Robinson, and Mrs Ron. 'Douglas in the Bruseele Town. Hall o nMay 13, Your help ,and kindnese will always be' remembered. Mrs, E. Raymond and family. 4 Watch .for terthee particulars. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER Cej) Spence, * * * The United Church • OF di.NADA imummummummown REGEN1 THEATRE TENDERS WANTED . TetdetS will be received by the undersigned tor crushing and haul. SeafOI'th, Ora, .1 THEATRF ,___________ 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. Matinee Saturday 2 p. .CARD OF THANKS iti. '5' 4' . tiig 15,000 Yards' ne. Metre of gnelvei' Thursday, Friday and taturday :forthe il"ownsitip of trey, Brusher t wish ltd thank all MY neigh "GYPSY COLto to be equipped with, 8.4 inch Screen ' bails ,acid Ittenede who so kindly it!!' thotday, Oilitiy and• Saturday , 061611' ,,... • Gravel to be spread on Superintend inearribefed ire with cards,. Asps,. ... . . March 24 !,. 26...26 Donna datebeari Frances Dee , 6/Ws Instructions A. .,.Cetttifted. floe/eta and gifts While a patient ..... , .. . : ' With the fury of a Wild' :Animal . obientie ter .1300-.00 must accompany in Clinton Hospital and Mime tea. "THE OLI6I-It klo0 THE ' ,„ ..- „ ... . • Gypay Oeit einiatiefe dangert or , Ajach. tender. T dere to be in by turning home. Mary thatika, to CAPITOL LigrowEL Mlnititere Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship --li o'clock "Seal and Pledge" Church School lit o'clock, * Church -of England Parish of Brueseli Rev. A. Noemiiii Om M. A. BundaY 27 'Mara • thole the sent Making to toy tatritly, All ie greatly antrediated.- Mra Clarence Mettle:. WHITE HERON" iii OWMAO:Cope is the complete plc , ture Of our diteen. and. the Duke ort their 50,000 Mild :Enipire Teter: School Ohliciren `should not Mlle I Oita pletiled. Pius "TENNES9t, We, have a- king hating ot SeUtett-te the West. iii ' Monday; Tuesday and Wednesday 1 "DOCTOR IN' THE- 14bUtkii' (Teelinteoler) Kenneth MoSi'e 6 P, tit, April 2, 1666, Lowest any tender riot take esleanily addittett , tgi-(3-i,e- Cardiff, dlerk, No excitia(velittlhati. it you sell ;your faint youftortx4iit ,arirter no 'Obligation tti. us. • • -prospective buyers. . eeen".:OlAteteeeee Kay ken ail WAttiti..66 OA i'TLE CHAMP"' The story of a rural poet: Happy-do,tAugiiiiito Hit I BREEDING Ad§oCilAttON' thee., I.ai 4t7liere Better BURS Are thee "thuositay, Friday and Saturday tkiitoitiof on, = Toe*, March 28 i 29 aJLIOUti,CAttAii“ Matinee Monday St• 6.tki -p. hi. NO' Fats-Nlie Advanced Orteei - 0 §tillinid: IS HEPE -Wre• still have isbilie Reg. and doine enerelial buk§, rind but* for spring Seeding, Riedlee litiVe your' 'eider In by April let 'Wei 'Naive ittitget, tritiint, tiadait ,Alfalt. Bed Clover liti C. i Alsislid„ TinietiiiYo tailine, rail Bitnie eas0 'tot tit.,-ebiaotit Ihtttinviii. tOitilli6i*I'dO. * ti6i4, 10119 Or s ee Ger '#'01tAilbtrg atl breeds of cattle. For smrvIOO Or informatioii Phone. Glinted' 2411; of Pitimesiten delioet, tjet*.iiii tee acid 16.00 A. it, di week 115iris- !Mut Cie A. et oil eniato. loti-it MAN FROM. THE ALAMO" (feeritkats)i, Ofehri Ford jUlte Atiiiiiiii ik 5 COMING -,!, '"MARTIN 1.01-lie etOtWii Johit, Church, Brussels 11 a. Morning. Prayer Stinday 'deice); ' \fen: Archdeacon Roy Me16 David's Hentrin gitenitit Prayer dnirdaP &boot dierieit Church, Walteii USAOSlitift *5.15i 4e, 1