The Brussels Post, 1981-06-10, Page 11THE BRUSSELS POST, JUNE 10, 1981 — All
Be!grave hears of disabled
The May Associate Mem-
bers' meeting of the W.M.S.
was h eld Monday June 1 at
the home of Mrs. William
Dalrymplei Blyth. Mrs. Victor
Youngblut presided. Mrs.
Dalrymple read scripture
telling of Jesus curing the
sick and disabled. Mrs. Hebo
Siertsema read a story on
how some people have coped
with their disabilities.
Mrs. Reg. Shultz led in
prayer. Roll Call was an-
swered by telling how one
could help those with a
disability by nine members
and two guests present. Se-
cretary's report was read by
Mrs. Youngblut.
July 27 was decided as the
date for the next meeting. 31
sick and shut-in visits were
An invitation was read
from Calvin-Brick United
Church to attend their meet-
ing on June 8. Mrs. George
Fear read poems "the world
is mine" and "Blessed are
they." Mrs. Garner
Nicholson gave the topic
taken from the January Glad
tidings. "The other side of
the fence." Mrs. Youngblut
conducted a quiz.
Lunch was served by the
hostess followed by a plant
and bake sale which was
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ander-
son and Sheila attended the
wedding qf Sharon Shaw and
Geoffrey Viglianti on Satur-
day. June 6 at St. Albans
Anglican Church and the
reception which followed at
St. Patrick's Hall, London.
Mrs. George Martin and
Mr. and Mrs. Jime Coultes
attended the 40th wedding
anniversary dinner and social
evening for their brother-in-
law and sister Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Armstrong which was
held in the Thorndale United
Church on Saturday June 6.
Mrs. Vi McKee of Mon-
treal spent a few days at the
home of Mrs. Beryl Kirton of
Wingham and visited with
her sister Miss Margaret
Curtis of the Brookhaven
Nursing Home, Wingham.
She was a supper guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Stonehouse on Sunday
Danny Thompson of God-
erich spent the weekend with
his grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Johnston.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wattam, Michelle
and Michael of Red Deer,
Alberta to our village.
The Campbell relatives
held a family dinner at the
W.I. Hall on Sunday to
honour Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Campbell of London, on the
occasion of their 25th wed-
ding anniversary. Those in
attendance were: Mrs. Olive
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Campbell, Mr. and
"I will love Thee, 0 Lord,
my strength" was the poem
Mrs. G. Golley read to open
the June 3 meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society
of Knox Presbyterian
Mrs. Keith Moffatt read
scripture from St. Matthew,
Chapter 6, verses 38-48. Her
comments told us to accept
yourself- God does. Did
Christ say- "Be ye perfect."
We must rely on His power
and grace. Mrs. Joe Walker
offered prayer.
Two piano solos by Susan
Elston and Sandra Moffatt
were enjoyed by all.
The minutes of the last
me .eting were read and
adopted. Fifteen members
and one guest answered the
roll call with a verse mention-
ing "Love." Mrs. Ross Gray
gave the treasurer's report,
Mrs. John Campbell and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Campbell and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Clare Van Camp an
family, Mrs. Ivy Cloakey and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Jardin and boys and Pete
Brommer all of the Belgrave
Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.
Barry Bondi, Wingham, Mr.
followed by the offering with
prayer by the president. An
invitation to attend the June
24 meeting of Belmore
W.M.S. was extended to us.
Mrs. Jack Jenkins intro-
duced the special speaker,
Mrs. John Bell of White-
church. She spoke of the
importance of "small
things" reading from Pro-
verbs, mentioning ants, bad-
gers, spiders, and locusts.
Do we see potential in the
small things around us?
Jesus and his diciples were
teaching, preaching and
healing. What is it about this
faith that sets it above all
other? Jesus was eating with
sinners, ordinary fishermen,
tax collectors, Samaritans
and prostitutes. He saw be-
yond their clothes. Jesus
sees potential in us now, as
He did long ago.
Some of our best pastors
and teachers have come from
small churches. Some mini-
and Mrs. Paul Cloakey,
Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Campbell and Heather of
Kitchener and Brent and Lisa
Campbell of London. Mr.
and Mrs. John Barker of
Lewiston and Mrs. Reta
Marks of Listowel visited on
Saturday with the former's
aunt Mrs. Hazel Procter.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gras-
sters had six services a week
and so walked many miles.
Reaction, commitment, re-
sponsibility and hope were
some things they knew all
The duty of every Christ-
ian is to witness where ever
you are needed.
She said we all have
missionary tasks for each
home, missionary circle,
Sunday School teachers,
pastors and a Christian atti-
tude to pupils and congrega-
tion. Our reward is more
work for Christ. Great is his
love for each one of us.
Mrs. Moffatt thanked Mrs.
Bell for her inspiring mes-
sage. Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs.
Walker served lunch.
Rev. Stuart MacTavish,
Saskatoon and Mr. and Mrs.
Brian Luther, Emily and
Brice of Edmonton visited
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex MacTavish.
by spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. George John-
ston, Tara and Erin of Ilder-
ton and attended the 40th
wedding anniversary dinner
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arm-
strong in Thorndale United
Church on Saturday evening.
The Family and Con-
sumer Affairs meeting of the
Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence
Henning were Sunday
supper guest of Miss Mil-
dred Henning.
A surprise luncheon was
enjoyed at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Garniss on
Sunday for two couples cele-
brating their 40th wedding
anniversaries in June. Hon-
oured guests were Mr. and
Mrs. W.J. Peacock and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Johnston.
Friends planned the event
and presented each couple
with six floral coffee mugs.
Those attending were Mr.
andMrs. Harry Elliott, Mr.
and Mrs: Charles Bosman,
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mathers.
Mrs. Jean Mathers, Mr. and i
Mrs. Walter Willitts, Mr. I
and Mrs.James C. Johnston
and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig.
Every week more and
more people discover what
mighty jobs are accomplished
by low cost Post Want Ads.
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Women's Institute be
held at the hall on Arne 16th
at 8:15 p.m. The 4-H girls
and their mothers will be
special guests. Mrs. Janice
Matheson of Molesworth will
display crafts. Lunch com-
mittee will be Mrs. Jim
Hunter and Mrs. Sara An-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert John-
ston paid their respects to
her cousin Mr. William Han-
ley of St. Marys at the Ball
Funeral Home, St. Marys,
Sunday evening.
124th anniversary
The 124th anniversary of,
Knox Presbyterian Church
was held Sunday, June 7 in
Bluevale. Rev. Terrance
Trites and Rev. Douglas
MacDonald sharing the ser-
vice. "Thanks Out Loud"
was the title of Mr.
MacDonald's sermon. "The
Old Country Church" and
"One Day At a Time" were
the two anthems sung by the
choir with Miss Kathy Snell
as organist.
Even the smallest ad is
read in the Brussels Post.
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Small things important, Bluevale WMS hears
r I BERG i A Dramatic Demonstration
I/Sales — Service)
I Installation
° Barn Cleaners
° Bunk Feeders I
I ° Stabling
I Donald G. Ives
R. R.82, Blytit I
It's often assumed that people with mental or physical disabilities cannot
participate in today's complex society.
As a symbolic gesture in this International Year, we've done
something out of the ordinary: we've produced a television commercial-
just to set the record straight.
Consider this. Of the 68 people involved in our production, 42 are
mentally or physically disabled: among them, the director, the camera-
man, the set designer and the carpenters, the electrician, the make-up
Margaret Birch William Davis
Provincial Secretary for Premier
Social NV -el-op-merit
artist, the sound engineer, the announcer, many of the musicians and
the man who wrote the music, who was deaf-but is better remembered
for being Beethoven.
If you've seen me commercial, you've seen what happens when we
work together. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a dramatic demonstration
of a single simple point: disabled people should be thought of for what
they can do, rather than what they can't Our slogan, created by a man
with a disability, sums it up and says it all: "label usable'
International Year iv 1081
'Of Disabled v V-
Persons I I
n8 87-9024 Ontario
I Brussels 867-9024 1,
; "NW mom% mmo am= ommo domi am= ow