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The Brussels Post, 1981-09-30, Page 8
Come in and consult our stylists to see which style suits your dress and head piece • , ": • • • ' I '-4 BLYTH ,k) 4 Lj • 46 .r... r Something New Interesting Natural Health Food Dept. THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 30, 19811 Style, not cost is important Decorating your first apart- ment with hand-me-down furniture from parents and relatives can be a challenge to newlywed couples. However, decorating with "conversation pieces" when you first set up house is definitely to your advantage; it gives you time to determine your long-range wants and needs, and allows you to budget for those items you'll want to keep for years to come. Here are some handy do- it-yourself decorating hints to help beautify your home; Large bureaus or dressers can take on new life by simply refinishing or repainting them. Often, professional decorators will blend such pieces with the walls so they seem to disappear. "Ibis can be done by paint- ing the walls with geometric lines or patterns and extend- ing this pattern on the dres- ser itself. Or, paper the dresser with the same wall- paper you are using on the walls, then cover with varnish or plastic sealer. Hand-me-down pieces can be simple to care for, tool A couple's approach to de- corating a first home or apartment may determine a future of easy-care living or long hours spent on home maintenance. For the couple interested in spending more time with each other and less time on housework, a practical decor- ating strategy will produce a home that is stylish and easy to care for. Old mirrors can be moder- nized by refinishing or by covering borders with fabric glued over padding and stretched over to the back. Using both standard dec- orating ideas and their own personal style can result in practical solutions for an easy-care home. For instance, in the kit- chen, decorate for ease as well as style. Hang pots and cooking accessories within easy reach. Turn the back of a kitchen door into storage space for cleaning supplies. Hang broom, carpet sweeper, mop and other cleaning supplies from brackets on the back of the door, or hang shelves for a convenient door-back pantry. Decorate with low-main- tenance materials, such as carpeting, to cut down on housework. With the abun- dance of durable fibers and colors available today, car- If there are going to be small children in your wedding pro- cession, a flower girl, ring bearer or both, make sure they know what they are going to do. If necessary go over what will be happening several times so that both you and the youngsters will be comfoi-table and confi- Renew dinette sets either by painting or by covering the table with a pretty floor length linen table cloth. Chair cushions can be covered to peting is versatile enough for a number of decorating appli- cations. Decorative baskets are cre- ative organizers. A large trunk-like basket used as a coffee table serves as a storage bin for books or can hide the miscellany for a quick clean-up. In the kitchen, baskets can be hung decoratively to hold recipes, napkins and place- mats, and house plant equip- ment. Desks can be tidied by using baskets as catch-alls for pens, paper, stamps and as files for correspondence. A new couple can have more free time if they spend just a few hours making plans for a home that is stylish and easy to maintain. dent. Remember that they too will be both excited and nervous about this big event, their chance to share some of your limelight, and that they will be doing their very best on your most important day to make it just a little bit more special. match! Take advantage of acces- sories to brighten up your new abode. Throw pillows are always good for accenting a couch—try several in a variety of hues if you wish to make your living room really colourful. Some small curios and favourite knickknacks 'COMPLETELY OPEN Plus many more advantages. See us, the.... SAVINGS ACCOUNTS also can add interest and provide new focal points to "borrowed" tables and shelves. Also, be sure to grow lots of plants. They look great in every room; many are inex- pensive and easy to care for—and they never go out of style„. CHEWING ACCOUNTS Decorate home for easy care Children share in the fun Here at your Credit Union we can help with 1ST MORTGAGES people helping people, YOUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION EXETER Located in the Old Town Hall 322 Main S. 235-0640 CLINTON 70 Ontario St. 482-3467 Beautiful Silk Flowers Corr gilt* 1111PrS 'TROUSSEAU p for a wedding to remember FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 523-1221 We carry a wide selection of gifts for the bride THE KITCHEN CUPBOARD k COO RELLE EXPRESSBOAS INgifu@noll©no OV C©inllEIG, LOvringwaigi Giftware, Crystal, Appliances, Cookware, Bakeware, Pyrex-Ware, Corningware We do Gift Wraping Hensall PR:( tHardWare 22 ling street .N0A. IX° Herital I Ontario - TelOphititiO (519),262-2015 Aeon-