The Brussels Post, 1955-02-02, Page 5- • .., . • .. VIZ BRUSSELS POST Wade. day, february 241, 1955 1;',0A 11....0444444444444444.444•44444o. Banking the way you like i . 4! •11i. 74. ft Today's bank is a bright, pleasant, informal place, where service is both efficient and friendly, People use the bank for many pUrposes—to deposit savings, arrange loans, buy travellers cheques.. . PAINEMINIE Alava, SiVr, ,19 Nowadays people drop into the bank as casually as into the corner store. The neighborhood branch is an integral part of the life of the community. The 4,000 branches Canada's chartered banks make available an all-round, nation-wide banking service—a friendly personal service keyed to Canadian conditions and the everyday needs of millions of customers. rho manager's door is always open-his experience, knowledge and Judgment will be useful to you. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY i1P2061091031111/1•1061i1SOWNSM109110111=SitallSOGIMIIIRWIFIVINI11111.11U116==.1)110 - - ST. JOHN'S W. A. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gnaws Univers*, alt Terms. PHYSMAN *ad SURGEON Tlimenie 40 Brunets. O. - UNITED CHURCH "Religion and, Health"; was., the sermon subject in the Linked Chlirch on Sunday Jan. GO. The religiouS life ' properly understood and practised, has a good effect on health,; the min- ister declared: He substantiated the clads by 'nunierous citations from the 'VOA, "The Ttetnrn to religion" ' by Dr, Henry C. Link a practising psychologist Of repute in the lad ' decade. A Plea was made for a great new, vigorous turning to God in faith confidence, and trust is a vital Means to increased Spiritial, 'Mental and phys,fical health. Wits Dean Davison contributed a told, "Be Still and Ertent" by Fox and Pierson, ALL 'I( INDS OF BAKING FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD IN Mani AT aeket & Son MUM SHOP AMC 36 ER IS 11119USIBILL Cositt. sal R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGRAWASial INWIIIIIRA • •;, MT 1111.11.11111411 Mos* aid Sitsedey aiiy EpOsio. sou* "It Plias 9111* isristie it 11. o. ..as G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optoinstelit ?thick St.. WRIGNIAMI " At Samcarillee OW* Esser Thiiibir, rub" 770 & B. 11014000106 Eveshigs by AppshittiotiL Harvey W. Stephenson ReSiresetitatIn fn Sin 'Lit Aistensit Cesina HestaaliAides! CS. Guild* Geneve' bissinstes est. 4311 1044110416 Walker Funeral 11Ion D ar Wight Coils T Ni !stirs Chen" ter Use et ?arses WSW Lietinia Finns! Menet settisibittiess TinstOnir No* lea L A.,Monagahan, R. 0. Oritanietritik LIST011,11. ONIT. e 9pacidising Is Rye IiIitildiSateil Mkt 161 Plitt* a WPM ONkii la Usihrini Clinic R.11alot w. Nora MU 4.06 so CIO p.m Mb; 014401 Willaulalliag* 0111110 every irsoccilay ea siariay Reece TAW lis IPIIIIIi ,, OW evembp by iippefillissit now NW ; • MODERN HEATINu COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIV&-ROOM HOME $525,00 Write Dept. B p or visit our showrorms. Open Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday evenings and all day Saturda y J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO NOTICE — See Bernard ten Pas for your car- penter work. Phone 23'12 Brussels. SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. 19 Market' Place. STRATFORD, ONT. The Versatile. Dependable FUEL FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TANKS, REFRIGERATORS, ETC. WALT. MADDESS Representative PHONE STRATFORD — BUS. 4174 REIS. 112511 ,0011191,010.1111111 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 id 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 1 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 I ,41 4 • 4 4 4 it's being told, This brOught about children's show 4,17e1ef4017 Time", xn which pat Patterson tells a quaint littler fable (lie the accow paranwat 4f runic ,by Doris 044 while at his drawing beard Feyer scratches Imlay at A parlous. clip and makes the story even wore color- ful with Ibis garor pictures, That's a porrrait of Feyer, by Feyer, which Feyer holding. GEORGE FEVER. George Peyer one or Canada's fUnnlest cartoonists, hhi goofy drawings Which appear in many nat. lona): publIcatiOn,s will attest. But 'when television came here three rYeAr$ ago, R. was discovered that Feyer was also Canada's fastest cart. oonist. He bas the almost unique tal- ent of being able to draw so quick- ly that he cam illustrate a 'story while A meeting of 'the W. A. took place on Tuesday, afternoon, Jan 24 open- ing with a hymn followed by the Liv- inig Message litany for Jan, and, missionary Ipralyers. -The serlpture" lesSon was read by Mrs: H. Bryan,. Minutes of the Previous, meeting were read by the secretary and adopted. Eight members paid fees 14 INSTITUTE SPONSOR BARING SALE A sale of homemade baking, candy, and miseellaneous articles, was held in the library . here on Saturday afternoon, sponsored by the Majestic 1` Women's I-nktitute..About $35 was realized from the sale and tea. The baking counter ,was presided over by Mrs. Earl Cudinore, Mrs. F. W. Todd and Mrs. Kenneth, Shurrie; ,and the counter of miscellaneous, art- icles' was In, charge of Mrs'. Douglas- Hemingway, Mrs John Wheeler and, Mrs. Wm. Turnbull ` 'Mrs. Herold Speir poured tea at a lace eoyerdd table centered with an rattractive arrangement Of green pine and , short lighted white candles, in silver holders. Mrs. James Bryans was in charge of the tea-room assist- ed by Miss Millie McFarlane, Miss Addle Cardiff and MTS. 11. Bell a t. AN EXPERIENCE . IN TROPICAL LIVING .= Rich in design . . . ultra modern guest rooms and studio beclroonis, luxurious- ly furnished i Conn n pleasure private 0_00l. and cabana dub, COdctitil lounge, tOtin8, the-d04 entertainment tvtifilat to pate a., Lowell' 'rails id offeti The world's finest cheddar cheese is Made tight here in atiada. And, our Canadian CheeSd is one of the best and cheapest sources of good food value. VS an excellent source of protein, which everybody' needs for building , and repairing healthy tissues. Enjoy the ninny varieties of Canadian cheese! i ten, cheese recipes!! Write to garia Pl'aser$ Dairy POacts &nice Bateau. Doan Road st Jain MINK* DAIRY' 00066. SERVICE •'BUREAU A division of Dairy .Fcitme! o( doodad' 4O9 -HititON Stlittre TotitiNto Supreme vacation inloyinent in Florida's most complete resort. Med. darn guest rooms (air-conditioning optional) to please and pamper... wide ocean front beach for sunning and swimming ... cozy lounge file intimate rendezvous and genuine hospitality to flavor your entire dap. JACK MULLIKIN. GENERAL MANAGER MIAMI BEAC • 6741 Street on di e-0 HOTEL AND CABANA CLUB for 1955. A letter from Miss Harris of Japan was read by. Mrs. Davis, The second chapter Of the study book was red by Mrs, Mitchell, Mrs. Bryan, Mrs .Elliobt -and Mrs. Davis, A hymn and prayer by Mrs. Davis closed the meeting withilne, W. A. payer of the diocese of Amritsar and thanksgiving Tea by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Davis. IIII CRAKKKOOK. Rev, W. A. Will.l4lns .0.4.0140t94. tke regular -,z4or.ning; s'erv'ice in 14..g!..4' PrObYterkan church Sunday Olmr, on Sunday, Jan. The. unary Friends Jan, NOble .glad to. know she was brought 'home from •Winglhalrl .00$1)* al on .$0,l'ard!aiy, grins' Noble has he.Q4- patlent in Win 'hate since 'before ObEl$44)40, cuing' to a broken hip .suffered in in her home, Ma. ,and Mrs. Wm. Green, London vi.slted over the wcelt,end with. Mr and Mrs. Fred Kirrhpatrick. Mrs. Annie lleskor, Pasedena, 04, :and her sondn-low and daughter. Mr. tau]. Mrs. ,Sat.re, Stanhope, Iowa, vitilted with Mr. and Mrs. 14„1-1.. • Garden, Cranbrooks oldest resident in the person of Mr, Beter • Baker, will cettebrate iris 00th birthday 'on Fob. 3, Mr. Baker is up and 'around, most of the time, and in goon. health considering his advanced years, • The fifth 'Meeting ,of the Cranbroek C.G.I.T. Was hekt a,t 'the home or Maxine Smelldon on-Wed. evening, lank 26th, With Beverley Evans pre, siding, the meeting, opened with the singing of the C.0,I.T. Hymn„ and Maxine at the piano, "Wonderful Word's of Life" and "Come to the Saviour." were song during the. meet, ing and Bose Campbell accompanied on the piano. The worship, service was-led hay the President, assisted by Rose Campbell, Faye Engle and the leader. A. quiz was conducted on "India" also a discussion on condit- ions for the poor in India, led by Mrs. Engle, . A skit "Thi.., Powar House • hold" was given by Ille,xine don Barbara. 'Evans,' and, th•e leader- The business was conducted, follow- ed with .another chapter from. "Saris end Sandals", given by the assistant leader Mrs: Stanley Campbell. The group were taken on an imaginary trip through. an Indian • village. The meeting closed with the singing of Tans. A flower contest conducted by Mrs. Campbell was enjoyed by all.. Lunch was served by Maxine and Barbara, and the hostess. The Evening .Auxiliary sponsored a skating party and 'crokinole social on Tuesday evening, Jan,. M„ In spite of cold wintery weather about 50 ass• ambled in the church basement for lunch. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optunistrisit NEIrr Ilmosolost Gh OWL P111111011 791 Seetottb ri 11118sst, SOURS! f - 942.311, Sat. .9 a.m. b tDaft Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCR FOR AL1.11301011 Astesseles nod The 1$101.111ols Aisles* ang Salons Pik* Aare Nice 94 tee Gnst Lis 1eessis Cs. C. A. Myers,M. D., L. M. C. C PHYSICIN .nd SURGED/4 tram $t. Mom 4. anseds, Oat D. A. Kann & Co. 4.41.."41....a......11110•11114001,01111111111 ruimem. A/W AIMMULANCIL 111101tY101 Unned P1mess1 Ellneeer sal IiillsIsts BUSINFSS CARDS anima. Om.