HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1955-01-12, Page 1-1
1 .1,
Modern and Old-Tyme Music
The Nail Sisters with
"The Kansas Farmer"
Brussels Town Hall on
Under auspices I. 0.1 0. F.
Admission 50c
Come and have a good time!
Melville Presbyterian
moo- in. Sunday School -
11 a. m. Divine Worship
A,s-A Man Soweth
Anthem, Soldiers of Christ Arise,
Minister: Rev. H. T. Colvin, B. D.
Organist: L. D. Thompson R. M. T
0. *
The office of G. Alan Williams
optometrist in. Wingham will be
closed January 17 - 18 - 19
The local association of the Girl
Guides and Brownies are ,holding a
Bake Sale and 'Valentine Tea In the
Library on Saturday, Feb. 12th.
Seatottli, Ont .,
Thursday,. Friday and SatUrlay
Will Rogers' Jr. Nancy. Organ'
In all' ..Bluerook „County ,,there, Was
-only twe that didn't take a. gun the
Sheriff and his Horse.
'.Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
(Adult) •
Brand ' Christine White'
Bold! 'Blunt!' arut4ti • • .
Tedayq Wiest searching star Of,
Written Shaine and
shock, tears and • tragedy, truth
antastic Fascinati F ng unny-
Nightly 8.3fi 0. AringasiOn Adults 'MC; Ch
• Sponsored by The' tittle-Sete Volunteer Fire Brigade
anthorizeri Aecand class Fout Office DoPartrueut* Ottora Wednesday January 12th, 1955
Post Publishing House
Of ?M....
aruF,606, Out. ,r4 f1.1101' Meeting 471 the 13ru.s-
Jaollary 10, 1955 444 wo;. LIAd on Monauy
tirg meetrnp,-, of the Municipal terknInr: iT; the Library.
Council of the Village at 13russole Lien Cserfle:: Knight lutrodueed Mr.
was held in,,tho' Public Library on Scott Speaker Of the
j,,in, 10, 1955 evening. Mr. Whaley is a member of
The minute:: or trio meeting of Dee.' the Ontario S.rwl‘4Y for Crippled
Childre», and chaiman for the count- 15, 1954 were read and minutes
adopted on motion of J. II, Strott- juts of Huron and Perth, The ohieet
of this society Is ,t4) give' help aria on, ,seconded by C. L. Workman,
support do the various service clubs -Alter the declarations of office • in helping to bring health .and -hope were taken bythe Clerk, Rev, W, A. lo ova crippled child. All service
The ,Racrament or the Ford's
Supper WaS . celebrated at the Ilaik
Church on Sunday, Jan. 9, When.
,oven new members were received.
into the fellowship of the church on
profession. of faith in Jesus Christ.
The minister .s.Poke ,about the
"Thanks,glIving" nature of the sacra-
meat service. The anthem for the
'day Was "Up Calvary's Hill" by
ApPlicatienS for .the position of
•cassessOr 'for the 73ruSsols
7111 be accepted by the undersigned
ap to 0.00 p. nt„ Saturday, Jan. 22
4.0i-4 'a salary of • $309.0(4 Applicant
to state qualifications,
G. R. Campbell
The Dekker Dutcher Shop was
broken, into and 60114 $50 was taken
I Tram the Safe.
The thief or thieves broke into the
safe end stole the Cash box eontain-
log some-450 and also made off with
a; meat cleaver i'vhich, was apparently
used to enter the safe,
The diseovery Wee Made about 2.15
p:m. on Sunday when Frank Thom,
son, ttai, employee,, went to the stop.
Provincial Constables Charles Sal-
Applications wanted for the Posit- .••••••-1—•. ...•••••• •••• eft • •••,,,
SDA Of Local BY,Law Enforcement! 'tier and, Robert Lewis, investigated. M E LV I LLE CHURCH
-. Eta Weed Inspector, Caretaker
aipublic buildings and gen:eral utility
G. R.
Now Is The time
Renew Your Subscription to
The Brussels Post
If your label does not read 1955 you are in arrears. We thank ,
all those who been so prompt in this matter and ask all, who haVa.
neglected It to give it their attention.
Model ,V A Case, A Good Bay
Model S Case, New Condition
Model D Case, Lots of work in this one
Model VAC Case Demonstrator with
e Eagle Hitch ,Plot
See us and save
Ethel, Ont.. Phone 86r5
Now is the time to get that Overhaul
Your J. I. Case Dealer
club members are automatically a
member of the above society. Every
dollar made from the. Easter Seal
Fund is used to help the crippl-
K.children, The cost of administrat-
ion is, obtained from other Sources
Mr, :Whaley suggested that people
visit WOodeden Camp,. to get first
hand knowledge of the children
who are helped. Lion Robt, Walker
thanked our guest sneaker' for giv-
/nig 'this splendid Informatory
account of the work done by trie
,rive various camps,
Me prize for the evening contest
was, donated by Mr. Elvin Gregg, aria
won by Lion Andrew Lane. We app-
reciate your kind gesture Elvin.
‘717he usually high standard of cater-
ing was maintained by the ladies of
Melville. Church.
Dking out a living is a career in
itself 'tor the Eskimos, inhabiting the
rugged Belcher Islands in NWT
Last summer a, team of white men
arrived to explore an expected Iron
ore 'body and with them came a way
of life that has already wrought many
This week in The Star Weekly
"'Paste Of The White Man's rays
is written in a vigorous, crisp style
Yoit'll thrill to the surprise as
Lloyd Lockhart tells of the geolo-
gists experiences.
'Applications for the position of
Waterworks Superintendent for the
tvglage of BrusSels will be accepted
by the undersigned up to 6.00 p. m.
Saturday, Jan, 22 1955, Applicant to
elate salary :expected for general
maintenance and an hourly rate for
iajor repairs.
G. R. Campbell
STRICKLER — To Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Striokler, R. R. 2 Bras-
eels, at Dr. Myer's Nursing Home,
aln Fridaer, Jan, 7th., 1955, a son —
Wilfred Lorne, a brother for John,
Sheila, and Nancy.
Tire Special
(For 'Limited Time Only.Y "
‘-,z) Brand New 670 x 15 — 4 Ply 1st Live Tim!
Reg- Price $27.20
Sale Price $19.95
Riverside Motors NOTICE
The annual meeting of the Brussels
HOrticultural Society will be held in
the Library at 3.00 p. in. on Wednes-
day January 19, 1955. All members
and would be members are request-
ed to attend.
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Supertest Gas and Oil
Phone 56 Brussels, Onto
Direct From Leading Night Clubs
The annual meeting of the East
Huron Agricultural Society and.
Turkey Banquet will be held in Mel-
villa Presbyterian, Chuich. basement
Oh Wednesday evening, Jan. 19th at
7.00 P. M. Guest speaker will be
Prof. James, Scott. Everyone wel-
come. Tickets, $1.50. Tickets avail.
able from executive.
James Mair, Pres.
Geo. Wesenburg, See.
Bluevale United Church The Rev_
R. A. Brooke officiated. Interment
was in Winghaan cemetery. The
body rested at the 'residence with
the S. J. Walker Funeral Home in
charge of arrangements. Mr. John-
ston lived, in the district for many
yeara and moved to Bluevale 13
Years ago from Morris. township. Sur-
viving. bdsides his, wife, the former
Annie Sperling, of Morris township;
two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Harris,
of Lainbethy and Mrs. Robert 'Turn-
bull, of Wyoming; one sister, Mrs.
James Peacock, Morris township;two
brothers, Silas, 'of Walton and Rich-
ard. of Morris towwnShip.
We speciodize in styling, "cutting,
and cold waving. Open Monday to
Saturday inclusive.
Mrs. Velma Sterhenson
'Phone 182zr4
I Wish to announce that I will be in
my Dental Office each afterneon.
3 g..in to 5 .p. m., commencing
Illonday Sammy 10th. 1955.
Dr. W. A. Spence
On Sunday morning last the Sacra-
Work ment of the Lord's Supper was obser in the village of Brussels: will UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. ved. The minister Rev. Harohl Col be accepted by the undersigned 14)1
to 6.00 p. ni„ Saturday, Jan. 22 1955 I The New Year's meeting of the vin's sermon subject wars God will
Applicant to ,salary expected. United Chureli Auxiliary to the provide, The sermon was baste on
Women's Missionary Society was, in the thrilling story of obedience and Campbell the form of a Fee Tea and was held faith found in the twenty-second
at the home of Mrs. Andrew Lane. chapter of Genesis where Abraham
The now president, Mrs. Harold was conuruanded by God to take his
Thomas, was in the chair and Mrs. ' only son Isaac to a distant place.
James ¥s was at the piano. The slay the boy,' and offer hina."up for a
topic for the meeting was "Evangel- burnt offoring. This wonderful story
isan." Mr. Robert Downing read the was beautifully and convincingly
iscripture and Mrs. Lane led in told by Mr. Colvin. However God had
provided a substitute for the boy praTer,
The meeting appointed Mrs. Hebert Isaac, Then God said, I will provide
'Manalin;g and Mat. R. S. Hamilton someone to tusks mankind's place
to lie auditors; a visiting committee and die for man and. then the Son
Will consist of Mrs. Alex Armstrong, of God offered to leave His. Heavenly
Mrs. Walter noise and Mrs. Peter home, and come down to earth and
McArthur. The finance committee In. Provide the great ,sacrifice for man-
Mrs R. B. Cousins, Mrs. Robert Down- kind. God had to let His Son go
trig, Mrs:. R. J. McLauchlan' and. Mrs. through much igniorninity and saame
Peter 1VicArthur, A committee to in order to. redeem us. We see Christ
meet other church committees ao Pouring out Hills soul in agony in
Gethsemane but God said to Him plan the program for the-World Day
of prayer on Feb. 25 are Mrs. A. 'there, you must go through with, it.
Lane, Mrs. R. J. McLatichlin, Mrs. there is no other way to save
kind. Like Abraham of old, ,Gotits
Harold Thomas, Miss Florenee Bach-
amen: heart was broken too. The choir ren-
dered the anthems, Bread of the The annual report of the treasurer
disclosed that the society hes sur- ' World and But the Lord is mindful
passad its ,allooation, for 1954. A of His own, by Mendelssohn.
special collection was taken for the Mrs. Jim ArmStrong (nee Leona
"Good. Cheer" treasurer. Mrs. Mc- Johnston) was received into mnem-
Lanchlin gave , a retiont of the :bership of the church.
missionary work in, Newfound/and
of Mire Nancy Edwards who is the
prayer 'missionary of the society. A
lunch was served. Mrs. W. H. Bell
thanked the hostess and her asSiet- Funeral service for Edward ants, Mrs. Cousin's, Mrs. McLauchlin Jelinsten, 88, of Bluovale , was held Mrs. McArthur and Mrs Downing. Friday, Jan.7611. at 2. p.m., frolm the
witlituns conducted a short devotion.
al exercise.
The following accounts- were pre-
sented, and wore authorized for
payment on, motion of G, MeCuteli.
eon seconded by G, 'Kreuter,
Ont. Mini. Association,
1955 membership
Brus.sel.k Coal Yard, fuel
$ 5.00
VT, reief and
13ryans Transport, snowplowing 2448:5506
Post Pub. House, Advt.
Brussels M. Grey Tot.
R. Lovell & Co., Assessment
tolls, and fire bds.
196..7250 roll binder
BrusselS Hydro, lamps for
34.50 Christmas decor.
Pearson, Edwards, Ont. 41
St. John Ambulance, grant 4100,.0000
Brussels Hydro, sItteet. lights
and halt 111.16
Brussels Public Library,
750.00 grant
It was moved by C. L. Workman,
, seconded by G. Kreuter that the
petition for the statutory grant under
the Highways Improvement Act as
prepared 'by the Clerk be forwarded
to the Ontario Dept. of Highways
for payment.
— Carried.
It was moved by G Kreuter, sec-
onded by C. L. Workman that the
Village Council oall, for offers' of
purchase for Village weigh scales and
building. The Scales and building to
he removed by the purch_.asmos•
The Clerk was Instructed to ad-
vertise for applications tar the pos-
Mons of 13y-law enforcement officer
and Utility man, for the position of
la.seessor, and for the position of
Waterworks ISaperintenclenti- Ap-
plications to be Sin by Jan. 22, 1951.
It was moved by C. L. Workman,
.seconded by J. H. 'Stretton, that the
Salaries of Reeve and Councill be in-
creased to, the following amounts —
For Reeve $150.00; For Councillor'
-- Carried,
There being no further bitsinese to
bring before the Council, the meeting
adjourned on motion of G. mcciadh-
,eon, seconded by G. Kreuter.
— Carried.
Grade pC - Fancy, Fancy, Grade C.
Spies, McIntosh, Delicious, and
Also cooking apples, bring your
own containers.
R. J. McLauchlin, .Mgr.'
s-azin g Damant
Hypnotist ATTENTION —
Scotchmen and others. Pleas*
keep Friday, Feb. 4th, open far a-
"Scotch Concert and Dance" In
Brussels' Town Hail. Sponsored by
The Leglen Band.
Brussels Town Hall
•. t. 1
Wed, - - Sat, •
Jan. 12 - 13 -414 15
In Cinertlesoope and teoniColor
with Jotin Wayne Claire Trevor,
Phil Harris, Lerrabic bay, Patti
John Howard
Tragedy and Humor in the story'
that cornea otd Of a crippled liner,
The Weineffs, Missionary Society
Of Church met in the
dhurch parlor' Oa. Friday atterneon
with 1Vliala Bessie Moses presiding,
Mrs. Gee, Evans, read the wards of
the hymn. Rev. Harold T. Colvin
,conducted the installation of of-
ficers for 1955 and in a short ad-
,dreSS, traced the history of tnistion,
any eildeaVeut from Pentecost to the .
;Present, He ttroosed personal interest
cult Missionaries and prayer for
iiridnvichtal workers their fields
as, two meant Of increasing mission-
t ry enthusiasm.
Miss, MOOS, expressing the thenka
of the .soCielY to Mr Colvin, hoped
that they Would benefits familiar with
the inisIstenatieSn then help them With
,prayer and gifts. Mre. McInnis
read a. letter keit Mrs. Sett eS Dick-
SOtt too- with her husband, • Rev.
Jetties DiekSeti is working in, a.
tenet colony in Vortrieta. SeVeti
cast on sick ar siilaiE in members
Were reneged.
A Caniiiiitted to Wan the Pro,
gram for itilie lint,' Of Prater
With tentililitteleS troni the ;ether
lehtiectiSS Witti consiet of Mrs, Min
uessb„ .Janti 18,
ursda ,Jant
Monday,-'Tuesday and Wednesday
It— 1 Jeri. 17 - 10
and terror
"THUNDER BAY" , Thursday, Friday and Saturday NOTICE.
.,..These interested interested .Playing, bads IN TECHNICOLOR 'oEGUN
tkook Hudson bonne' Reed "‘ Minton ter 1955 Season pleeee Meet Starring James SteWart., Joanne
brit," ban Duryea in a thrilling act
SAY0 etA
ion" paCked story 01 aii 011 Welt tinder . Coming Soon -;,, In the 16Wil ball Wednesday,
the seak
The United ChurCh
OF . CANADA VaViaW9W,cgitgAe
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Divine Worship 11 o'clock CAPITOL LISTowEL
A obaMpion., THEATRE 4,
Church School o'clock. shows nightly tie 020 m.
Matinee Sattirday 2 p. M. „
Praise God in, His SanetiterY, Pa 150
Church Of Engtatiel
Parish et SHAW!
Rev. A. 'Norman title M. A.
*Nil* 11 Sunday Iefittarte
SC John's Church, Brussels
$.tO Holy detimifition
lit Morning. 1 layer.
Sundaq School
'oasild'a Hentryit
1,26 1i, in, Holy COitiiiiiiiiiMi
Sunday' Selitiet
St. Georges Church, Witten •6i,
'Ceti it. th. Etefilit
r • .