The Brussels Post, 1981-06-10, Page 10SILK WEDDING BOUQUETS Any style, any colour. Reasonable prices. Levina Yule R.R. 1, Monkton 356-2427 Starts at Dusk Admission $3.50 Children in Cars (12 Years and Under) ADMITTED FREE • programme subject to unavoidable changes. Phone 338-3121 THEATRE OPEN SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 12 Friday and Saturday. June 12 & 13 THE PRIVATE EYES' —AND-- BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS Starring Richard Thomas, Robert Vaughn and John Saxon (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) STARTS FRIDAY ADMI1 1 ANCt RESTRICTED to Preloms La Hues a 441 Cl OM The body count continues... Y PAM p I I Shows 7 and 9 ' LAST TWO NIGHTS (WED. & THURS.) CAPITOL THEATRE 291-3070 Listowel One of the Year's 10 best. -Time ALTERED STATES CHEVY CHASE RODNEY DANGERFIELD SOME mon' Nu own 1110116. TED KNIGHT A, Caddyshack Show starts 7 p.m. n I 1 I I I I Use Roundup° to control small .patches of milkweed and Canada thistle before they become big problems. Once milkweed and Canada thistle enter your beans or grain crops, they can develop into a serious problem in almost no time at all. But you can control these tough weeds - right in the crop - with a spot treatment of Roundup® herbicide by Monsanto. Just spray Roundup in the infested areas when the weeds have reached the proper stage of growth.* Roundup knocks out the weeds right down to the roots - so they won't grow back. And with Roundup, there's no carryover to next year's crop. So when milkweed and Canada thistle invade your crops, reach for Roundup Nothing works like Roundup. . . . and control them before they spread into a serious problem. *More than one treatment may be necessary because all milkweed plants do not reach the proper stage of growth at the same time. Also, crop in the treated area will be destroyed. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE LABEL DIRECTIONS FOR ROUNDUP®. Roundup* is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company. Monsanto Canada Inc, registered user. °Monsanto Company 1981. RCN-8-81 Monsanto Monsanto Canada Inc. 55 Murray Park Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 2W2 'For further information, contact your local dealer MILTON J. DIETZ LIMITED Purina Chow — Sanitation Products'— Seed Corn — Provimi Feeds Ventilation (Wholesale & Retail) Pesticides — Spraying Equipment SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK Phone 519-527-0608 SEAFORTH •... . FARMERS' CO-Op Fertilizers, Agticolfurcil Chernictilt i Feeds',, Farm .Suppliet4iHdedware • 527-0770 .SeefOrth A10 THE BRUSSELS POST. JUNE 10. 1981 People we know Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bro- thers attended the Pioneer dinner at the Skyline Hotel on the weekend. This dinner is given to all 2S year employees of Bell and . Howell. Mr. Brothers worked for the company for 30 years. During the same weekend, Alice Brothers' name was ' placed on the Honour Roll at Jondale Heights United Church. There were four former members of the church honoured in this way. Visitors last week on Thursday, June 4th at the The June meeting of the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. was held in the Lounge at Maple Villa, June 2,23 ladies attending. Alice Brothers played se- veral piano solos. Mrs. Jan Van Vliet sang two solo- Have Thine Own Way Lord and 1 t' is no Secret. During the past weekend, Ev. Demaray attended a retreat at Westminster Col- lege. The theme for the School-conducted by Rev. Smith was "From Idolatry to Faith." Worship was the subject of Bev. Cardiffi talk. She began by saying the nature of man requires something or some- one which he can worship. Some people worship money, others-power or even a per- son or character such as Elvis Presley, John. Lennon or Jim Jon es. We are often guilty of family worship. Many people home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Perrie were Mrs. Marguerite Sanderson and Mrs. Edna McDonald, both of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das of Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of Blyth. The occasion was the 81st birthday of Mrs. Edna Hack- well. The five ladies are first cousins and enjoyed having a social time together. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Perrie attended church last Sunday 1 in First Presbyterian, Sea- forth; it was the Spring Thankoffering and was con- ducted by Rev. James Perrie place their faith in fortune- telling and horoscope read- ing. She explained from per- sonal experience that this type of worship is very dissatisfying and brings no comfort or hope. Visitation to Alma College on Aug 17 was considered. A picnic lunch in July to the Nursing Home was ar- ranged. Mrs. Evans read a poem written by Rev. Wm. Gra- ham and read at the time of the last services held in- the first Melville Church 1872- 1914. Rev. Mann was the speaker on that occasion. He referred to the faithfulness of our forefathers in walking twice as far to worship in God's House as anyone tra- vels at the present time. He remarked- ''We should be ashamed of ourselves in), this day of enlightenment" 1914. of Shakespeare. They were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. T.A. Duke of Seaforth, A lot of people in the Brussels community have been wondering how John Wheeler's eye operation turned out, Mr. Wheeler had eye surgery at Victoria Hosp- ital in London under Dr. Dyson and the eye implant was 100 per cent successful. UCW discusses types of worship