HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-01-19, Page 5It's reassuring to watch savings grow' . . to have your bank book record your progress. • I BUSINFSS CARDS CRANBROOK, The Women's Missionary Society of Knox. Presbyterian Church held it's first in,eeti•nig of the NeW Year on Wed„ Jan 12, at lire home of Mrs, Mac Engel. Miss Alice ,J. Forrest presided thrbughout the meeting, in which the new study on India Was introduced, The Sorip- ture reading was Luke 1.0 verses 25 - 37, followed by. a prayer by MTS. Lynn Iilvans. The business period included reading of the ntinutes and call which was 'answered with some- thing about Miss Ida White. It was also decided to get several supple- mentary books std help with the new Study Book "Pace to face with India," Tire several parts in the topic were read hy MSS Forrest, Mrs. Sch. neck. Mrs. jacIclin, and Mrs. Engel, The February meeting will be at the home ief WS. Fred Sm•alldon with Miss 'Mary Sherrick the missionary ohosett 'tor roll Call. Miss Forrest 'brought the meeting to a clOse with the pronouncing of the Benediction. Lupolt was served by, the hottess and colmnittee. The fourth meeting of the 0. G. 1. T., was held at the home of Linda Dunn on Wednesday Jan, 12, with all eight members • in attendance, with the prestident, Beverly Evans in charge. The Meeting opened by sing- •-• . ing the C. G. I. T. hymn With Barb- ara Evade as planiSt. A skit "On k. trip to India" was put on by Isabel • and Pay Engel and the leader, The worship was taken by Beverly Evan% f hymns "'Christ for the World We Marlon M.161.1,61 end Mrs. Engel., The i Sing" and Jests Shall Reign Where. ere the Snit" wete, sting. All repeated Luke 2,,K2 and "the PutpoSe." The new Mission Study," Saris and San- dals" Was introduced by the leader and frneisldedirt: The business included roll call and minutes by Maxine • Sthalldott and offering taken by Road; ' Catinbell, The next Meeting will b)3 at the bathe of Maxine Sinalidon Barbara Evans on lunch committee, Retie Oantrobell ,plianig. One of Beleit I • Bricker'S interesting. stiotieS trent 'die, , ..., , .1 '"Glad 7'161111gs" Was, read by Ma 1 Stanley -Campbell. All Seined hands l• Singing "TallEJ" and a game *.as t eh eyed. Fay Engel and titida plinti : =assisted in l'artring lunch. HOTEL AND CABANA CLUB . ). AMA NIONIIMANK Supreme vacation enjoyment in Florida's most complete resort. Mod. darn guest rooms (air-conditioning optional) to please and pamper". wide ocean front beach for sunning and swimming ... cozy lounge for intimate rendezvous and genuine hospitality to flavor your entire shy. rJAGK MULLIKIN, GENERAL MANAGER MIAMI BEAC 67th Street on the oce FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD IN totupsiilal it W. 'Li Baeker & Son IllOttillit illIOS. SUPERIOR P PANE LTD. 19 Market Place STRATFORD, ONT. The Versatile Dependable FUEL FOR HOME AND INDUSTRY RANGES, HOT WATER TARIM REFRIGERATORS, MU WALT. MADICIESS Representative PHONE STRATFORD .... SUS. 4174 RES. SEMI THE BRUSSELS POST Wedn,0144? 1.311110Y Ott% UM irreet,rersinit $4.• .GREY January inoetin,g of the W. M. S. •and„ W. A. of Union was field on ' wtth Mrs, }Ter- man. Whitfield Biters, The president had charge of •Cite W, M, mootin„g, Mrs, Mcintosh rend the Scripture talgon froyn. Acts, and Mrs. .McKay led in prayer. The roll call was answ- I (wed with a Bible verse with the f word new. During the husincss Some plans were made for the World Day of I Prayer en Feb, 25. The meeting closed with a 'hymn • followed by prayer, The W. A. followed with Rim Harold lays in charge. It was decided to have the Ban- .quet .and ,Annual meeting -0101e ohm*. •dit en Friday, Tan, 14th. The February meeting is to be held ..at the home of Mrs, .McIntosh. Mrs, Meehan eonducte.4 ta. picture contest with Mrs, McIntosh being ths. winner. The meeting closed with the Benediction. 444forierellossierf We have so much to protect Among the satisfactions of a Bank Account . You feel more secure with your money safe and readily available when you need it. "."""'•• ,'? "'""5‘ MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVW-R001.1 HOME. 5525.00 Write Dept. El P or visit our showrorms. Open Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday evenings and all day Saturday J. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARfe NOTICE Work wanted soon: 3. H. Cameron, Clinton, Ont. :x.- K,41,1"'j Multiply by 9,200,000 deposit accounts the satisfactions you enjoy from your bank account. The grand total of comfort, security and peace of mind shows, better than a dollar total, the essential value of a bank account. More deposit accounts than there are adult Canadians, with new accounts opening every day, reflects the confidence of the nation in the chartered banks. 14. ETHEL Mrs. Bert Codden was hostess for the January meeting of the W. M. g and W. A. of Ethel United Church with 16 ladies present. Mrs. Elwood mellagetart had charge of the devot- ional period and :,opened the meeting by the, da<l1 bo worship, The theme being the "Church*, Businelse. i-Tymn 258 Was sung. This was follow- ed by the reading of several passages of scripture and prayer. Mrs. Me- Taggart had charge of the study Period, 'The. newly appointed pres- ident, Mrs. Geo, Pearson then took Charge of the "business period. with, ides 'of the last 'meeting read ant a,pqMoved. Roll call was answered by paying of fees. The treasurer gave a report for 19.54. The appointment of a. Mission Band leader was felt urt• later. Moved by Mrs. J. T. Pear- son, seconded by 1 Tr:), Raynlard that 1 we send 1.00 .for 'Vacation Packets. It was decided to make duilt blocks 18' bY211h, print or flannel- ette. Roll call ,at, February meeting to be answered by giving block, Mrs. Godden was -appointed to send to Orangeville for mill ends to be sent in bales,. A ,collection was taken to pay for material. Mrs. Percy Stenh- enSon 'offered her home for the Feb- rimy meeting. Mrs. Joe Pearson and Mrs. Chester Earl offered to bring lunch. The matting closed by a hymn and the Mizpah benediction, Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. T. T. Pearon and Mrs. Raynar.d, A shower was held in the base- ment of the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening In 'honor of Marilyn Bow,es, only daughter of Mr, .and Mrs. Earl -Bowes, who Was married on Saturday. -Community singing was ,enjoyed, led by Mrs. Bert Godden, with Mrst Stanley Speirat, the Plano, There were vocal solos by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and Mme Bert Golden, piano solos, by Gavel/ Ruttan and Betty Ann Rattan, readings by Mrs, W Krauter and Mrs, T. Rich- ards. Marilyn was invited to', a chair decorated with pink and White streamers .and white bells, Miss Doris Bateman read the address Joanne Swift and Donna ikleXander carried in a basket laden with gifts. Miss Bowes thanked her friends, Mrs, Speiran fornied the gathering into groups and conducted three contests, atter Which lunch, was served by Mrs. Glen Bray, Mrs. Edythe Cardiff and Mrs. Stanley Alexander. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY It's a comforting feeling to have cash on hand for opportunities, emergencies. • 4 I 4 I 1117111111411111811, .itlilltesesimememsreseumarasrmae. •44019614AINKIIMONNIIIIROMMICI Z;AVINqrarh4.4a3,1 47i4MEN=Th illgN4F..." Crokinole and other games will be played. Thosle Who do not wish to play games are going ,to skate at the BrusSels arena and return to the church for lunch. A -Silver collection will be taken to defray eXpeneea. Granbrook W. I. Current events was the theme of the Cranbrook Women's Institute when it met In the Community Centre on • Tu55day ,eveniny, Jan. 11. Mrs. Stuart McNair opened the meetin with the ode, the celled, and the Lord's Prayer. The roll Was anew- ered by' naming a Canadian in the news. The Trea,s, report showed a balance of $70.79. Cards were read from Beryl Mc- Farlane ,and. Art, Cattier, and letters froni Mrs. MaPhatter. it was decid- ed to send $5.00 towards the project for Ceylon, and, to take 'twenty-five cents per member out of the funds to send the delegates to the next Tri- ennial, Mrs, Clem Sleffler and. Mrs. Glenn Huethet were appointed lead. ens on the new home-making prOjeot "The Milky Way"; DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gradate Univervily ed Tarawa* PHYS'CIAN end SURGEON Todepfione 4I — Orieseb. Oat. Chits. T. Davidson maIt/ a( vas sus sagete illattaraddloieni Fire ineursone Atniiikat. end Agee* for Great Went Life lesevennett Co. 61~ Oltke 95 Sromesia, - JOHN E: LONGSTAFF, Optornotrid Eris Pa to Glineeee 11111aL Mow 791 Sealed:is Wham RUM. MUM - 8. Wed. 8-12.80p 3at.11 Las is 9 *oh -14124,1•••••1411.1. 1414.4,4*, anusindk, (wk. Mrs. Martin MacDonald took charge of the rest 'of the meeting. Mrs. 'Harold Keys gave a demonstration on making cream puffs. The motto "Do, not Speak of others' faults until you have none of your own" was presented by Mrs. Stanley Camp- bell who Said that gosiping is one of the worst faults and it must be controlled by selfeliscipline. Current El-Vents were given by Mrs, Gordon Knight and Mrs, Maurice Cameron who read items about the women of Unianinin City and the work of the F. W: I. C. The ',Sunshine" collection Was token Mrs. Goldwyn Knight, and the meeting was elosed with the sing- ing of the National Anthem. Lunch , was served in ;the ,basement by Mrs. I Jas. Bremner, Mrs. les. iViadhan, MrS. Florence Michel and Mrs. Ralph Meehan Er,A of Z",3 oil 3114 ,at: att. to I Harvey. W. Stephenson lenriiiketedvii ter -bin Li. Aslllttllsn Canada Hied& end &eddied ea. Qua* General Iawr.r0.l CO. Pbtmei 43* NOTICE The local association of the Girl Guides and Brownies are holding a Bake Sale and Valentine Tea in the Library on: Saturday, Feb, 12th. AN EXPERIENCE `? 114 TROPICAL' IVING cre ,00. ad. La gel .004 rge .00. Walker Funeral ,Has Day 4ir Med Colairsdandastio No Extra al. erne tor,ths Pussrsi aim Ummised 111.1111111 Mee4* 111111 11114186.11 TillilitY40111r MI6* Aniniainen 9sitiss DANS' Witinillt Winded's*, ALL IC INDS OF BAKING Fitch In design . . ultra modern guest rooms and studio bedrooms, luxurious- ly furnished COmpiete In pleasure . private pool and cabana dub. coalall lounge; round- the-clock entertainment Modest in price . lostio i.ii•steetteet WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP' tot& Memorial iree thitty,ti*e teare,, tali* THE aka' ORAlgitait Moo Expert beligning and Reim-MM. mow tiAiet4iif it.„Ao.;'SP011701,t OtiOria itAti Winehemi Ontatis -Pools *ism to di it Wallloia, Aims oilidd csOultipolMO St we. Air MO There Will a SObial •eveiting held in ilb6 beinfiftinitY Centre en Friday (Wetting, Jan 21 at 8.10. Enchre and crokinote will be played and a'meet= ‘, lily held to discuses the Bolding of a Centennial lit 1955. ladies please I bring lunch, J. A Montag lino ah R. O. 011611111614 Vim. ONT. and ' our Tdie Zkiionitig Auxiliary of dent, litaiok. Clint& 'are having ti social OfOnlnig oit tit'ioday, Specialising it eye esaillositsi ernes is Missed, Mb OM al& b PAIL Ian assail wary Tossilly itientapr IWO* V eirair am*** 1111116611/13 FUME 38 or 88 R. S. Hetherington K. C. WING118111 end 18113;11134 AT llik1111111.11 Itatedei and anturein, aft day -- fillfllst epos weep, gio. Stow Ms to 111, I& OA When.applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age, Apply right away -For full information write or vIsft the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home, No. 17 Porsomel Pent Walls Cruse, Rideau & cnernete so., Ottawa, Qnt. — Tel. 9.4507 Canaolan Army Re:tu,tirg Stat,on,164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. — Tel: 4738 Canadian Army.Recruiting Centre, 50 R.:" mond St. W., Toronto, Ont. 'Tel. IM. 643341--LoCal 2'76 No. 7 Personnel Dew, Woiseiey Barracks, Oxford 3, Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Ter, 4-1801 • Army seenaong Centre, 230 main it. W., North Bay. Ont. — Tel. 450 Canadian Army Recruiting station, 484 icing St. E., Homill0n, Ont.— Tel. JAseson 2-8708 027W4.0 G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optonietiiii• Patrick St.. 'VVINGHAK - At Clatinline opos EV100 11)00W • Moe 1171neasint 770 si Zraninge by Atigiotileaffiel. C. A. Myers, M. D., L. rd. C. C. PHYSICIAN sod SURGEOP Wilms St. Fore 4. dr MI1uIl. Oat. 9Ithci490c;otonnetolgdie9rf, o;e10. -•,e1.10 ours enipy. ip.rtco..,4 .price We cannot take for wonted .our freedom to worship, ,to. YOff• to educate our children, er ,td order .ee r home • life as. we please, Alt these freedoms are our only as long as .we ,.are to • do everything necessary to. maintain and defend them. All honour then to the Canadian Soldiers --- the steadfast guardian of oil our free institutions, WithouCmen him, the -canOclo we love might cease to be, rY whatever hove eo m wayeoh our top :duty routeotil l,4e? d all do our pp, without let-up, SERVE CANADA, AND YOURS ELF IN THE ARMY.' To he eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age,olcitied tradesmen to O. A. Rann & Coe rutemtid. AND ANIBULANCE WW1= Lieenved Funeral Director and Enaindaser ....444.4.4•1414.14M.