HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1981-05-13, Page 1Holiday time!
Since Monday is the Victoria Day
holiday we ask correspondents and adver-
tisers to have news and copy into our office
by 2 p.m. Friday.
Feel free to use the mail slot for late copy.
After the Monday holiday the paper will
be out Wednesday as usual.
interested history?
Grey may have a job
Summer employment may
be a problem for some stu-
dents, but Gre y Township is
offering a unique job oppor-
tunity this year for three
Grey Township students--
researching the history of
The township is doing this
in honour of Grey's 125th
anniversary this year and has
received a grant of $5010
from the Ministry of Employ.
merit and Immigration under
the 1981 Summer Canada
Employment Program. This
grant enables the township
to hire three students for a 10
week period, at a salary of
$132 each.
Students must apply
through the ManpOwer
offices in either Listowel or
Brussels Post
109 Year - Issue No. 19 ONTARIO
GrOrteixes up 46
A Grey Township ratepayer with an rates went up from $142,418 in 1980 to
assessment of $3000 will, pay approximately .$154.928 in 1981, an increase of $12,510.
$46 more in taxes this year than in 1980. The separate school rate increased from
In 1980, a person. with $3000 assessment 43 85 in 1980 to 47,10 for residential and
paid $439.20 while this year they will pay farm and from 51.59 to 55.41 mills for
$485,55 an increase of:$46.35. busines'S and commercial.
The toWnSfiii),'S 'residential and farm mill f Overall taxation for the township this year
rate-Increased-2:64' mills from .4*. 70 in, '1980 is..$694,291CoMpared to •$584.936 in 1980.
to 47:34 in 1981"whi le' the business and The garbage,C011ectiorfpayttent in Ethel
:commercial rate Increased 3.10 mills from remained the same for both residential and
52.59'in.1980 to 55.69 mills in 1981. farm and business and commercial at
$35.45. Street lights increased .26 mills in
County-mill rates were up only slightly residential and farm from 9.72 to 9.98 and over last year with a residential and farm .31 mills in business and commercial from
rate of 25.77 mills-this year compared to
23.85 mills in 1980 and a business and 11.43 to 11.74.
In Walton, street lighting mill rates
commercial rate of 30.32-compared to 28.06 decreas.xl from 7.43 mills in 1980 to 7.20 for in 1980, residier ial and farm and from 8.74 mills in
Elementary, secondary and separate 1980 Lo 8.47 for business and commercial.
school rates all increased in 1981 with the Street lighting payment in Cranbrook went
most noticeable jump in elementary which up .54 mills in the residential and farm class
went up 8.55 mills in residential and farm, from 13.3-I to 13.85 mills and in the business
from.40.81 in 1980 to 49,36 in 1981. The and commercial class from 15.66 to 16.29.
business and commercial rate went up 10.06 Street light payment has also increased in
mills from 48.01 .in 1980 to 58.07 in 1981. Molesworth going from 5.83 to 6.23 in the
'Elementary schools rates increased! from residential and farm class and from 6.86 to
$143',983 in 1980 to $176,515 in 1981, an 7.33 mills in the business and commercial
increase of $32,532 while secondary school class.
CAREER' DAY AT BPS - Truck drivert to artists showed up for career
day at the BrUseels .Public; SdhoOl. breteing up in' the career of their
choice is what the Grade 5 students did When they participated in
Education Week Friday. In the trent row are Gary Leis,. Bruce Johnston,
Jeff Boynton and Paul Willie. hi the back row are Greg Ryan, haul Cowie,
and Corinna Cowie. , (Photo by Ranney).
FINISHED AT LAST -- Glenn YuiII worked on
top of the playground equipment while Vern
Heise.Robert Harris, and Jim Yuill worked to
complete the bottom half at the Brussels Public
School Friday. The playground equipment, a
project of the Brussels Home and School
Associationiwas built by the Conestoga College
students at. Vanastra who are taught carpentry
by Walter Armes of Seaforth.
(Photo by Langlois)
Morris stands by
lost sheep payment
Delegations and requests for donations
were the order of the day when Morris
Township held its regular council meeting
last Monday.
Among those attending were Emma Bird
who had a problem with dogs attacking her
sheep. The 11 sheep had been attacked by
dogs in April. Livestock evaluator Glen
Casemore estimated Mrs. Bird's loss at
$630, a figure which the township would
have paid,' burWhieh MrS.. Bird -found= 'too,
low. She has appealed to the livestock
branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food and council will abide by their decision
for compensation.
Harold Bolger and Ralph Traviss of
Walton also visited council to petition the
township for new cement sidewalks on the
Morris Township side, comparable in quality
to the ones on The Grey Township side. they
said they felt this was necessary because
the sidewalks were in deplorable condition.
Council said they have to get the approval of
the county engineer for the sidewalks and
have to apply to the M.T.C. for subsidy on 50
per cent of the cost. Council later accepted
the petition for sidewalks in Walton and
decided to have the county engineer contact
MTC. -
Carman Craig, council's representative on
the Blyth and District Community Centre
Board also attended the meeting to give
council a report on the arena. Previously, the
Board had been worried about the arena
profits because of liquor control board
regulations. Mr. Craig seemed to think now
that things were going to work out better,
than when a request for a grant was made
just before the end of the year. He said the
ice rental went up last year from $23 to $27
and that last year they had put in a new ice
scraper. For the coming year, the ice plant
roof has to be fixed, something he thought
would cost approximately $2,000. He also
said that the Industrial Hockey League
wanted two foot high plexiglass on the
boards around the, ice Surface.
Last year, the arena was given a grant of
$5400 from Morris Township; but council
decided to wait until later before deciding
what to do about a grant this year.
Council had a deputation from Bill Greig
of the Bluevale Recreation Conintittee who
told council they needed lights for the ball
diamond in Bluevale. He said they had
looked at the grant situation and Wintario is
starting again this year, but priority cakes
coMefirst and there was nothing to say the
lights for the Midvale ball diamond Would
be a priority case. 1-le said it will be
December before they decide which are
priority cages and 1983 before they provide
any money
figured they should lie able to put the
lights in for $9360 and noted that they
already had $6000. Council decided to giVe
the. Bluevale Recreation Committee $500 for
ball park lights.
Council decided to send a letter to the
Wingham and District Hospital Board
stating that they wished to keep a Morris
representative on the board, because they
were happy with their representation.
There is a motion before the board now to
limit representation.
A ,request from the >Foresters for a
donation toward the re)atkitd)rtg 9f:
Kinburn halls whiehvas destroyed.hy:fire;
was -tabled for the pr'esent. Council gaVe a
grant of $35 to the Huron County Road
Superintendent's Assoeiation and, a grant of
$25 to the Salvation Army.
Council had• a letter from the Blyth Centre
for the Arts stating that $50,000 of $310,000
still needs to be raised for the renovations to
the Memorial Hall. Council decided to wait
and see what happened with the township's
centennial celebrations before committing
themselves to a donation.
Council had a request from the Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) ask-
ing that the township close a portion of the
road on the boundary road between Morris
and Turnberry at Lot 30, a distance of half a
mile. The authority-maintains most of the
road allowance which provides access to the
Pioneer Conservation area at Bluevale: -
Morris decided to write the Authority a
letter, stating that 'the township wanted to
maintain ownership of the road, but would
enter into an agreement so the Authority
could facilitate operations of the road'
. orris asks new
MOP' top 'speak
Huron-Bruce M.P.P. Murray Elston will
be asked to be guest speaker at Morris
Township's 125th anniversary celebrations,
it was decided at a meeting of the 115th
anniversary. Committee on Tuesday night,
The committee received a letter from the
Howick. Muttial Fire Insurance Company in
Wroxeter stating that they would sponsor a
band up to $250 for the eelebration's parade.
Barbecue tickets are going, to be available
for Sale:it June. The Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce has donate 2000 regi-
stration buttons. The historical book- will be
ready to go to the printers by the first of
June and it should be for sale around the
first of July:
There is still a question about a clean-Up
echninittee and any person who would be
interested in Serving on such a corhniittee is
to eontatt some of the.128th anniversary
COMMittee, "