HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-09-16, Page 1111 Articles for Sale CAULIFLOWER $4.00 per bushel. Orders taken at Horst's Berry Farms. 887-6183 or 887-6194. 11-05-3 EXTEND growing season three months with nationally advertised greenery season extender. 44" x 44" x 49". Regularly $99.99, now only - $49.99. Order C.O.D. Hali- burton Machine & Manufac- turing Ltd., Box 2, Halibur- ton, Ontario KOM ISO (705) 457-2062. 11-07x1 12 Wanted to Buy SMALL calves, either beef or dairy. Clare Van Camp. 357- 2861. 12-07-2 14 Property for Sale CONSIDER a lot with full underground services and asphalt roads, for your resort /retirement home in vibrant, lakeshore - Kincardine. $12,000. Call (519) 396-3359. 14-07x1 Real Estate Ltd. Clinton Phone: 41124371 2 ACRES - near Brussels - large brick home - presently being completely renovated. assess* COMMERCIAL BUILDING Main St., Brussels - 2 bdr. apartment above - very rea- sonable price. ******* WALTON INN - fully equip- ped, quick possession, good terms can be arranged. ******* 100 ACRES - crop land - Morris Twp. ******* 5 ACRES IN MORRIS TWP. with brick home and barn, Priced to sell quickly. • ******* 150 ACRES EOst Wawanosh Twp., - frame home - attrac- tive out-buildings - set up for beef and hogs. 14-07-1 . New' Raised Bungalow Excellent location with town water. Brick and aluminum. For mainten- ance-free living. 3 large bedrooms, livingroom, eat-in kitchen and dining room. Listed at 558,500, To view, call Bill Stratychuk office 291.2299 Home 291-2144 Representing Campbell Johnson Realty Lis- towel. 14-07-1 NOTICE From September 15th to October 15th inclusive, Building Permit Applications will be taken for residents of Grey Township at the Grey Township Municipal Office, R.R. 3 Brussels. JANE BADLEY Clerk-Treasurer AMCT [A] GREY TOWNSHIP 19-07-1 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales Auction Sale FOR MRS. MARY C. BLAKE 1 1/2 miles south of Brussels and 1 mile east. SAT. SEPT. 19 at 1:30 p.m. The sale consists of a complete line of household . articles including: fridge; freezer; McLeary Easy 30" stove; washer-spin-dryer; 2 chrome kitchen sets; electrical appliances; chesterfield and chair; fold away day bed; pots and pans; dishes, including some Canadian and depression glass; radio; TV and stands; linens; jars and bottles; crocks; some old tools and collectables, ladies wing back chair; odd tables and chairs; space heater; etc. In addition, a jewellers bench; washstand; blanket box; buffet; rocking chair; mantle clock; fur coats; picture frames; old wooden, and iron and brass beds. beds. Something of interest for everyone. AUCTIONEER - TOM PAPPLE R.R. 4, Seaforth 527-0940 70-07-1 24 Card of Thanks I would like to say a special thank you to every one for making. Br 218 50th Anniver- sary a success. The ladies Aux, for their cake and help, all those who worked, made decorations, donations or en- tertained, those who marched or just attended. Last but not least my wife for bearing with me. So thank you all once again. —Don Blenkhorn, Pres. Brussels Br. 218 24-07x1 More on next page THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 — A11 1:t School Time Is Want Ad Time! Use Yours Regularly! 1 Coming Events BRUSSELS AND DISTRICT Horticultural Society meeting in library Monday Sept. 21, 8 p.m. Bring your question on pruning shrubs. Pictures. 1-07x1 BRUSSELS WOLF CUBS are starting a new season on Thursday, Sept, 17, at 7:15 p.m. at Brussels School. All boys between 8 and 11 that would like to join are most welcome. 1-07-1 ANNIVERSARY service at Knox United Church Bel- grave, Sunday September 27, at 11;15 a.m. Rev. Allan Johnston of London will be guest speaker. Everyone wel- come. 1-07-2 HOWICK Lions Bingo will be held Friday, September 18 at 8 p.m. in Wroxeter Commun- ity Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 regular games for $10.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25.00 Special, Jackpot $170 on 54 calls. Purple ball, $150, door and consolation prizes. 1-07-1 STORY HOUR at Brussels Library for three and four year old children, Tuesday, September 22nd to October 29th, from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. 1-07-1 COME and help to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Grey Township, music by Lincoln Green, Saturday, October 10, 1981, B.M.&.G. Community Centre. Dancing 9-1, Reminiscing Room 7-1. Price $4 per person. Tickets are available Munici- pal Office, Council Members and Grey Recreation Board Members or for information call 887-6268. 1-06-4 1 Coming Events THIRD annual Strathroy Ant- igue Show and Sale at Strath- roy Arena. October 2nd, 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; October 3rd, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 1-07x1 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00 Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00. $5. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 1-05-tf 11•11.114.141a•Ilmmoomme Japanese Cuisine Sunday, Sept. 20 4 - 8 p.m. Vanastra Centre Adults $7.50 Children $3 Proceeds for: Town and Country Homemakers Tickets• available at door or from Bev. Brown,- tel. 335-6118. 1-06-2 The family of Allan and Beatrice Campbell wish to invite friends, neighbours and relatives to an open reception in Brussels on Fri- day evening, 2nd October, 1981 on the occasion of their parents' 40th Wedding An- niversary. Best Wishes only. 1-07-2 4 Help Wanted GENERAL LABOURER *Welding shop experience preferred. Apply in person, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1981 at Robert Bell Industries, 156 Main St. S., Seaforth. 4-07.1 • 4 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WELDERS *M,C.C.R. Ticket required. Apply in person, Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1981 at Robert Bell Industries Ltd. 156 Main St., S. Seaforth. 4-07-1 A MIDDLE-AGED live-in housekeeper and companion to an elderly lady in Wingham Apply to Box 50, The Brussels Post. 4-07-2 EARN extra money. Show beautiful Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neigh- bours, relatives. It's easy and profitable. No experience needed. Write today for free, colourfully illustrated cata- logue and information. Mon- arch Cards and Gifts, 215 Cannon, Hamilton L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 4-07x1 5 Bus. Opportunity EARN money! Save money! Learn Income Tax Prepara- tion at home. For free broch- ure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox- borough Drive, Toronto, Ont- ario M4W 1X4. 5-07x1 8 Farm Stock PUREBRED Polled Hereford Bull. 6 months old. Phone 482-3353. 8-07x1 10 Used Cars .!76 Ford 1/2 ton. 887-9021. 10-07x1 '75 Ford Club Wagon Van. Needs exhaust and minor body work. 55,000 miles. Phone Phone 887-6472 10-07x1 L. & M. AUTO. WRECKING R.R. 3 Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries copper and scrap We pay cash for completeyars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561 1G-05-tf 11 Articles for Sale STANDING corn. 55 acres. Bluevale Messer Farms. 357- 3409. John Thompson. 11-07-2 WOOD for sale $18.00 a cord. Split and piled at my farm in Brussels, Ian McDonald. 887- 6741. 11-07x1 FREEZER cookbook. 191 pages. Recipes, instructions and money saving ideas. Send $1.50 plus 50c handling to Freezing Information Bur- eau' Box 840, Station Q, Toronto, M4T 2N7, 11-07x1 17 Wanted to Rent LAND suitable for cash crop in Brussels Area. Apply in writing to Box 50 The Brus- sels. Post, Brussels, Ontario. 17-07x2 CUSTOM forage harvesting. Corn silage. High moisture corn-cob meal. Fields opened with self-propelled harvester. Garniss Bros. R.R. 4 Wing- ham, 357-3787. 19-06-4 WEBER's Sewage Disposal. Septic Tanks Pumped. Phone Lloyd Weber 887-6700 19-99-8 I Septic Tanks Cleaned Phone Louis Bloke R.R. 2, Brussels, Ont. 887-6800 19 Notice PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR anc' Appliance Service. 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 19-054 Hank's Small Engine Service 1 Mile North of Londesboro 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock 19-0S-if Madame Anna's Card and palm reading and advisor - Phone for appointment 271-7392. 19-05-5 Word Count Charges are based. on the number of words. Set of numerals as for_serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-15 words $2.00. 8c per word thereafter SUBSEUQENT INSERTIONS—No copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-41.82 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS—S1.54.per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office-51.00 per insertion. BIRTHS-15 words $2.00 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES —15 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIA1V1S—$2.50 plus. 15c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS-15 wof,ds $2.00-Each additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 words $2.50; each additional word 5c per word 25e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon, Monday. Phone 887-6641 19 Notice 19 Notice