HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-10-28, Page 8Correspondent Shelley Gibson, Linda Merit- MRS. GEORGE BROWN ley, Leah Lefler and Stephan- 335-3424 A- ie Long gain this year a Sports Club Howick won one game from the Howick Central against Turnberry with goals School has been organized by scored by Denise Turner, Mr, Ronald Livermore. Stephanie Long and Joan Members are President: Heimbecker. The Howick Joan Heimbecker, Vice Pre- Wawan- sident, Greg Gedcke, Jill' team also tied East osh 0-0. Members of the boy's team Dickson, Coral Lockie, Mike Renwick, Lisa Buehler, Jane are Graham Harper, Steve Koch, Ron Stome, Brenda McCallum, Manfred Worrier, Nancewell, Brett Garntss Greg Gedcke, Rob Gallaher, Brad Armstrong, Mark Arm, Troy Templeman, Robert strong, Debbie Eskritt, Ron Gray, Ron Strome, Ron Chanibers, Sharon D'Arcey, Chambers, Brett "Garniss, Shawn Boyes, Michelle States, 'Mary Ann Gibson, Lori Miller, Leah Lefler, Sonja Wright, Paula. Wright, Margaret Versteeg and Jeff Douglas. Some .activities which Sports Club members are goals were scored by Man- required to do are referee • fred Worner, Graham Harper house-league games, ice and Rob Gallaher. cream to students at noon, The Howick team defeated sell phys-ed equipment, 'col- East Wawanosh in the fourth lect money for indoor house- game by a score of 3-1. league games and many other odd jobs. Sports activities through- out the year include soccer, floor hockey, volleyball, bas- ketball, two pitch and other fun filled activities. This year's soccer tournament was held October 13 at the Grey Central School. The five teams involved this year were Howick. Central, Grey Cen- tral, Brussels, East Wawan- osh and Turnberry. Members of the Howick girl's team are Debbie Esk- ritt, Coral Lockie, Denise Turner, Jane Dickson, Lisa Buehler, Joan Heimbecker, Michelle Statia, Sonja Wright Lori Miller Jill Renwick, Mrs. Ronald Mann. Mr. ,and. Mrs. Douglas Gibson, Linsey and Ashley of Orangeville visited Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Gibson on the Thanksgiving Weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Alcorn spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- . las Ferguson, Carrie and Blair of Acton. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Dickert and family visited over Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Devall of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Taylor, Laurie and Cheryl of flawkes- ville spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hedley of Teeswater and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott visited their cousin Mrs. Mary Rich- ter at her home in Weston. Mrs. Robt. Edgar attended the R.N.A. Workshop at Sault Ste Marie. A number of people attend- ed the variety concert of local talent in Wingham Town Hall on Sunday afternoon in aid of the homebound. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pyke entertained their family on Sunday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hall, Ronald and Randy of Burford. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall of Scotland; Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Beyer and Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Beyer, Step- hanie and Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Boelke, Willi and Donovan of R.R. 2, Harris- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Toner of Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pyke, Jeffery and Jennifer of Wroxeter; and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pyke and family. Bruce Latronica, Andy McLay, Larry Reidt, Murray Zimmerman and Ray Van Emgen, The Howick team tied. Grey Central in the first game 0-0 and beat Turnberry by a score of 3-2. Howick Howick goals were scored by Manfred Worner, Ron Strome and Rob Gallaher. Mrs. Jas. Alcorn has return ed home after having eye surgery for glaucoma, Oct- ober 3 in Victoria Hospital in London. Jas. Alcorn visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alcorn, Kris and Cheri in London while Mrs. Alcorn was in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gib- son and' family members attended the Livingstone - Jennings wedding and recep- tion at the Nottawasaga Inn near Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Weber of Kimberley were Thanks- giving guests with Mr: and Brussels Friendship Club met in the Legion October 21 with a good attendance. In the absence of the president Gertie Bolger conducted the meeting. The minutes were read by secretary Doris Hooper. The lunch and program committee were read out for the November meeting. Ed. Martin introduced Mr. arid Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Godden and Cecil Bateman from Ethel. They provided several musical numbers: duets by Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Godden. Solos by these two ladies, also selections on the mouth organ by. Cecil Bateman were very much enjoyed by all present. Mr. Sutton played the piano for all the numbers. We extend a very hearty vote of thanks to each of them. Get well cards-were signed for two of our members, Mrs. Jacklin and Mrs. McDonald; who are at present in the hosliital. The next meeting will be November 18. The Christmas dinner will be held Dec. 16. Any member wishing to go please hand in your name. Cards followed with winners: High Lady - Elsie Evans; High Gent. - Mrs. Ttirnbull playing as man; Low lady - Mrs. E. Stevens; Low gent - Gertie Bolger playing as man; Lucky card - Torrance Dundas. Home Hardware Windshield Washer And-Freeze 4 Litre 149 . 8614-252.12 Chubb ABC Fire Extinguisher Guard your home and auto against the danger of small fires, 21/2 lb 11 5425;32E4 White and 210 pastel shades In a pleasing loW lustre sheen. Tough Washable finish, with soap and water clean Up, Quart Reg. 6.39 Armor All Protects. preserves, and beautifies 16 oz. • 659 6657-668-12 10 Inch Ice Braker Scraper 8678-497-40 Roller Frame Four Wire cage PlastiC handle 16557066.20 1655.679-20,, 179 1199 .•• FtollerRefilt. 7 6" Ld-Fine 15" 1-11.0ile 1655-60440 1665410-20' 190 mm 190 min 1!9. 11111.81111.1k AS — THE BRUSSELS POST. OCTOBER 28. 1981 Sports club for Ontario The Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981 IS.O. 1981, c.20) Notice of Public Meeting ONTARIO HYDRO—SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM EXPANSION PROGRAM IN THE MATTER OF sections 2 and 3 of The Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981, —and— IN THE MATTER OF sections 7(1), and 12(2) and (3) of the Environmental Assessment Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c.140), —and— IN THE MATTER OF sections 13, 14, 15, 17, 29, 39 and 49 of the Planning Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c.379), —and— IN THE MATTER OF sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Expropriations Ait, (R.S.O. 1980, c.148), —and— IN THE MATTER OF sections 10, 11, 12,24,25 and 26 of the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act,' (R.S.O. 1980, c.316), —and— IN THE MATTER OF section 2 of the Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c.368), —and— IN THE MATTER OF an undertaking of Ontario Hydro consisting of the planning of, selection of locations for, acquisition of property rights for, and the design, construction, operation and maintenance of additional bulk electricity system facilities in Southwestern Ontario consisting of switching and transformer stations, communication and control facilities, transmission lines and related facilities. Notice Notice in writing dated the 18th day of September, 1981 was given to the Hearings Registrar by. Ontario Hydro in accordance with sections 2 and 3(1) of The Consolidated Hearings Act. By order dated the 30th day of September, 1981, the Chairman of the Environmental Assessment Board and the Chairman of the Ontario Municipal Board established a joint board with respect to a hearing on the undertaking. Ontario Hydro has advised the Hearings Registrar that it will, by October 31, 1981, submit to the Minister of the Environment an environmental assessment of an electric transmission system expansion program for Southwestern Ontario and that copies of the environmental assessment may be obtained free of charge after that date from: Mr. J. E. Wilson Manager, Public Hearings Department, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue, H19 E16 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 (416) 592-3724 The Minister of the Environment is required, in accordance with section 7(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act, to cause to be prepared a review of the assessment and to give notice of the receipt of the environmental assessment, completion of preparation of the review, and the place or places where the review may be inspected. The Ministry of the Environment has advised the joint board that this notice will be•published in 'a newspaper having general circulation in the area which is or may be affected by the undertaking. The purpose of the hearing is to enable the joint board to make any decision and order regarding: (i) the acceptance or amendment and acceptance of the environmental assessment; (ii) whether approval to proceed with the undertaking in respect of which the environmental assessment was submitted, should or should not be given; (iii) whether the approval mentioned in clause (ii) should be given subject to terms and conditions, and if so, the provisions of such terms and conditions; (b) (i) all official plan amendments and restricted area by-law amendments which may be necessary for this undertaking; (ii) all consents which may be required pursuant to section 29 of the Planning Act for the acquisition of property rights for this undertaking; and (iii) all minor variances which may be required pursuant to section 49 of the Planning Act for this undertaking; (c) whether the taking of lands is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of Ontario Hydro; (d) whether approval of such expropriations, with or without modifications, as may be required to carry out this undertaking should or. should not be given; (e) (i) any amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Plan which may be necessary for this undertaking; and (ii) any development permits which may be required for this undertaking in accordance with the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act; and any amendments to the Parkway Belt Plan which may be required for this undertaking. TAKE NOTICE THAT the joint board hereby appoints Wednesday, the 2nd day of December, 1981 at 11:00 o'clock in the morning, local time, at the following location: Market Annex Building Stratford Fairgrounds 20 Glastonbury Drive Stratford, Ontario NSA 6T1 for a preliminary meeting in this matter. THE PURPOSE OF THE PRELIMINARY MEETING IS TO CONSIDER SUCH MATTERS AS, BUT NOT NECESSARILY RESTRICTED TO, IDENTIFICATION OF THE PARTIES AND PARTICIPANTS, PROCEDURAL MATTERS, DETERMINATION OF ISSUES, HEARING AND SETTING AND ANNOUNCING THE DATE AND LOCATION(S) FOR THE ANY PERSONS WISHING TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS TO THE JOINT BOARD REGARDING THESE MATTERS OR WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HEARING SHOULD ATTEND OR BE REPRESENTED AT THE PRELIMINARY MEETING, OR; IF THEY ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND OR BE REPRESENTED, SHOULD MAKE SUCH REPRESENTATIONS IN WRITING TO BE RECEIVED BY . THE HEARINGS REGISTRAR NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 27.1981. NO REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE UNDERTAKING, OTHER THAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE PRELIMINARY MEETING, WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE JOINT BOARD UNTIL THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE HEARING. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the joint board will give notice of its decision and reasons by placing them in the record of public hearing. If you do hot attend at the preliminary meeting or make a written representation, the joint board may proceed with the hearing in your absence and you will hot be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings, Hearing No. CH-81.04 t M. Murphy, Hearings Registrar Dated at Toronto this 1 St, Clair Avenue West, 19th day of October,1981 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4V1KZ (416) 9654531. I (a) (f) Music a highlight Friendship Club meets