The Brussels Post, 1955-02-16, Page 5Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN "FREEDOM" INSURANCE In the trained skill and cour- age of Canada's soldiers lies a wealth of insurance "Freedom" insurance . . . for peace .. against aggression. The opportunities for young men with the right tempera- ment and intelligence to make a career to the Army are excel.. lent. As a modern, progressive organization, the Army Is equipped to offer top rate schooling and training to career soldiers. There is a place in the Canadian Army for young men who can meet the challenge. The. Army has a continuing need for good men . . men like you, who want to make a career of protecting• Canada's freedom, and your own, in the Army. Serve Canada did Yourself in the Army To ho eligible you must bo to 40 years of 050, skilled tradesmen to 45, When applying bring birih certificate or .other proof of coo. Apply right away For ion in- formation writs or visit the Army Recruiting Centre tidare4, your home. ilk 13 foreanni bent, Wallit Haw, iiideou Cliartotte mom, — islalabbilo 9-4507 tarlailtan Army Retruillati Stall on, 164 Welling 10,51,. Kifintran, Oat. Idepltna 47.18 Withal my cssits,ine Monad tt.W,, Taranto, Onl. Teleohont Ern. 643341 — Lotel 27e 116.1 Pbraannel Oopo1 Wren)) Barracks, Orford g E1rraBeth SILI.tndoli, Off. Telegene 41601 —tent 135 Army fie milting 'Wirt, 230 Hain SI War gay, oni,— TateriSetin 456 taoad144 404th-414010 Stalioa, 104 ithil SI. Etat, liatAton, Ont—Telephnnb 2-04 raaaw.ra • R. S. Hetherington K..C. WINGINAIR MARRA AT EINNININA tepsoley sod' Setteadeo, Ally COW op* twee* awe Mom MU Sittecoaset to 111. gli• INS G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. ralgick WINGHAIN At Elaceratie Office Every Toemilgy. Pim* 'Wigglier* 770 A 6,, Ellocartike ES, . - Itveninss bY ApPobeximeat. giRussmas PosT -100',-"r• WOrkes407, Voibttuvari llth, L9 VW% Plwouderful clesseris with Eva/301a# Ha A ".1 .a•• '7.11 4,1 a ••••••••.:---9- Makes 10 servings 1 large can VAP yORATED Ivalc chilled ic cola oup granulated sugar Juice and Tina of 3. lemon Juice a.n.a. Tina of 2 oxanges Set refri gerator control for fast freezing, 'Whip evapotated milk until vety stiff, Add sugar to fruit iuioes and. rinds, stirring until sugar dissolves. Folcl thisk mixture into whipped evapotated Pout into freezing tray and freeze till firm. You may add any coloring, flavoring, chopped fruit or nuts to the basic recipe to suit jour own fancy. - Evo.potated rnilk ma es all desserts, cakes and frostings taste better, If s thrifty, always handy —and. good. for you. 4 4 940' ...erf,:*'?: • • 00. •••••••k;,4 dre .. . • DAIRY ,POnl:tXte tU eivr.dae iec Iroiltass pora tad k cipes 409 Division of D°airy Farmers of Canada HURON STREET, TORONTO' 1955 Super "WI" Holiday Coupil.. /1 General Motors value ..11......1•11.01,11.01/1015:111117111P•trIkOW.1,11! 74 - ETHEL MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVC-ROOM HOME 1525.00 Write Dept. 13 p or visit tour showrorms. Open Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday evenings and all day Saturday' J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIIM STRBETSVILLE, ONTARIO .0200wg' Take a long look...Land you'll long for snore than •a look!. Well, don't be satisfied with wishing... because we have a spanking- new ".Rockei" .Oldsmobile waitinr, for-you right nowt So come in and take 'the wheel. Feel the of your toe translated into. instant action. See how easy. every driVing moment can be. flow hills seem to flatten --how miles seem to- fly by as the "Rocket" wings you along. And feel the roughest roads iron out in this most • comfortable of all Oldsmobiles. 'Even if you've driven a past "Rocket." Engine car, you're missing something until you come in and test this latest—and greatest—version. Then you'll want to make this your year to go ahead with Oldsmobile! • SUPERIOR' -PROPANE LyD. 19' Market Moe STRATFORD, ONT. The versatile Dependable FUEL FOR HOME Me • INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TAJU REFRIGERATORS ItTle WALT. MADDEN Representative PHONE STRATFORD BUS. 4174 RES. Mad 90 AAea.e. / ,adi ee a WANTED — Clean 6 qt. baskets. East Huron Produce 0-4550 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vodden and Murray moved Tturtsdaty to Lon- don, where they will be employed. The •family I aiways lived in Mel and operated a bakery for 27 years. Mrs. George McCall, Brussels with Mr. and Mrs, Frank WoOde. Mr. Woods fell recently at his bonne and broke several ribs, Library Meeting The annual meeting of the Ethel Public Library Board wag held In the Library room when Reeve am. ford Rowland Was elected chair- man. The board members are Donald Dunbar, John IMO; .1014 Kraatter, Mrs. C. R,. Dunbar, Mrs. Austin Raynard: •and Mrs. George Krauter. Mrs. John Rrauter Is librarian, and Mrs.' D. Wardlaw. sec- retary-treia5urer. The book com- mittee includes Mrs. O.— R. Dunbar, Mrs Austin Itaynard, John Wliaon, Mrs. J,ohn. Krauter. Plana were made to have a new ceiling put on the library as well we other improve- ments to the building. Phone 66 Brussel, r^ L.IDSIV10131 Riverside Motors al Brussels, Ont. ETTER TO THE EO.77 I BUSINFSS CARDS PHYSICIAN and SURGE014 Wilms — Phone 4. firwoeli, Oat .44.,r:---4‘.4 • DR. R. W. STEPHENS Grahame Umbers* of Tanabe PHYSPCIAN sad SURGEON Taielimuie 44 Ibromoes. Oita Iii...11116111MG=:;1 saisa=—. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL CADS Airtonaokiihe mod Fie blowasoi Aorliest awl Moon Agent for Groat Yfest tie loseeloin Imo Office 96 lesieite, BOX 100, Sealforth, Ont., February 12, 1955 The Editor, BrusiSels Post, Dear SEWAGE DISPOSAL Hare your Septic sinks and ems- pools cleaned the sanitary writ now to avoid trouble. Irvine Corte% Phone MK Milverton. Olt. On behalf of the Huron County Tuberculosis Association, I ishould be much Obliged to yon if you would publish in your paper our thanks to all who 'have helped to make our 1951 Christmas- Seal Campaign a succesis. We appreciate the generosity of those, who by their contributions, bra assisting in making poesible the i control of the dread diseaise in our county. Free Chest Clinics are held monthly in five Centres, and the re- f cent donations are providing for a continuance- of this Servide and also for an increase in the attempts to . educate ear public in the import- once of these regular &eat exaniin- ations. The preeient, campaign will cloiso 'February 28th, and the Astoe- iation hope that those that have not Yet sent in their contribution will de so before that date in order that the :service to our county need not he curtailed', We would also thank all volun teem Who 'helped in Preparing the Seals for distribution, and tto post, Master's and their assistants for iheir help in delivering rthere i Thanking you for the publicity you hare freely given to tills, important Caiise, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF,' Optometrist &es Learrieed. Camas INA Mose 791 Seaford' StalL HOURS: - Wed. 9-12.39, Sat. 9 sem be 9 so% A. Rann & Co. nasetia. Artil AMBULANCE 2TERVICA Liommeed Funeral Director and Endielmei Oldsmobile's 1955Su per "88" Holiday coupe com- bines colorful styling with luxurious upholstery and many motoring refinements. The flying colors motif as applied to body finish utilizes the sweep- ing,side moulding for color separation. Front end design has been completely restyled, with recessed headlights and new bumper contour. Seats are POEM 36 or 86 — IMMIX 13611,,* upholstered in genuine leather and nylon cloth, each material being offered in five color choices. The panoramic windshield offers excellent forward vision. Power is supplied by a 202-h.p. "Rocket' engine with 8,5 to 1 compression ratio. Power steering, power brakes, electric-powered window, are optional accessories at extra cost -40 vINA-04401,44' NG7k Y wr ladeirof •"-"*__...te One of Ontario Hydro's major contributions to safe electrical living is through its staff of Electrical Inspectors. They protect Hydro rs customers by checking and inspecting electrical installations for fire and shock hazard. Throughout , •the province 1515 inspectors are oh the job, to assure that wiring ,meets the requirements and standards as - laid down in the publication, A 1) `Ontario Hydro Regulations." 11 nett/Please make sure ail nett/ arid If, rewired installations are inspected air authorized Ontario 14.54th Inspentori istoeinerresestadreatiscLveoythiWs....4StmeAcammphe...aussedsoce.D emmuseo, Camay General loaersoco CO. Yonts sincerely, r: trieW, President Huron doonty 1§ Association, Walker Funeral Fintiie Do ter Misfit lell*loard IN No tetra Chime. for USS of therieral tieemeea Fennel D'irecter Eidiablitt Yerrot*foor low Aritaderto llerdes - Dolor' Firretis ExclitifriO VS. , • OFIANOMA, .. • J.:A. Monagehari, R. O. Optistnebrist, Lestrimitt. ceist - . lpiteiii)tittlit hi t".0 'it-Atilt/1060 06 jib ,Irtibt it 11160161( ' - 019ce II Lideerell.elleir 1100911141 . , , , .-, I A thre'eact entriedy "NIThere's Grandma" IS to be PreSented in the tritterelt mown on triday, T(41 13th. liy leeal talent. , This rig,* ig being catiOnsored by the ViSegid ttititet4 Inititute. Intarthelicia eititeenting Ontatici oceolalned by 620 Unlvdrsity Tort*: • Neltet Mae Wm. its SAM 0.1iL &Nig mod W Cliseti Owe Tosolmy itilialas b dike inesubrt Sy apoisitbmit 116tee ,'"!ti Dd YOU i(Nbiki buring .1953 Hydro inspedati Madci 626,00 electrical Mtge& ,tons In farms, horrieS and (Mut- irks in Ontario.