HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-03-16, Page 7.11tev. A, Swig) .Worren
Christian Living
(Temperance Lessen)
Colossians 3;540; 1, Timothy
4:12; John 2;1-,
Memory SetectIon; Aso be
which. loath called 'you .is
to be ye holy in all manner of
conversation; because it is writ-
ten, be ye holy; for I am holy.
1 Peter 10-16,
Statistic* say that Canada le
about 95% ehristian, But when
we examine modern society in
the light of the New Testament
standard of Christianity, we set
that 'Christie's' in statistics and
'Christian' in everyday
are much different, Immorality.
Impurity, passion, evil desire,
covetousness, anger, wrath, mal-
ice, slander, foul talk and lying
have no place in Cheistian jive
ing. Yet what common sine
these are among us today. Paut.
even calls upon Timothy, the
youth, to be an example in
speech, conduct, love, faith and
purity. John makes it clear that
a mere profession is not suffie
dent. He writes, "He who says,
know him' but disobeys his
commandments is a liar, and 'the
truth is not in him."
The Bible condemns sin, John
write, "I am writing this to yon
that you may not sin." But Ivo
dare not stop there. He gays, 111
any man sin, we have an advo
cate with the Father, Jams
Christ the righteous," If there
is sbe we may find forgiveness
by coming to God through jeans
Christ who died for us. We
.ought to pattern our lives after-,
the example set by Jesus.
Drunkenness gets more head-
lines than 'any ether „,modern
sin. This is because it figures in
so many murders, sex crimes
and motor accidents. I helped
remove three bodies from a ear
wrecked when being, driven
dangerously at a high rate of
speed. Another occupant died
later in hospital. As we pried.
Open the doors empty liquor,bot-
ties fell out. No One was sur-
prised. The accident was clearly
the result of the reckless yet
dulled mind of a man who had
been drinking.
We need not just statistical.
Christianity but applied Chris-
tianity. How happier people are
when they turn to Jesus Christ
'as their Lord and Saviour.
PELLYACHE Keiko lzurnu, 2,
shows tender solicitude for her
favorite pelican fountain in
Hibiya Park, Tokyo, Japan, De-
spite the fact that it's a worst-
in-years winter in' Japan, the
statue's pipes aren't frozen; the
bandage holds the neck in place
until repairs can be made.
They Bought
40)o.n.k" That.
Tor.ned•To Gold
Those who spotted a firieeY
piaster head in a shop hI Qbare
jag erase Road smiled as they
read the "abet: "Straight from.
the Temple of Mithras—les."
The dealer had at least a sense
Of humour,
One efthreoon the ballet 'star,
Lydia Sole)Iva„ passed by and
was intrigued, She recognized
it as the head of her former
partner, the mad genius NUM,*
sky, and bought it out of senti-
ment. After cleaning it thor-
oughly she took it to her frieecl
Richard Buckle. an antique ex-
Peet, "This," he pronounced,
'is the original head of leTiji-e-
sky modelled by Lady Trou-
bridge in 1911 -It is worth
The idea that bargains can't
be picked up at auction sales
and in junk shops is quite
wrong. Despite the fact that
experts scour these places, val.
uable antiques sometimes es-
cape them.
Some years ago there was a
sale of old theatrical junk,
Among the props lay a battered
helmet for which no one would
bid. It was almost given away
by a desperate auctioneer.
The buyer took it home,
cleaned it and found it was
covered with superb decora.,
tions Of nymphs 'and cupids,
Below them, in gold, was the
inscriptiop: "Thou walkest
proudly before the stars."
He consulted an expert who
identified it as the 16th-century
work of the brothers Pasco and
Filippo Negroli, of Milan, To-
day, worth a four-figure sum, it
is one of the Most prized exhi-
bits. hi the armour gallery of
the. Fitzwilliam Museum at
Some years ago James Du-
veen, the art expert, was ex-
amining a picture at a sale and
had just made •up his mind that
it was, quite worthless when
someone behind bumped into
him by accident. As he was off
his balance his weight split
the ancient frame from top to
The auctioneer smiled mall-
eiously. Here was a chance, tet
get rid of a vvorthlea picture,
"Caret go damaging property"
like that," he warned with
mock severity. "Shall we say a
Duveen was in no pOsition to
haggle, He paid up, and took
the wrecked picture home. It
looked fit Only for firewoo.d.
But with the dealer's hatred of
being cattght, he hopefully
cleaned it and, having removed
innumerable layers of grime,
discovered it to be a Franz
'Hals, It later sold for $6,000
Before ,khe war 'Me: A, C.
Pembery, eleolieleying Devon,
went into ea farmhouse at Bide-
ford for a cup of tea. As' he
sat there he noticed that °tie
<if the doors looked as if it,
came from a lihurele, ,Exarniree •
thg it more caeefully he found
that it looked Mote like a man-
tlepiece than a door,
"Queer iscloor, -that," he
, Marked to. the farmer's wife,
„ "That ain't no ' door," she ex-
"Thet -Were a mantle- s to rii-V great-grandfather
• ' het° eariri.
1",,p"I like it,"e' said Peneberry;
lad tria,cle" a handsome offer.
"Naturally," he added, "I'll buy
a new door to replace it,"
Th farmer and his wife
thought him made- But the 'door
never really fitted, .so they „sod
Pembery took`it em to Lon-
don and sold if, for' 44,500. The
next clay ate Ainericen rushed
round to his flat and—too late
--offered him $12,000.
In 1945 Mr, Jack Ellis was
browsing " around old
shops whets he cane across a
drawing called "Vauxhall Gar-
de/Ise' Tie _liked it, and handed
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking
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LUCKY Cil1i TOPSIDE iutti -destroyee; titid tuck
for lefty lu king submariee, thee What this gigantic shamrock
in Mecliterrcinecat waters eintiltlet, if M.S. Bareresie ta'Oiicined
This eiditOM of destrilaion 'Wittfr lci4Tichittdi
rittyIce, flings depth coarge w i~liend; of thy'
vessel 1r1tt6ad of drepoilig
with this function ie mind,
Only in that way can the will
of the consumers remake eri-
tittly safeguarded and elec.',
Thus the older Money-vote of
the consumer would now bee
eaten a real vote having power
arid authority. The result would
be a true. dettociatieetieri Of
industry, With edOrieitile issues
and aims decided in the public
arena 'of plechetel voting, This
Would etesetittite the present
monetary eValttatidtf of pro-
auction by a human one deter-
Mined by the people eXptetee
big their neede and demands
and peateteliab§ effectively by
their ballots.
a o
This 4.1014441111; welcomes
65111, ebnetttietive br deettelte
five, and enggestione,, *led or
letherWieee it Will trideaVette to
atieneet en Oriestioes; Addfees
ii tail tti Gobi` Veit Whitby-a
Fourteen management prac- , tices for broodiriig poults from
hatch to eight weeks of age have
been recomtnended to turkey
growers by the Nutrition , Coupe
cil of the American, k'ead Manu-
facturers Aseociatioe., The, ee-
commendations, Which, deal with
feed, water, housing and general
management practices were: de-
veloped by the Nutrition group
after an 18-month study of all
research available frOxn the 48
land•grant colleges, the U.S, De-
partment of Agriculture and the
feed industry, •
The recommendations de-
velloped for brooding poults
from hatch to eight weeks ine
clude: e * *
Housing Management
1. With hover brooding of
poults, temperature at edge of
hover three inches above the
floor should. be 05 degrees F. at
the start. Drop temperature 5
degrees each week to six weeks,
considering at all times the be-
havior of the poults. Room tern.
peratures • preferably should
approxirna{e a range of 60 de-
grees to 70 degrees F, through
then-first six weeks consistent
with good ventilation, Where
room temperatures fall below
those recommended, hover tem-
peratures should be increased by
5 degrees. After six weeks, room
temperatures should be as cool
as possible, provided the poults
are comfOrtahle,
2, For hover brooding, a mini-
mum floor space of 12 square
inches per poult should he, pro-
vided under the hover.
3. No more than "200 poults
should be , brooded in one unit.
4. 'Battery brooders are satis-
factory for starting poults up to
14 days Of age, Provide 25 square
inches of battery floor space per
poult, - _,:s
5. Where' potties =are confined
to the brooder heuse, provide
14 square teet of behoder house
floor space per poult through
eight weeks Of age. Where a
sun poach is need, provide one
square foot of brooder house
space and one square foot of sun
north space,
Feeding and Watering
6. Poults should be fed arid
watered as soon as possible after
hatching, preferably within 24
hours. (CAUTION: Be sure both
feed end water are being rota,
7. The following minimum.
feeder !Apace should be allowed
for each 1,00 potilts:
Meal-in-a-Pat Saves Work, Satisfies Heartiest Appetites Memories Of
A Great Tenor
.leae PQROTelier MARPDX
More time to enjoy your family and just as much good eating
—that's what this erie-bereer, one-pet dinneis offers, Meat and
potatoes (lots of them), plus vegetables,- Leader and flavorful.
This Meal will satisfy the heartiest of fancily appetites,
Sunday limier in One Pet (Serves 6 or 7 geilereesty)
Three and one half to 4-pound piece eye-roned of beef, smell •
piece of fresh pork fat, 2 onions, I teaspoon chopped garlic-, Me
teaspoon black pepper, 1 bay leaf, Ye teaspoon thyme, cup
tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon salt, 13 to 15. $-inch stalks celery, d -
carrots,'etit in Yieirienriegs; 1,4 large Wattles, 7crapeel, peeled And.
ettt two; water,
Start this meal about four hettre before dinnertime; or cools
meat D41, previoes day to point where vegetables are to be added,
Cut pork fat diced small, and beet. in, Dutch oven until brew") and
crisp. Add beef and brown well on all eides.
Now add onion, garlic, seasonings and two cups of water:
Cover tightly and cook over low heat, turning meat. peeaehmally
to permit even ebseeption of flavors. After 31/a hours add potatoes
and enough water just to cover.
leifteee minutes later add carrots and celery, Make eere all
vegetables have a chance to cools in liquid for a time. When
vegetables are tender, poor liquid off into saucepan. • -
Skim off fat. Reheat and serve as gravy. Arrange -meet and
vegetables on one large platter,
When frieride drop le for Sunday supper, try these e:heeeee
burger snacks, e•
eheeechorger. Snacks ('Meld; 8 to 1.0 servings)
Two and one half pounds ground beef, 4 cup. chopped onion,
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard, 8 to 10 slices processed cheese, butter,
4 or 5 hamburger buns, • „
Combine ground beef, onion, salt and mustard, Mix to 'blend
over a pound. The dealer ob-
viously thought he was "green,"
Ellis took the picture to a
number of experts, all of whom
were certain that it was the
work of Thomas Rowlendson,
the caricaturist, It was put up
for sale at Christie's where
they said it had been exhibited
in the Royal Academy of 1784
and wa6 without question the
finest Rowlandson in existence.
it was knocked down for over
Most fortunate of all is the
man who can dream where an-
tiques are to be found, This'
happened to a Mr. T. Reilly, of
Battersea, who worked for an
antique dealer. His employer
had picked up a valuable vase
for a few shillings in the Cale-
donia Market. "For threa
nights," Reilly told him, "I've
dreamt I saw the fellow to that
By P. ,(8O1) VON PIUS
vase in a shop in a country
His employer paid his fare
to the town and told him to
buy it, He wept straight there
and bought the vase Which
stood in the window on sale for
ninepence, exactly as in his
dream, The pair were then put
up for auction and an Ameri-
can paid $5,000 for them. Mr.
Reilly was given $600.
In Capetown some years ago ,
a 200-ton schooner, the Protea,
which cost, ,$36,000 to build
feched $5 at en 'auction," Her
timber alone "eves worth hun-
dreds. An American three-
masted vessel, the J. 0. Web-
ster, of 431 tons, went for $15.
And about 1932 the German
gunboat Tsingtau was knocked
clewn'in Canton Harbor for one
Chinese dollar (then worth
Out of the pot and on to the table, a whole meal at one cookhig.
It's hearty, delicious fare for the "can't-fill'em-utp crowd,"
well, Divide into 8 to 10 portions and forM into flat patties. Place
on baking sheet and broil until well beowned on both sides. Cover
each patty with a slice of cheese. Broil a minute or until cheese
is hot, Serve each cheeseburger on a buttered half bun.
The great tenor, gririee ear.
uso, dreaded draughts, T,
Yberrat who knew him well,
states in a vividly written hi.
ography---"CarUse —that ones,
at a banquet, he turned. to say
something to him and fOund that
he had disappeared under the
table. Pointing to the end of the
hall, Caruso complained: "That
window—it is open," lie would
pot return to his seat until some-
one sleet it,
Singing in "Martha," in New
York, he noticed that the prima
donna had forgotten, to bring on
with her a flower which she must
hand to him as the hero, "'rake
a flower from your hat," he Whig-*
pered. She was reyetified. He re-
peated it urgently. Still she fail-
ed to understand, So he picked
one from her hat himself, handed
it to her, and motioned her to
give it to him. No one in the
audience noticed anything un-
Talking of singers' superstis
tions, Caruso told of a prima
donna who, before leaving her
dressing-morn for the stage, al-
ways , put on a gold bracelet,
explaining; "It will bring me
good luck. GOuned gave it to
me," Unfortunately, hi added,
she got so fat, and so many ex-
tensions had to be grafted on,
that there was little left of the
original gift—but she never lost
faith in it,
"When I sing of love," he once
said, "I think of something that
burns Me up, Overwhelms met"
He certainly lived up to that
conception in iris private life,
notably in eleven years' deep at-
tachment to Ada Giachetti, the
Italian singer. As she was al-
ready married, and divorce in
Italy was difficult, she lived and,
travelled with, him arid bore hini
four sons.
Then, on his return 'to 'Eng-
land from New York, lie received
a letter from her saying: "I do
not love you any more. I, shall
never return to you," she had
1eft;,him for her chauffeur.
Distracted, he sobbed, "I can't
sing any more. Everything is
ended. Finished!" Friends, how-
ever, persuaded him to fulfil his
Albert Hall engagement to sing
with Melba—and he sang, with
full heart, the song of the lover
betrayed by his sweetheart, the
broken-hearted clown compelled
to jest in his agony, from "Peg.
"The emotional shock of the
discovery almost Unbalanced his
mind," said, Frances Aida of the
Metropolitan Opera :House, New
York, "He told me the story
himself, as simply as a Child. He
went and stood before the gates
of the villa and called Gianchet-
ti's name over and over till she,
came out. He begged her to send
the man away and not to see him
"She promised to do so. They
were reconciled. That autumn,
Caruso returned to New York,.
while Giaclietti remained in Italy
with the children. Preeently it
was reported to the tenor that
the same handsome young chat-
feur was being seen with Ma-
dame Giachetti.
"Instantly all the intensity of
his love was turned to hate and
to a fanatic desire for revenge.
The memory of his recent bitter
experiences overwhelmed him at
times and caste darkness over
his naturally gay, fun-loving dis-
According eo others, "nerve
comments, his love did riot turn
to hate. At first, it his despair,
he flitted from one light-o' leave.
to another.
Then he shut himeelf up, kept
away from his friends, refused
further engagements. All the
happiness had gone out of his
life. During the'1908-9 Metropol-
itan Opera season, Ada came -Lb
New- Yerls but the visit WaAe.not
a success.
Towards the end of his life he
found happiness in marriage
with an American woman, Dor-
othy Benjamin, Ybarra makes
an engrossing story of his tern-
pegtuous careetfrom early strug-
gles to the desperate fight with
the throat afflictiori ihat
A small girl .was entertaining
her mother's visitor,
"How's your little, girl?" the
child asked.
"Pro sorry to say, my dear,
that 1' haven't a little girl."
"How's your little boy?"
"I haven't a little boy, either,"
"Then what are yours?"
'C *
"What's up — has she turn,
ed you down?"
"She has."
"Rough luck, old man — but
don't take it to heart too much-
A woman's 'No' often means
"She didn't say 'No' she
said tRete!'"
Contemporary events lead us
to link a planned economy with
the notion of dictatorship. In-
deed the beginnings of planned
economy have in the eyes of
the defenders of human per-.
sonality been somewhat com-
promised by the totalitarian use
made of ,it, or nth& by its
abuse; e,g. in Germany and
The fact that planned econ-
omy was made to serve anti-
individualist regimes must not
be taken to mean' thee" it can-
not serve a personalist society.
It is a technique making for
efficiency, There is nothing in
the airplane to determine its
being used for transporting
bombs or medicine, SO • else, a
planned economy can be used
for aggression and defense; or
for improving the lot of than.'
It should be used to free man
froth hand-to-mouth economic
insecurity, to allow him to rise
above the level soe animal life,
to give him leisute from
economie activity, so that he
may give himself over to cut-
ture, 'arts, science, philosophy.
That is the personalist and
human purpose in answer to
the why or • whither of planned
economy. The concrete content
of the plan 'must be directed to
this end.
But a further question arises:
"Planned economy, yes, but di-
rected by whom?"
(a) First two weeks-16- linear
(b) During 3rd arid 0th week
—24 linear feet*
(c) During 5th and 6th week
—32 linear feet,'
'd) During 7th and 8th week
—40 linear feet*
8. The following minimum
_ drinking space should be al-
lowed for each 100 poults:
(a) First two weeks-3- linear
feet" or two 1-gal. faun-
(b) Third and fourth week- e
6 linear feet* or four legal,
(c) Fifth, through eighth
week — 8 linear feet* or
two. 5-gal. fouritales,
Additional space should be
provided during hot weather,
Planned ' economy must be
linked up, not with dictator-
ship, but with political democ-
racy. ,
In a eapitaliet economy the
desires of cm-isomers . are ex-
pressed by purchases, indicat-
ing to producers what to go on
manufacturing. Each purchase
is a vote ratifying a decision
made 'by a prodecer. The vote
is imperfect because falsified
by advertising. Yet in ideal
realizattere this system would
best attain maximum: satisfac-
tion of •conetimers and, safe-
guard their freedom of choice,
which is an attribute of peesone
ailltnY.: a planned economy, the
plan predetermines the quan-
tity and quality of g'aods to be
peoduced. Theeeupon it is ne-
eeesary to oblige the consumers
to use the goods in the propor-
tions foreseen, in the ,platie De-
eisions thus come from above.
The . planners wield economic
sovereignty; while in e capi-
talist eel:Moray the Payingebone
setters weekrit. The latter re-
gime is more democratic,
This is true if we treat of the
capitalistic system of the first
half of the 19th century. Then
there were numberless' strlall
producers who were hi touch
with ecinsinnet dernand. Mode
tett technique and Monopoly
have changed' all that. A long
time intervenes between pro-
duction and final sale and pro-
ducers decide long before
knowing coestireier wants, The
consumer not being consulted
till after the article is produced
----how can he still be sovereign?
There is no armlet that In the
capitalist economy sovereignty
has passed to a.considerable
extent froth toneteriets to the
`directors, of large enterprises.
Inaplanned economy 'the etei-
stiteiet Will be dispossessed still
More of all say, Planned boil,
rime is long-time planning,
Arid once 'the plelieleg he's
detetinitied o pe rations Arid
these are begun, thCy hittSt be
pushed to CIMMiatich, ad flea'
ebtletteiption of the 'planned
products) Under pain of a tetril
tiPtettleg .of ecoriothie activities,
If planned eacieteny is pushed
to its extreme hi the dieposeee-
eitni of tenstittier sovettigete,
the latter 'met be resteted iii
another way, by ttansformitig
the former purchase Vote et the
eitheingew into universal slit e
trade. In otliet words the tieW
directors 'of the Plariteed eeee-
etny must be, not private cepa,
taliste, but publie servants
the common godcl, elected by
the people to the gravertifiteet
General ManaOment
9. A confinement ring (or
guard) at least 12 inches he
height should be placed approxi-
mately two feet 'from the edge
of the hover when poults are
started. Gradually increase the
dietance te three feet. Remove
at seven days, The guard should
be solid. except in hot weather
when a wire guard may be used,
10. Provide at least two inches
of suitable litter at the start,
The litter need' should be - free
froin injurious Materials sad
reasonably tree from dust Stir
and add fresh litter" as needed.
11, The use - of -roosts is op-
tional ddring the brooding per-
iod. If used, four to silt iliClies
Of roosting. space fr
should be provided from three
Weeks on.,
12. Night lights Of IV.: to fid
watts per brooding unit should
be used during the breoctirig
period to aid 1i1 penveneien of
crowding end pilirig.
13. If and when picking state,
debeaking or , other eireventitre
metolide glib-ilia be used.
14, Where it tiditahle to
prevent fighting, Whig 'eliPteitig
or wing hatching eheiild be dolie
early in the brooding Peeled,
'Linear feel:- Uric'foot Of feed-
ing' or, Watering -space. Tier tete
iireple, a 4-foot trough -open tie
both tides has elglit linear feet
of fredint !Attelint etteeese