HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-03-09, Page 6WOWS
tor 6eejoider of ipihet
cieliciotis recipes, write tor
Jane. Ashley,
i4orneServite bepiormeht,
P.O. Box 129, Montreal, P.
LOSS Twenty Founds
'In Thirty Pays
Relaxing from rOyal dales
behind the scenes Of a London
theatre, ieWial King Edward
VII sampled a muffin , and
instantly asked whether the
perSon who made it could sup.
ply the Royal Household with
muffins twice weekly,
That is how a thealrical
landlady, the famous Mrs.
Forscutt, is said to have won
concession for BUckingnam
Old Jock Harper once sup-
plied Balmoral ',Castle with
extra horses; and now a richly
gilded "By Appointment" sign
liaTigS over the little village
shop where he hires out bi-
eYeles, Queen Mary once en-
joyed potted shrimps , for, tea
and pow .the coat-of-arms of a
Royal: Warrant embellishes the
stationery "of a Morecambe
Farmers who are looking tos
wards the federal government
'for assistance in their present
precarious situation of declining
prices and vanishing markets,
will be disillusioned when 'they
read the speech of the Prime
Minister made in the ',louse of
Commons on Jan, 10th,
There had been hope that the
federal gdvernmant would pio-
mote trade with Britain or per-
haps even enter into trade
agreements with the British
'government LO dispose of some
of farm surpluses, if surpluses
there are,
However, onoJanuary 10th the
Prime Minister stated quite
dearly that he had no .such ia-
tentions when he said; ""We do'
.our boa to facilitate external
trade, -but We do not attempt be
, handle .ekternel • trade through
any government organization.
with' the exception of the wheat
board, set up at the request of.'
the wheet producers theinselves
and managed foe their henql
and to ,a large degree nncler
their direction,"
PresSiiie 'Needed
• This leaves farmers two alter-
natives,, providing we do not
consider the third one of letting
things slide. First, they can try
and put all` possible pressure on
the government to establish
marketing boards, equivalent to
the wheat board, for other com-
modities like ,livestock or dairy
With a federal election at
least two 'years away, the gov-
ernment will not be very sen-
sitive to pressure; unless, of
course, Farmers Union and Fed-
eration of Agriceltuee exert
themselves, in an organizatipnal
drive to swamp Ottawa with
letters and telegrams from their
respective member's, demanding
Failing such a cooperative ac-
tin on a grand 'scale, there is
the alternative of bargaining for
federal legislation enabling' far-
mere to establish their own mar-
keting agenciee 'and, to try to do
the, job themselves.
Paymept in Sterling
%In either' case trade' With Bri-
tain"will have to be tarried on
on the basis 'of Pound's Sterling
and not of dollars. which the
British do not have in sufficient
Amounts to .spend on Canadian
farm products.
ley F (BOO) VON plitoo
There is 119 reason though
why we should insist on • pay,
inent in dollars, 'We would need
dollars only if we wanted to buy
from the united States. But if
it is a question of getting rid
of some cumbersome quantities.
of butter and cheese and bacon,.
We will have to accomodate
ourselves to 'the idea of httYiug
British manufactured goods in-
stead of American, The British.
want our goods, but we will
have to accept theirs in e*
In 'the same speech the Prime
Minister said;, "There has been.
no less of the United Kingdom
market: There is no less desire
in the United Kingdom to take
goods froni. ,Canada than there'
was at any time,. hut it has so
happened that there is, still a
'shortage of dollars that limits'
the quantities of Canadian goods
they can import and for which
they could provide the currency
"The currency xeqUired" hap-
pens- to. be Canadian dollars
which are not available. The
currency available is Pound
Sterling, Why not take the Pound,
Sterling and buy British trac-
tors instead of American tree-
.Jors, or buy anything in Britain-
whichpreSently is being import-
ed -from the United States?
Somebody will have to do it
and go after the government
.and the farm organizations, Or
shall we wait again for a
George? *
This column welcomes criti-
ism, constructive or destruc-
tive,• and suggestions, wise or
otherwise; it will endeavor to
answer any questions. Address
all mail to Bob Von Pills, Whit-
by,. Ont.
flake easily ivlien pierced with
fork. Remove salmon steaks;
drain. Serve on platter gar-
nished with large onion slices,
green pepper rings, and •chili
Sauce Lemons or Limes: Slice
each in half; scoop out 'a section
of each half, Fill scooped part
with chili sauce. .
n a frying Pan or kettle large
enough to hold cheesecloth-
wrapped' dish of fish.
Bring water to boil, then turn
heat down until water simmers.
Add salmOn CoVer, let
simmer 10 minutes. 'If steaks are
frozen allow' about twice as
long. Fish should be tender and
Place, salmon steaks in heat-
proof Shallow dish or pie pan
on a large square of cheese-
cloth. Bring 'corners of cheese-
cloth up' over plate and tie se-
curely. Add 3/2 teaspoon salt and
1 teaspoon mixed pickling
spices to about 3,4 inch of water
George Jessel was telling a
friend of the time he took a
Hollywood magnate seriously to
task. He pointed out 'that the '
man was running the studio bad-
ly,, that his recent pictures lacked
box office appeal' and that his
publiCity and Promotional pro-
grams couldn't be more inept,
"What happened?" asked the
friend in some awe,
"Nothing," replied Jessel. "We.
parted good friends. He boarded
his yacht and, took the bus
into flour with pastry blender
until it has consistency of corn-
meal. Cut in rest. of shortening .
until consistency is that of small
peas. Sprinkle water, '1 table-
spoon at a time, over floar. Mix
in with fork until all ingredients
.are moistened. Press togethen
with fingers' info ball and •ehill..
Set aside one-third of dough.
Roll out the rest on lightly flour-
ed board or', pastry cloth, to
'form a 12" circle. Fit into 9"
pie plate. Trim pastry to 1" of
edge of pie plate. Fold pastry
under to form rim, Start 'oven
at 400° F. Wash the rhubarb.
'Drain well. Cut into 1" pieces
(makes 4 cups). Mix sugar,
flour, orange rind, and nutmeg
together. Add to rhubarb and
mix together well. Spoon -into
pastry shell. Dot top with but-
ter. Roll out remaining third of
pastry. Cut into 1/2 " strips and
arrange in crisscross pattern on
top, Trim ends to edge of bottom
crust. Flute edges. Bake for 45
minutes. ' Oil
Jellies & Sams
Soups (thick)
Stuttgart (Germany) police
were ' a little worried by the
amount of Counterfeit 5-mark
pieces creeping into circulation e
The authorities received quite a
jolt when they realized that
they were. •of far better quality
than the legal tender. It was
this superior quality look 'that
eventually Pled 'to• the arrest of
seven too painstaking counter-
. feitere.
.2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons BENSON'S or CANADA
Corn Starch
'A teaspoon salt
teaspoon 'pepper
1 cup milk
1/2 pound' Canadian cheese, diced
4 egg yolks, slightly beaten
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
MELT butter in saucepan; remove from heat.
ADD BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch, salt
and pepper blending well,
STIR in milk slowly; mix with. smooth.
COOK over niedithii heat, stirring constantly,
until mixture thickens and boils.
ADD Cheese and cook Until melted, Stirring
REMOVE froM heat; pour slowly over egg yolks
Mixing- well. •
FOLD Mixture lightlY into beaten egg whifes.
POUR into greased quart casserole, plate in• pan of warm water.
BAKE in moderate been f 1506K) for 1• 1/4 hotel Or until done,
SERVE tinmediefeV,
YIELDS 4 to b terVingi.
FroM ,a Malta cigarette-
,Melter to, :a Melbourne ''shoe-
polish manufacturer, the cov-
eted royal .warrant is a recog-
nized ayMbol of quality •
throughout, the wend. Yet a
Hollywood ineyie: star was .be '
wildered recently when -she
visited Londofi to spend her
dollars only at shops bearing
the exclusive label, "By Ap-
pointment Queen Eliza-
beStilhenf,0"und' there weren't any.
Touring the West End's 'shop-
ping streets, she couldn't find
the sign once!"
Nearly 400 firms discreetly
indicate that they were pat-
ronized 'by Queen Mary or the
late. King George VI. A ' bag-
pipe manufacturer, a supplier
of Edinburgh rock and a Bond
Street fan-maker are among
139 warrant holders still per-
mitted to show that they sold
their wares to King •George
Nevertheless, if any trades-
man today dared to advertise
that he was supplying goods to
the Queen, he would never be
allowed a royal warrant—and
if he displayed Her Majesty's
coat-of-arms, he. could be fined
lea . F -
Before being granted the
Queen's warrant, , a firm must
have supplied' goods regularly
to her as sovereign for at least
three years. Not until Febrile
ary third anniversary of the
accession can eny royal
tradesmen therefore prove the
Officially,. recommendations
to the Queen are drawn up by
a committee of Royal House-
hold officials meeting' once a
year at Buckingham Palace.
Traders who submit unsolicited
samplee'inerely have them pol-
itely returned. -
Only a few firms can, expect
to be grented warrants at the
Queen's own suggestions.
Queen' Mary once spontane-
ously added a picture restorer
to her list because, she ex-
plained to him, "You really de-
serve it!" But unofficially not
a few royal servants receive
invitations to sumptuous lunch-
eons and have to resist tempt-
ing 'bids to curry their favor,
Miss Suckling, ,the Queen
Mother's personal maid; found
herself showered' with free
gifts in New' York that, need-
less to say, were tactfully re-
turned. Prince; Philip's valet
Was unashamedly approeched
by a tailor offering a choice of
material for a -complimentary
suit. A men's wear' firm able
to prove an appointnient to the
Duke of Edinburgh W,'oulcl, of
course, enjoy a flood of world
cuAsicotnitie.11y, it will be early -in
March before the first lustrous
new coats-of-arms embellish'
the shop windows and letter-
headinge of the privileged
tradesmen. A few firms have
jumped the gun by advertising
that they 'supplied this or that
to the royal yacht Britenniai
But When an executive of one
of the firms inquired at St.
James's Niece about the • pros-
pects of gaining a warrant, 'an
official of the Lord Chamber-
lain shook hit heed.
The no-advertising role dis-
qualifies scores of iiiiWary tip-
plicarits—and it's rigorously en-
„ fotcecl,
A vicat's wife Once applied
for a "By Appointment"
rant merely because the Queen,
Mother Pattonieed her stall
a charity betaar: fairgrthind
proprietor put up a glistening
Boat-of-arms just becaike. 'the*
youthful Duke of: ketit had
agent a sixpened or two at hit
In cases such as; thiS, the
Royal Waria.WHOlders? ASSOCit
,AtiO4 acts „iiii).ekly Ida** of
—ffatigti Of
Ibitridiede 61 fradeft tot
iege! 411401.0 mf the Royal
234 tablespoont cornstarch
ea cup sugar
% cup canned cherry juice
1 tablespoon lemon juke
2 cups biscuit. mix
2 tablespoons softened butter
1/4 cup Seger ,
Ye teaspoon almoed" extract
Drain cherries; pave „ juice,
Mix cornstarch With sugar. Stir
in cherry and lemon juices.
Cook, stirring constantly, until
mixture is smooth and thicken-
ed. Add cherries and pour into
a 6" x 9" baking dish. Drop al-
mond extract into sum and
mix together well; set aside.
Start oven at 400° F. Make up
biscuit mix according to package
directions and roll out on a
lightly floured board to form a
12" x 8" rectangle. Spread with
softened butter. Sprinkle al-
mond-sugar over the dough.
Roll up as for a jelly roll and
cut into 1/2 " slices. Arrange pin-
wheels on top of cherries, Bake
25 to 30 minutes.
2 eggs
5 tablespoons sugar
I% cups milk
Vs teaspoon salt
34 cup orange juice
3 tableSpocies quick-cooking
tapioca -
1 teaspoon grated orange rid
ea •cup semi-sweet chocolate
2 teaspoons butter
2 teaspoons confectioners'
2 tablespoons milk
Separate yolks and whites of
eggs. Beat 'egg whites .until
foamy. 'Gradually beat in 2
tablespoons sugar, a tablespoon
at a time, beating until' egg"
whites form soft peaks, Set
aside, Mix egg yolks with milk.
Add remaining 3 tablespoons
sugar, salt, orange juice, and
tapioca. Cook, stirring constant-
ly, until mixture comes to a full
boil. Remove from heat and stir
in orange rind. Gradually Pour
a small amount of hot 'mixture
over beaten egg whites, stirring
until well mixed. Add remain-
ing tapioca' mixture, stireitig
constantly while adding. Cool.
Stir Once alter 20 minutes, When
cool, spoon into serving dish.
Mix chocolate pieces and but-
t& and heat over low heat until
chocolate is eonepletely melted.
Stir in confectiohers' sugar and
milk, Beat smooth, Make 3
grooved circles in tapioca,
Spoon chocolate in circles, Then
rtui the point of a knife through
tapioca froth ecl7e to center to
form Web-like design. Makes 4,
It seems to me that these
columns lately have been .em-
phasizing "main dishes" to the
exclusion of desserts. Well, here
are recipes that you'll find easy •
to prepare eret delicious enough
to top off any sort of a meal,
even, the most festive.
1 cup cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Ye teaspoons salt
24 graham crackers
ea cup pecans
3 •eggs
VA cups sugar
• cup shortening
sit cup mlik
1 teaspoon vanilla
Grease and line with wax
paper two 9" cake pans. Start
oven at 350° F. Sift flour; meas-
ure. Sift again with baking
powder and salt. Roll graham
crackers into fine crumbs. Chop
pecans into small pieces. Sepa-
rate yolks and whites of eggs.
Beat whites until frothy. Grad-
ually beat in Ye cup of sugar, a
tablespoon at a time, beating
until egg whites hold stiff peaks.
Set aside. Beat egg yolks until
light and thick as heavy cream.
Gradually add remaining 3/4 cup
- of sugar to the shortening and
work until mixture is light And
creamy. Stir in egg yolks. Add
vanilla to milk. Add dry
ingredients alternately with
the milk to the creamed short-
ening and sugar' mixture. Mix
well after each• addition. Stir in
nuts. Gently stir in the beaten
egg whites and mix thoroughly.
Spoon into prepared pans and
bake for 40 minutes, Remove'
from pans. Cool.. Spread whip-
ped cream between layers and
on top' of cake. * *
1 (1 lb. 4 oz.) can sour
Not since the (pick hrieWe aex
jumped ever the Jagy dog, or
Wince Ali ]labs Illermiteed "Open
Sesame," has there been 01-n0
a more magically effective
phrase than the one employed
by a AY, physician to stream-
line his overweight patients.
The Inventor of what is prob-
ably the most simple diet in the
world, this physician sought a
way of making things even pee-
ler for his lazy charges. What
Ile wanted wee a "Memery peg"
for his new system, Actually, it
was one of hie patients who was
(note the past tense) fat every-
where except in the head, who
filially turned the trick for hirn.
Before we go into this mys-
terious sentence, however, let's
talk about the diet itself,. The-
sentence merely makes it easier
'to remember the 22 foods that
are the basis of it: -
In most of our efforts at self-
improvement we are doggedly
' advised teetake a pesitive view
Of things—to "latch On tic the
effirnaative:' Not so with this
diet. The accent here 'is on the
negative. e
First of all, says the doctor,
throw out all those toes of spec-
ial menus' so painstakingly work,
ed ,out arid so painfully followed
(or' net' folloVed). The whole
busiuess of counting calories, the
Most inexact Ririe of coniputa
'don knoirn to man, can be dis-
earded. Diet fads can be return-
ed to their originators unopened.
The basic point is this: it's net
what you eat that determines
your weight—it's, what you don't
tat. ,
After years of careful experi-
mentation, the physician has
worked out a list of 22 "off-
'limits" feed items. Refrain fiorn
eating these things for the dura-
tion of the diet and you can lose
us much weight as you wish with
absolute certainty and- safety.
You can forget all about menus
and calories. And, most irnpbrt-
ant of all, you can eat all you
*ant of any Or all of the re-
maining 228 foods most corn-
inon in this country,
Naturally this "22-Skidoo (or
"forbidden foods") Diet" is go-
ing to include items you like.
But if you're going on a diet,,
you have to eliminate something.
So you eliminate' those foods
without which you virtually
could not gain weight even if,
you tried and, for the rest, for-
get about rules and regulations
and eat what, when, where and
how you like,
Now for the list. Remember
These items, resist them for a
month, and you'll lose from 15
to 20 pounds. If that isn't enough,
extend the period of diet as long
as you wish, There is no time
limit as far as health is con- *
The 22 foods, listed in a spec-
ial sequence that will be ex-
plained later; are:
Gravy Candy
Ice Cream Cereals
Rice Chocolate
If you like your coffee with
cream and sugar, switch to milk
and saccharine—or try it black
for a change. If spaghetti is one
of your favorite dishes, or pota-
toes, or bread and butter, just
remember that you can survive
very nicely on those 228 re-
maining foods, so eat as much
of them as you like. And again,
in the case of desserts, since
most of the rich ones are on the
"verboten" list, console yourself
with the fact that you needn't
be hungry at the end of the
meal. If you must have' a paci
fier, take something like fruit or
any other desert net on the for-
bidden list. —From "Pageant."
2 Cape all-plitelbee flout'
1 ,
eaclip 'shortening
tablespoons teld Water.
8 stalks abitibakb'
le4 clips , sugar
teasPedit grated Orange
114 teaspoon rifithiet
2 'teaspoons- hither
Sift flout; treasure. Sift ag.
With salt' , Cut cup shortening
JASY CHOKE—fro not too diffiruit to ieleel 'theptellielif tate
in this brOup. Posing beside a Ore btx toebliuf 'fhtet" it tither
a former "Mitt MIChili Benth,"
itiGirt. YOUR 104 These
Body llamas Hove .to. lioeft et
viilitors to the Vincennes
Paris ,PreriCe. .knowing
ions keep their distance.. Llamas
ii.eVe One very impolite h;Obift
and If someone comes toe 'doll -
th' Order to vie* the brand`-new
-baby, mama would j alt as tetet
spit—cis look-An h11 eye; •