HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-09-16, Page 12375 ml • 19 oz. .99 2.25 .89 48 oz. limit .89 Chapman's ICE CREAM 2 litres 1.55 Brusselsfest '81 Sept. 19 Kraft 500 gr. CHEESE WHIZ 2.19 No Name Assorted JELLO POWDERS 3 oz. 3/.89 Stafford Apple PIE FILL Pitcher Pack 2% MILK Bick's Cubit RELISH Campbell's TOMATO JUICE Open 6 days STEPHENSON Self •Serve Groceteria. Brussels AG GEOHBAR AINSHEI Clover Cream ICE CREAM Schneiders Frozen 16 BEEF BURGERS 1 kg. Weston Jam Filled BUNS White L4bel Toilet TISSUE Schneider Bowls of HEAD CHEESE Brights Apple JUICE Chiquita BANANAS 1.99 22. 3.99 .99 .99 1.49 1.19 .33 or 2 litre Carton 6's 4 roll 375 Gram 48 oz. Order your bulk frozen vegetables• now delivery expected around end of September. McCUTCHEON GROCERY We Deliver Brussels '881-948 STORE HOURS Monday to Saturday Otoo.hitii, to 61 p.nt. Al2 ,-, THE BRUSSELS POST SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 Melville ladies meet 20 Auction Sales CONSIGNMENT AUCTION of Farm Machinery, Household Effects, Tools etc. at LISTOWEL LIVESTOCK LTD. on Sat., Sept. 26 at 11:00 a.m. at Listowel Livestock Ltd. TO CONSIGN Phone: .291-2600 Auctioneer Don Rea 20-06-2 21 Tender Wanted TENDERS • FOR Snow Removal in the Township of Morris During the 1981-82 sea- son. Required is one grad- er and one Tandem dump truck. Sealed, clearly marked tenders will be received by the undersigned on a form supplied by the road sup- erintendent until 5 p.m. Friday, October 2, 1981 All tenders are subject to the approval of the Minis- try of Transportation & Communications. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. Lloyd Michle Road Superintendent Township of Morris 21-07-2 24 Card of Thanks wish to say thank you to the organizers, walkers and all those people who were spon- sors in the recent walkathon, that made my share so generous. Thank you very much. — Doug McArter. 24-07x1 Thank you to our friends, neighbours and relatives for the flowers, fruit, candy, gifts, cards and visits while Jack was in Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses on the 3rd floor and Drs. Lenczner and Mc-1 Ivor. Many thanks too for the help given on the farm, for the ' many good things brought to the house and for the numerous other kind deeds which helped tremen- dously. A sincere thank you to all. -- Jack and Donna Knight 24-07x1 I wish to thank my relatives, neighbours and friends for visits, flowers and cards and gifts during my stay in Wingham Hospital and since coming home. Many thanks to you all. — Bessie Mc Ctitcheon„ 24-07x1 24 Card of Thanks I would like to thank the Brussels Legion for spon- soring me in the Queen of the Fair Contest and for the lovely gift. As well, I would like to thank all those who gave the beautiful gifts. They were really nice. I would like to also congratulate Naiici Bennett for winning and Karen Alexander for being the runner-up. Once again, thanks, as this will be an experience I will always re- member. — Cathy Sholdice. 24-07x1 The Officers and Directors of the Brussels Agricultural Society would like to thank everyone who helped in any- way to make the Queen of the Fair Dance a success. Special thanks to the sponsors and donators. 24-07-1 I wish to thank all the Brussels and area merchants who presented me with such lovely gifts. Special thanks to Mr. Boynton and the Brussels Agromart for sponsoring me. September 5, 1981 will al- Ways be a pleasant memory for me. — Karen Alexander. 24-07-1 Ken and Joan Campbell would like to thank our family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their good wishes, gifts, and attending our 25th wedding anniversary open house. To those who helped in many ways, it was very much appreciated and made our anniversary a day which we will long rememb- er. 24-07-1 I wish to express my sincere thanks to my sponsor, Mc Gavin's Farm Equipment, as well as the Brussels Agricul- tural Society, the fair queen committee, the judges, those who presented me with so many lovely gifts, my fellow contestants and all those who helped make that night a memorable one for me. — Nanci Bennett. 24-07x1 26 Personal Lonesome for letters? I'll write cheery letters or cards. For first letter and card send $2.00 to "Chatter" Box 6744, Station "J", Ottawa, Ont. K2A 3Z4. 26-04x1 27 Births MCDOUGALL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc . Dougall announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Elizabeth, 7 lbs. 3 oz., August 19th, at Seaforth Community Hospit- al. Proud grandparents Lloyd and Mabel Glanville and great grandparents John and Winnifred Glanville. 27-07-1 1 Coming Events Seaforth Fall Fair Annual Pork B.B.Q. and Dance, Seaforth Arena, Saturday, Sept. 19 B.B.Q. 6:00 - 7:30. Dance 9:00 - 1:00. Music by Shannon. Tickets $7.50. Dance only $3.00. Tickets available at The Huron Ex- positor. 1-07-1 A Post Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial Brussels 881,6641. Brussels Melville Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs, Alex Steiss with ten mem- bers and one visitor present. Mrs. Harvey Dennis was leader and had a "Salute to September" with all mem- bers taking part. Elsie Evans read the scrip- ture and Mrs. King led in prayer. The Roll call was answered with verses per- taining to fall. The minutes of the June meeting were read by Ruby Steiss, the financial report by Berva. Dennis and the Sunshine report by Ethel The evening unit of the Brussels U.C.W. met at the home of Donna Sanderson on Wednesday, Sept. 9 with 13 members and three guests in attendance. President Karen Cardiff welcomed everyone and thanked Donna for inviting us into her home. Jeanette Boynton then read an interes- ting report written by the government about "The Year J.E. LONGSTAFF -OPTOMETRIST- SEA FORTH 527-1240 Monday to Friday 9-5:30 Saturday 9-12:00 FREE PARKING ON PREMISES Closed Wednesdays By Appointment Lawn Sale Saturday, Sept. 19 at 10:00 a:m. Corner of William Street, East BRUSSELS Long. The story of "an unimport- ant man" was read by Berva Dennis. The programme was taken over by Winnifred Edgar and a Guessing Con- test and .a Tourist Attraction contest were given, Leona Armstrong gave a reading from Viola Phillip's party line about an unusual birthday present. Lunch, was served by Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Walter Kerr assisted by the hostess. A social time was enjoyed. of the Disabled." Donna continued with a summary of the life of "The Great Terry Fox." A poem by Edgar Guest, "They Said It Couldn't Be Done" was read by Jeanette after which Donna introduced Mrs. Ada Haasnoot who told us about her experience in having a child who was blind from birth and what wonderful training and learning he is receiving at the School For the Blind in Brantford. Melinda Hamilton and Crystal Devlin favoured us by singing "How Great Thou Art" and Amazing Grace accompanied by Karen. Donna then read the poem "Where there's a will- there's a way", and followed with the 23rd Psalm. The hymn "Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory" was sung by everyone. Joan Bernard then read the minutes of our last meeting, and Betty Graber gave some interesting cur- rent events. The project "Telephone Reassurance Program" which our group are adopting was discussed so that it can get operating immediately. This is a community project and anyone who is interested may call Karen at 887-6164. The meeting adjourned with the Lord's Prayer said in unison. Jean Bridge and Joan Bernard served lunch. OLDRIDGE—SCHEFTER Betty Anne Schefter and Brian Peter Oldridge, were united in marriage at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wingham. The double ring ceremony took place at 3:30 p.m. on July 25th, 1981. Rev. Len Fex officiated. Organist was Don Vair. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schefter of. R.R. 2 Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Oldridge of R.R. 4 Wingham are the groom's parents. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attendedf by her matron of honour, her sister, Mrs. Mary Lou Sitler, and bridesmaides Mrs. Laurie Metcalf of R.R. 4 Wingham, cousin of the bride, Mrs. Marion Schefter, sister-in-law of the bride, of R.R. 2 Gorrie and Miss Melissa Schefter, niece of the bride. Groomsman was Hugh Ives, friend of the groom, of R.R. 2 Blyth. The supper and reception following the wedding ceremony was held at the Wingham Legion. After a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Canada and New York State the couple took up residence at R.R. 4 Brussels. Guests from a distance in attendance . were from Chillawack, B.C.and Sussex, New Brunswick. CLASSIFIED Brussels UCW hear of mothers' experience with blind child