The Brussels Post, 1981-09-02, Page 15Charter members in 1966 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Brussels Branch 218 on your 50 Anniversary The officers and members of Gait Cambridge Bran ch 121, No., Congratulations and Best Wishes t Brussels Branch 218 on your 50 Anniversary the officers and Members of Ilari0Ver ,Branch No.430 to Yes Congratidat)( and Best Wis Brussels Branch on your 50 Anniversary The officers and members of 8 Durham Branch No: 308 Congratulations and Best Wishes •8ramoh No. 167 Exeter • Congratulations and Best Wishes 4 Congratulations and Best Wishes to Brussels Branch 218 on your 50 Anniversary The officers and members of Seaforth Branch No.,156 0.0A, Brussels Branch 218 on your 50 Anniversary The officers and members Of Pahnerston Branch No, 409 to Brussels Branch 218 on your 50 Anniversary The officers and members of BRUSSELS POST LEGION ANNIVERSARY SUPPLEMENT fi3 Legion arks 50 yea s of community work By Ross Duncan The Brussels Branch #218 of the Royal Canadian Legion (formerly known as the Can- adian Legion of the British Empire Service League) was organized in August 1931 and received the charter in Nov- ember 2, 1931 with the following charter members: Fred W. Burchell, William H. Bell, S. B. Elliott, Edward Garton, George Harmon, Joseph E. Kelly, C. F. Lock- wood, George Manning, Har- old Phillips, Robert Patrick, Stanley Rutledge, Percy Sel- lers, William Stiles, C. H. Stubbert, Roy Thuell, Wil- fred Willis and J. Pedgriff. Before the Branch received its charter, these members travelled many miles to Branch 134, Mount Forest for their meetings every month; after the branch was formed, meetings were held in mem- bers' homes and the town hall. Membership dwindled to 13 members at the outbreak of the Second World War but they held the branch together until the younger veterans returned home and swelled the ranks to the present 208 members. Each veteran who returned home was presented with a billfold donated by Corn. Moe Wineberg. The first President was Fred Burchell 1931 followed by Wm. Stiles-1933, Russ Knight-1938, Joe Kelly,1940, Charles Stubbert-1941, George Harmon-1942, George Inglis-1943, Frank Shaw-1944, Moe Wineberg- 1945, Harold Thomas-1946, Oliver Doll-1947, C. L. Work- man-1948, Geo. Baeker-1949. C.L. Workman-1950, Orwell Elliott-1952, Ken Coleman- the expense along with the 1953, Gord Workman-1953, Lions club for swimming Russ Hall-1954, Gordon lessons for local youngsters. Krauter-1955, Elmer Sellers- It helps with the candy for,the 1956, Ross Bennett-1957, Santa Claus parade and also Ross Duncan-1959, Stewart donates to several organiza- Humphries-1960, Herb Tra- tions. viss-1962, Tom McFarlane- Decoration Day is held 1964, C. E. (Ted) Elliott-1966, annually at the cemetery Wm. Adamson-1971,'Clifford along with Ladies Auxiliary, Cardiff-1972, Jack Brewer- Cadets, Oddfellows and Re- 1974, Tom Garniss-1977, bekahs - in remembrance of Glen Bridge-1980, Ted El- our fallen comrades. Re- liott-1981, and present Pre- membrance Day is rememb- sident Pon Blenkhorn-1981. ered by laying of wreaths at RENOVATED BUILDING the cenotaph and an annual On May 4, 1946, the Legion church, parade. followed by purchased a building (on a Remembrance dinner. Turnberry Street) from Nor- Members enjoy participat- man Thompson. A lot of ing in sports such as Darts, renovating was done and this Golf, Euchre, Cribbage, building was used as a Legion Horse shoes, Bowling, Curl- hall till they bought and built ing, and the comradeship of a new Legion Hall on the site all the other branches in Zone of the old town hall, The new C-1. Our membership con- building was officially opened sists of 80 Ordinary, 6 Life, 66 June 12, 1965. Associate, 46 Fraternal and The cost of the building 10 Honorary members. As plus interior fixtures ran into this is our 50th Birthday we 'the neighbourhood of are celebrating it Sept. 11, 12, $60,000.00. It may be noted at 13. See you all then. this time that contrary to the The slate of officers for public belief, there were no 1981 is: President Com. Don grants given for this type of Blenkhorn. , Past Pres. Corn. project, either from govern- Ted Elliott, 1st Vice Pres. ment agencies or the various Com. Les Brewer, 2nd Vice Legion commands; so money Pres. Corn. Bob Fraser, Sec. had to he raised by the Corn. Glen Bridge, Treas. members through dances, on Corn. Marg. Bennett, Service annual sports day,bingo, card Officer Corn. Ross Bennett, parties, and with the help of Sgt. At Arms Com. Carl our Ladies Auxiliary we were G raber, Padre Rev. Eric Le able to pay off the mortgage Drew, Executive Committee in 1974. Corns. C. Proctor, Scott SPONSORSHIPS Bridge, Cliff Apel, Al Logan. The Legion sponsors Pee Poppy Chairman Stewart Wee Hockey Team Minor Lowe, Assistant Ross Dun- Sports, Public speaking, Es- can, Membership-Chairman- say and Poems, Grade 8 Glen • Bridge, Assistant Al graduation Trophies. The hall Logan, P.R.O. Chairman- is donated to Sr. citizens - BarbDunbar, Youth Educa- Cadets and Pipe Band. tion-Chairman Frank Stretten The Legion sponsors half Track and Field- Scott Chairman-Don Dunbar, As- House Corn. Tom MacFar- sistant-Ross Bennett, Sick lane, Canteen, Chairman and Shut in - Chairmen Bridge, Sports - Ord. and 1 Cliff Apel, Miner Sports Assc. Chairman B. Richard- Chairman-Al Nichol) Assist- son, Sports-Fraternal and ant M. Lowe, Entertainment- Honorary , Joe Steffler, Brussels-Cliff Apel, Grey-Ron Cardiff, Morris- Robert Fraser, Walton-Ross Bennett. Corn. Glen Bridge is our Deputy Zone Commander for Zone Cl CHARTER MEMBERS - In 1966, these Legion charter members had their picture taken. In the front row from left are Ed Garton, William Bell and Roy Thuell. In the back row are William Stiles, Harold Phillips and Bevan Elliott. (Frank Phillips Photo Seaforth \