HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-09-02, Page 111 Coming Events. BRUSSELS MIXED Bowling is starting again this fall at Molesworth Lanes. If you are wishing to join call Gwen Cousins at 887-6551. 1-04-2 REGISTER now for Ceramic Classes starting Sept. Even- ing and afternoon sessions. Country Ceramics. 887-6424. 1-04-2 CLINTON Legion Bingo, every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00 Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15.00. $5. least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each ,week. 1-05-tf BRUSSELS LEGION 50th anniversary dance at B.M.G. Community Centre. Sept. 12, 1981. $3 per person. 1-04-3 The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic held at the Health Unit Office Medical Building, Brussels on Tuesday, September 8, 1981 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Fluoride 1-05-1 Anyone wishing lessons in piano and theory, please contact Joanne King 887- 6314. 19-05x2 Hank's Small Engine Service Henry Reinink 1 Mile North of Londesboro 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment Repair New and Used Garden Equipment In Stock 19-05-tf '.Septic Tanks Cleaned Phone Louis Blake R.R. 2, Brussels, Ont. 887-6800 PHIL'S REFRIGERATOR and Appliance Service. 24 hour emergency service. Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 19-054 22 ,I,egal Notices 19 Notice X ,on rowdy Arm/ eckazOn Invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION ADVISORY ' COMMITTEE This Committee consist- ing aboard members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron County Board of Education in respect to any matter affecting the establishment and devel- opment of special educa- tion programmes and ser- vices in respect of excep- tional pupils of the board Volunteers must be nominated by a local asso- ciation and appointed by the Huron County Board of Education. - - Local association means an association or organiza- tion of parents that oper- ates locally within the area of jurisdiction of a board and that is affiliated with an association or organiza- tion -that is not an associa- tion or organization of professional educators but that is incorporated and operates throughout Ont- ario to further the interest and wellbeing of one or more groups of exception- children or adults. Secretaries of local as- sociations are requested to forward applications to: W. D. Kenwell Superintendent of Education Huron County Board of Education ' 103 Albert Street CLINTON Ontario • NOM1L0 'on or before Friday, Sep- tember 11. 1981. 19-05x1 24 Card of Thanks 'the tamily of the late Lavina Pearl Keifer wish to thank friends, relatives and neighbours for , floral tributes, donations and cards of sympathy received. Specials thanks to Rev. LeDrew, Peebles Funeral Home and Ethel W.I. Ladies for lunch served after the funeral. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. 24-05x1 We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the children who attended the playground activities, for making our summer so Worth while. Also thanks goes to the parents for their help, the Recreation Committee, for their token of appreciation and Wayrie Lowe and Karen Hastings for their support throughout the Summer, Cathy Sholdice and Debbie Hall. 24-05-1 Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for_serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-15 words $2.00. 8c per word thereafter SUBSEUQENT INSERTIONS-No copy changes, 6c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST.INSERTION-$1.82 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-51.54 per column inch. (Minimum size in -this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office-$1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS-15 words $2.00 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS-$2.50 plus, 15C per line of verse. COMING EVENTS-15 wotds $2.00.-Each additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 words $2.50; each' additional word 5c per word 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon, Monday. Phone 8876641 11 Articles for Sale 4 Walker Beagle cross pups. 9 months old. Dave Thomas 887-9010. .11-05-1 10 or 11 acres of second 'cut alfalfa. Lot 29, Con. 16 of Grey Township. Priced to sell. 887-6256. 11-05-1 CAULIFLOWER $4.00 per bushel (seconds) Orders taken at Horst's Berry Farms. 887-6183 or 887-6194. 11-05-3 REDUCED for quick sale 12 x 65 House trailer. Must be moved. 887-6727, 887-6424 11-05x1 Westeel - Rosco grain bins, Aeration systems, complete layout and design of augers and automatic feed processing systems. We do complete installation from the concrete to erection of bins, auger and elevators. We also stock hammers, screens and replacement parts to fit Modern Farm- matic Mix-Mill (Hammer Mills) Call Huron Structures, Brussels, 887-9200. 11-05-2 DRY screened bagged shavings. Delivered in trailerload (500 - 600 bags). Call Custom Lumber & Millwork Ltd., Bolton, Ont. (416) 857-1882. 11-05x1 FREEZER cookbook. 191 pages. Recipes, instructions and money saving ideas. Send $1.50 plus 50c handling to Freezing Information Bureau, Box 840, Station Q, Toronto M4T 2N7. 11-05x1 12 Wanted to Buy SMALL CALVES, dairy or beef. 357-2861. 12-04-2 15 Property for Rent LARGE 4 bedroom 'farm house, 5 miles from BruSsels. References required. Call after 5 887-6570. 15-04-2 Apartment, 3 bedroom. uptown, 527-0331. 15-21X1 19 Notice WEBER's Sewage Disposal. Septic Tanks Pumped. Phone Lloyd Weber 887-6700 19-90-8 THE BRUSSELS POST, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 •T- A11 As Sure As Gonna Rain Wald Ads .Sell. Card and palm reading and-advisor Phone for appointment 271-7392. 19-05-5 Madame Anna's next page. More on 1 Coming Events !BREATHEEZIE Rally, Monday, September 21, 7:30 p.m. - Multi-purpose room, Perth District Health. Unit, Stratford. ,Speaker. - Dr. Thomas Wood, Lung Disease specialist, St. Josephs Hospital, London. Dr. Wood is president of the London, Middlesex Lung Association and will bring some "marijuana" facts. Come and bring your C.O.P.D. friends. Physiotherapist Janice Parsons will discuss fall classes. Sponsored by Huron Perth - Lung Association. "A Christmas Seal Service". 1-05-2 SEAFORTH Fall Fair Annual Pork B-B-Q and Dance, Seaforth Arena, Saturday, Sept. 19. B-B-Q 6:00 to 7:30. Dance 9:00 to 1:00 Music by Shannon. Tickets $7.50. Dance only $3.00. Tickets available at Huron Expositor, Vincent's or any directors of the Seaforth Agricultural Society. ,1-05-2 ATTENTION home owners - Is your health in danger from Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation? Then come to the Lucknow Community Centre, Wednesday, September 9 at 8:00 p.m. and get the facts. Attending will • be re- presentatives from the Huron Bruce County Health Unit; Murray Cardiff, MP; Dr. Gary Gurbin, MP and Mr. Bill Bermner expert on foam insulation. 1-05-1 SEAFORTH Fair Demolition Derby, Saturday, Sept. 26th, 7:30 p.m. receiving entries now 527-0120, 527-0398. 1-05-1 15 Property for Rent UPPER DUPLEX 2 bedroom with separate entrance. Located in small village, all utilities supplied. 887-6702 or 482-301. 15-05.1 4 Help Wanted AVON Christinas Comes Early with Avon Earn money now selling beautiful gifts guaranteed to please. Territories available in Grey Twv. for information Cali Sharon Stephenson 887.9095 or Collect • Carolyn Thompson 527.0238 4.05-2 OFFSET pressman required for commercial plant in northern Ontario. Enjoy clean air, fishing, hunting, sports. Call John Byles, B.D. Printing, North Bay (705) 474-3330. 4-05x1 EARN extra money. Show beautiful Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. It's easy and profitable. No experience needed. Write today for free, colourfully illustrated catalogue and information. Monarch -Cards and Gifts, 217 Cannon, Hamilton L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 4-05x1 GENERAL reporter wanted for leading Saskatchewan weekly. Must haves training or experience. Modern office, pension and insurance plan. Salary negotiable. Call E. Neufeld, (306) 842-7487. 4-05x1 CERTIFIED coach required by the Faro, Yukon- Gymnastic Club to provide programmed instruction for Intermediate Girls, pre-elite and elite. This will be a full-time job. Salary negotiable. Mrs. Deforest (403) 994-2439 or send resume to Box 543, Faro, YtiCon. 4-05x1 5 Bus. Opportunity EARN Money! Save money), Learn Income Tax Pre- paration at home. For Free Brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. 5-05x1 LEARN To Drive Tractor Trailers or Straight Trucks. Call The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416-247-7496, 1264 Weston Road, Toronto, Ont. M6M 4R1. Established 1971. 5-89-16 7 Situations Wanted CLASS "A" Driver seeking employment. Clean record. 887-9021. 7-05x1 8 Farm Stock HOLSTEIN heifers for sale. 3 months to breeding age. 887-6764. • 8-05-1 AltERDEEN Angus Canadian Royal Sale, Prospect Farms, London. September' 20th. Sixty-five female lots many with calves and rebred. For catalogue and information call collect Bob Greaves (519) 433-5849, 8,05x1 L. & M. AUTO WRECKING R.R. 3 Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars or trucks etc. Call 887-9561 10-05-tf BRUSSELS Queen of the Fair Dance at B.M.G. Community Centre, Sept. 5, 1981. Music by Ian Wilbee. Speeches at 8:00 Dancing 9-1. Crowning 10:30 $5. per person. Lunch included. For tickets phone 887-6186. 1-05-1 10 Used Cars 19 Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of WILLIAM E. BLAKE late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, farmer deceased. All person having claims against the above estate are required to send full ,particulars of same to the ;undersigned on or before the 11th day of September 1981, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL, DAVIES & ELSTON Solicitors for the Executrix 22-03-3 26 Personal .Lawrie and Pieta Cousins are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Nancy Jane to David Brian Hessel son of Keith and Margaret Hesse] all of London. The ceremony will take place Sat., Sept. 26, 1981 at 3 p.m. Gethsemane United Church, Huron St., London. 26-05.1