HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-02-16, Page 4. .. ... • earee. ... • • - 7W4;$.f.'.4caile .141r; 45... New MOTION•tESIGH styling gives this low-hooded beauty The Forward look of motion, even when the car is standing still! Three g reat g roat new en g ines—up to 167 horsepower! A nick of your ringer moves the new dash-mounted Flite Control—the selector lever for PowerFlite auto- matic transmission. New Horizon windshield—the first true wrap- . around design—has swept-back corner posts so g lass wraps way around of top as well as bottom. More visibility at eye levell / r•—• s —9 1 11111 Dodge for '55 is wider at the hipline for more seating room, and slimmer up toward the roof to emphasize its long , low, road-hu gg ing stability. , FOR SALE — Milking Machines.,— Lovell H. Ma, Guire, 'Phone 593, Wingham, Surge Service Dealer. New and used unite $20.00 and up. We handle milking equipment only. TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by Meads Township School Area until Monday, Feb. 2S, for supplying •about 35 cords of wood to 4Morrie Schools. Wood to be green Maple or Beech body wood, cat :21 inehele in length, delivered and piled aft the schools before June 15, 1955. R. S. Shaw Secretary, Bluevale, Ont. ATTENTioN FARMER!, ea DEADSTOCK removed. from your barn ptomptly for similar! disposal Telephone Collect : Brusiels SAS or Elmira. 564. ' GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination ;service for all breeds of cattle, For Service or information Phone Clinton 243, or Palmerston 66 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. on week days and 7.30 -and 9,30 A. lVf. on Sunday-a. LOGS WANTED Hard Maple and Basswood No. 1 —15" and over, straight, clear, sound $110.00 per M. No, 2 — 14" to 15", straight, clear, sound $85.00 per M. 'Nov 8 — straight jogs, under • No. 1 and No, 2 grade $75.00 ped M. above prices Over Maple and Base* wood logs delivered oue plant GODERIOH MANUFACTURING CO_ LIMITED Goderieh, Ont, Phone 62 FARM '#OR SALE The Estate -of ire late Gorden. Holm% in Mettillop Township, ben. 12 Lot 18, 1.07Vg aorta, consisting of bank bare 84 by 95, good lien hou,to, 9 teem brick house, This forth, i/ good Clay loam with isin acres break able Ian( in bulslif creek, thretigh, tarai is §1V 'dated it miles from liigllway, 1 Mile from church, 1.14 Miles frdi Public school, High school bus 0914. es 'the gate; rot, tiiithei in:formai. len APP1Y to ,Ioe H6lnies, Adnitnisi trator, I. Brussels, Phalle itrf, Erusaelel, Swift's Gen. Store hot lu.nch 7.46 W, G. Leach, repairs 7.50 Wingiham Hydro 22.17 Jack Hood School supplies 70.42 Miss Mauna Hayden, hot lunch 2.70 E. Martin, tiupplles- 4.50 A. B, Lot/asiine blinds U No. 4 66.50 Post Pub. House, adv. 2.00 Listowel Banner, ado. 2.00 Western Foundry, grate 5.80 Lloyd Michel supplies 22.76 Motion of McLean and McFarlane that meeting adjourn and that the Board meet again March 8th at 2 p. m, All above motions carried. J. C, Hemingway, SeceTreael. BELGRAVE The .regular progressive euchre party wee held in the community centre here. There were nine tables in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Lloyd°Montgomery, Jerry Higgins C. R. Coulter, and Seise Wheeler, Miss Jean Irwin. of 'Wingharn. and Miss Janice Merritt of Blyth, stiudent teachers from the Stratford Teachers' College, were practice teaching with Mrs). Margaret Walsh in the senior roma. o,f Belgrave school last week. FOR SALE — One -Ina a half storey house, white, trine/tied With green, situated oil the West side of .North Main St., close to doninatthity Centre torher, rooms, 'consisting of 3 bed-roofta, 3- piede bath/antra, living room, dinning room, kitchen, utility roans and at, 'ached garage. ilenst1 Is telly ted and is very easily heated. Proper• ty cateiSta 'of t*o lots, ,sae one acre of land adjoining. Good Insulated barn capabte Of lensing nto laying Ilene With Water and, hydro through= out, Geed v'arie'ty o1 strait fruits. A real geed tanilly shortie, aPPisi' to Glen tiled, ffillorte 892W 34,4forth. .7171.14174:';"7A11701: .;: AN EXPERIENCE IN TROPICAL LIVING Rich in design . . . ultra modern guesf rooms and studio bedrooms, luxurious- ly furnished Complete in pleasure private pool and cabana club, cocital lounge, round- the-clock entertainment ItiftoolO Rood at lows Avenue, CRANBROOK Rev, W. A. William;, conducted the regular morning service in ,Knox Peesbyterlan Church on Sunday, Feb. 13th, Th.e C, G. I. T. met on Wednes- day, Feb. 9, at the lame of Rose Campbell with one member absent, The vice-president, Faye Engel pre sided. A "Who Am I" Quiz on nam- es of ladies Was enjoyed. All stood and repeated the Purpose, and. Bele erly Evans, was pianist for the sing. lag of the C. G. I. T, Hymn, Rose OamPbell, treasurer, gave her re- port and distributed the new C.G.I. T. pins. • A Valentine Party was ar- ranged for Feb. 14 at the home of Beverley and Barbara Evans. Lin- da Dunn, Beverley Evans, Isabel Bagel and Mrs,. Stanley Canipbell' presented a skit, The Lal. House- bold," Chapter 3, "The Search for Truth" from 'the 'Study book wat given in parts by. Mrs. Engel Mrs. Campbell and Marion Michel. Quest- ions. MI this were discussed brief 1Y. The worship 'service Walt , taken by Faye Engel and Barbara Evans with all reading Act 17, vet- see 22 - and paats, of Hymn-s 314 and 56S. The meeting closed with a pray tr by Faye and "Taps." A aulZ COM test Wac held and Beverley Evans at, eisted Rose and Mrs. Campbell in serving lunch. ..„ Mra. Tack Noble, Hanover, •spent weelt with Mrs. Stia4 Noble. FORE SALE — Erarne House and beta with 1 sera of land in Village, priced at $1,G00.90, 200 acre ilarril • On County 'Road, good hydro; fitrnada: bank barns prided at $12,606.00. tialf f/OWiL 175 Sere Faant adjelailig Village. geed house, bath,, large bank bait, hardwood bush, ~priced at $1.6,000:60, gale Delit. It acre farni, treble large hank barn, biieh, litteed $5,300.00. i S. t4 ,,,torig, tied tiitelte Okeii Pilaffs Brussels, . • .. . .. ... . . . TU' ,rriV.W.45 POST Wednesday,. February 16th, 19011 IT r f' AF. •TP, • ..r.,nrtemet.n. ..vrt—r*antertsr.^,—..- 1 Now you can afford 111011111 style and ride ..the alionew MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR and FOOD SHOW (Including Eleven Western Ontario Gauntlet') Western Fair Grqunds, London, on March 1, 2, 3, 4, 1955, Competition Classes -- Commercial Exhibits — Educational Displays -- Speakers and Entertainment SECURE PRIZE LIST AND PROGRAMME FROM • • biggest car in the Ipwmpriee field! Ontario Room GUIDE ,Aa09,PIATicni HOLD VALENTINE TEA -AND SALE „A„ ealle of. houreetade bakieg and: c441.4r. :add a Valentine 044 4alel the Local M0ogiatidn . thle.Girl Guides , in the. .Library .basernent on Saturday afternoon was well PAT9IXT. Wed spite of a Vary stormy Tap 'tee, ig44?044: 'Were served at sm411, tables each centred. With a tiny plash. tic tree hang with, knell red 'heerts.. Mm, D. A, .Hann poured at a table .covered with a hand-made lace cloth with a, .centrepiece of red edseea; and Qtr i Guides and Brownies served.. Ticket* were sold on .e cake by Patsy Bryane and Nancy Pears94 drew • the Jacky tleltet, Which bore Mils, Lawrence Plant's name, Mrs, Earl Oudniere, Mile, William Martiamand Mrs'. Wilhiam Kelliugtae were in diverge of the baking county er; Mrs Elwin Martin,, assisted bp' three Brownies, Gwendolyn. Martin, Linda Ilenderaon, .and Susan Martin, *.as in Chaege of the ..candy: and igre, Charles, Davis',. Mrs. W, E. I3ed airs. F W. Todd, Mrs. Fred Steph!, ensen, and Mes, M. Wineberg assts•. ted in the kitchen, Department of Agriculture, 210, Richmond Building, London. "The seventeenth annual Middlesex Seed Fair and Food Show, including claesee for all townships, open. cotua ty ,elasses and a special section far 11 Weetern Ontario Counties, will be held at the Western. Pair Groundes, London, oh March 1, 2, 3, and 4, 1955, Last year this. Fair had 865 entries shown by 250 exhibitors., which, along with 80 commercial displays• and 20 edueational exhibits, taxed, space in the large Manufacturers' Building, In addition to a, till range of classes for grain and seeds', including the 10- bus9iel Iota from Middlesex County ' and other Western Ontario Counties to .be sold' at: audtion, a full cleassifi- CLASSIFIED AD.3. FOR SALE -- 4 Sows, due let two weeks in. Mar. Jack Clark • Phone 32r11 action. is ,provided or such products as netFatoeS, turnips, hay, eggs, and same fruit": W. P. Watson, Toronto, Livestock CommiSsibeter, will officially open the Fair. There 'will be special add- , restees, nanels, contests, and Aemen. stretiene. EnIterfaintrient program's will be featured -on Tuesday, liVednete- day, and ThlursdaY nights, and the Fair will conclude on Friday after- noon with the auction ,Sale of the 10-bushel "lots of oats and barley, 4-bushel lots of soybeans, and 5- bushel lots of potatees: All urban and rural people are in. vied to attend. • FOR SALE — Bale Shavings East Huron Produce Phone 66 Brussels FOR SALE — 2 'Good Acoredited Shorthorn Reif. ers, due very shortly Ross Knight, Lot 17, gen. 15 Grey Phone 28r16 Brussels. FOR SALE — 1956 Chieke. Wide choice breeds, croSses. For egg markets, (Also Amies In-erase). Braly for the beat cholice. Ask us for catalogae, price list. Agent, Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel; Mrs. '11,„ Barrett, R R. 6 Brussels. There's a car in the Dodge family that's right for your family! See your DODGE-DE SOTO dealer now for the BIG. BUY of the Year: fashion-leading Dodge Custom Royal with 1 83-h.p. Twelve beautiful Mayfair, Regent, and. Crusader models from which to choose:-And for the most V-8 engine. glamourous car on the Canadian Road, see the MANUFACTURED IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons who have claims against the Debate of GORDON HOLMES, late of the Township of '111c1C111op, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on the 9th day of January, 1955, are hereby notified to send to the Undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1955, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after 'the said list. of March, 1-955, the aseets of the estate will be distributed among the part- ies entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Admin- istrate/. lsihlall then, have notice, Dated at Brussels, Ontario this 5th *day -of February, 1955. Crawford &Hetherington 13russels Ontario 111111111111111111111111111111111111/11NIMINW ELMA FARMERS' MUTUAL — FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1894 Head Office Atwood, Ont. ' Insures Farm Property, Private Dwellings And Contents in Towns and Villages Schools, Churches and Halls on an ' "INSURANCE AT COST" basis PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OF CLAIMS - Contact your Nearest Director — Agent R. W. (Dick) WHITFIELD R. R. 2, Brussels, Ont. ELLIOTT MOTOR SALES Brussels, Ont. --- Telephone 8Z GREY TWP. SCHOOL BOAR[ MEETING, FEB. 7, 1955 All members present, also inspect- or .Kinkead. The minutes `were read and approved on motion of Bolger and Brown. Motion 'of Brown and Bolger that supply teachees be paid $12 pet- day for 1955. Motion of Brown and McLean that Conley and Bolger purchase desks for U12 and No. 5, and filing cab- inet if available. $75.00 83.50 6.00 44.60 42.18 Motion -of Bolger and Brown that Bert Johnston obtain. legal vehicle and receive $180. per month for balance -of term and 'for 1965 1956 .school year beginning March 1st, 1955. Motion of McLean and McFarladie that due to illness of Music Super- visers there will be no musical feat- this Year. Motion of McLean. and Brown that following this year. Calvin Cameron, wood C. M. Dewar repairs to furnace C. M. Lennie, 'gravel C. tele/tier, labour Reliance Producte- ISIMEINEEMPRITIME IMAM WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Yotir Memorial Crartinness. Saw iliirty-Five Years, Always tmeres THE BEST GRANITES Along With expert DesignIna at".00 Workmanship), , Mete Moat Reasonable aaaakery -Lettering it fibecialty gh A. SPOITON Pboai: Wlinghtimo Ofititrieb 7 EXCITING COLORS AND STYLING ON DODGE ROYAL LANCER *** Super Vecl ttani V,8 en developing 183 horSepoWer. Also in the ustom Royal line id a luxurious four door sedan, and a eorivet-, tible coupe. All Models come equipped with PoWerPlite fully automatic transtriistieri ad standard equitlinerit, §eatis I Fertilizer t MeChiriery t have a full line of Seed grain for Sale. Corti, Oats, Barley, Peat, Spring Wheat and Permanent Patna Ute iniktitted ‘nia well as- all 'abet hdy' or Grass Seeds. C. 1. Is. F;srtilia9eir; linbloet tired Wagons tie* Or use& chisel Plow, at titoutd, it cod: tiotoi, Trade bevel*, NW-et 'IkteVerti, Oa. It yeti .sire lit the market, see Ma and order' 'earlY, 't,4454,5d bee& drain is scarce; teak Over your teeds ii roi aril :tare money.. dee, WeScirlinft BrUsfielne• Three-tone paint combinations ere introduced for the fir st title in the auton.otive industrY to accent the new "Forward Loolt" .4tyling of the 1955 Dodge Royal termer hardtop. Lower, wider arid longer by1,6 inches the CustOrnIlnyal Lancer hardtop ShoWir here xe powered by a