HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-01-19, Page 8YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE DEALER 24 Hour Towing Service Phone 72x Brussels, Ont. Ma w yetis Sm. nee* its .aeaeIl1lua- " kit Ma Ask tis'itloarat. 11 Brussels Creamery, Phone 22 Brussels, Oat P•i. I MILKING HERD Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN "FREEDOM" INSURANCE In the trained skill and cour- age of. Canada's soldiers lies a wealth of insurance . . . "Freedom" insurance . . for peace ... against aggression. The opportunities for young men with the right tempera- ment and intelligence to make a career in the Army are excel- lent. As a modern, progressive organization, the Army is equipped to offer top rate schooling and training to career soldiers. There is a place in the Canadian Army, for young men who can meet the, challenge. The Army has a continuing need for good Mon men like you; Who Want to, make a career of prOteCting antalO's freedanti and out' own, In the Atniy': tandela and Yeartelf In the Ara* to N stigishie you must tae 7y to 40, year, of ago; Addict hodoiiiiim to Whin 'OOOlytiij bring birth csrtifkati' or other Oiaat of Apply 'tiger aaway For. ,foul In kedruifing Cetitti heareit yOOf 13 Persoa6el Dept 10111 uaaa Rideau t mama mai wag; Ont:44160ploo 9-4307 6446 kaiiiethallaasuiroa„iaiwinhiotioi.a.: mom: Oa .4- TeleptannAllte tank 9O.RIchttotd St. II; 1 orintit'Onil,ri4jitigilnenlierwonot ft.niw.D6-111364v10,-.inattatizt 276 OxfOrd 8 Etizebelit Sir.. London, Ont. Telephenti 4.1601 Lout 133' 184 Rini Sr. LK NOM, Ont,-TeleOhone , tindleri !Cum, Recruiting Amy vieofiilitig torte, 230 Slei6na31:0;,, NaHh Bay,Oni. Telephone 456' • THE BRUSSELS POST NVedueeglan JanuAry 1.912►, 1055• i•,•••••••••,••••••••110,,114, . .0e 4444.4,4 1111111111111UNIMIUMMIUMNIMMINIIEDWARD F. TAMAN, Phone WOOD'S Tip Top nummusimmumniummummiumw 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 January Sale 24 Tailors F, C. B. A. Public Accountant CLINIC BUILDING Listowel, Ont. Phone 403 Box 574 January Sale Days Children's Bloomers Reg. 85c -- 49c "I Children's Dresses New Pancho Style Skirt and Jerkin, Reg. $6.49 - $4.98 • Snow Suits and Sets - Very Special Discounts 3 piece sets at $6.98 up. A group of OuterGarments at $2.98 Boys Al Suits 2 pair Pants - $13.99 A few Youths Suits - $16.99 4 HOY) is YOUR INTyITIGN It .... A11313st everyone is 'familiar with psychic Pecurencev. You feel an event IMPPeahlg ... , , .. , chink of a friend „ . , .. then catastrophy or success .Collows just gas your inctlitiOP warned, \ For the first time a team •of ,scient• isltls are preparing a documentation \ 1 .4. of theSe . clairvoyant dreams and psyohic perieuces to establish a new world of the mind. Angela Ilut% ke reports their conclusions in The Star Weekly this week. Continues 20% to 50% Off the Entire Stock NeW and Improved _Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS 9 Vitamins ..r.12 Minerals One Tablet Now gives you more than 2 Capsules provided before the result of Rex all's exclusive process. Family Bottle of 72 (2Y2 months supply $4.79 and just Now there is a Special. Bonus of 14 Tablets with this size. 54" Plaids for skirts, suits and shirts Very Special - $2.25 -.44441•4man..As t Print - 39c THE ARCADE STORES Giant Bottle of 14 4 Tablets (5 Months supply) $7.95 Bottle of 36 (5 week's supply) $2.59 If Taking Vitamins - Try them compare them. You'll switch to Rexall Plenamins. 1 Rack of Ladies Dresses - Values up to $19.95 - Now Selling $4. 98 to $11.95 Sizes 12'- 44 ei/.41••••••••••• YINNIMM.M.MaiNOMNom 3•••••1•••••••••••••,•••••••,4,,IiMMININIMIN•ling1 1111111.1MIMS SMITH'S Rexall Drug Store \I Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Full* Blyth, Ont. -- Brussels, Ossi) luniummumumummmliminunimml Phone 62 Brussels, 111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DON FAIRBAIRN • No Exchanges or Refund's. mnlimmimniunsinuMuMmumiMMIMMUN With Neighborly News celebrating its, 15th Anniversary thiis year, ; commentator Don Fairbairn_ recalls it was just -seven years, ago that he I took over the popular CBC program. Don revealls that -since its inception Neighborly News has carried more than 30,000 items from the weekly newspapers of Ontario and Quebec, or some Milliorvand-a;half words. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE. SMILLUDRICATvON. SMELL HODSIMIOLD SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Pane and Aseereertes. Austin Sales and Service eimesidawl repairs to *Si 'Now W ears mad Imam PHONE TTri "'RUSSELL OWL EIRUESELti MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEAL= A number of 54 Chev. Belair $750 off list. 1954 Pontiac Sedan $1895.00 53 Chev. Deluxe Sedin fully equipped 1600.00 2 - 53 Chev. Coach, fully equipped 1495.00 53 Pontiac Sedan 1495.00 53 Ford Mainline Sedan, fully equipped 1495.00 53 Chev. Sedan 1295.00 52 Pontiac Sedan, Radio 1295.00 52 Pontiac Powerglide, Sedan 1295.00 51 Ford Sedan 1095.00 1150.00 895.00 r. USED TRACTORS Model VA Case, A Good Buy Model S Case, New Condition i : I Model D Case, Lots of work in this one Model VAC Case Demonstrator with e Eagle Hitch Plow See us and save ED. RICHARDS & SON Ethel, Ont.. Phone 86r5 Now is the time to Done t that Overhaul Your J. I. Case Dealer NOTICE The Huron County Council will meet at the Court House, Goderich, on 51 Chev. Powerglide 50 Dodge Sedan TRUCKS 51 Chev. Vaton pick-up fo VANCOUVER 0 TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1955 at 2.00 P. M. Notices of deputations. resolutions or accounts should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Jan- uary 15th, 1955. 49 International 1 ton Express 47 Fargo 1 ton electrical body 49 - 3 ton Cab and Chasis 595.00 545.00 495.00 595.00 Daily from TORONTO vie MINAKI • WINNIPEG SASKATOON • EDMONTON JASPER Standard and tourist sleeping cars, bed- rooms, compartments, buffet lounge, dining car, modern coaches. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron, Goderich, Ont. JOHNSON ELECTRIC & PAINTS, Brussels. Ostade MAP iflektimem Elf HES gakaA/AmIA*. .gg BIG NEWS ...Coming • S ifs CO CM SUPPLEMENT 4 OW. , Mlle roar areMs Sappiest MOM • no ndllpraltia PURINA COW 141 atch for the ALL NEW E e War First All-New Tractor In its Class since Your J. 1. Case Decrier DRY COWS ark iniiiitgeereflaeet 441,11,11 4040611e And eaten Allied; feed Pules, Bulkj.Lei and anti and kalif Ed. Richards BULICY.LAt oW 0 The Canadian Bank of Commerce