HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-03-09, Page 1Dr. and Mrs. W.
week-end visitors in
Spence' were
is in. Clinton
Harald Raymond
Hoseplital with° an
decided to let younger folks drive
the motor care, and allowed • his
licence 'to lapse.
On Saturday night a family party
was held at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs. Gordon MeGavin and included
his immediate family, seven grand-
ioltipren„ al great grandchildren,
Mionday afternoon and, evening open
brume wea.held in his honor, with
friends and neighbors calling .and of-
fering best wished.
I wish ,te enepress my sincere
ith'anke to all my neighbouts, friends
and relatives for all their kindness
since my Occident. Your kindness
was greatly ,appreoiated and will
never beqOrgotten.
MOs. Mary Cleaver.
He de in splendid health and
keeps himself occupied with lighter
:duties of the farm and the care
of the stook: His interest in the.
activities of hiS family, the dis-
trict, and his icoutry is keen, and
his stories of pioneer farming anq
Stoplareleing are most, thrilling. He
owned one of the first cars In this
tN iviiirctli
t' and.
1 In 77:10, al,1114:
ante United Church Friendship
Circle -met Wednesday evening in '
the cluiti°ch. parlor With the Pres.
Alma Watson. in charge: 'The meets
ing ,opened With 'the theme hymn',
followed by the Lord's Prayer..Miti-1
utee of the last meeting were read
bY the secretary Helen Wheeler,-
Several thank-you notes were read I
TWeiltY,two members and three Via- I
itOnS .answered the roll call with the I.
native of yolir first Minister. The
Trejes1. and ,Stinehinie Treats: goitre,
their, reports, Plans' were Made
tom tire March .theetitig when the
Beigratie livening Auxiliary are to
be entertained. Convenors- were f.
riceninlated for the next Lions Oleb I
Stripper: Luella Mitchell took Charge
'Of the prograin,'Hyint 270 wars' sang
followed by Mayer by Ida Evans. A
tearer enjoyable reading "Unanswered
Prayer" 'ti'e's given by Eleanor Hem=
ingWay: TWO vocal &tete by Marion
and Ruth .11eatilligetaar Were much
enjoyed. Luelta Mitchell We a
sreiading on the 23rd Penile.: A poem
Us" was' teed by Allah
Strath.; The itieethig elated With a
,hymn and bete,diction. A contest.
t4.431404 Alt Ida Sthltli and ,
1#..gg' *It g-40-4 ttetit,
and t4.
,, •
#494 1 00 alt needed. 01'1= year,
Church of England
otertet. Of BrUseite
Rev. A: Norman Eine "
Lent, Ili Mereit.
St. John.* Church, drilintelo 6.1
Stthday' School'
Freaciier M` ;. de .VrieteitilYili
Juniors "Easter Parade"
Ann bldfield, Dorothy Elliott, Martha Newton, Susanne Bullet, Lillian Myers, 'Susan MCDOntikt
Brenda ShaW, Joan eArraec Joyce KellingtOn, Lynn Workman, Meeni :Bronson, Barbara ttlette.
bull, Patsy Bryans Mickey Wheeler, Ada Exei, Meryl Wesenburg, Carel Bryant-, Stisaii itartOd‘'
Gwendolyn • Martin, David Wheeier,. Douglas Davidson,- Jack Galbraith, Mae Myersi wads*
Terry MCWhirtert Linde Henderson. Mary Margaret. Buller, Ann Higgins, tornalliriraiiik Michel
, Workmen; Ruth McTaggart, daily Galbraith Susan Colehian, Dianne liattinge,• Vary. 'Mire-
MOBride, Nancy McWhlrter, Marion tuenbun, Pamela Porter, Marion Michel, Caren Oeteitieitit,
Glen Plant, John CousIns, Joan Johnston, Irene Myers, Douglas 1416616Si Gerald Thai..
Rochelle Winebeit. David HattInga, Jack Davidson.
"1955 Variety Revue"
tikkoiMopt DANCERS Elaine Kernaithani.Ann Ste'tilet,, • Kathryn Leach, Elaytio 'Wood, - Mart
WaXitiatt, Marion Menet, Linda thieserii, Mary Beth .Jevitel
dHORINER — lsbet Eckniter, Agnes Lend, Bather Shirley Maeliah,
HIGHLAND DAN- diNd ,--- Sharon Aline Grabble
Careen Long; „Isabel tole, Mao Lett MoVariane, Joan, Thomas, Jayne ttiernesi, Jeneltatitit Mares
perrie, Mary Dennis, dots Jefitton't iMen- -Prescott,, alit King, tyjlilietteott; jto
Bob Cenntedhhiii,
Master of Ceremonies — sill Newtee..
Xedtinipaninto lVitt.. W. C. .Rere, Donald Directed "byt Vie& Yetitie.i.
Admission Adults• 500 Children 25c
r! Sponsored by East Huron Agtiltatiarat 4
4„ethertee4 ee second claes *01, Pi* Of loa P4;4124,14, ettivws Wednesday, March .9th, 1955
Post Publishing House
The loeal Chamber haves peen
etiocesifel in ,oletaintag an mit4pmf17.
tag .peakerfor their 'meeting of 010.
of March. This meeting will be open
to elvonYolie witile more than eener-
sonal interest in, their town,
Mra Leon, H. Blank, President of
the Shaeffer Pen Company Goelericn,
will speak et a, meeting 0,00 for 8
o'clock sharp. Hla subject will be
"Towns at !tine cross-reaas" and, it
ahould be of vital interest to every-
A .special invitation, Is, extended to
Municipal officers, business men and
iptivnte Individuals and a good turn, ; nut is expected.
The meeting will be in,- the base-
ment 01 the Public Library;
Ladies, are especially invited.
Remember the date, March 21st.
1995• ,ait, 8 o'clock.
The Breescis Lyons Club wish to 'announce thet they h ave en.
geged the services of 4. 'Gilbert Bandmaster;of Brantford. Ont., who
comes very highly recommended. eir. Gilbert purposes forming both
a senior and junior band, All farmer menribers of the band aS well
as any new ones are asked to meet at the Brussels Library on
Thursday evening, March 17 at 7,30 O'clock. All parents are very
Cordially invited to attend. Come and help boost your band to
St. Patrick's Dance-
! Cranbrook .ComMunity Centre'T
Thursdays March 17th
Music by VVilbee's Qrchestra
Draw on Mix Master, Pop-up Toaster: and Auto Rug,
Admission 50c — Lunch Counter-
Sponsored by Cranbrook Hall Boas*
Everybody Welcome.
PEOPLE W. KNOW THE UNITED CHURCH Operetta, "Belle of Bagdder'
Cranbrook Community Centre
Saturday, March 19th
At 8.15 P. M.
Presented by the Milverten District High Schoo‘
and comes highly recommended.
Admission — Adults 50c — Children 25=
Tickets may be purchased in advance from any member
of the Library Board.
The Apostolic Benediction was the
theme of the sermon in. the United
Church on Sunday, March 6 -- "The
Grace, of the Lord Jesus Christ, and '
.the love of God and the communion
of the Holy ,Spirit be with You all.' 1,,
The doctrine of the Trinity Is often
looked upon as' vary mysterious. In
reality it is only a Statement of nor-
mal Christian, expeelenee. ea God
active in creation and providenc'e
God active in revelation -and
redemption in Jesus Christ — God
active In the human spirit through
Christ unto. salvation — so the min-
ister declared.
The anthem for .the day was, "He
Keeps Me Singing" by L. B. Bridges.
I Colvin :stated it 'ae his opinion that
most Christiana to-day would 'a-
gree with the ,fertriele, "let my ex.
ample speak not my line, He point-
E ed out that if Christ bed Said
ing people Would have ,concluded
that. his miraclete were the work
of a Magician and not of the Bon
of God. if e doctor were to heal
any of 'YOU when yoa are very ill you
would sing his praise to your ietende
for you would not be content to let
them merely see that you were hese
ChriSt told the' Demoniac of Mark
5, to go borne to his friends anti tell
them what great things the Lord had
done for him and how lie had had
compassion upon him. He Was sent
'home to tell abroad what Jesus had
done. When God Saves Our scups
from eternal dearth, creates a 'new
heart -within us; gives us victory
over our sinful desires 'we merely
hope that .people will notice a dif-
ference in us.
The world ie said to be searching
for (salvation, are we ready to offer
them ,Cihrisi,or must they find these
ealvation- through Communism with
its doctrines of the ,Soverign State.
At' a "Scout's Own" service 'held
inn St. John's Anglican Church. on
Sunday evening, three boys, were en
rolled. They were, David Hastings, ,
Roger Todd and David Kennedy. I
Scout Master, Rev. A. N, con.
'Colvin of Melville Presbyterian
ducted the-service and Rev. H. T.
Church addressed the Scouts and I
Individuals and organizations wishing to entertain ar SUS
meetings in' the Brussels Public Library are requested, to roretetCt
R. B. Cousins In advance.
The usual rate of $2.00 rental will be charged.
The average church to-day does
not' give enough tc missions to sup-
Poet even. [half a mispionarye Mr
Colvin repeated a story told Settle-
day evening by Douglas Percy of
Toronto, • in Africa the Communist
party :in• one of the mining towns
had a man sitting near the baying
booth, when .the men. 'were paid,.
they gave. their envelope to the
Comniunist leader who gave thern
back what he felt that they should
have 'to live on and the rest was
given to spreal comaiumism in
Africa. Do 'we have such zeal when
'it denies to witnessing for Christ?
Mr. Colvin also ureed the ,young
.rtnen of the congregation to think
'seriously 'about the call of God to
'foreign mission work.
The Tihoir slang os an anthem
Kipling's 1"Rec,esSionee", music by :
De .Koyen. 'The Male Chorus rend-
ered the gospel song, The Captain
is calling. Mary Lou McFarlane was
,soloist in the anthem.
Cement Shortly
Special• Price — Order Your Supp
It will be scarce later.
D. N McDonald
- Ted Mitchell and his mother Mra
!Frank Mitchell spent the week-end
•in Toronto.
Mrs. Alice Ferby was a Sunday
visitor. wish her daughter and son
•in-law in Waterford.
* * *
Rae Bronson was taken to Lis-
towel MemOpal llosOital, _Monday
to undergo an appendectomia
Miss Linda Todd, daughter of
Mr.. and Mrs. F. W. Todd, Biussele,
was the lucky winner of a Fontaine
Wrist Watch, when she sent in, her.
name to' the Mary AShwell program,
C. F. P. L, TV London.
* • * ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Lawless, Dianne
and Murray, Simcoe, Mr, and Mrs.
Geo, Ilabkirk, Joan, Bobby and
Jack, 'of ,Ingersoll, spent the week
etiewith Wilbur and Mrs. Turnbull
"and- attended the birthday panty of
their Grandfather Mr. John Me.
* At -
Mrs. Harry Keys, celebrathed her
20th birthday on Sunday, March
6th. Her family Mr. and Mrs. Harold
itoyg of Grey, and Mi. and Mrs. Jim
Keys of Sealforth, and Ma and Mrs.
A. (Odith) Pride of Waterloo and
her sister Mrs. Marie of Deitrialt,
'grandthindren rand other relatiVes.,
and friends came to wish her hen)!
returns; Mrs. Keys lives alone and
able to'd!o her own work.
The Beater. Seal Campaign, which
opens on Monday, March, 10the i -
eponsored in this community by the
Brussels Lions Club, deserve the
-whole ,heiseted .support of 'every in.
dividual. The proceeds go for the
Lions work for crippled children. The
local Liens Club are aiding crippled
children in this, community.
The Lions have prepared the seals
for dietrilettion and you will receive
yours any day now.. Be generous!
The Crippled children need your help
and how good It is to know that you
have helped some child to a more
normal, 'happier, life.
Cutting, Styling and
Cold Waving ''a Specialty
Phone 102x4 Brussels,
day, March 7th, teleived eon.
geatulatiorte and the good
es of ills, many friends these playa
He lives in MOKillop township with
tie son Gordon, on the 100-acre farm
his father gave him when he was
einarriea at the age of 26 years.
His wife, the former Estella Ber-
rie, 'died 24 years ago. They had
a family of two, Mrs. Wilbur
(Jenny) Turnbull -and. William
John Gordan McGavin. Three' of
his five brothers and sisters axe
still Irving and celebrated his.birth-
day with him.
For more than 30 years, Mr. Mc-
Gavin has been shipping stock to
Toronto, making regular ,trips
each week to the city. ' During the
last two years he bee eliminated
some ,of his trips, but enjoys
nothing more than the opportunity
of visiting those-with whom he work-
ed for so many years. •
o 90the BIRTHDAY ON MONDAY On Sunday nlorning the Thome "
of the 's.erreon at 'Melville Church ,lothri J, IlloGeafn, who oela
li was/ witne,esing fOr Christ. Mr., brated his 00th birthday on Mon -
- Wood Work and Carpenter Shoe -
The Presbyterian W.M.S. held its
regular meeting and annual exnense
itea in the church parlour, Friday
March 4. The 'president Miss MaSes
opened the meeting with a hymn
iF followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mre.
Wm. Speir gave the scripture reading.
after Which • MPS. H. Spelr led In
prayer. The ,secretary's minutes, and
treasnrer's' report were adopted as
mead. Mm, Wm. King rendered a
beautiful piano solo (The- Dying
PoeS The president outlined sugges-
ted steps to .affilfate 'the C. G..h T.
with the W. M. S. further plans and
arra..nlgemente will be taken into eon.
latte sid n with the C. G. I. T. mem-
bers, A splendid attendance of ladies
answered the roll call with a verse
tram tire Psalms. Condenses of the.
'missionary letters from Miss
Lillian, Dickson were read by Miss
Nellie Jardine.' An outline of the
clothing, knitting etc. required for '
the bale was glean by Mrs- H.
Den file. A gratifying collection of $37
was taken for supply work. Mrs, Wm.
Smith gave a ,Splendid topic prepared
from the Study book, (Face to race
with Indira).)
A quartette of Women, Mrs. Geo.
Evans, Mrs. Wee Kerr, . Mrs. N. 11
Cardiff and Mrs. W. C. King -slang a
- A hymn was sung, prayer
by the. president and the Mi. 'h
Opened Opened in the old Riverside 'Motor Garage. We, ape;
to do all kinds of repairing and alterations. New or old butte:m-4W
Built-in-Cupboards a specialty. All work guaranteed. Set Tag. 1.
your needs.
Bernard Ten Pass and Son
PHONE-23$12eamee-a- BRUSSELS, OtIT.
STOREY — Mr. and Mrs. Charles
;Storey .are happy to announce the
arrival of their daughter Doreen
Isabel on 'Saturday, Feb. 1.0th, at
Dr, alyer't Nursing -.Home,
'will be cloied March 14 to 16, in-
clusive, while I attend the Hair.
dressing Oonventlion at the Royal
llork Hotel; Toronto.
Velma Stephenson. THREE BIG NIGHTS — 8.15 P. M. SHARP
benediction brought the meeting to
a chosen social hour was then spent
and a delicious lunch was served IV
the committee in charge. Melville Presbyterian
10.00 a. m. Sunday School.
"1955 Variety Revue"
The. Concert to have been Preelentr
ed in tile Binsisels Town Halt by
the 'Kansas Farmer, under the aliSP.
, ices Of the East Viiton Agtiotiltural
Society in March has been postponed
The United Church until Friday, April lat. Watch for
•OraCANAOA further advertising.
1; Minister, Rev. AndreW Lane
WOreliip if it'cibei ' 1111110111111111111N1111111111111111111111111111111#
Musk — Singing — Dancing — Comedy — Novelty Numbers MOO a. mi. Morning prayer
Standing eni the Brink
Minister: Pell. H. "t,
peganiett Thompson R. M.-T
T 'What is Christianity"
t '" Chiliali School ees iri elate& W EE CAPITOL LISTO
"Great is the Lark and greatiat tti
be Prated!' .1
ti e
titli`tdaYir Friday tatijOaa'Y
March 10 r i1 12
Your famoriite laugh team bean
Martin and jetty Lewis in thiiir 114, iati.d ti'tL George Moffitt and
iataitt laugh festival bah* of Loytion, Spent a weelet
• "t ".14E 111MO ° 6111°LiSi' at ilia ItatenW bete With
Olivet Moffatt Oil taniily. ,
Mr, and Mit. d,aniertiti Inglis and -1.
ig -grandliang(hiter, Rititton ,Orr; of
t Weed,. *lotted Mr, mid: 'iteiritie0,.
may you
never learn
Only those stricken by war, diSda
ter, or other tragedieS know at
first hand how vitally essential
Red Cross services are to our
den. Those of us who; mercifully;;
have not learned frein grini ear
beriente May well.
sbw filf
.4:410' eau:luny. Bing Crosby, Dandy' Kaye,
Mary ttooney :Of
.4 •
Church, Reeteiie 6,6
2.36 rlveniivg Prayer'
ettiltaY Ochtiot ' r
St. iffeeiiioe Chilrch, wotaii
shows nightly: tad pa in;
Matinee Saturday p. en,
Role' Elliott'oii Sunray.
Mrs. Charles' t Oaintin-
' ViSited. melt' ;wan,:
in ton cni last weey.
plettire toe thei:Whole - Mid "Mis. Neil
No Pastses No Fete Mite' hieeeseeee *ate, ,coelek.eirid
N'tir eatrillY AdVareed Me& ititoftAA,
° eft e&lileatee