HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-03-09, Page 4, FOR SALE - Surge' Milkers - Lovell H. Mc- ., .Guire, Surge Dealer, W'n. Ira . In- vites inquiries about your milking problems Phone V7Inglram 593 001 lent., New and Used Milkers. 'MORTGAGE. WANTED - First Mortgage of $3,000 on 1.40. acre property at 5% interest, it this interest rate-note satisfactory kindly state' rate wanted in reply. Apply to Box 50. Brussels Post. FOR SALE - Qeder your ohieks mow, Bray has wide choice of breeds and crosses. Ask us- for complete list. Including Ames In-Crosia. seCantadian Approved. 'Chicks to produce on ail market,. Seine 'started ptilige. Agents. - Mrs. R, Barrett, R, R. 5 Brussels, Phone Brussels '5'4r12,; Win. Glen Bray, Ethel. f k FOR SALE- Get the eight chicks. Now. While Bray has still a wide choice et breeds and crosses. Including A1/10. In-Croes. Mixed chicks, pullet., cockerels, Some started Piffled& Ask us for complete liet. Agents -- Wm, then Bray, Ethel; Mrs. R. Bard' Tett R. R. 5 Brus..sels, Phone Brnistell 54r12. SALESMAN WANTED - 1 To sell complete -line of Men's, Ladies and Children's Clothing 'Furnitures and ApplianCes inelnd-1 ing Television. Sell right in and around *Brussels, Highest Commis- sions paid. No investment neecess- ary. Oar essential, Write Box 50. Gtr e& SUPERIOR PROPANE ,1:T13. 19 Market Place STRATFORD, ONT. The Versatile oependable FUEL FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TANKS REFRIGERATORS, ETC. WALT. MADDESS . Representative PHONE. STRATFORD BUS. 4174 RES, on:Su ATTENTION FAAMERis DEADSTOOK removed from yeti bate promptly tier nanitaitt disposal „TelePhene Collett *tiles tttill, at tot GORDON YOUNG 'LIMITED FARM FOR SALE ee iThe Estate of the late Gordon liedhinii. hi diteiblieti. tOWiiiehiP, 064: 12 tot 18.; 'acres othieistitig• of bank barn g4 by 6.ei good hen hoii e, 9 Baer brick house: Tuts tatM good clay lereM with itit miles brelik; able land, feet in beak 441,14StOtetili; running through, This farni fs his from MR,' bated Oka itittet .1 tits from •church, 1M miles ttOte Public .schOol, High school hits vie, as the kite. 61or tattier' tntornal. Ion Opt* to' SOS if*el, MD** T: tnator * 160 NOTICE gittot.• • TO MOTOR VEHICLE OWNERS AND DRIVERS a. Tuesday, March 15th, 1955, is the last day upon which 1954 motor vehicle and trailer registration plates may be used. It is also the date of expiration of all 1954 chauffeurs' and operators' licences. Secure yours at once ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Hon. 1.1s. N. Allen, Minkter FOR SALE - )erante,House and barn with 1 acre Of land in Village, priced at $1.600.00. * 200 acre Farm on County Road, good :iiciuSe, hydro, furnace, 9 bank barns priced at $19,000.00. Halt D01011. 175 acre Parra adjoining Village, good lions% bath, large bank balello hardWood bush, priced at $16,000.006 Half Down. 76 acre farm, frame hot*, Wits banit'harn, bush, priced at 1006.11! Long; iteal !Mete broil* Phone 84 itintiodi, Vise, WINGHAM: MEMORIAL SHOP Your MeitiOilal Crinamiedi'llet TiltrtOriiio Teti* Ali's*, *mid THE PERT GRANITIS libekt *fib Expert beiliiiing 'FE ' iiiiimita* LAO*:a !tom*" SlitriTON Oitio• giok 3i A, agals - 1V1-Ti - • 1111 it 0 UlitOWIL itipsisiell 60'00 MR* •is lilrwel Vida iiii.1148. 01. ampotaissit O OOP OM* „ IAN ki *It 104.0411111.11101.• IOC Wedneeday, ,March 9th, 1955 TEN 8.1t1J,ML PO$T .tr * •L1. pt.., tn, Ns-ax, • • •Ittnt •f4.. • QRANaKOOK. Miss. X. 4, Pri.v4 ter t'he match meeting the W, M. Se of Knox PAV.07t-4.04.4, ,P1Wroll, The 'restident „gave the call bo worship .14.44 a :hymn vas 1:Inr914. 4.,acklin reed .the scrtours reading- 0.4 Mrs, $tivart?.pys.ss led in prayer, Patr 'Plunk-offering envelopes' to be ordered,, oleo copies of the At, fultation :Service :for the .041,T, and. rtheir missionary badges. The • date .of 'this service 11..a•?Aot been set, Nine member's :and one 'visitor were pros- eat and in response to the roll call told s.onteibinvof the work of Miss Irene .Stringer. Mrs, Stuart Piens. will be hostess for the Aprid.meetlng whiolt '''wiil_ be an Easter eemice The OPic, "Presonting aappeta and problemS of medical work inl. India," in five parts, by Miss Forrest, Mrs. i . Schnook, Mrs, Art. Nicholls, him Qalyip .gameron • and Mrs, M. Engel. Questions were then asked. by the Leader,' ending Most Interesting presentation, of the Study. A hyinia and the 'Benediction . brought the meeting to a close- and lunch Was ,.• served hy the ,heateas, assisted by Mree Stuart. Evans.. HQTK. • AND CABANA CLUB I Township of Grey .. .... . . 00 Township of Novick, WiNGIiAM DISTRICT • STATEMENT OF REGEIPTS AND PAY,M,ENTS FOR PN.g. YgINR. ENDED, 31 D, ECEMBE,R, 1954. Enlance forward 'troin 1053. ..... 0.09,0tli -$A 0;90,,4,$' .*414 .PePR.rtntOn 'F4d 40'494 ,04.040 .00 04# . 103140 • Hies 1,90. Village Of Breesels, .. , , $2,835.•31 Township. of PairOaa eee . ... ...... 6,47.4,93 Toyereeleip of East Wawanosie .... 5,096,03 2,054.00. 9,193.44 Township of lefulese .. ... 1,120:93 10,694,73 • 1,910:36 • 81004,00 eee.eae.. Township of ivierri's Village ot Teamster Township of Turnberry Town of WintheTe .... . . ..... 9,622.01 wean "Tuition Paid by Outside Boards Goderieh District Collegiate Ingitute 336.12 Listowel District 'High School Board 893.9$ Supremo vacation enjoyment in Florida's most complete resort. Mei. darn guest rooms fair-conationino optional) to phase and pamper wide ocean front beach for Slatiglig and swInonini cosy Wogs NI Intimate render/4os and genuine hospitalty to laver your an** seep., JACK MULUKIN. GENERAL MANAGER MIAMIBEACII 67t4 Street on die • ... 1,249.67 500.90 17/.00 31.75 "YOUR EASTER SEAL 7141v0:.Ar.t16. .men in .94049 today, Wiper residents of A Weiette community, who Pnee. faced the world with- PM% less reliance and epefidenee then they .feet now, as. ,epifelependant citizens, .wlio. are tug .their own Wqr, It le •Mily A little more than live years ago that Variety ..came into 'exigence, an example of what -Can. he •done by the co-operation of many people. inspired by an idea, 1.06o it haye been .directed the , skills of the Oleo cxpeit5 .ithe field of training of handicapped boys'.. And from it has come a .di-iridend in happier human relations that has: 57;280,92 rowarcicd. the PeoPle who made possible, For many years the Ontario Society for Crippled Children' and a wide .network of Ontario clubs. had collaborated in several programs of treatment and therapy for crippled youngsters. in 1949. an extra 'Ansel of the drive. to .aid such children was opened when the Varie- ty Club, sedViee club of the entertain. 'meat industry in Ontario,' offered to tinanee centre where lads restored to near normal ability could learn trad- es. As a result, Variety Village, where the lads may live and learn, was built. Thus business and pro, fessionel men, , linked by the Soc- iety with the people of the enter. 496.00 Ointment world, offered a chance to the youngsters who had benefit- ibed from treatment to become. self- supporting. • ounty of Huxan- Agriculture Grant .......„ .. .. . ..... "Cadet Grant 'Miscellaneous 'Repayment from SPecial Acleount for monies advanced p Ethel. Marry Mills MAWS The 'iPoit,4 'meeting Pt the Ethel Merry MIN Ninitle was held oP 21, ot: the home of Mrs, Q, Dobson, Mrs, A WelinrdSs deAltiliStilAteil. the Prispturig4011 of Mills;" The prP§1011,tt Palt open- ed the meeting with Ow roll eell which was ,answered by "One reason. why milk is as good tCod'"Phe secretary, Donna Alexander, 'NS the minutest of 'the firSt meeting which were adopted ,as read, During the business 1t was• decided to hold,' the next, meeting On Feb, 28, Selyeral girls read the menus they made and there was g, brier. revieW on the ,topics discussed at the Prat Meeting, Ete follPtviteg Itloplos• were dliscuSed, Inay isate with 1114111t Ilhe 'body-building beverage." The home, assign- meats are, Make at least one milk drink and record in record book; work at record books. 'Thee Roll Call for the next meeting la "Dots for home dairies," ..The meeting was closed, with the. National Anthem. pacill girl made a milk drink and Jean Rock and Donna Alexander served cookies, 'for New School Site 7,653.07 onardmis....momm..• $152,933.49 Mrs. Herman 'Kirkpatrick, Mount Forest, 'and Mrs. Eva Armstrong, I Harrigan. visited with Mr. and Mrs Tired Kirkpatrick last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cameron, Sar- nia, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Allen Cameron . Wickets are now available for the Operetta, "The Belle of Bag- dad" by, Milverton High School.' being, presented in the Cra,nbrook ,Community Centre on Saturday, evening March 19th, This highly re- commended Operetta is, in aid of the Cranbrook Library and tickets may be purchased from any member of they Library Board, An eleCtric tea kettle is being given as a door prize. Sad advertisement in this issue of the P GREY `PAYMENTS *Veachers' Salaries CLASSIFIED AM. The third meeting of, the Ethel Merry Milk (Maids wale held on Monday evening, Feb. 255th at the 'home of Mrs. Quest Dobson. The president, jean Rock, opened the 'meeting with the members re- peating the '4-H dub Pledges and singing our club 'song. Thirteen members answered the Boll Call with, "Do's for hoPe dairies." The minutes of the second meeting were read by the .Sec., Donna Alexander, were adapted es read. During the business it was decided to hold the next meeting on March 7, at the hppie of Mrs. DobSen. For the roll call ,eedh girl is to bring a baked custard. Bach girls voted 'tor , a cover :she wanted and one was' chosen so that all covers would be the same. Several girls de•seribed the milk drinks they made at home and there wars a brief review on the topics discussed at the last meeting. The lonlos discussed were, "Milk for the Family Menus," Mrs. E. Richards demonstrated now., to make a custard." Jean Fraser and Grace Lam,ont -dembn- etrated making a white sauce and , Jean Rock and Donna Alexander demonstrated making 'the White stance by a different method. Our borne assignment is make one scalloped and one cream dish for the family table and record in our record, book, The meeting closed with the Nat- tonal Anthem, The girls who dem. ! onstrated served a lunch of carrots I with white sauce and macaroni with white sauce, $62,762,00 3,696.32 $59,086.28 UNfON W. M. S. AND W. A. The February meeting of Union United Church W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Glen 'Ratliwell with Mrs. Everett Robinson as leader. After the opening hymn Scripture readings were taken by Mrs. Jas. Bremner, and Mrs. Delmar Dilworth Appreciation for gifts received by Mrsi. G. Menzies and Mrs. Leslie Lake. `Less : Superannuation FOR SALE Roto Baler, nearly new in good, s,o1P- clitilon. apply to Box 50 Brussels. -eruition re Night Glasses faustructienal Supplies : Library and Student Supplies Shop Work Home Economics Agriculteee CATTLE WANTED For Pasture. Robt. McKe-y 8,231.11 1,398,1.1 326.76 802.45 Phone 47.47 Today the 75 ,graduates of the now famous, Village have proven the worth of the experiment. The lade, who learned watchmaking and similar trades, are earning an average- of $2,000 a year, but far more important is the sense of self- ;reliance they have developed. Aid. ed to better health by the funds created by the annual sale of Easter Seals, tvhich finances treatment programs, the boys are able to benefit from the school's training program, and to face the Woold with confidence. 'Tlhe Campaign which lasts until April 10th- has an objective of $550.000. tr> 3,771.49 41,9.37.38 1,250.00 170.84 1,513.00 2,576.94 176.65 3,411.84 469.28 2,512.98 598.42 22.60 459.35 1,327.00 FOR SALE= A chesterfield in Pretty goon 'shape. Phone .15J6 on Highway It mile south of Brussels, 'Transportation 4 Officers' Salaries Interest and Exchange rusurance 'General Expel:tete 'Telephone .Varetakees Salary The second chapter of the Study 'Book,Face eo Face _with India, was taken by Mre. Jack Oox. Roll call was answered- by- a verse with the 40 0.0 ... .............. ........ word "Faith". A duet by leain, and 1 IR1411, Patterson ,accompa,nted by Patsy Rathwell was enjoyed by MODERN' HEATING 1 al. COMPLETE FORCED AlR ' 1 HEATING ' brought the meeting to a close. ,The closing hymn and prayer SYSTEM 'FOR A FIVE-ROOM ' FOR I The W. A. meeting followed with, 1 the president, Mrs. Harold Keye in 1 Registered Hereford li HOME . $626.00 I the chair . _ ,,,.. mouth's old price to sell. . i ' *1 Write Dept B P or visit eur ) Roy Benndit : A hymn was followed by the Lord's Phone 82r4' - ti $3,499.92 FOR SALE - Hen House 18 x 40, in good con- . dition. apply to R. B. Cousins 28.08 Less ; Unemployment Insurance -learetseeene Supplies Might, Heat and Water Repairs and ReplaCements' 'Cadets Physical Educiation Phone 22 SALE Bull, Furniture and Equipment IT'S PLAY-OFF TIME The Stanley Cup is the dream of every little gaffer Who laces on a pair of hockey skates and the ulti- mate goal of every player. Each season they toil through a muscle- tearing euhedule for a shot at the famed basin donated by Lord Fred- erick Arthur Stanley of Preston. In this week's Star Weekly Red Burnett takes you into the dreSsing seem and lute, you listen to the beet stories of play-off time. . Mon day,- Wd Prayer.. Minutes were read by Mrs. Percy Ward. The flockeS in the basement of the church are being sanded and refinish ed and it was decided to do the aude torium also, including pulpit, ent- rance and stair% - A committee, Mns H. Keys, Mrs, E. Morrow, Mrs. P. Ward and Mrs. R. W. Whitfield, chosen to purchase carpet. ' The meeting closed with the M17/ Benediction. An Trish contest conducted by Mrs, W. Steatychuk was enjoyed by all, Twenty-five ladies were in atten- dance. Lunch was weed by the hose ass assisted `by Mrs. Leslie McKay and Mrs. Lindsay McKay. 453.66 1,182.81 771.98 1 clay, and Friday evenings' and all day, Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO 2,408.45 "Tutition Paid to Outside Boards : London. Board of Education Goderich District Collegiate Institute Listowel District High School e 902.90 57.24 50.00 Plot Lunches -Unemployment Insurance Stamps Petty Cash- Fund 4 Share of Expenses Paid ; Brussels Public School Board .... $ 698.65 Culrose Teeswater Area Boaed 498.25 1,196.90 •••••••••••••• Advances re New Schhol Site 7,403.07 $132,439.57 19,793.92 $1.52,233.49 'Balance on Hand 31 December, 1954 7leNp78 0 .... CERTIFICATE ,4 I ,We have examined the books ;and records of the Wingham District High. School Board 'for the year ,ended 31 December, 1954 and in our opinion the above Statement of Receipts and Disburse- ments is cermet, according to the books and -records and infonna- tion furnished , 1 LONDON, ONTARIO PEARSON, EDWARDS & CO, 2 FEBRUARY, 1955. _ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. A. H. McTavish, Chairman W. A Galbraith, Secretary- Treasurer, SPECIAL ACCOUNT • STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR SEVEN MONTHS ENDED al DECEMBER, 1954 'RECEIPTS Sale of Debentures -• Face Value Premium $200,60.00 on Deposit in Savings Account 334.25, 3625,000,00 3,192.75 Accrued Interest 958.91 3629.152.66 Interest Earned 629,486.91 PAYMENTS Architect's Vees • ..... „...... ..... 8 22,047.29 Progress Payment's to Contrecter - 370,050.0 'Purchase of School Site , 7,65347 • Insurance i 645.00 Bank ChaltgeS and intereOt . . -Teeeri r ef Vingbain By -146W tosta 962,61 Installation. of Water Pietas 1;799:0 Ittiriiiiture and Equitinienit 3,618'.32 $406,961,80 -Balane.A oia tend December, 1064 outaitri .......... 89242,555.61 $629,486.91 „IS