HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-08-26, Page 15WALTON AREA.Sports Club Annual Squirt TOurnament, Saturday, August 29 and Sunday, August 30. Games start at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Everyone welcome. 1-04-1 REGISTER now for Ceramic Classes starting Sept. Even- ing and afternoon sessions. Country Ceramics. 887-6424. 1-04-2 FIFTH ANNUAL Burford Flea Market. Saturday, Sept. 12. One of the largest one day flea markets. Free Parking, free admission. Space avail- able. Call (519) 449-2741. 1-04x1 FRANKLIN TOURS LTD. California 23 & 26 days August 31, October 16, Rose- bowl Parade. Eastern Can- ada; Florida; Arizona. Write for brochures.Franklin Smith Family, Tweed, Ontario., KOK3JO or call (613) 478-3622. 1-04x1 1 Coming Events BRUSSELS MIXED Bowling is starting again this, fall at Molesworth Lanes. If you are wishing to join call Gwen Cousins at 887-6551. 1 -01,-2 FESTIVAL Singles Dance Friday August 28, 1981, Vict- orian Inn Stratford, Welcome singles over 25, no blue jeans. 1-04-1 AUG. 26 - Blyth' Summer Festival - He Won't Come In From The Barn, Held over to Sept. 12. Tues. - Sat., 8:30 p.m. Mat. Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 5, 2 p.m. Rush seats at" 7p.m. or reserve at 523-9300, 523- 9225 ' 1-. 04-1 LEARN To Drive Tractor ' Trailers or Straight Trucks. Call The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 416-247-7496, 1264 Weston Road, Toronto, Ont. M6M 4R1. Established 1971. 5-89-16 8 Farm Stock PUREBRED polled Dorset( Rams. Serviceable age. 887- 9342. 8-03-2 •BRED York X Landrace gilts. Due late August and September. • Bred. Hamp- shire. Also usual selection of Hampshire, Yorkshire, and Hamp X York boars. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton 345-2317. '8-03-3 10 Used Cars L. & M. AUTO WRECKING- R:R. 3 Brussels, Ont. Used Auto Parts and Towing We buy rads, batteries copper and scrap We pay cash for complete cars orliucks etc. Call 887-9561 10-96-tf FOR SALE to settle an estate 75 Plymouth 4 •dr. 57,000 summer driven miles, new tires, good condition. $1.200. Phone 887-6774 10-04-1 11 Articles for Sale SINGLE BED. Call 887-6126. 11-04-1 4 BICYCLES various sizes. 887-9014 11-04-1 NATURAL Foods at whole- - sale prices (grain, flour, nuts, fruit, etc.) Vitamins and sup- plements. Mills, Grinders, Juicers, Dehydrators. Free catalogue. Tobe's. St. Cath- arines 881, Ontario L2R 7C9. 11-04x1 TREASURE Hunters, coin collectors, find gold silver coins jewelry with White's Metal Detector, $91.98 up. Happy Jacks Sales/Service, 362 Helen Dr., Strathroy, 245-1759'. Free catalogue. 11-04x1 DRY screened bagged shav- ings. Delivered in trailer load (500 - 600 bags). Call Custom Lumber and Millwork Ltd., Bolton, Ont. (416) 857-1882. 11-04x1 COLLECTOR'S plates curr- ent and back issues. Dis- coUnts, free price lists, free hangers with most plates. Will mail. Call/write Pedden Antiques, Strathroy,: R.R. 6, Ontario (519)247-3341. 11-04x1 FRESH Cuctinthers: For sale good for pickling, Phone Doris Mitchler at 887-9081. 11-03:2 WEBER 's Sewage' Disposal. Septic Tanks Pumped. Phone Lloyd Weber 887-6700 19-99-8 PHIL' s REFRIGERATOR and Appliance S'er Ace, 24 hour emergency service. 'Used appliance sales. Phone 887-9062. 19-1014 20 Auction Sales ONTARIO'S largest farm machinery Consigment Sale, Norwich, Ontario, Friday, September 11, 1981, 10:00 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each Month). Approxi- mately 150-175 tractors phis ,all types of farm equipment, Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hainulecki SonS. 20-04x1 THE BRUSSELS POST, AUGUST'26 1981 A15 IN THE WEB 5 Bus, Opportunity 1 Coming Events DANCE - Open reception for friends and neighbours for Betty Ann Stevens and Cecil McClory following their Wed- dingbn August 29 in Brussels United Church - Reception at Atwood Community Centre. • 1-03x2 CLINTON Le_ gion Bingo, every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. 1st regular card $1.00 Restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games •of $15.00, $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00must go each week. 1-: 01 -tf BRUSSELS LEGION 50th anniversary dance at B.M.G. Community Centre. Sept. 12, 1981. $3 per person. 1-04-3 LEGION Corn roast Sun. Aug. 30 at Conservation Park 2:30.Corn and hot dogs pro- vided. 1-04-1 4 Help Wanted 2 MEN with small truck to move furnitu're, empty freez- er a few household items. Aug. 29 in Brussels. Box 50, Brussels, 4-04x1 AMBULANCE driverattend- ants. 32 bed hospital requires 2 full-time 'ambulance driver attendants. EMCA graduates preferred. Duties include Male Nursing. Call. Espanola General Hospital, Espanola, Ontario. (705) 869-1420 4-04x1 EARN EXTRA Money. Show beautiful Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neigh- bours, relatives. It's easy and profitable. No experience needed. Write today for free, colourfully illustrated catal- ogue and information. Mon- arch Cards and Gifts, 217 Cannon, Hamilton L8N, 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 4-04x1 REGISTRATION for baton lessons now being received for fall classes commencing in Sept. Phone 887-6878. 1-03x2 BABYSITTER for two children, in my home, Starting September. Call 7-6449 around six o'clock. 4-03-4 Word Count Charges are based_ on the number of words. Set of numerals as for_serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per. set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION-15 words $2.00. 8c per word • thereafter SUBSEUQENT INSERTIONS-No copy changes, 6c ' per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-S1.82 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS-$1.54. per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office-$1.00 per insertion. BIRTHS-15 words $2.00 8c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES -15 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS-52.50 plus. 15c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS-15 words $2.00.-Each additional word 8c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS-30 -words $2.50; each additional word 5c per word • 256 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENTAT THE TIME OF INSERTION Deadline,for classified ads is 12 noon Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after noon, Monday. Phone -887-6641 1.1 Articles for Sale Westeel - Rosco grain bins, Aeration systems, combina- tion layout and design of augers and automatic food processing systems. We do complete installation from the concrete to erection of bins, auger and elevators. We also stock hammers, screens and replacement parts to fit modern Farm- matic, Mix-Mill (Hammer Mills) Call Huron Structures, Brussels, 887-9200. 11-04-3 URINE-ERASE saves car- pets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Department A Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario N5Y 4X8. 11 -04x1 12 Wanted to Buy SMALL CALVES, dairy or beef. 357-2861. 12-04-2 13 Wanted Jfe elexon rowdy Roan/ gekaz&gi invites applications for membership on THE SPECIAL EDUCATION . ADVISORY COMMITTEE This Committee consist- ing of board members and volunteer citizens may make recommendations to the Huron. County Board of Education in respect to any matter affecting the establishment and devel- opment of special educa- tion programmes and ser- vices in respect of excep- tional pupils of the board Volunteers must be nominated by a local asso- ciation and appointed by the Huron County Board of Education. Local association means an association or organiza- tion of parents that oper- ates locally within the area of jurisdiction of a board and that is affiliated with an association or organiza- tion that is not an associa- tion or organization of professional educators but that is incorporated and operates throughout Ont- ario to further the interest and wellbeing of one or more groups of exception- children or adults. Secretaries'of local as- sociations are requested to forward applications to: W. D. Kenwell Superintendent of Education Huron County Board of Education , 103 Albert Street CLINTON Ontario NOM1L0 on or before Friday, Sep- tember 11. 1981. .13-04-1 11 Articles for Sale BACK TO - SCHOOL SPECIAL Cougar Hot Shots $17.95 While Supplies last Also in stock Buckeye Jeans and cords sizes 8-40.Ken's Men's and Boy's Wear. 11-03-1 HONEY FOR SALE: Our white honey is ready. We can fill your containers. , Lloyd Wheeler, 887-6025. 11-03-2 REDUCED for quick sale 12 x 65 House trailer. Must be moved. 887-6727 , 887-6424 L1-04x1 13 Wanted Person/s required for ' position of Organist and/or Choir Leader, Atwood Presbyterian Church. Duties to commence Oct. 1, 1981. Please reply in writing, stating qualifications and salary, expected, not later .14 Property for Sale HUTTON Real Estate Ltd BRUSSELS - Restyled 3 bedroom home. Large kitchen with good custom cupboards, carpeted liv- ing room and dining area. Sliding glass doors to. patio, laundry room, bath. Workshop - Ask Ing $15,000. Owner will con- sider financing. Instead of renting, buy this home. 1 ********* MORRIS TWP. 12 acres 24 x 150 hog barn with Beatty Cleaner, older barn with new cement floor for finishing. Three bedroom house needs renovations. Asking $37,500. ********* 100 acre - 60 choice workable. ********* Very attractive, 3 bedroom Vinyl-sided home. ******** 3 steel, hog barn, 3 • years old, 850 hog capacity. ******** 3 steel granaries, automa- tic feeding and cleaning. ********* All reasonable offers considered. Must be sold at once. Mel'Mathcrs, W Ingham 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kiticarditie 14-03-2 •cta8titied Ads pay dividends 14 Property for Sale Real Estate Ltd. ClIntow Phone: 402.4371 2 ACRES - near Brussels - large brick home - presently being completely renovated. COMMERCIAL building Main St. Brussels - 2 bed- room apartment above - very reasonable price. WALTON INN- fully equip- ped, quick possession, good terms can be arranged. 100 ACRES - crop land - Morris Township. 5 ACRES in Morris Twp. with brick home and barn, Priced to sell quickly. 150 ACRES East Wawanosh Twp. frame home, attractive outbuildings, set up for beef and hogs. 250 ACRES West Wawanosh - 210 workable, fair buildings. 14-04-1 15 Property for Rent LARGE 4 bedroom farm house, 5 miles from Brussels. References required. Call after 5 887-6570. 15-04-2 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment, frig and stove. Heated $155.00 a month. Apply Box 50, Brussels. 15-03-2 ' 19 Notice SANDBLASTING - trucks, equipment, buildings etc. specializing in brick cleaning and repairs, free estimates. Ph.White's Sandblasting and Painting, Wingham, 357-1723. 19-04x1 Hank's Small. Engine Service Henry Reinink 1 Mile North, of Londesboro 523-9202 Lawn and Garden Equipment. Repair New and. Used Garden Equipment In Stock 19-101-tf than Sept. 15, 1981, (12:00 noon),, to William Burke, Clerk of Session, Presbyterian Church, R.R. #2, Atwood, Ont. NOG 1B0 Phone 356-2693. • 13-03x2