HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-12-02, Page 7Ord Town Sam ,422,,,,,y14.7i3mf Triple Head Philips 422"*" Philishave songeso.,„na,„,„ Famous PHILISHAVE 4221493.1 ,,rotary action With three „....Eano floating heads. 110 and 220 volts With attractive 42224411,1 gift case. 3857.343-f2 Colourful Tableweni Plec41 4 4 95 GdiHakiaWraPY est 1 as aim., Not amid ty donsisia of four dinner plates, four bread 6. batter plates, tour soup bowl's, four pyrex mugs. Paitetns vary slightly from colour to colour. Also available open stock. Your choice of tour cOlOurs Philips 1200+ International Hair Dryer A Poi:yeetul 1200 With dryer, Dual voltage (1201 240) TWO speeds are high for cluiCk drying Mid low for Styling, Off white. 95 1, Hot Air CO Popper Makes 3 to 4 quarts of light fluffy, popcorn. Cycles fakeS- abou 4 Ito, said-401.1 I 01400; ChMstmai) ‘wripOinti paper . lot • (I3 Roll • 26"Is *to 5650-40-36 Proctor-Sileit 4 Deluxe Toaster Oven tholier' Continuous cleaning irt#idd Coaling by bui,ont, l oven tOastiiig. Prices in effect while quantities last IMPERIAL 1 CROWN PIECEM STAINLESS TABLEWARE 9 TOOTHPASTE 30 24 SUPER , BABY REGULAR DIAPERS TODDLER •3 SCOTT O R ..0 1.9 MR. BUBBLE CLOWN LIQUID LITRE SIZE st BATH • 59 % 00 GIFT ASSORTED SIZES & COLOURS PKG. TAGS 79° DOUBL-GLO FOR THE TREE 20' LONG GARLAND $ 7 • 7 1000 DOUBL-GLO PKGS. TREE STRAND 2199 , ICICLES i • L. I . ORNAMENTS 1PKG OF 9 - 50mm SIZE • GLASS OR PKG. OF 6 - 60rnm SIZE ll. NOMA BULBS REPLACEMENTS FOR 4 INDOOR OR OUTDOOR STRINGS PACKAGE OF 4 e NOMA MINI SETS STRAIGHTLINE 259 20 LIGHT • SET r JUMBO WRAPPING 30"x360' PAPER OR $ 99 30-x144- FOIL PKG. BOW BAG PACKAGE OF 25 SELF-ADHESIVE. DECORATIVE BOWS d drantas MR JOHN DOE <,G° .„ 34 44tocHo.ebis to t4 ot Dolt AFI Z THE ABC COMPANY LIMITED :MOW la10171MM COLGATE REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH 100ml. TUBE THE BRUSSELS POST, DECEMBER 2, 1.981 A7 Belgrave UCW to pack boxes for shut-ins Correspondent MRS. L. STONEHOUSE 887.9847 The general meeting of the U.C.W. of Knox United Church, Be!grave, met in the Sunday School room on Tues- day, November 24. The meet- ing opened with a reading by Mrs. Ross Anderson followed by the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. As the year is draiving to a close the group is sending money to different groups. Shut-in boxes will be packed on December 7. Any donations of candies, cookies etc. are to be left at the home of Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse before this date. Anyone wishing a church calendar for 1982 may contact Miss Annie Cook. Reports from, the various committees were read. The nominating committee presented the slate of officers for 1982. The skit "A Piece of Cake", was presented. The message was very clearly presented. If we give to the church first we will still have sufficient funds to buy what we need. The next general meeting will be held January 26, 1982. BAPTISM The sacrament of bap- tism was celebrated on Sun- day in Calvin-Brick and Knox United Church, Belgrave. Rev. John G. Roberts con- ducted the service. The choir sang "A Little Child the Saviour Came", with Mrs. George Procter, organist. The scripture reading from 1 Cor. 15. 1,2 "1 declare unto you the gospel which ye have received, and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are saved, unless ye have be- lieved in vain." Baptism is not a preventa- tive measure by which faith can be injected into the infant by the minister or parents as a doctor injects an innoculation against infectious diseases. I By baptism parents hope to place their child in a context whereby the baby will, at a later date be infused with the gospel, will receive , stand in and be saved to external life. The order of baptism as presented in the Service Book was used to received Roselyn Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hurst, and Peter John, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Irwin of Knox United Church, Belgrave and. Donna Ann Pattison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patti- son and James Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Robert McGee of Calvin-Brick Uni- ted Church into the church. TEN TABLES Ten tables were in play at the weekly euchre which was held in the W.I. Hall on Wednesday evening Novem- ber 25. Winners were: High Lady-Mrs. Helen Martin, Low Lady-Miss Lillian Potter, Most lone hands-Mrs. Wil- liam Black, High Man-Mrs. Jack Higgins playing as a man; Low Man-Mrs. Janisa Coultes playing as a man; Most lone hands-Albert Cook. There will be euchre again next week. Everyone wel- come. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, Julie and Jeffery of London were weekend visit- ors with her parents Mr. and Mrs: Robert Grasby. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cantelon And Matthew of Toronto visited on Sunday afternoon with his grand-. mother Mrs. Harry McGuire and other— relatives in the village. Mrs. Norman Hill of Wil- lowdale visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and with her mother Mrs. Harry McGuire on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cant- elon of Tweed spent a couple of days in Belgrave last week and visited with her mother Mrs. Harry McGuire also with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch. We are sorry to hear that Bert Johnston is a patient in University Hospital, London. The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the Hall on Thursday, December 10th at 7 o'clock. Family and friends are invit- ed to a pot luck supper with a social evening of Shoot and Crokinole to follow. Members are also invited to the Christ- mas tea and bazaar at Brook- haven Nursing Home on Saturday, December 5 from 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Carl Weber is pur- chasing the home of Ernest Michie and intends to have it as a guest home for senior citizens. EAST WAWANOSH PUBLIC SCHOOL Our Grade 6 class of East Wawanosh School have been studying Mexico since the first of the year. To finish our studies we each did a project on Mexico. One of the projects were prepared foods. We decided that it would be fun and interesting to have a Mexican Day for 'our class. We invited our parents to join us for the meal. Some of us dressed up into Mexican clothes. The food we ate consisted of tacos nachos, mock sangria fruit, chili con came and lots more. We all enjoyed it and hope to have many more like this one. by Debbie Hopper A record fur shipment The Fall meeting of the Huron County trappers was held in the W.I. Hall on Friday evening with a full house. A record shipment of furs was checked and loaded for the North Bay sales. The meeting was chaired by Steve Cooke of Clinton and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary-treasurer Clarence Hanna. After a lively discussion on numerous subjects pertain- ing to the rights, privile ges and methods of trapping, a very interesting and informa- tive film was shown by Robert Pegg from the Ministry of Natural Resources of Wing- ham. Ian Walt from the Maple Ministry of Natural Resources gave an interest- ing talk on the treatment of wild animals for rabies and' hope is held to have a vaccine in 1982 that will clear up the rabies in the fur bearing animals.