HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-11-18, Page 4A4 TIME BRUSSEL$ Poo NOVEM R 16, 1901 T rd. h mson to eat Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 Rev. A, Young, Goderich, conducted the regular morn- ing service in Knox Church on November 15. Dr. Ross K. Thomson hopes to be back in his pulpit next Sunday, Nov- ember 22, having been ab- sent since August, owing to illness. The regular monthly meet- ing of the W.M.S. was held on Wed. Nov. 11 at the home of Mrs. Leslie Knight with an, attendance of eleven mem- bers and two visitors. Mrs. wilfred Strickler opened the meeting with a reading "Remembrance", and a poem "Afterglow." The minutes were read by Mrs. John Vanass and Mrs. Stuart McNair read a letter regarding the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Strickler reported on the Fall Conference held at Cavan Church, Exeter on October 28. Mrs. Earl Dunn recorded 14 cards and 20 visits. Mrs. Jim Hart gave the treasurer's report. There was a brief discussion on doing quilts. The December meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Stanley Fischer in Listowel, beginning with a pot luck dinner at noon. Mrs. Vanass presided for the worship period. The roll call was a quotation from a favourite book. Mrs. Allan Bain, the Pres- byterial visitors from Avon- ton was introduced by Mrs. Strickler and brought greet- ings from Stratford Presby- terial. She had books on display and talked about them briefly, and also about books which could be helpful for meetings. A book ex- change among members was suggested. Places where books might be purchased were discussed and members were encour- aged to buy needed books direct where available be- cause of high postage rates. Mrs. Wm. Smith, who ac- companied Mrs. Bain, gave a commentary on the books. The new study is "Neigh- bours or Strangers." Mrs. Clare Veitch gave a reading "Two-minute silence" and this was observed with every- one standing. Mrs. Vanass read "Why wear a poppy?" A social time was enjoyed over lunch served by Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Jack Knight and the hostess. PERSONALS Christine Bragg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bragg, who recently graduat- ed from Listowel Secondary School and is now attending the University of Waterloo received the good news the past week that she has been awarded a $150 bursary from the County of Huron to assist in her studies at the Univer- sity. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grisdale and family spent several days visiting relatives in the North Bay area. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and children, Scarborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. Laura Saxon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Saxon is a Stockyard Report The market at Brussels Stockyards traded actively on all classes of steers and heifers. Pigs sold steady to higher on a good supply. There were 827 cattle and 1483 pigs on offer. Choice Steers-74.00 to 78.00 with sales to 81.50. Good Steers-72.00 to 74.00. A steer consigned by John Jacques of R.R. 2, Clifford weighing 1210 lbs. sold for 81.50 with his lot of 80 steers averaging 1075 lbs. selling for an overall price of 77.25. Eighteen steers consigned by Fondview Farms of R.R. 3, Lakeside averaging 1107 lbs. sold for 76.20 with their lot of 89 steers averaging 1014 lbs. selling for an overall price of 75.65. A steer consigned by Maple Emblem Farms of Dungannon weighing 1330 lbs. sold for 78.75 with their load of 54 steers averaging 1179 lbs. selling for an overall price of 75.60. Twelve steers consigned by Murray Wagg of R.R. 5, Mitchell averaging 1173 lbs. sold for an overall price of 75.25. Fifteen steers consigned by Paul Gowing of Bluevale averaging 1230 lbs. sold for an overall price Of 74.90. Choice Exotic Heifers- 72.00 to 76.00 with sales to 78.50. Choice Light Heifers-68.00 to 72.00. Three heifers consigned by Jack Flanagan of Dublin averaging 1236 lbs. sold for 78.50 with his load of 45 heifers averaging 1144 lbs. selling for an overall price of 76.15. Twenty-six heifers con- signed by Schultz Bros. of R.R 3, Blyth averaging 1003 lbs. sold for an overall price of 74.90. Twelve heifers consigned by Ian Wilbee of Walton averaging 1027 lbs. sold for an overall price of 74.08. Seventeen light heifers consigned by Everett Why- tock of R.R. 2 Teeswater averaging 921 lbs. sold for an overall mice of 73.35. Choice Cows-48.00 to 51.00. Good Cows-45.00 to 48.00. Canners & Cutters-40.00 to 45.00, Heavy Bulls traded to a high of 62.50. 30 to 40 lb. pigs traded to a high of 42.50. 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of 48.00. 50 to 60 lb. pigs to a high of 56.50. 60 to 701b. pigs to a high of 61.50. 70 to 80 lb. pigs to a high of 69.00. patient in Scarborough Gen- eral Hospital. The Canadian Order of Foresters had their second card party on Friday evening in the Community Centre with eleven tables playing. Winners were as follows: High man- Cliff I-foegy, low man , Gordon Hanna, high lady- Annie Engel, low lady- Patricia Dickinson, lone bands- Helen Dobson and Ken Crawford, lucky 13 prize, Jacklin, Prizes were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Bert van Donkers, tables 1 and 3 door prizes, goed, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brenda. Perrie, Jean Dunn, Conley. There will be another Merle Bowes, 'sable Brem, ner, John 'Vanass and Harry party in 2 weeks, Nov. 27. wich Nursing Home on Sun- of Mr, and Mrs. Earle, King of day and visited also with Mr. Harriston on Sunday. and Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. Stan. Cherry, Wm. Mrs. Harvey Adams, Mrs. Cherry and Donald Cherry of Wilfred King, Mr. and Mrs. Palmerston visited Mrs. Ed- Wm. Knox and family of ward Bolander on Thursday. Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Toner Douglas King and Rachel, of celebrated their 50th wed- Fordwich were dinner guests ding anniversary on Sunday. 40' ..Antonna "DEALER Installation To you Automatic Systems Full Service A Division Mitchell Cable ELECTRONICS warehouse 160" Tower/Antenna Booster $400.00 CATV 345-2341 at Rotor Complete Dept. of Seaforth T.V. PRICES" and . D BUS , REcToRy NESS , David Longstaff Optician ltd . . 431, Agromart for 87 Main St., South, SEAFORTH FERTILIZERS-Bag & Bulk PESTICIDES OPTOMETRIST'S and FEEDS-Provimi OPHTHALMOLOGIST'S Agromix FARM SUPPLIES Prescriptions filled promptly Cattle mineral HOURS: Salt Mon., Tues.Thurs., Fri., 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Aureomycin Crumbles Closed Wednesiays SEEDS-NK Corn Saturday 9 - 12 Brussels 887-6016 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 BRUSSELS BUILDERS 887-6408 Mill St. West Since 1956 NOG 1H0 RESIDENTIAL—COMMERCIAL Mrs. Yvonne Knight ,t1 H. TEN PAS A to Agent for Elma Farmers Mutual Fire CONSTRUCTION LTD. Insurance Company WE SELL AND INSTALL PELLA AND HUNT Windows - Patio Doors R.R. 3, Brussels 887-6476 Insulated Entrance Doors - Insul. Glass 170 Wallace Avenue N., Flower Phone 291-2040 BRUSSELS TRANSPORT „,‘,..! T t4 1.1/.1 tOC 17E/1 \DIO 7 ii. t Ltd. Livestock Trucking and Shipping Service 4244: ED VAN GEEST Local and Long Distarthe 7le arout -14 -Wise • Phone 887-6122 Ec,,xcr LISTOWEL, ONT..-t ... , George Jutzi, Brussels Your Personal Florist With world-Wide Connections ....mommoommoo mme Fleming Feed Mill Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Bulk Pelleted Feed Watch and Jewellery Repairs —We Sell and Service— Fast Unloading Elevator BU LOVA—ACCUTRON —VVATCH ES 2 PITS OPEN Clinton —3 Stores- 24 FIRS A DAY 482-3438 SEAFORTH—CLINTON—WALKERTON BELGRAVE co-OP MicGavIn's Farm Equipmen For Feed & Fertilizer - Petroleum Products We specialize in a Complete Line of Hardware and Appliances FARM ECWIPMENT Universal Milker Equipment and Cleaners Sales and Service BRUSSELS WINGHAM Brussels Walton Seaforth 887-6458 357-2711 887-6365 527-0245 Wingham Memorial Shop QUALITY SERVICE CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Weekday Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of CEMETERY LETTERING 110i 158, WINGHAM JOHN MALLICK Gorrie Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plant of Allanford; Mrs. Isabelle McDougall of Listowel visited Sunday with Mrs. Glad. Ed- - gar. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Black, Rick and Donald of London visited friends in the village on Remembrance Day. Mr, and Mrs. Robin Bolan- der and. Leroy spent a few days in Kitchener and also attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neill and Mrs. Ira Neill of Wingham called on Mrs. David Cathers at the Ford-